
Chapter 14: Gentle or Not Gentle

Translator: 549690339

The little creature has changed again.

Its white fur is becoming smoother and glossier by the day, giving off a crystalline glow, making it look pleasing to the eye and irresistible to touch.

Nowadays its chubby, rosy body is completely concealed by a layer of fluffy fur.

Like a small ball of white fluff.

Diminutive and adorable.

Throughout the day, the little one has been blinking its eyes several times like it's trying really hard to open them.

From Feng Yin's perspective, it seems like it could open its eyes as early as tomorrow.

It seems like it can't wait to see me...

As for the little one's appearance after opening its eyes, Feng Yin is earnestly looking forward to it.

After all, its mother is so beautiful...

Feng Yin has only cared for the little creature for two days, but it already feels hard to let it go...

"If this continues, I will presumably feel reluctant to give it back to its mother after a few years..."

Feng Yin sighed.

Deliberately or not, he touched the little one's face, stroked its head, and rubbed its bottom.

He then felt addicted and continued touching, stroking, and rubbing it several times.

The feeling is so excellent, there is no will to stop.


The little one made a milky sound, yawning as it stretched its limbs, clearly showing signs of laziness.

"Alright, alright, you don't seem to be pleased, I'll start practicing."

Feng Yin then proceeded to practice his technique, with the little one in his arms.

While doing so, feeding it milk.

The 'Milk Mother' Feng Yin has already become proficient. After opening his shirt, he started practicing the Spiritual Transformation Technique, and when the spiritual energy burst forth...

The little creature moved forward to latch on by itself.

A seamless process with the Heavenly Clothes.

Then, both big and small simultaneously started practicing...

This process was so embarrassing for the 'Milk Mother' Feng Yin that he closed all the doors and windows tightly and even used a door rod each time he practiced.

If anyone saw this position...

I, a grown man, feeding a kitten in a pose like a nurturing mother, brazenly opening my shirt...

Also, Feng Yin was worried about another matter and he secretly asked an old aunt about some professional advice - he couldn't ask anyone else, or he would be branded as a flirt.

So during this practice, Feng Yin switched sides for the little one to feed on...ahem.

You can't just feed on one side, what if that caused...ahem.

This requires experience or else it could lead to imbalance.

Needless to say, Feng Yin was meticulous.

Feng Yin circulated the Spiritual Transformation Technique for an hour once again.

When the night grew quiet, he began preparing medicine.

This time, all the medicinal herbs he had on hand were made into medicinal paste. He kneaded the paste into small balls.

Then each medicinal ball was infused with a strand of spiritual energy, casually wrapped in wax paper, and put in a box.

"If this method works, I'll be considered part of the immortals...the kind that can refine pills."

Contented, Feng Yin couldn't help but dig at his toe nails in satisfaction.


Middle of the night.

Feng Yin stealthily emerged from his bedroom's tunnel, went to a small courtyard that he had purchased in town, cleaned up the traces, changed his clothes, and ventured out under the cover of darkness...

He has already reached the ninth rank of Houtian. His strength has increased more than once, right?

Before, several tasks that he could only stare at can now be completed.

Although he has the Spiritual Transformation Technique's spiritual energy a strong trump card and will soon gain wealth, even a tiny grasshopper is meat. If he finishes a lot of tasks, his rank increases, and benefits abound, earning money is the hard fact.

Especially since, battle experience is something that money can't buy.


Xu the Fourth, who harbors similar sentiments, also went on several trips on this night, four times to and fro.

With countless Jianghu characters swarming into this ordinary border town, the tasks and target figures on Heavenly Judgment are continuously changing like they are being washed by a waterfall.

A flood of Iron Rank tasks flashed by at once.

Overnight, numerous tasks were completed as the sounds of groans and screams was incessant...

A large number of task targets vanished from this world...

By the time Xu the Fourth returned from his last trip, with a scowling face, dawn was nearly breaking.

He had visited nearly seven or eight places throughout the night, but all he saw were corpses. Not a single target was still breathing.

Despite his arduous journey all night, he had gained nothing.

Among the targets he had set his eyes on, three were completed by a detestable name.

"Task Completed, Completed By: Iron Rank Gentle."

"Task Completed, Completed By: Iron Rank Gentle."


Three successive notifications popped up under the task on Heavenly Judgment, causing Xu the Fourth to almost spit out aged blood in anger.

This is infuriating...

You could at least leave one for me...

This damn killer!

Even the slightly weaker targets were eliminated by him, leaving not a single one left!

And was that done using a ... sword? Instant death?

It seems this heartless killer's weapon of choice is a sword?

What's even more outrageous is that this merciless killer even plundered all the wealth off the bodies of his targets...

You're devouring the meat, can't you at least leave us some soup, even if it's just the broth?

When Xu the Fourth arrived at the last one and the target was still there, just as he raised his hand, he saw a flash of cold light on a large tree, and a shadow shot out like lightning.

It quickly passed right in front of him.

The cold wind he stirred up blew Xu the Fourth's hair and almost bulged his eyes out.

He stared as the shadow covered a distance of fifteen feet and headed straight for the target.

With a clang, the target was alert, drew his sword in time, and made a counter move.

The two swords struck each other, creating a spark of light.

The next thing he knew, he saw a stream of blood gushing from the target's neck, and the man fell sideways.

A segment of the broken sword shot into the air, spinning in the moonlight before descending down.

Before the body even hit the ground, the flash from that sword returned, and the bag of money on the target's body disappeared instantly.

Then the sword flashed into the air and faded away in mid-air. Presumably, this assassin had sheathed it.

And that slender figure had already rushed to the roof, seemingly turning his head for a glance at Xu the Fourth. His gaze flashed coldly in the night sky before disappearing.

That one look made Xu the Fourth cold all over, as if his heart had suddenly been frozen.

Those eyes, cold and clear, were like solid ice in the dark night, chilling to the bone.

With that one look, Xu the Fourth dared not move for a long time.

A cold chill running down his spine reminded him of a snake slithering up and down his back...

The intent in that glance was clear to Xu the Fourth: Mess with my business again, and I'll kill you!

Xu the Fourth didn't even have the heart to resist anymore; he didn't dare mutter a word - even long after that killer had left.

Xu the Fourth was so frustrated that night that he nearly exploded.

However, a deep chill rose in his heart: this killer, called 'Gentle', seemed to be becoming stronger and stronger.

He was much stronger than the last time when he hurt his brother's ribs. But the question is, how could he improve so fast?

How many days has it been?

An Iron Rank mission does not necessarily mean that the target is weaker than the Iron Rank assassin.

It simply means that, in terms of difficulty, an Iron Rank assassin has a chance to complete the mission.

In other words, if the Iron Rank assassin is weaker than the target, it's not uncommon for them to get killed instead.

Until you reach the higher Bronze Badge rank, you can only accept Iron Rank missions, otherwise, you're asking for death.

A mission will only be promoted to Bronze when a target's strength reaches a level that only the top ten thousand Iron Rank killers can handle.

If an Iron Rank killer manages to kill a Silver Rank target, they would naturally be promoted to Bronze Rank.

This means killing two ranks higher is not a typo.

Due to multiple mission conflicts, Xu the Third was paying close attention to this assassin named 'Gentle'.

Assassin's name: Gentle.

Assassin Rank: 130,222nd.

Badge Level: Iron Rank.

Overnight, with the completion of the three target missions, Gentle's killer rank rose from the original 173,577th to the current 130,222nd.

A jump of over forty thousand in one night!

Xu the Fourth knew very well how significant the targets that died at his hands were.

Xu the Fourth sighed, looking at his own ranking in silence.

Xu Dadi.

666,666th place.

Iron level.

This number is really damn lucky…

Even though they both are at the Iron Rank, the gap between himself and Gentle has become insurmountable.

"If we encounter him next time, I'm afraid he'll be able to kill both of us with a single slap... Last time we could still fight back for a while... Ah."

Xu the Fourth returned to his room.

Xu the Third asked in anticipation, "How many did you finish off?"

Xu the Fourth, full of bitterness, said: "...…"

A moment later, under Xu the Third's questioning, he admitted, "Ran into Gentle again..."

Xu the Third was stunned, then suddenly burst into curses; "That damned Gentle! That son of a b*tch is really inhuman! Always following us around, what's his deal?!"

"He's already got me looking like this, yet he still won't give up! It's too much! We're both at the Iron Rank; it's just too bullying!"

"Wait until my wounds are healed, I'll show him!"

Xu the Third was fuming.

Xu the Fourth turned pale, "Brother, be careful... that Gentle... now he's... very... very not gentle..."


[Let's have the second chapter at noon. One PM is too late; it delays everyone's lunch.

Keep those votes coming; I'll continue working hard.]