
Chapter 6: The Introduction to Divine Skills [as usual, asking for recommendation votes]

Translator: 549690339


Feng Yin had never seen such an incredible technique!

The shock at this moment was beyond a pleasant surprise.

The second cycle of cultivation had just started, and with a sudden crisp sound, it seemed as if a breeze blew between heaven and earth. Countless spirits floated in the air, converging like a sea of rivers, rushing towards him!

In the blink of an eye, Feng Yin was wrapped in dense spirit energy, which forcefully intruded his meridians via his pores.

Instantly, Feng Yin felt his body bloat up, the sensation so acute that his meridians seemed about to burst.

It was like a stomach, used to staying hungry for years on a meager diet, suddenly stuffed with a banquet.

Even though the stomach was full to bursting, more food was crammed in, then poked forcefully with a stick, and after that, more cramming followed.

This was a kind of bliss.

However, this bliss was overwhelmingly intense, forcing Feng Yin to suffer peculiar ecstasy.

"I can bear it!"

The narrow meridians rapidly filled with the abundant spirit energy, inflating even further, then bit by bit entering and flowing inside…

Along the path of the technique, continuous circulation ensued…

Feng Yin felt as though his body was being torn apart.

Grinding his teeth, enduring the intense pain, his cheeks swelled up.

His eyes were nearly bulging out.

But how could he not know that this was the most crucial step!

This was a moment that marked a new era and a new century.

If he endured it, unlimited happiness lay ahead. If he couldn't… well, he had to!

Knowing that his aptitude wasn't great after so many years of practice, Feng Yin had accepted early on.

If he gave up now because of the pain, even if he was lucky enough to survive, he'd never be able to learn this technique in his lifetime.

The greater the agony, the more it needed to be tackled boldly!

"In my previous life, I could smile and brown nose after being scolded by the boss for 45 minutes straight. This pain is nothing compared to that…"

"Make it hurt more!"

"All for Lingxiao Day!"

"Lingxiao Day...ahhhhh~~~~"

"Ouch~~~ Damn, it hurts...ouch…"

The surrounding spirit energy continually flooded towards him, like waves of tiny microscopic bugs, relentlessly coming in waves.

With cheeks twitching, Feng Yin employed his supreme tolerance, honed from enduring a boss's reprimands for 45 minutes without complaint - an advanced skill learned from years of grueling work hours, putting up with discomfort in his meridians.

His facial expression resembled that of a man struggling on the toilet after a week of constipation.

His face flushed with strain, veins popping, eyes seeming to bulge out from effort, trying to push through all at once, to reach that level of utter relief…

Suddenly, with a loud sound, he let out a huge fart after his whole body's meridians were completely unblocked.

"I wasted a lot of spirit energy, released too much essence. Ah, what a pity…"

Finally, he was beginning to lose endurance…

Suddenly, the bundle in his arms stirred. The little guy, eyes closed, started crawling unconsciously, moving his mouth and limbs while desperately searching for something...

Suddenly...he found it…

Following his instinct, he turned his head and latched onto a spot on Feng Yin's chest...

and began to suck vigorously!

"Ouch!... Um…little ancestor...I don't think I have that capability..."

Feng Yin felt a tingling sensation where the little guy was nuzzling. His entire body shivered.


Extremely sudden!!

A considerable amount of energy burst out from that spot and was sucked forth...

Most importantly, due to his cultivation, the incoming spirit energy had become incredibly abundant. Feng Yin couldn't bear it anymore. The water overflowed its banks… and the little guy's mouth just so happened to catch the excess...

The little guy clung to him, eyes closed, swallowing mouthful after mouthful with a satisfied expression on his face.


Feng Yin was so stunned he didn't know what to say...


I can nourish him!

I can actually nourish him!!

What the hell!!!

At this moment, in his arms, the little guy was closed-eyed, working his mouth onto Feng Yin with the intensity of a baby latching onto its milk...

Simultaneously, the massive spirit energy began to flood into the little guy's body silently…

The little guy didn't seem to mind the torrent of spirit energy at all, showing no pressure. His body, which was slightly wet before, slowly dried out…

He continued to nurse, with his brows becoming more relaxed and eyes filling with satisfaction.

Feng Yin felt a numbing sensation in waves, which made him doubt his gender...

Am I a man or…

Damn it, I can be latched onto like that…

Oh Heaven, Oh Earth, which immortal can explain why this little one could breathe from me…


That really was...breathing.

However, this made things much more comfortable.

After a very long time…


Feng Yin finally let out a sigh as the circulation route of the Spiritual Transformation Technique was finally unblocked.

The sensation like being sliced bit by bit by tiny knives all over his body had finally ceased for now.

The cycle of spirit energy circulation was complete!

As globs of filth seeped out from the pores all over his body, he felt a pain as if he had just been subjected to torture. The sensations felt incredibly vivid and real, leaving an afterglow that was still palpable. However, his spirits were strangely high.

He swiftly pulled out his whatever from the mouth of the little fellow who had already fallen asleep and stopped suckling.

He rubbed himself a little, grumbling inwardly.

"I never thought I could be eaten too… this really goes beyond my understanding of physiology…"

But his astonishment was immediately replaced with joy.

It seemed that he had successfully mastered the technique.

"Finally, I've overcome this hurdle."

A sense of accomplishment swelled up inside Feng Yin. He had never hoped for immediate success. His simple principle was: face the hurdles head-on, then think about what comes next after crossing them!

As for the next one, well, he would deal with it when it came.

There's no point worrying ahead of time.

Besides, Feng Yin was acutely aware that the successful circling of his second major energy cycle had perhaps marked a monumental leap forward regarding his aptitude.

This feeling was real and prominent.

If the original Feng Yin could only cultivate up to Human-Level One, the current Feng Yin should at least be able to reach... the Human-Level Three.

After all, it was only his first day, his first time.

Just one cycle of cultivation had made Feng Yin feel a distinct, fundamental difference.

It wasn't that he didn't want to continue cultivating, but after unblocking meridians, there had to be a period of rest; after all, this was about expanding the meridians, not ascending to a new realm, which reflected fundamental differences.

Haste makes waste.

Having lived in this world for ten years, Feng Yin had gained a fair bit of common sense.

At this time, he felt something wriggling in his arms.

It was only then that Feng Yin came to his senses. Without bothering to check his newly acquired superpower, he turned his attention to the little thing in his arms – his very life now depended on it.

If something were to happen to it, he wouldn't have any hope left.

The restrictive order... was still bound to his body.

Feng Yin quickly grabbed a dustpan, lined it thickly with old clothes to make a makeshift cat nest, and placed the little thing in it.

The roof was gone, so he couldn't let the little thing get chilled by the wind. What would he do if it caught a cold?

"Cats… I've raised them before."

As Feng Yin carefully undid the swaddling around the little fellow, his face contorted, "But a newborn kitty that's less than two days old… I really haven't taken care of one before…"

Without enough time for a proper washing, he hurriedly prepared a bowl of gruel to feed the little ancestor.

He had carefully mixed half a Marrow Cleansing Pill, crushed into powder, into the gruel, ensuring no grit was left.

He then proceeded to feed it spoonful by spoonful.

She was gentle and careful… cough, my stage name is Gentle, is this where it's supposed to be used?

The little creature hadn't even opened its eyes yet, and was only instinctively opening its mouth, revealing a pink little tongue; it delightedly and contentedly licked the gruel.

Clearly, it was starving.

"What did I do in my past life to deserve this?"

Feng Yin looked at the little fellow helplessly: "After being in this different world for so long, I'm actually experiencing what it's like to be a poop scooper again…"

"Moreover, serving you improperly will result in serious consequences, and I could easily be risking my life... Even on Earth, I've never been so suppressed, okay…"

While the little creature closed its eyes and drank the gruel, a look of satisfaction spread across its face. Its little belly rose and fell rhythmically. Its little tail was wagging, though only the tip moved...

The fate of the poop-scooper? It has nothing to do with me, the Cat Master, it's irrelevant, just like a passing cloud...

"Oh no, you should drink less…"

While Feng Yin was daydreaming and feeding it, he had already served half a bowl of gruel.

Looking at the little thing still licking its tongue, he couldn't help but wear a bitter face.

"I hope I'm not overfeeding you…"

A small thing the size of half of his palm had already eaten half a bowl of gruel. Does it have a stomach connected to the starry sea?

This alone would force Feng Yin to accept more and more tasks, otherwise, how could he afford it!

He sat on his bed, holding his ancestral-like little thing, feeling unfortunate.

Am I still an assassin?

Who has ever seen an assassin with a baby?

Just got the superpower, and immediately became a dad. No, he seemed to have taken on the role of a nursing mother as well.

Well, isn't this assassin a bit warm?

After being filled with spiritual energy and having a feast, the little creature fell into a deep sleep in its swaddle.

Feng Yin didn't feel anything after several checks, and couldn't help but marvel at the fact that the little fellow hadn't wet himself yet.

Even a human baby would have probably wet itself several times by now, but this little thing was surprisingly clean.

"No wonder it's the offspring of a Greater Demon."

Feng Yin sincerely praised it.

Yes, the fact a baby that has been eaten for half an hour without peeing… Feng Yin felt it was definitely worth praising.

Since he doesn't need to take care of the baby, he quickly began reading the Dao Classics to increase his power – a fundamental solution to all.

Feng Yin felt very weird.

A ragged little knife disappeared and turned into a Dao Classic, and also extended a method of the Dao Classic, the Spiritual Transformation Technique.

If there's Dao Classics: Hua Ling Sutra, there ought to be others, correct?

Like Dao Classics: Something…?

And Dao Classics: Some other…?

Feng Yin was full of anticipation.

So, he started learning right away.


[Today is the birthday of Feng Llong, the leader of the Shadow Alliance. Happy birthday to her.]