
Chapter 5: Await Your Day to Soar High in The Sky! [Vote for Recommendations!]

Translator: 549690339


Feng Yin took a step into the room, two heads peeping out from the entrance shrank back in alarm, seeing it was Feng Yin they breathed a sigh of relief quickly retreating.

The wind outside roared louder.

The howls growing in vigor.

Eventually, it was like wind sweeping through a forest, mountains echoing in unison.

The clear and transcending voice of the woman in white carried some anger from a distance, "Purple Emperor, you've overstepped your bounds. This is Qing Ming's territory. As a Yan native, what right do you have to meddle in the affairs of Qin land!"

"I have been living incognito in Qin land, and it has nothing to do with you Yan people!"

The majestic voice of the Purple Emperor was like the sound of thunder, "Everyone can het involved in worldly matters, demons living in the human realm are against reason, let alone the violation of the Emperor's agreement; anyone can get involved!"

The woman sneered coldly, "You speak with such righteousness, but would you, the Purple Emperor, dare to venture alone into the battlefield between Great Qi and Great Qin today? Aren't you afraid you won't come back?"

The Purple Emperor let out a hearty laugh, "What's there to fear? How could mere Qing Ming pose a threat to me? If your majesty has been hidden in the human realm for two hundred years, why such haste...Let's stay and have a drink together, why not?"

Just as he finished his sentence, a loud explosion was heard.

Immediately a whirlwind swept by, countless treetops scattered fiercely from above Feng Yin.

Feng Yin looked up with a dazed expression at the night sky, the stars blinking coldly at him.

Where did the huge roof that was just there go?

—The roof just swooshed away…

Smoke lifelessly climbed into the sky... The wind was so strong that leaves seemed to wave a banner... Tree branches snapped in the face of the strong wind, roofs tiles flew off in segments...

Damn it!

Feng Yin took a breath, the high-altitude battle between the two had caused at least a level nine wind here!

From the next-door house, the sound of trembling as if two frightened old sows huddled together shaking incessantly was heard...

A tumultuous noise resembling the collapse of a mountain range came from distance.

Apparently, they had exchanged blows.

Between one move, the ground was cracked, mountains were broken, with ruin all around.

The sounds of battle were intermittent, some clear, some fuzzy.

With a snap, a large bird weighing dozens of pounds fell in front of Feng Yin due to the residual shockwave of the fight, it landed directly in front of Feng Yin, its neck broken.

"Holy shit!"

Feng Yin felt his scalp prickle.

This is why you can't not have a roof, this thing actually committed suicide in front of me in my room!

Is it that I haven't been eating meat for years that even heavens couldn't stand it?

In the middle of the ground shaking, the majestic voice once again resounded, The Purple Emperor said, "Your Majesty's cultivation seems to be a lot tied than before, my surprise is indescribable, The chance to drink with your majesty is not small!"

The clear and transcendent voice of the woman in white, "Purple Emperor, your invitation today is noted by me. I hope that when I honor the appointment in the future, your Great Yan can withstand my return gift!"

The voice was getting further and further away, its echoes already hundreds of miles away.

The Purple Emperor laughed warmly. "Why wait for the future when we have today? I have a great mood for a drink today. Your majesty, please do not spoil the mood, let's drink together, give it joy and enmity, it should be at this moment, your majesty, don't go, I am coming!"

A cold snort, already at a far distance, unknown.

The whirlwind was howling, the Purple Emperor apparently pursued relentlessly.

All the trees in the small town, large and small, collectively bowed as a gesture of respect due to the actions of these two. Tree branches kept being snapped off; countless roof tiles were lifted, and the roof flew away with a 'whoosh'…

Some of the older houses that had been neglected over the years even collapsed with a loud bang, dust billowing in the air, followed by the sudden disappearance due to the strong whirlwind.

The sound of the wind was still blowing, but the voices of the Purple Emperor and the woman in white could no longer be heard.

The pitch-black night was once again silent.

The whole town returned to silence, and no one dared to complain about the damage to their houses and the fright they had suffered in the night.

Human lives, under such battles between strong players, are as insignificant as ants.

Not worth a mention.

This is a troubled time, it's better to be a dog in peace, than a human in turmoil — not just a saying!

Feng Yin sat on the ground, legs spread apart, staying still for a while, still feeling his heart pounding, head spinning, white light flashing in front of his eyes, colors shifting endlessly.

It took a long time for the roaring noise in Feng Yin's ears to finally disappear, but he still felt stuffy and uncomfortable.

He opened his mouth and swallowed a few times, only then did the eardrum return to its original place with a hollow "pop", and the feeling gradually came back.

"That was... too shocking…"

Feng Yin took a deep breath: Are these the peak cultivators of this world?

This kind of impact, with one move, can bring about such earth-shaking, earth-shattering power...

Whenever he thought about his shallow cultivation, Feng Yin felt more and more... too weak.

"I still need to keep acting low-key and develop inconspicuously…"

"I am counting on you…"

Feng Yin touched a string inside his neck.

Then looked up at the now panoramic sky... his bedroom.

On the other side of the room, Xu the Third and Xu the Fourth had their heads and upper bodies under the bed, their big butts trembling on the outside...


Just as Feng Yin's consciousness entered the sea of understanding, he suddenly felt the presence of a man vaguely appearing.

He looked up.

He saw a Daoist in a blue robe standing in the sky with his hands behind his back, looking at him profoundly.

Feng Yin only felt a shock in his mind, instantly lost in the boundless starry sky…

A little while later, the Taoist smiled slightly, transforming and dissipating into a shower of starlight.

A voice, drifting, as though whispered from millions of years ago, faint and elusive.

"Wait until the day you reach the heavens, grant me a slice of your blade!"

Feng Yin felt a wave of stupor, the 'Spiritual Transformation Technique' in his mind began to turn its own pages.

'The Spiritual Transformation Technique'

"...Nature creates all things; all beings are equal. Cultivating to achieve immortality, everyone has their own path. Some might be noble, some might be humble, but the law of creation is clear, the Great Dao isn't fair. Practising my technique, you will transform countless spirits. Though they might be immersed in suffering, they will have an eternal life..."

As Feng Yin carefully scrutinised the opening chapter of the 'Spiritual Transformation Technique', a sense of understanding gradually arose within him.

"Transform all beings to become enlightened? Grant all beings a shred of opportunity for eternal life? Just as humans do? All creatures are equal?"

"....I seem to understand now."

Feng Yin was lost in thought for a long while.

"I wonder which senior expert conceived of these mystical techniques, that it resembles the teachings of Buddhism? It emphasises that all beings are equal and that they all have the opportunity to reach enlightenment and the path to become immortal."

Let's continue reading.

"...Every flower and leaf has the potential to ascend to heaven. Every blade of grass and tree has a chance to become holy. Mountains and rivers have their own spirit and sentient beings are not without feelings. As creatures of the world, there is no distinction between noble and humble. As children of creation, how can we rank ourselves?"

"Willing to cut a piece of the law of nature, transforming countless spirits of this world. The heart of the Great Dao remains unchanged, gathering endless spirits towards enlightenment."

"The Spiritual Transformation Technique, the beginning of the Great Dao."


Once the Spiritual Transformation Technique was flipped open, what fell into his sight was the opening chapter of the technique.

It seemed like this was the view of the creator of the technique.

Feng Yin had a solid base in literary comprehension, these phrases and terms were not hard for him to grasp.

However, the last line puzzled him for quite some time.

"Retaining the nothingness leads to existence and the small leads to the better understanding of the great. I could only reach the seventh layer of the Spiritual Transformation Technique. The technique is passed on from me, but the path lies beneath your feet..."

This line seems a bit perplexing,

"Based on this statement, it seems likely that the creator of this technique only managed to establish the initial seven layers. He failed to establish the further layers?"

"Isn't this similar to... the sacred and powerful technique of a certain faith in an old sage's writings? But that sacred technique, apart from the first six layers he finished cultivating, contained extensive insights and imagination regarding the final seventh layer. Although there were several mistakes, the majority of it was correct."

"However, the creator of the Spiritual Transformation Technique didn't engage in any further research into the unknown, only leaving behind a single line hinting that one should create their own peak upon reaching his? So, should I actually be testing it on myself, fumbling my way across the river by feeling for the stones?!"

"This clearly is a trap..."

Feeling slightly irritated, Feng Yin had an urge to vent his frustrations by biting something.

But considering his current situation, since the Spiritual Transformation Technique must be practised, he didn't have much of a choice.

After all, the Spiritual Transformation Technique was much better than the assassination technique—'Heavenly Judge'—which he was practising right now, no matter how you looked at it.

Furthermore, this was the golden opportunity he had been waiting for all these years...

Even if his past life as an office worker was dim and bleak, he had to endure through it crawling on his knees even if he was tearing up. All the more now that his current life promised a bright future.

That old man did mention, 'the day I reach the heavens, I would have to slice him once'.

If the old man was waiting, then there was nothing to be said.

He would have to start practising... Even if he spent his entire life unable to cultivate to its highest levels, there were still seven layers. As long as there is some progress, it would lay the foundation for his mortal world and this should be far better than the crawling pace of his current cultivation speed. One should learn to be content."

Feng Yin made a decision, and disturbances no longer formed in his mind as he began to concentrate on the first layer of the Spiritual Transformation Technique.

"...Heaven divides into Yin and Yang, earth into Qian and Kun, purple Qi surges towards the heaven, all beings flourish..."

As Feng Yin's thoughts spun around, he nodded silently while letting out a sigh of discontentment.

"It seems that there really is no shortcut to success. There wouldn't be a method that allows one to start understanding everything immediately... The first layer only involves gathering spirits, but thinking about it, it seems right. 'The blacksmith must first sharpen his tools.' If you want to transform spirits, one's cultivation should be strong enough to begin with. If one doesn't have a substantial foundation, how does one expect to transform spirits? The foundation is always the most important, the result is always the process..."

"Nevertheless, the gathering spirit process seems interesting. It seems that upon mastering the first layer, one will constantly transform the spirits. Within this endless process, it gathers the intellect of living beings to the maximum extent possible... In other words, it has the ability to make animals smarter? Could it be that a small step towards enhanced understanding leads to a significant difference in the end?"

An idea suddenly occurred to Feng Yin, "If that's the case... wouldn't opening a pet shop be an excellent idea? It would not only make money but would also be liked by women... It's extremely conducive to picking up girls..."

"Hisss... this idea isn't bad at all... livin' low-key in the city, not drawing attention, progressing day by day... indeed, it would be best to not stir up any jealousy...nothing else really matters..."

"The Spiritual Transformation Technique...Spiritual transformation... only after reaching the fifth layer, the Spirit Comprehension stage, can I truly awaken the spirits and then create a cultivation technique; This requires me to have at least the cultivation level of a Xuanxian (Mysterious Immortal)! What is a Xuanxian? It sounds grand and unachievable... Am I getting played here?"

"The seventh layer of the Spiritual Transformation.... Right, the Spiritual Transformation of the seventh layer can transform an intelligent being into a high grade cultivator.... brilliant. If this isn't the reincarnation and transformation technique in the online novels of the past lives, what else can it be? But this doesn't sound particularly reliable..."

I'm in a fantasy dimension from my past life, not a cultivation dimension, big bro... these stages don't even exist in this world! Big bro, it seems like you're really trying to screw me over..."

But as the only advantage given, how could I not cultivate it?

It all goes back to that saying - even if you know that life is a tragedy, you have to kneel down and finish it, even if you're in tears!

Besides, that sentence gave Feng Yin the courage he needed the most.

Wait for you to reign over the world...

Reign over the world!

Reign over the world!

I bear a great responsibility.

He closed his eyes and began to urge the spiritual energy within his body according to the path of cultivation given by the first layer of the Spiritual Transformation Technique.

The spiritual energy moved slowly as if an old ox was climbing a hill.

It was an arduous process — he stumbled and faltered, and it took him the time of roughly one pot of tea to barely complete one cycle. Feng Yin himself was panting in exertion having worked up quite a sweat.

But beginning from the second cycle...

Feng Yin was suddenly taken aback!


[First to claim the couch for this chapter!]