
Auror's Work

Auror Davy, An Auror that somehow got involved with worldly matters. "Sigh, This is way above my paygrade".

supremelder · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

"What do you recommend we do?" Asked Doctor werro. "Well i can see you want to crack it but let's wait for the scan to be done, we'll see what we can do then". Said Davy.

"Did you tell the Chief?". Inquired Cho.

"Uhh no but i have an appointment with her later, I'll tell her then, oh right before you go, can you take the Nundu to the National Beast reserve, since you are going to be out might as well run this little errand for me".

The doctor looked at Cho and Davy and without waiting for an answer he shouted. "Molly!". An elf teleported out of nowhere holding a cage that looked small on the outside but was big in the inside, with the nundu actually having a small forest habitat, The elf pushed the cage into Cho's hands and teleported away with the doctor.

"Huh, i would have said yes anyways no reason for this". Davy sighed as they walked away from the lab. "And why would you have said yes, we have other stuff to do like checking up on that informant of yours or maybe even going to the library and do some readings ourselves, maybe we'll find out what those leyline eggs are".

"Leyline eggs?".

"Sounds logical to call them that since they have almost the same magic power of a leyline". She said proudly.

"Soo ravenclaw of you". Chuckled Davy. "No not ravenclaw, just basic logic".

"That's what a ravenclaw would say".

They left the building and went to a stand to buy some food, after that they apparated to a roof and sat to eat. "Speaking of highschool, did you ever fight that war with what was his volda-".

"Voldemort and yes i fought why?".

"Ohh how was it?".

"Well it was brutal, with harry potter slaughtering masses of death eaters, the teachers were the front line of defense and we were tasked with making sure the Slytherin students didn't escape or something like that, it was a tragic day with losses on both sides".

"Is that what made you become an Auror?". "No, after i was drafted in the sea war my father too joined to be with me but he died in battle, the only job i could take was becoming an Auror or a criminal, jobs are hard to find when all you know is to fight".

"But didn't you go to Hogwarts? one of the oldest schools in the world and also known for the school with the biggest library, i would think you have some knowledge then?". "I would think so too if i didn't go to Hogwarts together in the same generation as Harry Potter". Cho said bitterly.

"7 years i attended there and only 2 years did i actually learn something and that was my first and last year, The rest either a basilik is in the school thus making you live in fear for the whole year or something else is happening".

Davy could only imagine what. "Why did you become an Auror?, you could have lived a comfortable life with a noble status with the many merits you got during the war". She asked

The war of seas, it happened in 2002, A leyline exploded in the deep ocean and made dangerous creatures mutate with magic, merpeople came out and attacked all the magical hotspots on the shore of almost every country,

other creatures sunk every magical ships on the sea but left the muggle ones almost as if they were being controlled which they were, A Lieutenant found out about an unknown big marble in the Mariana trench sending magic waves to all magical sea creature,

He found out they were enslaved in the mind doing everything without will but that was found out after the war continued on for two years, every able bodied man and woman were drafted into the army and were sent off in waves to fight, it was a bloody war with massive losses on both sides,

after a two year long war a small team of the best of the best was sent on a highly dangerous mission that would end the war, their objective was to destroy the pearl that was controlling the sea creatures.

The Lieutenant who found out about the pearl was Davy and he was also part of the team that was sent to destroy it, He was the captain of said team. It had taken them a long and painful time to reach there with the many booby traps the enemy had set,

they had to go underwater because that is what the pearl would least expect, they used a muggle submarine to come close and then used specially build suits to go through the crust and attack the pearl from below, out of the 15 people that were sent only 5 came back.

The sea creatures had gotten their mind back and a truce was struck between sea and land, the sea creatures build the first kingdom for life underwater since most of them had attained intelligence. Up to now nobody knows where the pearl came from but with the shards collected and an organization was created to make sure nothing like that ever happens and to find out where the pearl came from.

The aftermath of the war made the already small population of mages much smaller, they realized that they couldn't go back to how it was before the war so all the magical nations united together to form one government, it is still in its foundation stages but with many of the magical folk helping where they can it will become a great nation,

The British magic nation excluded of course, they had closed their borders after the war, apparently the 'pure bloods' thought it was beneath them to recognize other species as equals, their population was the smallest so nobody held them back when they left, some even said it would have been neigh impossible if the british had a say in matters of the new government,

After all it was Albert Dumbledore, the man who was the supreme mugwump of the old government, International Confederation of Wizards, He had singlehandedly halted many if not all advancements of the magical world all because he thought they were dangerous, most of the officials were with him because he was Dumbledore,

that is what their answer was whenever somebody would ask why they voted whatever he wanted. So you could imagine what his people would do if they had a say.

The old government was broken down and a new government was build with now all the magicals who have intelligence had a seat.

The leyline that exploded also gave other magical beings a boom in offspring's, more human children awakened their magic, more centaurs, the magic in the air became even cleaner you could say. it was a positive side from the explosion.

"I like action". Davy chuckled as he observed the Nundu who was also looking at him.