
Awakening of the Crimson Guardian

"In this world, you cannot always survive by only doing what is morally right." Myalis, a young brave, beautiful, and rebellious girl who led a happy and peaceful life with her family, some of history's most powerful beast tamers, life changed after awakening a talent that could change her fate. She witnessed a traumatic event, one which was caused by a threat operating in the shadows, one that ripped her apart from those that she loved and one that she was powerless to stop. Due to which, she discovered a truth, that altered her perception of reality. She was reborn, giving her access to a variety of skills, including the ability to tame beasts, transforming her into something no one had imagined she could become, bestowing upon her a power that had been lost for ages, enacting a long lost and terrifying prophecy. However, everything was different this time, including her objectives; she was unlike any other before her, and she drew the attention of many powerful beings, resulting in many conflicts, one of which threatened to destroy everything she knew. Will she be able to protect what she built? Will she be able to overcome those that oppose her and demonstrate her power or will she fail in fulfilling her purpose? What will be her path, darkness or light? What is her true intent? Follow the young woman on an exciting and mysterious journey as she overcomes countless obstacles in her path as she explores the limits to her abilities, develops special relationships with monster girls and many other beings as she rises to power, and unearths many sinister secrets about the world that have the potential to topple empires and unleash anarchy, all while rebuilding what was lost after becoming the leader of powerful beings and walking a precarious line between life and death. Note: MC's system will appear a bit later in the story, not the first set of chapters. Other tags- Evolution- Overpowered MC- Fantasy creatures- Slice of life- Mature- Revenge- Magic- Mystery- Beautiful female lead- Dark- No NTR- Dungeon.

Darkswan · Fantasy
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363 Chs

By mistake?

After a short while, Myalis and Aster arrived at the academy and she got off of his back, then patted him on his head with a gentle smile on her face and he bowed his head before leaving.

Myalis took out her timetable from her bag and looked at it to see which class she had first and when she saw that it was normal, she decided to go to her classroom and wait for the teacher to arrive and didn't want to be late.

While walking to her classroom, Myalis noticed a few of the students giving her weird looks, and her eyes narrowed as she looked around then sighed since she had no idea what was going on with them.

Someone tapped her on her shoulder and when she turned around she saw it was Yuna.

"Good morning," The girl said.

"Good morning Yuna, want to help me figure out what's going on here?" Myalis asked and Yuna chuckled.

"Apparently a few of them saw what happened last night, including you getting sort of arrested, I guess it gave a few of them a sort of impression, do you care whether it was a bad or good one?" The girl asked as they walked.

"No, I don't give a damn about what others think about me, I am here to get stronger, fight strong people, learn other things, I don't care, besides this is good for me," She responded and Yuna glanced at her.

"Meaning what exactly?" Yuna asked and a smirk appeared on Myalis's face as she leaned in closer to the girl, Yuna pulled back with a nervous smile on her face and her cheeks flushing.

"That doesn't matter, but, since you are my friend I will tell you that I will do what I think is necessary, what needs to be done, no matter who objects, I might end up making quite a reputation, are you sure you want to continue this friendship?" Myalis asked and Yuna's brows furrowed as she grabbed onto Myalis's arm.

Myalis looked at her and she braced her forehead against Myalis's as a few students who were passing by looked at them.

"I know I don't know you for long, I admit that, but I think you are worthy of my friendship, you are a good person Seraphina, it's fun hanging around with you, and I want to continue being friends with you," She said as she stared into Myalis's eyes and Myalis smiled.

"You didn't have to come this close to say that, you do realize that this is going to be a bit embarrassing for you right?" Myalis asked and Yuna's cheeks flushed as she realized how close she was to Myalis, she moved away from the girl and lowered her head as other students passed by.

"I am sorry," She mumbled and Myalis smiled and then patted her on the head.

"It's okay, it's fun having you around as well, you are brave yet shy and cute, a nice combination," Myalis said as she walked away and Yuna looked at her.

"How can you say things like that so easily?" She asked as she followed Myalis.

"Because it's true," She responded and Yuna exhaled deeply as Myalis arrived at her classroom.

Myalis looked at how many of the students were already in their seats waiting for the teacher and just then the bell rang and Myalis looked at Yuna.

"I will see you for lunch our class won't be getting a break until then," Myalis said and Yuna nodded then left and Myalis went into the classroom and took her seat.

Later that day, after Myalis had finished her first set of classes and it was time for lunch, the students gathered in the cafeteria to eat their lunch.

Myalis took a seat near the entrance of the cafeteria and Yuna approached her and sat down then passed her a drink, Myalis smiled before collecting it but just then she began sensing a strange energy coming from outside.

"Do you sense that?" Myalis asked and Yuna glanced at her.

"Sense what? I don't sense anything," She responded and Myalis sighed before getting up and going out to the balcony where she looked around but saw nothing.

'Was it my imagination?' She wondered.

"You okay?" Yuna asked as an arrow came flying towards Myalis and her eyes widened. Yuna grabbed a dagger from her pocket and slashed the arrow in half and Myalis smiled at how fast she responded.

"What the hell?" Myalis mumbled then released Yuna and the girl looked at her.

"Where did that come from?" Yuna asked and Myalis sighed.

'She must be good in combat, her response was fast, I wonder how strong she is,' Myalis thought before a smile appeared on her face.

"Must have been one of the students practicing outside, come on, let's go inside," Myalis said as her eyes narrowed and she grabbed the girl's arm and took her inside the cafeteria.

Myalis felt as though the arrow didn't come their way by mistake but she couldn't be certain since they didn't see anyone outside.

After they had lunch, Yuna went back to her classroom and Myalis went outside to where the arrow came from, she looked at the balcony where the cafeteria was, then at the ground and saw no tracks of anyone being there.

'Was that really an accident? It looked as though it was aiming that way, the shot was precise,' Myalis thought with a sigh then she returned to her class since she found nothing but little did she know, the arrow was not shot by mistake and there was someone watching her.

After all their classes had come to an end, it was time for everyone to go home, Myalis said bye to Yuna before leaving with Aster but instead of heading home, she went into the city to get something to eat since she was hungry.

Just as the girl got off of Aster, she went to a shop to buy something when she felt someone watching her and she looked but saw nothing, however this time she didn't ignore her instincts, she knew she was being followed and was prepared for whoever it was.