
Chapter 4 Golden Finger and the Princess [Where are the recommendation tickets?]

Translator: 549690339


"These are three spiritual pearls from the Demon race; each one hailing from a king-ranked demon beast... this insignificant gift, is for you as a token of our first meeting. I hope you don't mind them,"

The woman in the white dress hurriedly said, "The fleeing demons, having nothing of their own, hope for your understanding."

Three king-ranked demon beast spiritual pearls, and she called herself having nothing!

Feng Yin was shocked.

What does a king-ranked demon beast signify?

If compared with the current rank of Feng Yin's Heavenly Judge Killer, Feng Yin is at the Iron Rank, followed by Bronze Rank, Silver Rank, Gold Rank, Jade Rank, Purple Crystal, and King Rank...

The strength of the king-ranked demon beasts is basically on par with that of king-ranked killers among the Heavenly Judges; at least, their power is on the same level.

If the formidable physical abilities of the demon beasts are taken into consideration, most king-ranked killers might not be a match for a king-ranked demon beast in a head-on clash.

These three spiritual pearls, in the world of humans, far surpass mere rare treasures, they're invaluable.

But in the mouth of the woman in white, they were 'insignificant and meager', and merely a 'token of our first meeting'.

According to Feng Yin's current income, he'd struggle for three thousand years to afford just one...

Just a few words greatly refreshed Feng Yin's perception of his wealth's upper limit!

At first, Feng Yin modestly shifted the topic, then said, "But I'm afraid Mrs might be asking too much of me. Just imagine, Mrs' opponents are all experts among experts. This level of powerful beings, with just a glare, could kill me. If they should come knocking at my door..."

Feng Yin coughed once.

He was implying, if she could bestow anything that could offer protection, such as something that could allow him to flee thousands of miles in an instant... or a device that could protect him from a devastating attack by a powerful character?

"Sir, there's no need to worry about that."

The woman in white, however, being a generous person, completely misinterpreted Physician Feng's meaning. She assumed that he was concerned about whether he could protect her child.

She then said with a smile, "Sir, you are a person of great fortune, certain to turn misfortune into fortune, and tribulation into blessings."


Feng Yin was left speechless.

Is this supposed to be comforting?

This amounted to saying nothing at all. How am I fortunate? Are you just paying lip service?

So, you mean that I'm on my own, right?

What I told you, wasn't that what I meant at all, okay?

Could you not try to understand me a little bit more?

"Also, please understand, sir..."

The woman in white politely said, "For the child's safety, I need to leave some restrictions on you... I hope you don't mind."

'Don't mind?'

Feng Yin really wanted to say, I do mind, I mind a lot.

Before Feng Yin even had any awareness...

"The restriction is already in place, thank you for your cooperation," the woman in white said.

Feng Yin was dumbfounded, I didn't cooperate though...

I didn't notice anything at all.

Besides, could I really cooperate with this?

This is a case of a forced decision, right?

However, the woman in white already spoke in a regretful tone, "This restriction is merely a defensive spell, as long as sir has no malicious intent towards the child, it won't react or retaliate. Given your character, sir, this restriction is virtually nonexistent."

'What if I do have malicious intent?'

Feng Yin didn't ask this out loud.

"If you do harbor ill intent, you will instantly perish..." the woman in white apologized, "I hope sir can understand a mother's love and protectiveness. As long as the child is safe, sir will also be unharmed."


Feng Yin felt his heart twitch uncontrollably.

If the child is safe, I'm safe.

Listen to those words, my goodness, it's impossible to misunderstand them.

"Absolutely safe!!"

Feng Yin spoke earnestly with a swear, "Rest assured, Mrs, I will definitely take good care of your son. I won't let anything happen to him. As long as I still breathe, he will certainly be safe!"

"Thank you, sir."

The woman in white smiled, kindly saying, "But my child is a girl."

"Ah, I will definitely take good care of your daughter, there won't be a single lapse."

"I trust you, sir."

The woman in white, gracefully said, "Sir keeps his word, you are a heroic figure in this world."

Feng Yin smiled warmly and nodded with dignity.

His demeanor was full of righteousness.

But inside, he didn't know how to voice his skepticism.

Can I not keep my word, please?

"Additionally, in order to avoid what you mentioned would be trouble, sir, I have completely sealed the demon veins within her body... unless a dignitary above uses his full force to investigate, there is no risk of her identity being revealed... on the surface, she appears to be nothing more than a... physically weak ordinary kitten."

"Regarding what she eats, just feed her normal food, there's no need for anything special."

The woman in white was staring at the swaddling cloth in her hands with infinite hesitation and reluctance, "I can't stay for too long, the people after me will be here soon..."

"Sir... my daughter... I'll...entrust her to your care..."

She carefully handed over the wrapped bundle.

"Moreover...before you reach the Innate realm of power, don't rashly visit my cultivation cave...even if you have the key, if your own power isn't Innate, you will still not be able to open it...please remember that, sir."

"Once I leave, if all goes well, I should be able to return in about two years, if not...sir...please remember today's agreement."

"The restriction placed on you, sir, will automatically disappear after five years..."

Feng Yin could only feel warmth slinking into his hands, a tiny, delicate swaddled bundle had landed in his arms.

Looking at the kitten, smaller than his own palm, not yet covered in fur, plump and rosy...

Feng Yin couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

I...I don't know how to take care of it either...

The words spoken moments ago let him grasp the hint within the white-clothed woman's words.

If everything goes smoothly, she will be able to return in two years.

If not, the restriction will lift automatically after five years.

In other words... if the white-clothed woman does not come to fetch her child within five years, she might never be able to return...

But even if she were to die prematurely, she would still leave her child three years of growth...

These thoughts stirred Feng Yin's heart.

As for the restriction, Feng Yin entirely understood. If a demon clan expert like her entrusted her child to a stranger's care, and without any safeguards, even Feng Yin himself wouldn't believe it.

"Take care, sir..."

The white-clothed woman slowly rose into the sky, her gaze locked onto the swaddled baby in Feng Yin's arms, filled with tender love and reluctance to leave.

At last, two tears dropped from the sky and fell on the swaddling cloth.

"Please, take care of her..."

Her voice still lingered in the air when her figure disappeared from sight.

Feng Yin snapped out of it, awaking as if from a dream.

He stood alone at the entrance of his clinic, outside of which was nothing but a dark, rainy night.

Where were the frosty snow-covered grounds, the bright and lovely spring sunshine?

But the warmth in his arms was real enough. He looked down to find an adorable swaddled baby lying securely in his arms.

Inside, a rosy, frail kitten, its eyes still closed, lay asleep with faint breathing.

But the three high-grade Spiritual Pearls he'd just received had vanished without a trace.

In a split second, a sharp pain rose in his chest. It was an intense agony that reached his soul and pierced his heart.


Feng Yin let out a low, suppressed groan. He quickly went inside, gently put down the swaddling cloth, then hurriedly undid the front of his robe to check.

Only to find that there was nothing on the string round his neck but emptiness. The small, worn knife that he'd worn for ten years was gone.



Where did the knife go?

Feng Yin barely had any interest in guessing.

Where else could it be other than inside my body?

Where did the three demon clan's Spiritual Pearls go?

That question didn't need asking either: The knife ate them.

In that moment, Feng Yin's heart was filled with excitement.

I finally... after longing and raising it for ten laborious years, have the god-given power I've been waiting for...

Finally, it wasn't easy...

There was no need for Feng Yin to probe anything.

In his mind, a shining long knife automatically appeared.

Then, it immediately disappeared.

The Dao Classics: The Hua Ling Sutra, as though he had studied it all his life, was deeply engraved in his mind.

Dao Classics? Hua Ling Sutra?

What are these?

The God-given power technique?

Before Feng Yin had a chance to understand, he suddenly felt blind. Suddenly, a dazzling white light filled the entire world.

It seemed as though thousands of miles around were filled with a strong light. Between heaven and earth, there was nothing but an endless dazzling white.

Having been caught off guard, Feng Yin's eyes were bombarded by the powerful light, instantly causing a painful, acrid sensation. Subconsciously, he closed his eyes, only to sense an extremely solemn and majestical sensation extending infinitely from the high sky...

This intense light illuminated the world for at least three to four seconds.

As if it wanted to melt the whole world...

Then, thunder continuously echoed in the clear sky, shaking the earth.

The entire town trembled, and Feng Yin only felt the earth under his feet wave like stormy seas, swaying him. He stumbled and sat down on the ground, his ears ringing as if about to explode.

He wanted to shriek to vent the terror in his heart, but he couldn't make a sound. Before such celestial power, he felt insignificant as an ant.

His ears continued ringing, and blood flowed thickly from his nose while his heart rate had nearly reached two hundred.

His head spun dizzily, but instinctively he held the tiny swaddling cloth in his arms, protecting the tiny creature inside.

A sound, as if it could split the sky, boomed, "Your Majesty, are you just going to leave like this after leaving your realm?"

Faintly, he heard an angry, clear voice from the sky, "Purple Emperor, you have crossed the boundary line. Are you determined to annihilate?"

An imposing voice sounded from the sky like a rolling thunderclap, "Your Majesty violated an agreement and entered our realm secretly. You've stayed for more than two hundred years. I, as the guardian of this land, cannot allow a demon to strut around here openly. If I have offended you, please forgive me."

That clear voice was unmistakably from the woman in white from before.

The latter voice should be the person pursuing her. It seems he too is a pinnacle powerhouse.

But Feng Yin's heart thumped at their words.

Your Majesty?

That woman... ahem, the woman who claimed to be a demon, is actually addressed as 'Your Majesty'?

He had tried to estimate the woman's identity as highly as possible, but he hadn't expected her to be a 'Your Majesty'?

Just what kind of Greater Demon could be addressed as a Majesty?

This question seemingly isn't a question anymore?

So, the one being held in his arms now is... a princess?

"So noble! Suddenly it all feels so noble!"

Feng Yin gasped.

His gaze towards the swaddled baby was now quite different.

Who would have thought that he would get the chance to hold a person of such distinguished birth?

Suddenly, he felt as if his own status had been universally elevated.


[Something super embarrassing happened to me today. Got ridiculed mercilessly by that prick SeaSoulShirt... I can't even...I'm outta here...]