
Chapter 3: Why Me? [Please Recommend]

Translator: 549690339


It was now the unholy hour of the night, the Hour of the Mouse was upon them when someone rapped on the door urgently!

Xu the Third and Xu the Fourth turned a shade paler, warning together, "Master, we need to be cautious. The martial world is fraught with dangers, you shouldn't let your guard down at the sight of uninvited guests in the dead of night!"

Had it not been for Little Broken Blade growing hot, Feng Yin would have ignored it undoubtedly.

After all, it is natural to put one's interests first.

Do people really believe that Good Samaritan Clinic is inherently good?

My clinic ensures the well-being of its owner first, then others!

However, at the moment...

Feng Yin stood up, asserting solemnly, "You two are mistaken. It's said that doctors should have a heart as caring as parents. Is it just empty talk? If someone seeks medical help at night, he is likely to be critically ill. Can we ignore him? As Doctors, we are gifted with benevolent hearts and abundant wisdom to save lives. Should we segregate our duties based on time, or should we risk lives just to avoid minor dangers? This certainly is not the way of a medical professional!"

Having said that, he stood filled with integrity and awe, looking eager to answer the door.

Xu the Third, Xu the Fourth: "..."

Both exchanged puzzled glances.

They felt their composure teetering on the edge.

Was this the same man who, just a moment ago, was an unscrupulous quack who would do anything for money?


Feng Yin rushed out and swung the door open. As he adjusted his eyes, he felt disoriented as if he had been transported from his world to a snow-covered landscape.

"An illusion? Or..."

Feng Yin furrowed his brow instinctively. Without any warning, it drew him in.

What was it?

At that moment, a white shadow came flying from the mountaintop far away in the illusion-scene.

Clad in white, she moved gracefully through the air.

The white-clothed woman was there before him in the blink of an eye.

As Feng Yin set his eyes on her, they sparkled. They were filled with deep admiration for her elegance and beauty.

This white-clothed woman's beauty was ethereal; even Feng Yin, who was nurtured in an internet-world, showed not a shred of indecent thought as he met her.

He could only admire, only be amazed.

The white-clothed woman stopped before Feng Yin, gave a slight smile and said, "My apologies, sir. I had to resort to a little trick due to some compulsions. I hope you understand."

Seeing Feng Yin shivering a little, she waved her hand, turning the freezing landscape into a bright, warm summer day.

A gentle breeze flowed, Feng Yin felt unbearably comfortable, but he was even more shocked.

Changing the environment just with a flick of her hand?

What level of cultivation did she have?

This was beyond Feng Yin's comprehension, beyond anything he could conceive.

This white-clad woman was indeed a formidable expert, a force in her own right, which was beyond his understanding.

Feng Yin realized a truth: he must not offend her.

If he served her well...it might prove to be quite beneficial.

"Not at all," Feng Yin responded with a warm and inviting smile, revealing his most amiable and benevolent side.

He adopted a refined demeanor, "I am merely a doctor, and I believe in being as compassionate as parents towards my patients. If you have sought my help at this hour, I understand you must have dire needs. Feel free to speak your heart. I'll do my best to help."

The white-clothed woman responded with a soft laugh, like a blooming lotus, "You indeed are a good person, something I already knew and was certain about."

Feng Yin: ???

You know me? You've been certain about it?

What does that mean?

Isn't that flattery quite unnecessary?

"I have no other reason to come here, but to ask you for a favor," the white-clothed woman sighed softly, "I hope you'll agree."

"If it's anything that I'm capable of, don't hesitate to ask. I'll do it without a second thought," Feng Yin thumped his chest with bravado, with a righteous and mighty demeanor.

Mainly because the woman was too powerful, capable of turning him into ashes with a puff of air. There was no chance for him to refuse.

Having lived two lifetimes, Feng Yin knew one thing: it's not shameful to yield when you're at a disadvantage.

In front of this awe-inspiring master, who probably was incredibly wealthy and certainly not a pauper, he might seize the chance to cling onto her coattails if she needed his help.

This was absolutely a great opportunity!

Yet, while radiating righteousness, Feng Yin made sure not to make any absolute promises. What if her request was something completely beyond his capability?

It was necessary to provide an escape clause after all.

"Thank you, Sir," she bowed her head gently, and said, "Actually, I'm not a human; I'm a creature from the Monster Clan."

"Monster Clan?"

Feng Yin widened his eyes, his face betraying utter shock.

Although he knew about the existence of demon beasts and demons before conversing with Xu the Third's brothers, this was indeed his first encounter with a demon.

He'd happened to meet demon beasts once or twice before.

So all demons... are they all so beautiful?

"Yes, I am part of the demon clan, specifically of the Seven Orifice Spirit Cat tribe."

The woman in white sighed lightly and said, "I have come uninvited because I had no other choice..."

As she spoke, she hesitated a little, stretched out her hand, and in her hand appeared a small swaddle.

Inside the swaddle was a tiny kitten the size of half a palm, still unopened its eyes, soundly asleep. Its little belly was rising and falling slightly.

"This here is my child. I would like for you to look after him for a few days." The woman in white was filled with feelings of motherly love and reluctance to part ways.


After hearing her words, Feng Yin was utterly stupefied.

What is she talking about?

She turned out to be an unparalleled beauty upon our first meeting, and the moment she spoke, she wanted to leave her child in my care?

What does she mean by this?

Wait, is this a... a story about being a foster father?


"This... I..."

Feng Yin was so bewildered that he didn't know what response to give: "Your child...why...what's going on?"

The woman in white managed a bitter smile, "Life is unpredictable. Unless it is absolutely necessary, who would willingly part ways with their child..."

She gazed at the distant sky and slowly said,"Three hundred years ago, I left the Bi Hai Mountain to understand a deeper level of existence, but then I faced the greatest emotional tribulation of my life... Since I found out that I was pregnant, I've been living in hiding in the southern border... "

"A hundred and fifty years went by in a daze. Just yesterday, I gave birth, but someone revealed my hiding place... My peaceful and happy life was ruined overnight."

"Though I am a demon, I have been kind all my life, I have little to no karmic implications, and never once have I taken an innocent life. This disaster... was an undeserved misfortune..."

"Now I am about to undertake a long journey, along the way endless battles await, the enemy is extremely formidable, and my combat power has significantly decreased because of childbirth; should there be fierce combat, it would surely be in high altitudes... The wind is piercing, the child is completely defenseless, and putting him in my spirit space could mean his death."

"Moreover, this betrayal comes from a high-ranking demon. Even if I luckily make it back, there will be endless troubles down the line. Even with my child, there's no guarantee that I can protect even one of his life sources."

The woman in white smiled faintly, but her smile was full of weariness and disgust, and her eyes flashed with sorrow.

"Therefore, taking my child with me is absolutely impossible."

"I beg your pardon... but where is the child's father?"

A profound sadness flashed in the woman in white's eyes: "Last night, to cover for me and the child, he single-handedly drew the attention of all the enemies. His current whereabouts and condition are unknown..."

"This hatred, this enmity, in this life and the next, on earth and in the afterlife... will never be put to rest!"

The woman in white took a deep breath and whispered.

Feng Yin forced down the shivers he felt.

He could feel that beneath her whispered words, there was a vast sea of hatred and resentment.

It's understandable when you think about it. A happy family of three, full of peace and happiness, has their lives turned upside down overnight, their home destroyed, their family scattered, who could bear such a thing?

"Please don't take offense to me asking, but why has madam sought out me? My cultivation is limited, even if my word carries a lot of weight, I am rather incapable, and it might inevitably lead to regret!"

"And this consequence is not only something you can't afford to bear, madam, but also something I can't afford."

This was the point that Feng Yin couldn't quite understand.

"We, the Seven Orifice Spirit Cats, have the innate ability to attract good fortune and avoid disaster."

"In a radius of 3,000 miles, only here, where you are, do I sense a hint of heavenly fortune, giving me a sense of safety and the ability to protect my child."

The woman in white hesitated for a moment, as if she didn't want to say something, and said,"I beg you, please grant me this request."

Her face was pale, almost without blood.

She looked like a snow-white complexion at a distance, but now that they were closer, Feng Yin could see that the woman who claimed to be from the Spirit Cat tribe was clearly severely injured.

But this reasoning seems rather ridiculous.

An innate ability to attract good luck and avoid bad luck?!

She feels safe around me? Feel that I can protect her child?

This... is based on feelings?

Despite the serious moment, Feng Yin couldn't help but be distracted. He remembered a song with the lyrics "Follow your feeling."

In all honesty, how could my weak body make this powerful demon feel even mildly safe?

She's not joking, is she?

"If you grant me this request, I won't let you down."

The woman in white, despite her severe injuries, spoke with such softness and gentleness, "Our hiding place has been exposed, but...our other cultivation place is still safe... We came to the hiding place solely to ensure a smooth childbirth... "

"If you agree, I can provide you with a pass to that place... As soon as your cultivation reaches Beyond the Heaven, you can go to the place where I cultivate. There, I have some rewards for you."

As she spoke, she turned over her wrist, revealing three sparkling objects in her palm.

The little knife in Feng Yin's chest suddenly burned hot.

That kind of burning sensation almost made Feng Yin scream out loud.


[Please place your votes for recommendation.]

[I woke up this morning and read the comments for an hour, and all I can say is: you guys are brilliant. I'm going to die laughing in the comment section one of these days... The best part about writing is seeing the comment section; there are so many geniuses.]

[Don't worry, dear readers. I'll add more to the story once it's published.]