
Bakudeku/Dekubaku Oneshots

This is my BakuDeku/DekuBaku oneshots so it's exactly what it says. Read at your own discretion lol. I keep my oneshots under 4000 words so they should be quick to read

RndmFndms65000 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


~This is absolute crack. See if you can guess all the songs lol~

"Everyone listen up, Midoriya got hit by a quirk. It's called "Truth song." Any time he speak it'll be in the form of lyrics from a song. However if you ask him a question he can't lie." Aizawa announced as he and Midoriya stood at the front of the class

"Does he tell the truth in song form also?" Iida asked

"Yes. Try to avoid conversing with him in class." Aizawa told the class

"Is he okay though?" Uraraka asked

🎶"Is it too late now to say sorry?"🎶 Midoriya sang

"Pfft- omg he actually does!" Kaminari laughed

"Dude don't make fun of him." Ashido wacked Kaminari

"Go to your desk Midoriya so we can start class." Aizawa told him

Midoriya nodded his head headed to his seat.

"Glad you didn't get hurt to bad." Asui told him

🎶"Why don't you say so? Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with."🎶 Midoriya shrugged

"Oh I love Doja cat!" Ashido said

Midoriya took his seat

"Tch- Nerd."


Midoriya continued his day singing whenever he talked it really didn't annoy people to much. Then it was time for everyone to return to the dorms.

They were all relaxing in the living room.

"Hey so does anyone have a crush on anybody." Kaminari asked out of the blue

"Man why would you ask everyone that." Kirishima frowned

"Uh cause I'm nosy." Kaminari laughed

🎶"Love is nothing stronger, than a boy with luv."🎶 Midoriya said

"Not sure if that's an answer, but I like that song." Kaminari smiled

"No body's gonna tell you who they like dude." Sero told him

"Maybe, but you know who will?" Kaminari asked

"Who would that be ribbit?" Asui asked

"Midoriya since he can't lie." Kaminari looked smug

"That is taking advantage of his situation. It's not right!" Iida said

"Eh who cares." Mineta shrugged

"Midoriya do you like someone?" Kaminari asked

🎶"Not a trace, of doubt in my mind

I'm in love, and I'm a believer."🎶 Midoriya sang

"Omg you are?" Uraraka looked excited

"Is that from shrek?" Sato asked

Midoriya nodded his head and blushed.

"Then who is it?" Todoroki asked

"You can't ask him that-" Iida tried to stop them again

🎶"6 feet tall and super strong, we'd always get a long."🎶 Midoriya sang

"Who that?" Yaoyorozu asked

🎶"Like I'm Bakugo, turn they soul to fuckin' smoke."🎶 Midoriya's face turned completely red

"He's not 5'7 is not 6 foot." Jirou added

"IT'S BAKUGOU!?" They all said shocked

Midoriya got up and left the room without singing another word.

"We have to apologize now." Uraraka said feeling bad for Midoriya

"Does Bakugou know?" Kaminari asked out loud

"Doubt it Midoriya looked so embarrassed." Todoroki said


For a few day Midoriya avoided being down stairs as much as he could. Kaminari had already apologized so had the others, but he didn't want to run in to Bakugou and sing something embarrassing.

"Oi the hell is wrong with you?" Bakugou confronted Midoriya as he caught him in the kitchen making instant ramen

🎶"I mean this, I'm okay, trust me... I'm not okay!"🎶 Midoriya blurted

"Surprised you know who MCR is. If you're not "okay" then what's wrong? Bakugou frowned leaning against the counter

🎶"I've got to break free. God knows, God knows I want to break free."🎶 Midoriya looked sad

"Is the rest of that song relevant?" Bakugou asked he knew the song was about being in love

Midoriya reluctantly nodded his head and started eating his food.

"So let me guess? The idiots ask you if you had a crush on somebody and you told them the truth. Am I right?" Bakugou asked

Midoriya nodded his head again.

"Then who is it?" Bakugou without thinking

🎶"'Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling."🎶 Midoriya put his bowl down and slapped his hand over his mouth


🎶"It's irresistible oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah!

I love the way! I love the way! I love the way you hurt me baby."🎶 Midoriya blushed again

"Hold the hell up, it's me!?" Bakugou was taken aback

🎶"(Yeah!) Yeah!"🎶

~that's Yeah! By Usher lol~

"What do you mean?" Bakugou asked

🎶"You know, I'll be in the corner taking notes, and you know I got your six while you're working votes. But if I'm feeling, someone stepping towards you, can't describe just what I'm feeling. For you, I'd go step to a dude much bigger than me. For you, I know

I would get messed up, weigh 153.

For you, I would get beat to smithereens."🎶 Midoriya tried to sing confidently

"You better not be joking!" Bakugou grabbed his by his collar

Midoriya shook his head and cupped Bakugou'a face.

🎶"Wanna be with you all alone. Take me home, take me home. Fingertips puttin' on a show, can't you tell that I want you, baby, yeah."🎶

"I need a minute." Bakugou let of Midoriya

There was an awkward silence.

🎶"Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)

Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)"🎶 Midoriya sang

"I- So... what do you want me to do?" Bakugou asked

Midoriya shook his head trying to fight.

🎶"Gobble me, swallow me, drip down inside of me, Quick jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me."🎶

"Deku what the hell!"

Midoriya just ran away. Bakugou ran after him until he made it to Midoriya's dorm and forced his way in.

"Alright first we're fixing that singing problem is annoying. Then we're gonna figure this shit our properly."

Midoriya nodded.

"You know how to fix it?" Bakugou asked

🎶"Oh, kiss me, beneath the milky twilight.🎶 Midoriya told him

"I... have to kiss you? Why didn't Aizawa say anything about this?"

Midoriya didn't say anything he obviously wanted to or his body was trying to force him but he held back.

"Deku tell me!" Bakugou said stern

🎶"I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss

And a prince I'm hoping comes with this

That's what brings ever-aftering so happy

And that's the reason we need lips so much

For lips are the only things that touch

So to spend a life of endless bliss

Just find who you love through true love's kiss."🎶 Midoriya was somehow babbling in song form

"Would you shut up!" Bakugou grabbed his shoulders and kissed Midoriya

It was sweet and Midoriya clenched Bakugou's shirt. Bakugou pulled back with a blush.

"I swear if you're still singing I'm gonna kill you."

Midoriya opened his mouth to talk then closed it again.

"What?" Bakugou frowned

Midoriya buried his face into Bakugou's chest and hugged his tighter.

"I love you Kacchan."

"Heh, of course you do Deku... I uh love you to and shit." Bakugou hugged him back as he later his head on top of Midoriya's curly hair


~I have a Ko-Fi! So if you guys would like to support me that would be great! You can donate any amount. Obviously you don't have to, I'll definitely understand.


