
Bakudeku/Dekubaku Oneshots

This is my BakuDeku/DekuBaku oneshots so it's exactly what it says. Read at your own discretion lol. I keep my oneshots under 4000 words so they should be quick to read

RndmFndms65000 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

What The Hell Deku?!

Bakugou left is room and walked to the elevator that was just down the hallway. It was a little late, but he knew the Nerd would be up. Today he didn't feel well which was odd for him so Recovery Girl told him to stay at the dorms for the day and return to his classes tomorrow.

That means he missed lessons so he needed notes. He would ask Kirishima, but he can never read his messy ass handwriting. When he asked Kaminari he said "We're supposed to take notes?" When he asked Sero he said "I didn't take any man."

Then when he asked Ashido she said "I forgot mine in the classroom. Lastly he asked Jirou, but she said "Mina keeps up with my notes." He could ask Todoroki, but there was no way in hell he would ask that Half N' Half Bastard for help. He did ask Uraraka, but she said she lended hers to Hagakure. Why she needed them he didn't know.

So last choice... was Midoriya, he didn't like or trust the rest of the extras enough to ask. He found himself in the elevator pressing the second floor button. When the elevator dinged and the doors opened he exited the transportation device and started down the hallway.

It was quite because everyone was in their room either already in bed or going to bed. However Bakugou knew Midoriya stayed up late to study and do his nightly exercises before bed. He walked up to Midoriya's door and scanned the card Midoriya gave him.

After the two kinda patched things up Midoriya gave Bakugou a room key card. Bakugou didn't understand why, but this was the perfect time to use it since he doesn't like to wait for people to open the door. He can just walk in whenever he pleases. Bakugou pushed the door open to see Midoriya on the floor.

Midoriya was hunched over one hand on the floor, the other hand over his mouth silencing him. His knees to the floor, legs spread apart and bent like he was sitting on his calves. Using his legs he lifted his body up and dropped down, pushing the dildo that was suction cupped to the floor halfway inside him.

Bakugou was... horrified? Yea horrified. Not only was he seeing a completely naked Midoriya masterbating? But it was Midoriya, his rival, his "ex" friend, and the boy he bullied. Too many things were running through his mind that the neurons weren't firing to make him function.

"D- DEKU!" Bakugou finally got out after opening the door and seeing the "horrific" sight

Midoriya flinched moving his body into an upright position, unfortunately sitting all the way down on the large thicc dildo bottoming out.

"K- Kacch aah!~" Midoriya shot thick white fluid all over the floor in front of himself

Good thing his back was to Bakugou this whole time. So technically all he saw was Midoriya sitting all the way down on the dildo.

"What the hell Deku?!" Bakugou shouted his "mortification"

Midoriya quickly came down from his climax high not getting to enjoy it.

"Sh- Shut the door I don't want anyone to see me!" Midoriya said not moving and too embarrassed to look back

"What about me?!"

"You already have please shut my door!" Midoriya pleaded glancing over his shoulder for only a moment

Bakugou reluctantly shut the door and turned around so he didn't have to look at Midoriya.

"Um so th- this is awkward..." Midoriya said quietly

"You think idiot?" Bakugou rolled his eyes

"Sorry, b- but you could have knocked first." Midoriya told him

"Too late for that shit!"

"Ar- Are you turned around?" Midoriya asked

"Yea, why?" Bakugou answered sounding annoyed

"I... I have to get up a- and I didn't want you to see." Midoriya told him

Bakugou could practically hear how red Midoriya's face is.

"I don't think it can get any worse than what I've already seen." Bakugou shrugged

"Sorry..." Midoriya quickly got up with a muffled moan as he dragged himself off his dildo

The quiet moan sent a tingly feeling through Bakugou, but he ignored it.

Bakugou flinched like a scared cat when Midoriya started talking directly behind him.

"I h- have to go to the bathroom and change. You can sit on the be- bed or at my desk or a- anywhere you want."

"Just hurry up, Nerd." Bakugou interrupted his word soup

"Ok- kay." Midoriya walked to the bathroom that's next to the door

Bakugou saw Midoriya out of the corner of his eye. Seeing his naked butt before the door closed. Bakugou turned around and saw no sign of the dildo. He sat down on Midoriya's bed and looked at some of the figurines across the room on the shelf.

Midoriya came out of the bathroom in a shirt that said night shirt and athletic shorts. He saw Bakugou on his bed. This was the first time he's faced Bakugou since he walked into his room.

Midoriya blushed from embarrassment. He walked over and sat on his desk chair.

"Ahem... S- so why did you come he- here Kacchan." Midoriya asked rubbing the back of his neck

"Don't say my name after you did what you just did." Bakugou frowned at him

"I didn't mean to, Y- you scared me!" Midoriya defended himself

"Oh, so it's my fault." Bakugou spat

"Why are you here? And yes k- kind of. You di- didn't let me know you were coming and you didn't knock on my door. So it is kinda your fault you saw i- it." Midoriya frowned through his blushed face

Bakugou whipped his head to the side. He knew he was in the wrong.

"Fine, I'm.... sorry then. I came to get the notes from today's lessons." He muttered

"I- It's okay, I should've been more ca- careful. I'll get the notes for you." Midoriya got up and squatted down to the bottom drawer that's attached to his desk.

Bakugou watched him "accidentally" looking at Midoriya's round.

A flash of Midoriya's naked ass he saw earlier invaded his mind. He shook his head trying to make the image disappear.

"Ah, here they are." Midoriya stood up and tuned around

"Here you go! They should all be there." Midoriya handed the small stack to Bakugou with an awkward smile

Bakugou took the stack and flipped through it as Midoriya sat back down. He noticed Midoriya winced.

"What's wrong with you?" Bakugou asked sitting the stack near him on the bed

"Nothing ja- just sat down to hard." Midoriya rubbed his butt

"On the dildo?" Bakugou said bluntly

Midoriya averted eye contact.

"Y- yea..."

"You... do it like that all the time?" Bakugou asked

"Yes, I mean no, I mean wh- why are you asking?" Midoriya fidgeted with his fingers

"I had to see it, you might as well answer my damn questions." Bakugou told him

"Bu- but it's embarrassing." Midoriya covered his face

"You don't think I'm embarrassed after seeing that shit." Bakugou asked him

"So- Sorry." Midoriya recoiled

"Ugh. Why do you keep saying sorry that's not gonna erase that image from my goddamn mind." Bakugou rolled his eyes

"I do- don't know what else to say." Midoriya told him peeking through his fingers

Bakugou exhaled.

"Whatever. So you do it like that all the time?"

Midoriya gulped hard.

"Um... Yea..." He reluctantly answered

"Why?" Bakugou immediately asked

"It uh it f- feels good." Midoriya shrugged

"Up the ass?" Bakugou frowned

"You don't have to be vulgar... b- but yes." Midoriya said quietly

"You do it everyday?" Bakugou tilted his head

"No! I'm- I'm not that h- horny." Midoriya shook his head

"Alright... last question. Are you gay Deku?" Bakugou asked

He had suspected Midoriya might not be straight be he would never ask. It's really none of his business. However he didn't like secrets especially if it's about Midoriya, but he wanted Midoriya to tell him himself.

"I do- don't wanna answer that." Midoriya looked to the side

"You basically answered me Nerd. It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone." Bakugou shrugged

"That's a lie y- you could tell your friends." Midoriya felt ashamed

"What? Dunce Face, Shitty Hair, Tape Arms and Raccoon eyes? Does it look like I would tell those idiots, who the hell do you think I am?" Bakugou frowned at him

"No... I know you wouldn't, bu- but I've never told anyone." Midoriya said

"Not even Auntie?" Bakugou was taken aback

He knew those two had a great relationship and that most of the time Midoriya would tell his mom everything.

"Nope." Midoriya awkwardly laughed looking at the ground

"I won't tell anyone then." Bakugou told him

Midoriya looked up

"I di- didn't answer you."

"Seriously?" Bakugou asked sarcastically

"I- I'm not gay... I'm pansexual." Midoriya told him

"Okay who cares?" Bakugou shrugged

"You... you don't th- think I'm weird?" Midoriya asked

"I don't care what you stick or don't stick up your ass Deku." Bakugou rolled his eyes

"Thank you Kacchan." Midoriya stood up and hugged Bakugou

"Yea, get off me." Bakugou pushed him back with blushed cheeks

"Right still awkward." Midoriya giggled awkwardly and sat back down

He felt so much better that Bakugou didn't care.

"Can I ask you a question?" Midoriya nervously looked at Bakugou

"You get one question that's it." Bakugou said


"One question!" Bakugou shouted

"Okay! Okay. Um do... you masterbate?" Midoriya asked

"No." Bakugou fwipped his head to the side

"What! Like never?" Midoriya asked curiously

"I do! Sometimes... but I'm usually busy doing other shit. Like helping your dumbass train." Bakugou frowned

"But... how are gonna get rid of that?"

"Rid of what-" Bakugou followed Midoriya's finger that was pointed to his lower area

"Deku, don't look you damn perve!" Bakugou cover his crotch as he stood up

"I wasn't, but is a little hard not to notice. No pun intended." Midoriya awkwardly looked to the side

"Shuddup! I'm leaving!" Bakugou quickly walked to the door

Midoriya grabbed his arm

"Wait you can't walk out there like that, what if someone sees you. Won't that be embarrassing?" He asked worriedly

"I don't care." Bakugou shook Midoriya's hand off and left


About an hour later a knock was heard on Midoriya's door.

He had already went to sleep, so he got out of bed an clumsily opened his door.

"Kacchan?" Izuku rubbed his eyes

Bakugou pushed passed Midoriya and sat on his now unmade bed.

"Are you okay?" Midoriya shut his door

"No. I got attacked by a villain." Bakugou frowned clutching his knees

"What! What happened!" Midoriya was wide awake now

He told Midoriya what happened after he left.

Bakugou went to his room to deal with his problem then after he was settled he went for a walk.

"Kacchan it's past curfew you know we're not supposed to be out of the dorms." Midoriya told Bakugou as he sat down beside him

"Would you shut up and listen!" Bakugou shouted

"Sorry." Midoriya recoiled

Bakugou was enjoying his walk then suddenly this ugly bastard came out of that shadows trying to attack him. The guy said all kinds of creepy stuff like "you're so cute" and "let me fill your hole pretty boy." Bakugou was disgusted and immediately went into fight mode taking the bastard down quickly however the bastard did manage to land a hit on him.

He told Aizawa to which he called the police and awkwardly told Bakugou to go take care of his problem. Bakugou didn't know what his teacher was talking about until he looked down and saw he had a raging boner again. He hurried back to his room satisfy his boner, but nothing worked.

Then thought since he already saw Midoriya do something embarrassing he wouldn't tell anyone about his problem out of fear Bakugou would tell people what he saw Midoriya doing. Even though Bakugou wouldn't tell anyone anyway.

"Oh so that's what happened." Midoriya said after Bakugou finished explaining his story

"Yea..." Bakugou shifted uncomfortably

"Um... are you wanting me to- to help you?" Midoriya didn't know exactly what Bakugou wanted

He noticed Bakugou was covering his crotch again.

"No! I don't need your damn help!" Bakugou frowned at him

"Then why are you here?" Midoriya asked also frowning

"Why are you so comfortable asking that?!" Bakugou retorted

"I- I'm not, but if you want me to help you... I will." Midoriya said

"No." Bakugou looked away

"Then a- are we just going to sit here until it goes away?" Midoriya sighed

"Yes." Bakugou answered

"...Can I see it?" Midoriya asked his curiosity getting the best of him

"No!" Bakugou said eyes blown wide

"Why not? Y- you saw me." Midoriya pouted

Bakugou didn't want too his whole body was screaming don't, but a little voice in the back of he mind was just so persuasive.

"Fine... but if you make fun of me I'll kill you." Bakugou warned him

"I won't, I promise." Midoriya said a little too excitedly

By this time Bakugou was sitting crisscross facing Midoriya with his hands in his lap, Midoriya was sitting across from him with one leg bent up on The bed and the other touching the floor.

Bakugou moved to the side of the bed uncrossing his legs and removing his hands from his crotch area. Midoriya moved with him and saw his huge bulge. He almost gasped at the outline he could see through Bakugou's black sweats.

"Jeez Kacchan does that not hurt?" Midoriya asked full of concern

"Of course it hurts, but It won't go away!" Bakugou crossed his arms

"I h- have an idea about how we might able to solve your problem." Midoriya said

"What?" Bakugou asked

Midoriya got up from the bed and walked forward a few steps as he thought out loud.

(Damn his ass is big. Wait... hold on what? No I did not just think that.)

Midoriya turned around facing Bakugou

"Well you said you tried to take care of it yourself, but it didn't work right? So what if it has to be someone else?"

"What's your point?" Bakugou gulped hard already knowing the answer to that

"What if someone else has to satisfy you to relieve the problem." Midoriya suggested with his index finger pointing up

Midoriya started pacing back and forth as he muttered out loud.

"The guy sounds like a pervert. It would kind of make sense if his quirk can only be resolved if he touched the victim. That would explain why it didn't work when you tried to relieve yourself. It'll only go down if he satisfies you, but... maybe it has to be someone else other than the victim, in general."

"You saying this is some sort of Aphrodisiac quirk?" Bakugou winced his need for release building up more

"P- Possibly." Midoriya nodded

"I don't want a pervert touching me that's gross as hell." Bakugou scrunched up his nose

"It's absolutely gross!" Midoriya said

Midoriya paused for a moment

"Do you have someone that can help you? Like a girlfriend or something?"

He honestly didn't want to know, but his friend was in need so he had too.

"Does it look like I have a girlfriend to you, Nerd?" Bakugou frowned at the other boy

"B- Boyfriend?" Midoriya asked innocently


"Sorry just asking. So you don't have anyone that can help you?" Midoriya asked

"No." Bakugou answered

Midoriya too a deep breath.

"Th- Then... why don't you let me?" Midoriya blushed

"Let you what?" Bakugou asked, but already knew the answer that too

"K- Kacchan do I re- really have to explain it." Midoriya dodged his gaze

"No, doesn't this gross you out." Bakugou asked curious as to why Midoriya was so okay with all of this

"Not re- really we're both boys, so it's nothing either of us haven't seen before." Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck nervously

"Alright, but just so you know I'm not gay." Bakugou told him

"I didn't say you were. Um... d- do you want to stand or sit?"

"What are you gonna do?" Bakugou asked and immediately regretted it

"I uh I'm gonna give-" Midoriya pointed to his mouth

"Don't finished that damn sentence. I got it." Bakugou stood up

"You sure, you're okay with this?" He asked

"I don't mind. A- Are you thought?" Midoriya turned the question back to him

"Could be worse I guess, just don't bite my dick off." Bakugou laughed short

"I w- won't." Midoriya got on his knees then grabbed the hem of Bakugou's sweat pants nervously

"Are you... r- ready." Midoriya looked up at Bakugou, anxiety flowing through his veins

"Yea, hurry up." Bakugou commanded trying to remain confident

"Okay." Midoriya pulled the black sweatpants down letting Bakugou cock spring out

It stood at full attention Bakugou blushed slightly.

"It's so bi-" Midoriya slapped his hand over his mouth

Midoriya was right. It was big and thick.

"Heh, you thought I would have a small dick?" Bakugou rolled his eyes regaining control of his flushed face

"N- no I just didn't expect it to be th- this big. Why- Why weren't you wearing underwear." Midoriya asked trying not to stare too much

He couldn't help it though. Bakugou was so enticing.

"Took 'em off earlier. Why the hell are you asking that now." Bakugou asked

"Sorry. Just wondering." Midoriya looked at Bakugou dick again

Seeing the precum drip from the tip onto the floor almost made him salivate.

(Here goes nothing.) Midoriya carefully grabbed the shaft with one hand

His hand fit mostly around the large cock.

The contact sent a volt of electricity up Bakugou's spine making him shiver momentarily.

Midoriya let go.

"Hold on, I've gotta get something." He mover beside Bakugou's legs and searched underneath his bed

(That ass looks good~ he looks- Stop it!) Bakugou mentally yelled at himself

Midoriya sat back up after finding the object.

"Here it is, this'll make it easier." Midoriya held up a bottle

"Lube?" Bakugou cocked an eyebrow

"Yea it'll also make the process quicker. Then you don't have to deal with it anymore." Midoriya said moving back to his spot in front of Bakugou

"Whatever" Bakugou said looking down at Midoriya

Midoriya poured some in his hand then rubbed them together after setting the bottle down.

He stroked up and down Bakugou's thick cock. More pre cum leaked out and started making a small puddle between Midoriya's knees.

After a few good pumps he licked the tip making Bakugou groan.

It tasted bitter, but somehow sweet and Midoriya wanted more.

He slid the whole tip in his mouth swirling his tongue and slurping Bakugou's precum. Pushing his head forward Midoriya took in more of Bakugou length, but it was so long he could only get about half way.

Midoriya bobbed his head back and forth tears forming in his eyes while Bakugou moaned and hummed in enjoyment.

Bakugou flung his head back reaching his climax as he grabbed Midoriya head pushing his thick cock all the way in.

Tears rolled down Midoriya's face as his nose touched Bakugou's blonde pubic hair. His cocked was so deep in Midoriya's tight throat he started to gag.

"D- Deku~" Bakugou came ropes of heavy white fluid down Midoriya's spasming throat

Midoriya milked Bakugou drinking every last bit of cum before Bakugou pulled out stepping backwards then plopping onto the bed. He gulped the bittersweet tasting fluid down and coughed a few times. Some cum dripped down his chin so he wiped his mouth on the neck of his shirt.

"How the hell are you so good at that?" Bakugou murmured covering his eyes with one arm as caught his breath

"It was my first time doing it. I thought it would be-" Midoriya looked up at the bed where Bakugou was laying, shocked.

"Kacchan you- you're still hard." Midoriya stared wide eyed at the cock pointing straight up

Then he move this hands towards his own dick in attempt to cover his hard-on.

Bakugou sat up and looking down at his dick.

"Goddamn it! It wasn't enough. What am I supposed to do now?" He asked no one while pulling at the ends of his hair

"I d- don't know." Midoriya was fidgety looking anywhere, but at Bakugou

(I can't get up he'll see it. How many embarrassing things are gonna happened to me in front of Kacchan?)

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden?" Bakugou frowned at the shorter boy

"M- Me? Urm nothings wrong with me." Midoriya said nervously with a awkward laugh

"Then stand up." Bakugou narrowed his eyes at him

"I'm fine right here." Midoriya told him

"I'm not asking Deku." Bakugou said in a low tone

"I c- can't." Midoriya staring at the ground

"Why not Nerd?" Bakugou asked

"Be- Because..." Midoriya felt like running away, where? Anywhere, but here

"You don't want to see your boner?" Bakugou finished his sentence rolled his eyes

Midoriya blushed at Bakugou's vulgar tone.

"Ha- How'd you know?" Midoriya needed to run, run far away

"You're trying to hide your dick and you won't stand up. It's pretty obvious idiot." Bakugou crossed his arms

"S- Sorry." Midoriya sheepishly looked at him

"Deku... do you like me?" Bakugou asked then winced, his cock was aching for release again.

"N- no why wo- would you ask that?" Midoriya stared at the ground again too afraid to look at those searing red eyes

"Interesting, cause I didn't think you were the kind of guy to go around sucking people dick whether they needed help or not." Bakugou smirked

"I don't! I wouldn't!" Midoriya shouted

"I don't know, you seemed pretty comfortable sucking mine." Bakugou enjoyed teasing Midoriya all too much

"I-" Midoriya was at a loss for words

"If you like me just say it you coward." Bakugou taunted

"I'm not a coward!" Midoriya stood up clenching his fist to his sides

Bakugou got a good view of Midoriya's erection.

He smirked again and looked up at Midoriya's cute freckled face

"Heh you really are hard."

Midoriya quickly cover himself.

"You got hard from sucking me off Huh?" He cocked any eyebrow

"D- Do- n't make fun of me Kacchan." Midoriya looked to the side feeling ashamed

"Making fun of you would be pretty fucking hypocritical of me don't you think?" Bakugou pointed to his rock hard cock

"I... I don't want you to be disgusted with me." Midoriya told him frowning sadly

"If I was I wouldn't have let you suck my dick idiot." Bakugou scoffed

Midoriya lifted his head looking at Bakugou with those big green eyes

"R- Really? So wait, do- do you like me?"

Bakugou scrunched up his nose

"Ugh do we have to do this while my dick is still throbbing?"

"R- right... What do you want me to do? There's nothing else to do except-." Midoriya immediately shit his mouth

Bakugou ignored Midoriya's words


Midoriya reluctantly walked over to Bakugou trying to avoid staring at his large cock.

He carefully gripped Midoriya's waist getting his attention. They both flushed from embarrassment.

"Look, I'll explain it more later when my dick isn't about to explode, but... I like you too." Bakugou said softly looking up at the other boy

Midoriya lit up.

"Y- you do....? Then um do you want to have sex?"

Bakugou frowned letting go of Midoriya, he was quite taken aback.

"What where the hell did that come from? I can't do that with you."

However his cock twitched at the opportunity.

"I th- thought that's were this was going." Midoriya looked away covering his face

"No! Are you stupid I was just gonna have you suck me off again." Bakugou swatted his arm

"Um w- what if I want to?" Midoriya muttered through his hands

"You wanna have sex?" Bakugou asked

As Midoriya nodded his head his curls bounced

"Y- Yes. O- only with you though."

"You realize you can back out at the last minute right?" Bakugou told him

"I understand how sex works, I've seen it before. Uh n- not that I watch porn." Midoriya stuttered uncovering his face

"What a pervert you are Nerd." Bakugou smirked

Bakugou sighed still slightly unsure.

"Alright if you're okay with it then I... I guess we can."

"Okay then!" Midoriya walked over do his clothes basket and slipped off his underwear then his shirt

Bakugou took off his pants, he was already shirtless when he arrived.

(Deku isn't the twig he use to be. I'd almost call him hot if he was so cute.) Bakugou thought as he trailed his eyes over Midoriya's almost curvy body

"Kacchan you're st- staring." Midoriya said awkwardly looking to the side while covering his dick

"No I'm not, get on the bed." Bakugou told him as his cheeks flushed

"Right." Midoriya climb on the bed and sat down near Bakugou

"Um can I make a request?" He asked quietly

"I'll go easy." Bakugou said not daring to look at him just yet

"That's... not was I was going to ask."

"Then what? Hurry up." Bakugou couldn't handle how awkward the air was

"Can I lay on my back while we... do it?" Midoriya questioned

"I don't care, do whatever you want." Bakugou responded

"Thanks Kacchan." Midoriya smiled softly as he let his body fall back, he kept his legs bent knees in the air so Bakugou could get in front of him

Bakugou finally looked to Midoriya from the edge of the bed were he was sitting. Midoriya kept his eyes on the ceiling.

"Put your legs down." Bakugou demanded

Midoriya's eyes darted from the ceiling to Bakugou


"I said put your legs down." Bakugou demanded louder

"Okay..." Midoriya slid his legs down with his eyes clenched shut

Bakugou made his way onto the bed and planted his hands on both sides of Midoriya's shoulders caging in the slightly smaller boy.

Midoriya knew he was there hovering above him. Though his heart was racing, he was strangely calm. Bakugou's presence made him calm down.

Little did he know Bakugou's Heard- was racing too.

Bakugou looked at him for a moment studying his face like he was debating with himself on something. Then he leaned down closing the already small space between them and kissed Midoriya softly, but hungrily.

This action surprised Midoriya but it was welcomed with a parting of his lips to allow Bakugou entrance. Their tongues fought for dominance, which Bakugou won or maybe Midoriya let him. Just maybe. Either way Midoriya didn't mind.

Bakugou pulled back looking down again at the boy beneath him.

He saw something strange, something you could call love or adoration in those emerald green eyes and it was all for Bakugou.

(How can he love me?)

"Why did you kiss me?" Midoriya asked quietly

It seems the same question entered Midoriya's mind too. To Midoriya this was nothing more helping Bakugou, sure they admitted feeling, but he didn't know if it was actually Bakugou talking. The quirk would have clouded his mind. However Midoriya was completely honest with what he told Bakugou and after the quirk wears off he hope he remembers and accepts his feelings.

"It felt kinda wrong just to go at it without kissing you first. Plus... we like each other so I thought we might as well." Bakugou looked to the side in shame

Midoriya let out a giggle which made Bakugou's eyes snap back to him with a frown.

"Don't laugh at me!" He growled

"I'm not." Midoriya snaked his hand up to Bakugou's cheek close to his ear and let it caress the boy's heated face

Bakugou flinched slightly at the contact, but quickly accepted it.

"It's very sweet of you." Midoriya smiled softly at Bakugou

Bakugou was some how shocked and embarrassed by Midoriya's words.

"Shuddup, I was just doing it right. If you admit your feeling for someone shouldn't you kiss them first before fucking?" Bakugou asked rhetorically

"Well... we did kiss. So can we do more?" Midoriya asked with a mischievous look

"Someone's being straightforward." Bakugou smirked

"Well you're probably hurting aren't you?" Midoriya asked raping his arms around the back of Bakugou's neck cautiously

"A little bit..." Bakugou shrugged, but it was aching and bad, it was taking all he had to control himself

"Then let's continue." Midoriya let go of letting his arms fall above his head

"Okay Nerd~" Bakugou took the invite and ripped it up quickly getting to work by leaning down leaving a trail of kisses along Midoriya's throat

Midoriya let out a breathy moan. As Bakugou traveled further down until he reached his collar bone. He stayed there for a moment suckling on Midoriya's pale skin making it turn red then slightly purple.

He licked the love bite and continued his way down to Midoriya's chest where he played with one of Midoriya's nipples and sucked the other. Once he decided he was done with that the buds were bright pink.

Through the whole thing Midoriya gasped and moaned quietly, trying to contain himself. Bakugou was so good at this like he was at everything, but Midoriya had a question on his mind. Why was Bakugou so focused on making him feel good too. I mean if Bakugou wanted to feel good wouldn't he just go straight to intercourse?

"Quit muttering, what the hell is wrong?" Bakugou asked

"Um... just wondering why you were paying attention my body and making it feel good?" Midoriya threaded his fingers together

"That's what you're supposed to do Nerd." Bakugou frowned

"Right- w- what are you doing down there?!" Midoriya just noticed Bakugou was between his legs

While Midoriya was overthinking Bakugou kissed and licked his way down to Midoriya's groin area where he had hooked his arms under his legs lifting them in a slightly bent position feet almost flat on the bed. Bakugou laid on his stomach as his legs hung off the bed touching the floor.

"You'll see~" Bakugou gripped Midoriya plush thighs and dove in licking his pink hole

Midoriya arched his back with a gasp.

"Kacchan n- not there." He whined

Bakugou ignored him and continued.

Midoriya's hole was wet and sloppy from earlier. Bakugou assumed that meant he didn't clean himself up after he caught him or he continued after he left.

Bakugou stuck his tongue in as deep as he could, licking the walls of Midoriya's rectum. Midoriya was a moaning mess. So sensitive, Bakugou smirked against Midoriya wet hole. Bakugou ground himself against the end of the bed as he ate Midoriya out. Precum leaked onto the floor again.

He whined loudly from the pleasure that was shooting through his body. Midoriya toes curled as gripped tuffs of Bakugou spiky hair. His dick twitched and ropes of cum spurted onto his stomach.

"Hope you're ready to cum again." Bakugou wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and climbed onto the bed again as Midoriya caught his breath

He sat between Midoriya's legs as soon at he got settled, Midoriya pulled his own legs back to his stomach presenting himself as if Bakugou didn't already eat him like a meal.

Bakugou nearly lost it, the view was so good. He already tasted Midoriya, but he wanted so much more and he was going to get it.

"Go- go ahead." Midoriya looked to the side

Bakugou grinned. He alighted the tip of his thick dripping cock to Midoriya's sloppy spasming hole. He was aching so much, but he had to make sure Midoriya was completely okay with this. He might a be a jerk, but he's not gonna sexually assault Midoriya quirk affecting him or not.

"Last chance to back out." Bakugou said with his cock poking Midoriya

"It's okay if it's you and... I do like you of course." Midoriya told him shyly with a small smile

"Are you sure?" Bakugou questioned

"That I like you?" Midoriya furrowed his brows letting go of his legs

"Yea, but no, that you wanna do this?" Bakugou looked Midoriya with a serious expression

"But it feels like-" Bakugou was interrupted

"Kacchan, I'm not doing this because I'm afraid of you or that I feel like you're forcing me. I'm doing this because I want too and you need relief. I like you a lot so stop worrying it's unlike you." Midoriya laughed

"I'm not worried!" Bakugou scrunched up his nose and frowned

"Good... then whenever you're ready I'm ready." Midoriya pulled his legs back again waiting patiently for Bakugou

Bakugou nodded and pushed in the tip and slowly the rest of his leaking girthy cock.

"Nng~ Are you okay?" Bakugou groaned

"Y- yea, you can move if you want." Midoriya furrowed his eyebrows in pleasure

Bakugou moved his ass back and thrusted in hard, eager to pound Midoriya into the mattress.

"Aah~!" Midoriya moaned loudly tilting his head back as he slapped his hands over his mouth

"Don't, I wanna hear you." Bakugou kissed his neck

"Kacchan, there's people next door." Midoriya whispered

"Who cares?" He cooed

"If they haven't made a noise complaint yet they aren't going to." Bakugou whispered in Midoriya's ear with a smirk and moved again repeating the same motion as earlier

"Ahn~" Midoriya moaned arching his back and grabbing the bed sheets as Bakugou bottomed out

"Better hold on Deku." Bakugou licked the shell of Midoriya's

"Kacchan, h- hurry." Midoriya whined

Bakugou of course obliged ramming his way into Midoriya's throbbing needy hole. He found a steady pace that drew lovely wet moans out of Midoriya. Sounds of skin slapping against each other filled the room along with heavy panting, whines, moans, and groans.

"So good Kacchan~ Mm~ Yes! Yes!" Midoriya praised which only fueled Bakugou sex drive

But Bakugou wanted to tease Midoriya just a little bit so he lifted Midoriya up as he fell back laying on the bed and Midoriya sat on top of him.

Midoriya yelped at the unexpected motion.

"Wha- What are you doing?" He shyly bit his lip, looking down into those lust filled eyes

Bakugou's eyes flickered down at Midoriya's crying dick then up to his flushed face.

"Bounce bunny~" Bakugou smirked rubbed his hands up Midoriya thick strong thighs

Midoriya's insides twitched at the nickname. Without a second thought Midoriya moved his body up then back down with a hard slap that made his ass jiggle and Bakugou flinch.

"So deep." Midoriya whispered planting a hand on Bakugou's abs to support himself

"Keep going Nerd." Bakugou encouraged him with a squeeze of his plump soft ass

"Yes Kacchan." Midoriya almost drooled as he repeated the same motion until he found a rhythm

"Nnuh~ f- fuck~" Bakugou thrusted up as Midoriya slammed down somehow making himself go deeper

Midoriya cried out every time Bakugou hit his prostate. He leaned back holding onto Bakugou's thighs as Bakugou stroked his hard throbbing dick.

"Damn, so hot Deku~" Bakugou was hitting his limit

"Oh~ Kacchan feels so good, ah~" Midoriya tongue rolled out as he pants

"I'm- gonna~" Bakugou sat up hugging Midoriya

"M- me too. Cum- cum inside me~" Midoriya threaded one of his hands through Bakugou hair at the nape of his neck as the other gripped his shoulder

"Glad you're not a damn girl. Ugh~" Bakugou laughed

"I... l- love you." Midoriya kissed Bakugou's cheek then buried his face into Bakugou's shoulder

With one last push down of Midoriya's soft hips they both came and Midoriya bit into Bakugou's shoulder.

"Shit!~" Bakugou filled Midoriya to the brim spilling out as they rode through their climax

They come to a stop basking in the bliss of their climax high. Midoriya sighed happily in his daze then reality hit both of them like a isekai truck.

Midoriya jerked back and looked down seeing the seed he released all over Bakugou's stomach.

"K- Kacchan we- we just." Midoriya looked up with terror in Eyes

Why was he scared? Well because this was over. Because Bakugou might hate him now. Because they actually had sex, intercourse, their first time. Or what Midoriya assumed was each other's first time. It was definitely his. It was even his first kiss that Bakugou took.

"Can you let me pull out before you start spouting bullshit?" Bakugou frowned at him

"Oh sa- sorry." Midoriya moved off of Bakugou and off the bed

As Midoriya stood up he could feel the cum dripping out of his beat hole and down his thigh.

"I- have to run to the bathroom."

Midoriya rushed to his bathroom without another word.

Bakugou smirked as he got off the bed and grabbed the tissues to wipe his flaccid cock.

"Finally it went down and all it took was some Deku ass." Bakugou muttered to himself

He threw the tissues away and searched Midoriya closet for some pants or underwear and maybe a shirt. He found some clean orange boxers and a black shirt. After he got dressed he heard the bathroom door open and saw Midoriya stick his head out.

"You- you're still here?" Midoriya questioned awkwardly walking out of the bathroom to his dresser

"Yea, what're you doing nerd?" Bakugou asked going back to sit on the bed

"Nothing just getting some clothes." Midoriya and searched for proper attire

Bakugou scanned his body again loving the view more than he would admit before they had sex.

"Enjoy your cream pie?" Bakugou snickered

Midoriya was slipping on his boxers as he whipped his completely red face around to look at Bakugou.

"Calm down Deku. I was just joking. But I did fill you with cream." Bakugou joked again

"S- St- op Kacchan that's embarrassing!" Midoriya whined as he looked away trying to find a shirt

"Alright, I borrowed your dumb clothes by the way." Bakugou told him

"I n- noticed." Midoriya tugged his shirt over his curls

"Um are you feeling better?" Midoriya turned back around now wearing his large shirt and boxers

"A hell of a lot better... thanks for helping Deku." Bakugou paused for a moment

"I'm glad you aren't hurting anymore." Midoriya smiled

"... Sorry you uh had to go that far." Bakugou looked to the side

"I well I wanted to help so don't feel bad okay." Midoriya walked to the bed and sat near Bakugou

"Yea..." Bakugou frowned

"Are you okay Kacchan? Are you sure you feel better?" Midoriya laid his hand on top of Bakugou to attract his attention

"I'm fine, but... it felt good right?" Bakugou asked

"Yea, why are you asking?" Midoriya furrowed his eyebrows curiously

"You don't feel... grossed out?" Bakugou asked hesitantly

Midoriya's anxiety rose extremely high. His fear that Bakugou would regret this came true.

"No! Not at all d- do you." Midoriya stuttered as he started to tear up

"So you... you liked it." Bakugou asked staring at the ground

"Yes Kacchan I promise I liked it." Midoriya started to sob which caught Bakugou's attention

"What the hell?" He questioned as Midoriya hugged him

"I promise it felt good, you don't have feel like you did something wrong because you didn't. I said I wanted to, I gave you my consent and I liked it, I liked it so much!" Midoriya blubbered through sobs

"Deku-" Bakugou blushed at Midoriya's pleas

"You don't have to feel bad. I meant what I said, I love you." Midoriya told him

Bakugou pushed Midoriya back to he could see his face.

"Deku shut the hell up." Bakugou kissed him

It was short and sweet like Midoriya himself.

"Y- you kissed me?" Midoriya touched his lips

"Cause you would shuddup. I was just making sure you were fine with what happen." Bakugou frowned

"Oh... I am. I feel great actually." Midoriya smiled shyly

"Good, then let's go to bed. It way passed my bed time." Bakugou stood up and stretched

"You're staying here?!" Midoriya asked his eyes wide in shock that Bakugou wants to stay with him

"Isn't that what a boyfriend would do?" Bakugou smirked looking at him form the corner of his eye


Turns out the quirk heightens sexual desire. However once the victim comes the quirk goes away... but it lasts longer if the victim is in love with the person they're having sex with. The offender would continuously use it until he got his feel. Good thing Bakugou took him down.


~I have a Ko-Fi! So if you guys would like to support me that would be great! You can donate any amount. Obviously you don't have to, I'll definitely understand.


