
Bakudeku/Dekubaku Oneshots

This is my BakuDeku/DekuBaku oneshots so it's exactly what it says. Read at your own discretion lol. I keep my oneshots under 4000 words so they should be quick to read

RndmFndms65000 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

The Maids Did It!

"Alright class get in your seats and be quiet." Aizawa told his class as he walked in the room

The class stopped and got in their seats as they were told.

"So the school festival is coming up you need to decide on what you're class is doing. Let me know by later today or tomorrow. If you wanna talk about it now you can. I'm taking a nap."

"Guess that means we'll be taking over." Yaoyorozu stood up as she across the room at Iida

"As class rep and deputy we will be leading the discussion." Iida directed

The two walked to the front.

"Let's work together to make this process as smooth as possible." Iida said

"Agreed." Yaoyorozu told him

"Alright those with ideas please raise your hand to be called upon-" Iida was interrupted but everyone yelling

"ME! ME! ME! ME!"

"Guh what ebullience, but we must do this in an orderly fashion!"

"Kaminari you first!" Iida picked

"Oh yea! Let's do a maid Café." Kaminari suggested

"Maids... providing a service then, not bad, but to make sure we're all involved we should do maids and butlers." Iida responded

"Think bigger Kaminari!!!"


"Strip clu..."

"Absolutely not!"


"A mochi stand?"


"Arm wrestling competition!"



"Haunted house!"

"Not sure, but that would be interesting."


"A crepe stall."

"People could eat as they walk around good idea!"


"How about dance?"



"P- petting zoo?"

"Petting zoo? Cute!"


"A banquet for deciples of darkness."

"Uh scary... Aoyama."

"My very own sparkling show."

"Huh? Never mind, Jirou?"

"Open Mic comedy?"

"Not bad!"

They went around the room until everyone said their idea.

"Alright that seems to be everyone."

"Let's eliminate the unreasonable and nonspecific ones." Yaoyorozu looked at the board where she wrote down all the ideas

She erased Aoyama, Mineta, Bakugou, and Tokoyami's ideas.

They were to say the least not happy.

As they erased more the students argued.

"So much for maintaining order." Yaoyorozu muttered

The bell rang and Aizawa woke up.

"Jeez you kids were loud, better decide by tomorrow morning."

"Because otherwise we're doing a regular class open house." Aizawa had and intense loon on his face


Everyone was in the common room.

"Now that everyone has calmed down we really should decide what we're doing for the festival." Iida said

"I think we should go with my idea it's the best one." Mineta crosses his arms

"No Mineta!" The whole class disagreed

"Jeez." He frowned

"We need to do something both fun and not to stressful." Iida told the class

"I still think we should go with my idea. A Maid and Butler Café would be totally fun." Kaminari smiled

"I'm not sure." Iida said

"Why not? We would be serving other students and probably having fun. Can't be that stressful right." Todoroki shrugged

"Hello, Mr full of surprises." Ashido giggled

"I guess you're right..." Iida rubbed his chin

~Guess y'all never been a waiter or waitress.~

"Whoohoo are we doing my idea." Kaminari jumped for joy

"Sounds like it." Uraraka said

"Well if we do that I will gladly make the outfits." Yaoyorozu offered

"Wait, it's not a very fair choice though." Jirou commented

"What do you mean?" Koda asked

"There a lot more boys then girls in our class, so it would be more of a butler Café." Jirou pointed out

"Then I have an idea. Why don't he have some of the boys wear maid outfits to make it fair." Iida suggested

"Huh?" Sato asked

"Hell no." Bakugou disagreed

"Personally I look good in anything." Aoyama flipped his hair

"Since we can't choose among us boys who will wear what why don't everyone draw lots. There is an even amount of students in our class so we will but ten pieces of paper that say maid and ten that say butler." Iida said

"What? No." Mineta said

"Come on it's only fair." Yaoyorozu told him

The students especially some of the boys reluctantly drew a lot.

"Great now that, that's settled I will take everyone's measurements tomorrow." Yaoyorozu smiled

"We should turn it we have a busy day tomorrow." Iida told his class


After class Yaoyorozu started taking measurements.

"Step inside the curtain and I'll measure you."

Midoriya went first.

"This might feel uncomfortable because I have to touch your body, but it'll be over quickly." Yaoyorozu told him

Yaoyorozu measured Midoriya then told Ashido what to write down.

"Alright you're done. Is there anything special you want me to do to the design or colors." Yaoyorozu asked

"Well could you make it look like All Might's golden age suit?" Midoriya requested

"Sure. I'll have it ready by tomorrow." Yaoyorozu smiled at him

"Thank you." Midoriya left the curtain cubicle

"C'mon Bakugou you're next." Ashido called his name

"I hear you!"

Bakugou stepped inside the curtain cubicle.

"I gotta take my shirt off?" Bakugou asked

"Oh no, I'm taking the measurements on the outside of your clothes. It'll give a little extra room." Yaoyorozu said

She went through the same process.

"Oh Ashido add a half inch to the bust size." Yaoyorozu directed her

"Right gotta make room for the bakuboobs to breath." Ashido giggled

"Hah?" Bakugou tilted his head

"It's nothing, just you're bust seems to be larger than your fellow male classmates." Yaoyorozu told him

"Almost competing with some the girls." Ashido joked

"Yea you got bigger boobs than me Bakugou!" Jirou joked from somewhere outside the curtain

"Shut the hell up, no I don't. Their pecks!" Bakugou

"Plus ultra large pecks!" Kirishima snickered somewhere outside the cubical

"Shitty hair! I'll kill you!!" Bakugou shouted

"Okay, okay, you're done now. Thank you for cooperating and would you like me to do anything special to the outfit?" Yaoyorozu tried to end the conflict

"Make it look cool or somethin, I don't really give a damn." Bakugou walked off

One by one she measured all the other students except for herself because she already knew what her's were.


It's festival time and everyone in getting in their outfits.

Midoriya couldn't zip his outfit up all the way.

"Um Iida c- can you help me? I can't z- zip it up all the way." Midoriya asked nervously

"Sure, turn around." Iida helped him out

"There you go Midoriya."

"Thanks." Midoriya said

"Are you excited?" Iida asked

"I guess, not really about wearing a dress though." Midoriya straighten out some wrinkled

"Once you get to work you'll forget you're even wearing one." Iida said

"Easy for you to say you and Uraraka get to dress as butlers. Everyone's going to make fun of me." Midoriya told him

"I doubt that, there are other boys wearing maid outfits." Iida tried to ease Midoriya's stress

"This is still embarrassing. What will Kacchan say when he sees me?" Midoriya frowned

"I'm sure he'll find your attire attractive." Iida said

"I- Iida." Midoriya blushed

"It's almost time to leave." Iida told Midoriya

"Oh there you are." Todoroki walked in the room

"Hi Todoroki you have to wear a maid outfit too?" Midoriya asked

"Yea." Todoroki unfazed

"You look nice, you both look nice." Midoriya complimented

"You to Midoriya. We better get going Momo sent me to get you. She needs your help with something Iida."

"Lets go then shall we. By the way I think we look pretty dashing." Iida told his friends


"How the hell did we all get maid!" Bakugou wanted to scream

"Don't know, but I look pretty good if I do say so myself." Kaminari admired his figure in a mirror

"I feel so manly!" Kirishima flexed his arm muscles

"Glad I shaved my legs otherwise these pantyhose would look like a cactus." Sero laughed

"Wonder what Ashido got." Kirishima said

"Didn't she say she drew maid also?" Kaminari asked trying to remember

"Yea I think so." Sero said

"Bakugou are you going to put the outfit on, we have to leave in ten minutes." Kaminari asked him

"No, no way am I wearing a damn dress!" Bakugou was being stubborn

"We're wearing them, c'mon be a team player." Kirishima asked


"Just let him do whatever, we look way better than he would anyway." Sero antagonized Bakugou

"What was that?" Bakugou's eye twitched

"Sero's right. I mean with that gremlin looking face how could you possibly pull it off." Kaminari told him

"I'll put the freaking dress on just to show you idiots up!" Bakugou stomped into the bathroom

"Pfft-" Kirishima snickered

"He's so easy to trick." Kaminari laughed

"Way to easy." Sero agreed

Bakugou walked out of he bathroom.

"Hah! See I look good don't I, way better than you three morons." Bakugou crossed his arm

"Alright you best us. You look good." Kaminari gave in

"Guys we should go." Kirishima told them

"Right!" Sero and Kaminari started out the door with Kirishima

"Don't tell me what it do, I'll kill you!" Bakugou walked with them anyway


Everyone arrived and got to work serving the other students and whomever came by. Even Aizawa participated, but his maid outfit was very long where as the other maid outfits were knee length.


Midoriya walked into the empty bathroom.

(Jeez that was tiring, and we still have an hour after our break to go.)

Midoriya looked at himself in the mirror.

"I can't believe Uraraka put lipgloss on me." Midoriya tried to rub it off

"How do girls wear this?" Midoriya asked his reflection

"Muttering to yourself again?" Bakugou looked at Midoriya in his reflection

"Ka- Kacchan!" Midoriya spun around

"What are you doing here?" Midoriya asked

"Saw you walk off so I followed you. Don't want anyone creeping on you." Bakugou answered

"I think the only one creeping on me is you Kacchan."

"Oi." Bakugou said in a scolding tone

"Well we better get back out there our break will be over soon."

"We still have thirty minutes."

"Yea but we should help clean tables and stuff before the next wave of people come in."

"I don't think so." Bakugou kissed Midoriya

"Ah- wa- wa- wait." Midoriya pushes Bakugou back


"We can't do this out in the open what if someone sees us."

They heard chattering outside the bathroom door.

"See there's some coming."

Bakugou grabbed Midoriya's hand and dragged him into a bathroom stall.

"Kacchan?" Midoriya whispered

"Shut up." Bakugou put his hand over Midoriya's mouth

The two stayed silent and the random students chatted with each other inside the bathroom. Then it got quite again.

"L- looks like they left. Why did we hide we could have left too?"

"You said you didn't want be out in the open so we're not out in the damn open."

"That's not what I meant Kacchan. Let's just go before we get in trouble." Midoriya turned to leave

Before Midoriya could make his exit Bakugou lifted the back of his dress up.

"Kacchan don't lift my dress!" Midoriya shoved the back of his dress down and he turned around facing Bakugou

"You're wearing panties." Bakugou smirked

"Um y- yea they came with the outfit." Midoriya looked to the side

"They look good."

"Y- you like it?" Midoriya was surprised

Bakugou Kabedon Midoriya.

"Yea I do... Deku~"

"I'm glad you like them, but they're super uncomfortable I should've just worn my boxers like I planned. I'm definitely never going to wear these again. Wait are you wearing panties too Kacchan?" Midoriya talked long winded

"So damn noisy, you talk to much Nerd!" Bakugou smashed his lips on to Midoriya's

Bakugou grabbed on to Midoriya's waist pulling him in.

They heard someone enter the bathroom again.


(Oh no someone came in.)

As Midoriya and Bakugou kissed they could hear the two talking.

Midoriya wasn't paying attention to Bakugou because he was too worried about getting caught.

(I'll make you pay attention to me shitty Nerd.)

Bakugou moved his led so it was between Midoriya's legs.

(Wait is, is he already hard?!)

Midoriya blushed more.

(He's rubbing again me.)

The unknown students left and Bakugou parted from Midoriya.

They both took a deep breath.

"Kacchan why did you do that? They seriously could've heard is."

"Ugh who cares if they see us. You only need to keep your damn eyes on me."

"I do, now we should go before we're late."

"Aren't you uncomfortable down there Deku~?" Bakugou looked down then back up to Midoriya's eyes

Midoriya realized he was simi hard.

"Uh m- maybe."

"Sit on the toilet."

Midoriya sat on the toilet facing Bakugou.

(Guess I'm giving Kacchan a blowjob. I mean I'm not upset about it but do we have to do it in a bathroom and while we're in dresses.)

"Hold this." Bakugou lifted the front of Midoriya maid outfit up for Midoriya to hold

Bakugou dropped to his knees.


Bakugou palmed Midoriya threw his panties.

"Aah~" Midoriya leaned his head back

"This shit really suits you." Bakugou was very turned on

"Kacchan~ uh~"

Bakugou pulled Midoriya's underwear off him.

Then went back to what he was doing.

He rubbed his hand up and down Midoriya's shaft getting him completely hard.

"I'm gonna make you drown in pleasure Deku." Bakugou kissed Midoriya's tip the started licking the head

"Oh~ mm~"

Bakugou took all of Midoriya in and bobbed his head up and down getting many pleasure noises from Midoriya.

"Kac- Kacchan I wanna uh~ see you, please look ah~ at me."

Bakugou looked up at Midoriya seeing how much Midoriya was feeling. Bakugou to tell Midoriya was at his limit. He sucked harder.

"Hyah~ Wait not so hard~"

Bakugou ignored Midoriya as usual.

"Kacchan I'm sorry."

Bakugou was confused until he felt Midoriya push his head down.

"I- I'm coming~ Kacchan~" Midoriya's forceful hand made Bakugou deepthroat him

A wave of pleaser filled Midoriya as he let go of Bakugou's head. Bakugou leaned back and coughed a few times.

(He's gonna kill me, but it felt so good.)

Bakugou stood up and unzipped his dress making it fall to the floor around his ankles.

Midoriya looked up at Bakugou.

"So you came in my mouth without asking, you better be ready for what comes next Nerd." Bakugou had an evil grin spread across his face

(He's so into it.)

"You're ass better be ready so turn around and hold on to the back of the toilet."

Midoriya did as was told. The bottom of his dress fell back down he stood up so when he leaned over to hold on. Bakugou folded it over so it was sitting on Midoriya's back revealing his butt that Bakugou loved so much.

"Lift your hips Deku." Bakugou asked

Midoriya wasn't standing up all the way because he was embarrassed.

He lifted his hips so Bakugou could get better access.

Bakugou fingered Midoriya for a few minutes earning some more moans.

When Bakugou thought Midoriya was loose enough he asked Midoriya if he was ready.

"Just... go slow." Midoriya told him

Bakugou started in retraining himself from completely plunging himself into Midoriya.

After a few minutes of slow rocking back and forth Midoriya spoke something other than moans.

"Kacchan go faster." Midoriya pleaded

"Make up your damn mind, I'm serving you like you asked."

"I w- want more." Midoriya said shyly

"Then how about all you can eat." Bakugou rammed in to Midoriya


Bakugou moved more. They both filled the room with grunts and moans.

"H- ell yea nothing better then Deku ass." Bakugou squeezed one of Midoriya's butt cheeks

"Ngh~ Hwah~"



"Turn your head."

Midoriya turned his head and Bakugou went in for a kiss.

(My legs are getting weak.)

Bakugou parted from the kiss.


Midoriya was trembling and Bakugou kept going.

"Oh~" Midoriya felt like he was going to fall

Bakugou noticed Midoriya was shaky and held on to him.

"Shit." Bakugou smirked as he was nearing his end

(I don't think I can take it anymore.)

A few more pants and thrusts until the two came.


"So where did you two go?" Aizawa asked them

"Sorry, I got sick so Kacchan helped me to the bathroom." Midoriya lied

"Mmhm, you both have detention tomorrow." Aizawa told them

"Yes sir." Midoriya rubbed his upper arm

"Whatever." Bakugou rolled his eyes


~I have a Ko-Fi! So if you guys would like to support me that would be great! You can donate any amount. Obviously you don't have to, I'll definitely understand.


