
Attribute system in Bleach

It is another one of Akira's adventures but this time in the world of bleach but wait a minute he doesn't have his system nor any other worldly talent. How will he survive in a world where villains are more dangerous than transmigrators . At least there is Inori and Mana here to support him. PS: My other two books will continue side by side. ____________________________________ For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a ) Disclaimer: All the media and characters other than OC belong to their respective owners.

Uchiha_Itachi007 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

5. Calm before the storm

In the first division, the vice-captains of various divisions were gathered to accompany their captains. Yasochika Iemura informed them of the losses suffered by their divisions. He reported, "From the 11th division, the 3rd seat Ikkaku Madarame-sama and the 5th seat Yumichika Ayasegawa-sama. From the 9th Division, Vice Captain Shūhei Hisagi-sama. And from the 3rd Division, Vice-captain Izuru Kira. The above-seated shinigami have left the frontline due to severe injuries."

He continued, "Each division has suffered minor injuries. However, the 11th division was reported to be completely wiped out..."

Momo Hinamori expressed her disbelief, saying, "No way!"

Yasochika Iemura went on to read the report, "There is confirmation from witnesses for 4 Ryokas. Two of them kidnapped a 4th division member and are moving toward the center of Seiretei."

Renji was surprised by this revelation, and Tetsuzaemon Iba, the vice-captain of the 7th Division, added, "The fourth seat of my division also lost contact with us. He has likely fallen as well. Please send someone to check on him at West block-20."

Rangiku Matsumoto, vice-captain of the 10th Division, chimed in, "4th seat...? Isn't that Jiroubou? The 'Kamaitachi'... has he fallen too?"

Tetsuzaemon Iba replied, "Quite likely."

Rangiku Matsumoto expressed her astonishment, "What kind of monsters are they? It's only been a few hours since they invaded."

Momo Hinamori voiced her fear, saying, "So scary... It... It seems the situation is getting worse and worse... Abarai-kun." However, when she looked to her side, she found that Abarai was gone.

Momo Hinamori called out, "Abarai-kun...?"

Meanwhile, at the bottom of Senzaikyuu, a lid was lifted slightly, and Hanataro peaked out from inside, seeing that all was clear. He got out and informed Ichigo and Ganju to get up.

Ichigo emerged from the opening, and Ganju followed, carrying an unconscious Osamu on his back. Hanataro had already checked Osamu for injuries and found none. He concluded that Osamu was resting to recover his Reiryoku.

Hanataro Yamada explained, "There is no way to get under the tower. This is as close as I can take you. Look, that's the Senzaikyuu!"

As Ichigo and Ganju looked at the large white castle on the hill, they were surprised. Just as Ganju started walking toward it, Ichigo stopped him.

Ganju Shiba asked, "What's up, Ichigo?"

Ichigo Kurosaki replied, "Someone's there."

From the dust, a red-haired figure wearing glasses emerged. Taking off the glasses, he said, "Long time no see, REMEMBER MY FACE."

Ichigo placed his hand on his sword and responded, "Abarai Renji."

In the 4th division, Akira was helping Isane manage the treatment of injured 4th division members. It was reported that Sado had defeated more of them than Ichigo and Ganju combined.

On the roof, Mana was sitting, keeping an eye on every vice-captain and captain's Reiatsu. Sensing the collision of Ichigo's and Renji's Reiatsu, Mana jumped down from the roof and entered the building. There, she found Akira.

Mana Ouma informed Akira, "Abarai and Kurosaki have started fighting."

Akira Akatsuki replied, "Oh! Let's go. Abarai is gonna lose this fight. The consolation is he will get the girl though."


Upon hearing the explosion, Mana Ouma exclaimed, "That came from the direction of the first treatment room."

Akira Akatsuki reacted immediately, saying, "Inori!"

The two of them hurried towards the source of the sound.

Simultaneously, Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi was standing next to the injured Ikkaku. He had blasted a hole in the wall, attempting to intimidate Ikkaku into revealing information about the intruders.

Mayuri Kurotsuchi taunted, "Kuku... Are you sure you have nothing to say...? Huh, Madarame-kun?"

Inori entered the room and said, "No fighting allowed here."

Ignoring her, Mayuri fired a Kidō spell, creating a small hole beside her head. In response, Inori swiftly aimed her pistols and fired two reishi bullets. The bullets narrowly missed Mayuri's head, creating holes in the wall behind him. Nemu jumped between them, shielding her captain.

Mayuri Kurotsuchi commanded, "NEMU! Get out of my way! I am going to give both of them a lesson. Before that, do you want to change your statement, Madarame?"

Ikkaku Madarame replied, "It's not that I don't want to talk... I just don't know anything. I have no knowledge of the Ryoka's goal or their destination."

Mayuri Kurotsuchi sneered, "What then? You fought twice and lost without obtaining a single piece of information?"

Ikkaku Madarame admitted, "Correct. By the way, I don't remember what the enemy looks or sounds like. So I really have no information whatsoever."

Mayuri Kurotsuchi raised his hand to strike them and threatened, "Too bad then! Looks like I would have to punish both of you for incompetence."

Just as Mayuri was about to strike, Akira used flash steps to appear between Kurotsuchi and Ikkaku, declaring, "I won't do it if I were you."

Mayuri Kurotsuchi asked with surprise, "Are you going to stop me?"

"I can't, but he can," Akira replied, pointing to the figure standing behind Kurotsuchi.

Kurotsuchi turned to see Zaraki standing there.

Zaraki Kenpachi spoke up, "I am surprised. When did you have the authority over members of another division, Kurotsuchi?"

Mayuri Kurotsuchi responded, "Zaraki... Since your captain is here... I am taking my leave... Nemu, let's go."

Akira waved goodbye and said, "Goodbye, Vice-captain Nemu. Take care!"

Nemu bowed to him and apologized to Inori, saying, "Sorry for the captain's rude behaviour, Inori-san."

Inori patted Nemu's head, smiling, and reassured her, "It's okay."

Nemu nodded and ran to her captain's side.

Ikkaku Madarame called out to Zaraki, "Captain."

Yachiru Kusajishi poked her head out from Zaraki's shoulder and cheerfully greeted Ikkaku, "Yaho!"

Ikkaku Madarame responded, "Ah... Vice-captain, you're here too..."

Yachiru Kusajishi asked with concern, "Are you okay? I was worried about you, Baldie!"

Ikkaku Madarame retorted, "I told you to stop calling me that, Shortie!"

Zaraki Kenpachi inquired, "I heard you lost two fights."

Ikkaku Madarame clarified, "I lost one and won one. I know my win doesn't cover for my failure..."

Zaraki Kenpachi interrupted, "The one you lost to, is he strong?"

Ikkaku Madarame replied, "Very. He has long orange hair and a sword as long as him. He is heading for the Shishinrou of the Senzaikyuu."

Zaraki Kenpachi remarked, "So he wants to rescue that criminal..."

Ikkaku Madarame added, "I told him about you. If he remembered what I told him, it will be a great battle for you. He was strong, and he will be stronger by the time he meets you."

Zaraki Kenpachi contemplated, "...Is that so... What's his name?"

Ikkaku Madarame revealed, "Ichigo Kurosaki."

Akira Akatsuki chimed in, "Actually, the three of us are going with you too. We have some business with Ichigo's brother."

Zaraki Kenpachi responded, "No. You are going to get in my way."

Akira Akatsuki reasoned, "If Ichigo is not strong enough, my Shikai can give him a boost, making the fight more interesting."

Yachiru Kusajishi added, "That's true. Ken-chan, Aki-chan can make people strong."

Zaraki Kenpachi grumbled, "Tch! You can come. But if you get in my way, I will cut you apart too."

Akira Akatsuki thanked Captain Zaraki and then playfully threw a cookie in the air, which Yachiru skillfully caught in her mouth. Impressed, he gave her another cookie, and Yachiru happily accepted it, eating her favorite treats.

Kenpachi became angry and swung his sword at Akira, who managed to dodge the attack. Akira began apologizing.

Witnessing this, Ikkaku couldn't contain his laughter and burst out, "Pffft... HAHAHAHA!" The laughter caused his wounds to reopen, and he started coughing up blood.

Yachiru paid no attention to Kenpachi's anger and jumped onto Ikkaku's stomach, asking innocently, "Looks like you're bleeding again, Baldie!"

Ikkaku responded, "Don't call me that, damn it."


For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a )