
Chapter 13: Doctor Feng's Medicine Refining Record

Translator: 549690339


The stagnation at the ninth rank of the Postnatal stage, it was a breakthrough!

Feng Yin made significant progress in his cultivation and felt overjoyed, yet he promptly covered his nose.

He was a bit depressed.

Although the breakthrough was a good thing, the side effect seemed a bit too...significant.

It seemed others didn't experience this during their breakthrough. Why was it that whenever he made a breakthrough, so much filth was produced?

Was it that every time he made a breakthrough, it smelled like a public bathroom had exploded?

That... was a bit too unpleasant and unsettling.

Yes, not to mention it smelled terrible, really terrible.

Ever since he began this practice, it felt like he had become an automatic human manure sprayer...

"Eeek~~huff, huff…"

The small creature on the bed, which had been quiet before, suddenly started to stir.

Its small nose wrinkled as it gasped for air.

Even in its dreams, a look of distaste covered its face.

"Damn... it must be the smell that's bothering my little buddy..." Feng Yin quickly opened the window to let in some fresh air and then hurried to take a bath.

Darn, he seemed to have taken several baths in recent days, this was not a good habit!

Then, he heard some cursing from not too far away—

"Damn... what reeks so much... I was eating, and I choked... damn it…"

"Who? Who has no public morale, did you poop in your pants?"

"Come out, let us take a look. If you can stink this much, you must be talented..."

"Damn it, it's mealtime, I'm not sure I can continue eating... Do you have no sense of decency, no quality..."


Feng Yin wasn't affected by the comments, completely ignoring them.

You all are cursing the person who smells, but now that I'm clean and fresh, what does it have to do with me?

He came back to his room while drying his hair.

The era of men keeping long hair was still a little uncomfortable, even after so many years.

"Right now I'm at the ninth rank of the Postnatal stage, and I haven't reached the Innate realm. If I were to continue practicing according to the original Heavenly Judge method, it would take at least a year under the best conditions. There's a chance I might get stuck just before the Innate realm without making any progress, given my original aptitude wasn't very good. But now... considering the speed at which I'm progressing with the Spiritual Transformation Technique, it shouldn't take too long... Maybe one or two months... I think?" Feng Yin pondered.

He was also feeling his way through this process without any practical references, making it very difficult to come to a concrete conclusion.

"Next, I need to better understand the specific rankings of the martial artists in the Jianghu world."

"I better not behave like I did before, rushing around blindly..."

"What Xu the Third said is still too general. That guy is a fool. His words never make sense, he mixes up everything, believing in his words blindly will definitely lead to mistakes."

"I must systematically understand the details, so that I won't have trouble figuring out which realm I've reached later on."


To be honest, before obtaining the Spiritual Transformation Technique, Feng Yin would not even have considered studying such matters.

With such an ordinary practice and no talent, why bother thinking about those things?

Surviving had been the main priority.

Reaching the peak of the Postnatal stage, just one step away from Innate, had been a big goal for Feng Yin as he truly didn't have much talent.

But now that he had acquired the Spiritual Transformation Technique, Feng Yin's mindset had greatly changed.

Not only did he gain far more self-confidence, but also a kind of 'I control my own fate, not destiny' feeling was starting to grow within him.

No matter how you look at it, I am now a person with a 'golden finger', and this golden finger has a miraculous ability.

If I don't set some big goals, it'll be too embarrassing!

If before I would have considered reaching the Gold Rank assassin as the utmost limit of my abilities, now, I feel I can aim for the realm of the Sacred.

What's more, I still possess this miraculous healing ability.

I can already imagine the vast amounts of money, like an incoming Pacific Ocean, surging towards me.

If the Spiritual Transformation Technique gives Feng Yin more self-confidence, then the miraculous effects of this spiritual qi directly grant him extraordinary determination!

The Spiritual Transformation Technique only speeds up the cultivation process, which does not prove anything for the time being. After all, there are too many stronger enemies and my current level is too low.

But the effect of this spiritual qi... hehe.

In any world, once you begin cultivation, you can't avoid the four characters: wealth, relationship, law, and land!

Among them, wealth occupies the first place.

Money can command ghosts and can also communicate with gods. It is the truth that applies across all heavens and worlds!

Every world has its own rules.

It is not the case that once you obtain power superior to ordinary people, you can rob at will.

Even in the chaotic world, it is not like this.

Making money, no matter in which world, is always the primary concern.

And all of the worlds have this one thing in common: no matter the world, earning money is equally difficult!

The Spiritual Transformation Technique is, of course, good.

However, in Feng Yin's cultivation process, a huge amount of resources are indispensable. It's not that the Spiritual Transformation Technique does not require other resources.

And to get these resources, the most direct method is to use money.

Huge sums of money!

And the fact that spiritual qi can effectively cure wounds and diseases essentially presents Feng Yin with a highway to success!

The money on this road is at once endless and inexhaustible.

But there's only one condition, which is the issue of secrecy Feng Yin himself has been considering, as well as safety.

How to use this to make money while not exposing his abilities is a problem that urgently needs to be resolved.


"What should I do?" Feng Yin contemplated with furrowed brows. Remembering that it was time for Xu the Third to take his medicine, Feng Yin began to stew the medicine.

First, he used normal medicinal herbs, mixed them together, then he infused a little bit of the Spiritual Transformation Qi into a certain herb...

Just a little bit, not a drop more. To disguise it, he deliberately added extra Coptis herb to the mix.

This stuff is great for calming heat on the body, the more, the merrier. Xu the Third will definitely find it useful.

"Here, the evening medicine, fifty taels."

Upon seeing this, Xu the Third couldn't help but feel overjoyed, offering endless gratitude, "Sir, you truly have a kind heart and healing hands, full of benevolence and generosity, saving people from suffering and sprinkling benefits upon humanity..."

He hastily picked it up and drained the bowl in one gulp.

Immediately, his facial expression became bizarre.

What the hell... what the hell is this? Why is it so damn bitter?

Although the previous medicines were also very bitter, this time, at least on top of the original taste, it was doubled!


Moreover, it wasn't just bitter. What happened to the warm feeling in his chest and abdomen... the feeling of recovering from injury?


Feng Yin frowned and asked: "How is it? I adjusted the prescription according to your physical condition. It should still be effective, right?"


Xu the Third looked distressed and said, "... How could I...not feel anything?"

"You didn't feel anything?"

Feng Yin seemed thoughtful and nodded, "That's right."

Saying that, he picked up the medicine bowl and turned to leave.

Xu the Third was instantly confused.

It's correct to not feel anything?

What kind of explanation is that?

Seeing Feng Yin had already reached the door, Xu the Third ventured to ask, "Sir...are you testing the medicine?"


Feng Yin didn't hide anything.

This was a stopgap measure he had thought of after pondering and worrying.

The purpose of this was to test whether the Spiritual Transformation Technique could be transferred through medicinal herbs, but he was pretending to test a new medicine.

Soon this news would spread: The miraculous doctor, after hundreds and thousands of experiments, finally created a certain fantastical medicine so miraculous, it stunned the heavens and made ghosts cry. This was the best plan to mask the lingering effects of the Spiritual Transformation Technique...

"Sir, I will definitely cooperate wholeheartedly! I will definitely drink the medicine properly... I strive to help complete your experiment as early as possible, so I can also say that I have contributed a little..."

Xu the Third was overjoyed, offered to volunteer, feeling like he had found a path to healing without spending any money.

"What are you thinking? A bowl is fifty taels, it's not free."

Feng Yin said.

"What's going on..."

Xu the Third was stupefied.

You're using me as a guinea pig, yet you're still charging me?

"You're not willing? Oh, that doesn't matter. I believe there are plenty of people outside who would be willing to cooperate with me."

Feng Yin said indifferently, and without stopping, he headed for the door.

With a thud, his trouser leg was already being held tightly.

At his feet.

Xu the Third cried, "Sir, I'm willing, sir..."

"I'm willing to do anything..."

"Sir, I'm at your disposal... do whatever you want with me... Starting from this moment, I'm yours. You can use me however you wish."

Xu the Third humbly said.

"Humph! That cheap skin of yours! Your brain isn't even as big as an apricot seed, it's all mush inside your skull, and yet you dare to be cunning with me..."

Feng Yin departed with a snort.

Xu the Third was left alone with a resentful expression, daring to be angry but not daring to speak.

After a long time, he actually brought out a ruler and measured his head, muttering to himself, "Is the apricot at your house really this big?"


In the middle of the night.

Feng Yin once again started making medicine.

This time, he boiled all the herbs, including the doubled quantity of coptis, into a medicinal soup, then directly poured a trace of spiritual energy into the soup...

He carried the medicine bowl to Xu the Third.

Xu the Third drained the bowl in one gulp. After finishing the medicine, the bitter expression on his face increased dramatically, but he smacked his lips immediately.

"Sir, the medicine you made... it's started working! Although it's more bitter than before, I felt much better after a moment. However, compared to the previous bowl, the effect is not as pronounced..."

There was no need to mention that.

After drinking the previous bowl, Xu the Third almost ascended to heaven in pure bliss.

This bowl, although it had an immediate effect, was greatly reduced from before.

From the patient's perspective, this was clearly a noticeable difference in feeling.


Feng Yin furrowed his brows and said, "Why do you think I adjusted the prescription? This feeling you have now is just right. The medicine needs to keep the body in balance. Too fast or too slow will put too much strain on the body. If all the medicines were as intense as the previous one, although it seems extremely comfortable, it can easily leave aftereffects. This gradual type of healing is the most stable."

"Sickness comes like a collapsing mountain; sickness leaves like pulling out a thread. This, you need to understand."

"Sir, you are truly wise. I have learned a lot."

Indeed, we can mix it in the medicine soup or the medicine paste, but we cannot simply attach it to one kind of medicine. In this case... It seems feasible.

Feng Yin carried the medicine bowl back and, while lost in thought, he began mixing porridge for the little guy again.

The little thing ate it with a disgusted look on his face, his small face wrinkled up, and he ate with big gulps.

Beyond porridge, can't you make anything else?

What about milk?

If there's no milk, air would do... At least let me suck on something, right?


[Tomorrow is Monday again, need to strive for the top, three more chapters. One more at ten in the morning, one more at one in the afternoon, and one more at six in the evening.
