
Chapter 12: On the Self-Cultivation of a Divine Doctor

Translator: 549690339

Feng Yin was completely bewildered in his heart.

This... This is the fucking Spiritual Gathering realm which can transform beings, right?

I clearly haven't achieved the first realm yet, and merely familiarized myself with the route of practicing, only a tiny bit leaked out. How come... it's like this?

Instantly withdrawing his finger, he put on a confident smile and said: "Your condition is slightly better than the previous man. The trick I just used was to test, and it indeed verified my prediction."

Then he put on a serious face and warned earnestly: "But these little tricks can only temporarily make you feel better, they can't really cure your disease. The same constraints apply, internal injuries are still internal injuries. Don't forget that they can't be ignored when they've been in your body for a long time."

"Yes, yes, sir, I will listen to your advice." Wang Daoba was ecstatic.

Looking at the previously green-haired man, his eyes carried a certain degree of condescension and self-satisfaction.

Little shit, my injury is lighter than yours!

The doctor said so!

Feng Yin was speechless: What's there to be so proud about? No matter how light the injury was, you still got beaten up.

Is it really necessary?

Truly necessary?

But the face of the first patient, a burly man with green hair, visibly darkened... his face full of sadness.

It appears that he truly was surpassed...

Then after doing the same for Luo Quan and Luo Guo, pushing their dates back twenty days for similar reasons, everyone thanked Feng Yin fervently...

"You guys go about your business, I'll be here, I can't run away. Whenever you are free, you can come over. I got some things to attend to, so I'll take my leave now."

After getting those men to leave the shop...

Feng Yin didn't explain anything, he directly closed the shop.

He had to figure out what the leaked spiritual energy was all about. The unexpected leakage just now had scared him into a cold sweat.




Daoba and the other three were full of admiration and happiness as they stood at the front of the door.

Despite the many people who came later and were all turned away, no one created trouble. They only wondered, "How was it?"

Daoba bursts with joy, bragging: "How was it? Heh heh heh, why would I tell you how it went?"

Green-hair: "I don't have much to say, just two words."

The crowd asked: "Which two words?"

Green-hair: "Awesome! He's really awesome! I've never seen such an awesome doctor in my life, he's just... just... too awesome!"

He struggled to praise, but due to his lack of education, he could only add an extra 'too'.

Luo Guo: "The doctor promised me that when my turn comes, he'll be able to cure my disease, haha... this injury has plagued me for 13 years, 13 years!"

Luo Quan: "Heaven has mercy, allowing me to meet the doctor... my injury finally has hope of being cured, my life finally has hope of being saved..."

As he spoke, his eyes welled up with tears. It's clear that he couldn't contain his overwhelming emotions.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

People's hearts are burning. Isn't he a divine doctor!

Wu Tiejun is indeed reliable, he never speaks falsely.

Some were so anxious that they wanted to knock on the door, but they were stopped by Daoba and the other three: "The doctor said that he wants to have some quiet. You dare to disturb him, I'll chop you down with a single slash!"

Daoba, Green-hair, Luo Guo, and Luo Quan put their hands on their weapons, standing in front of the door, staring.

They were like dutiful bodyguards.

No one moved anymore.

It's not because they were afraid of these four guys, but because they didn't dare to offend such a divine doctor.

They all stood at the door, staring at the couplet in a trance.

"Whether I open or close the door is all up to my mood... That's so... That's so unique, he really did close the door!"

"He had just opened the door and then he closed it, just so willful! It shows that he really has skills!"

"Exactly... His standards are really high..."

"The question of good or bad treatment depends on your luck... The saying is domineering. But what kind of doctor would dare to say such things? This sentence may seem rude at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, the standards are high as the sky!"

"True! This phrase is really clear: if you can't get better at my place, then your life is coming to an end...How confident do you have to be to say such a thing?"

"Awesome..." (broken voice)




Feng Yin was in the shop, listening to the outside discussions, and could only feel his calves twitching.

That was not really what I meant.

How could this be twisted so much?

It seems I have no choice but to become a divine doctor...

Walking to the infirmary in the backyard, Xu the Third was taking deep breaths, exhaling slowly, and healing his wounds in his own way.

"Drink this bowl of medicine."

Feng Yin brought over a bowl of dark medicine.

Even Feng Yin himself didn't know what was in this bowl of medicine, but it was certain that it didn't have any harm.

After all, it was made of medicine dregs and Chinese goldthread, nothing else could be guaranteed, but it was definitely bitterer than the average medicine...

"You are really... too... too kind..."

Xu the Third was moved to tears: "Even though my brother and I owe you so much... you are still willing to provide this medicine for free..."

"You're overthinking."

Feng Yin said sternly: "This medicine is a new medicine, it will definitely greatly benefit your injury, and the cost will be calculated separately, fifty units."

"Fifty units it is."

Xu the Third drank it in one gulp, not caring about the bitter taste of the medicine at all, and wiped his mouth with the attitude of a bachelor who didn't care about the debt.

"Stretch out your hand, let me check your pulse to confirm the condition."

Feng Yin said: "After drinking this bowl of medicine, there should be significant benefits to your body."

Speaking these words, he reached out and touched Xu the Third's wrist, closing his eyes, again channelling a strand of Spirit Gathering energy, quietly probing...

What followed was abrupt, yet quite reasonable and expected...

Barely a moment after that energy had entered, Xu the Third suddenly let out a moan, the sound of sheer relief and ecstasy almost filling the air: "Oh...sir...oh...this medicine is really powerful...Ahh~~ So comfortable..."

Seeing Xu the Third's ecstatic face as the healing sensation surged through him, Feng Yin had a moment of clarity, and promptly pulled back that strand of spiritual energy.

Now, he was certain: such a shred of his true energy indeed had the ability to heal injuries and even create life!

At least for intern injuries at the Silver Rank and physical injuries at the Iron Rank, the effects were instantaneous and practically divine!

"Good grief... Now, doesn't this mean I'll be over my head in riches..."

To think, all the effect he had seen was from channeling just a tiny bit of his Spiritual Transformation energy!

If he were to harness it in large amounts, he might even be able to "bring the dead back to life and mend the broken," who knows!

Feng Yin's face remained calm as ever, but his heart was stirred.

My long-hoped-for stroke of luck, finally arrived after a decade, is so amazing... I am really going to hit the jackpot this time!




While he see Spiritual Transformation Technique can truly rejuvenate living beings, Feng Yin merely felt it was a powerful technique, useful and no more.

Because it doesn't mention what benefits one could get after rejuvenating living beings, it seems he was just meant to rejuvenate, rejuvenate, and rejuvenate...

Regarding this, Feng Yin had no complaints.

Yes, it's great that the techniques are quickly mastered, but that's about it.

But now, the fact that it might be a cure for all ailments...

Doesn't this basically mean he's soared to the heavens in a single bound!

A sense of elation flooded Feng Yin's heart.

My spring has surely come!

Xu the Third was still moaning, still feeling relieved, still enjoying...

Feng Yin had already turned and left.

"Sir...when can I have another bowl of this..."

Xu the Third called after him, his voice full of yearning: "Fifty liang... it's worth every penny..."

Feng Yin pretended not to hear him and walked out.

Xu the Fourth swallowed his saliva: "Bro, fifty liang may be very worthwhile, but... do you have that?"

Xu the Third: "..."

I don't have it!

Suddenly he was annoyed.

He roared, "Get lost!"

And Xu the Fourth scurried off.




"I truly didn't expect it to be so effective. It's almost unbelievable!!"

Feng Yin returned to his room, his face calm, but his heart roiling with shock and excitement.

"The spiritual energy generated by my Spiritual Transformation Technique can actually restore and recreate life to such an extent! I can hardly believe it!"

Even after he had sat down in his room, Feng Yin felt his heart racing, and it took a good while to calm down.

He knew very well just how earth-shattering, unthinkable, and attention-grabbing this matter was...

"I must absolutely avoid directly using my spiritual energy to heal someone's injury!"

Feng Yin took a sip of water, trying to calm his emotions, and silently warned himself: "Both the man I healed today and Xu the Third are just ordinary folks. They can't perceive the cause of their swift recovery. But if the one being healed was sharp-minded or even a great master, they can likely see through my secrets. I may end up being thrown into the palace and castrated within days."

"Being an eunuch...that would really tarnish my reputation..."

"I have to figure out a way to profit and gain fame from this, yet avoid being discovered. Easier said than done!"

Feng Yin's eyes darted around as he racked his brains over this.

"Creep into the village quietly, don't make a big fuss... Make a fortune in silence, that's the real essence of life. Playing the fool to catch the wise is the source of true happiness..."




First, Feng Yin fed his young charge a bowl of gruel, then carefully changed the baby's diaper.

Then he began practicing his techniques again.

As for the martial artists hopefully waiting outside, he paid them no mind.

Relentlessly cultivating and improving oneself was always the key, particularly after discovering the miraculous potential of his own techniques. Redoubling his efforts was only logical.

While people came and went continuously outside the clinic, Feng Yin remained obstinately behind closed doors, paying them no heed.

But in the eyes of the outsiders, it just emphasized his mysterious, masterful style. After all, a master moves in mysterious ways, it's only natural!

A divine doctor is as expected a divine doctor!

If they didn't put on airs and have a bit of a temper, I wouldn't believe they were truly divine doctors!

But Feng Yin's thinking was much simpler:

If you've put me on a pedestal, then I won't step down.

This time, Feng Yin practiced the Spiritual Transformation Technique for an entire afternoon, trying hard to enlarge the Spirit Gathering energy vortex in his Dantian...

Spiritual power continued to rush in until his meridians felt swollen, like his body was at its limit. After ninety-nine completed cycles, it was finally done.

Feng Yin felt as if there was a thin paper layer within him that suddenly tore open, unleashing an inexplicable surge of power coursing through his entire body...

Swarms of impurities suddenly erupted from his pores, making his room stink in an instant.

When he perceived the familiar stench, Feng Yin had a moment of insight.

Could it be... a breakthrough?!
