
Attribute system in Bleach

It is another one of Akira's adventures but this time in the world of bleach but wait a minute he doesn't have his system nor any other worldly talent. How will he survive in a world where villains are more dangerous than transmigrators . At least there is Inori and Mana here to support him. PS: My other two books will continue side by side. ____________________________________ For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a ) Disclaimer: All the media and characters other than OC belong to their respective owners.

Uchiha_Itachi007 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

4. Ikkaku Madrame vs Osamu Kurosaki

Hollow Osamu readied himself to fire another cero but Akira didn't give him the chance he used Shunpo to get face-to-face with Osamu and hit him with an uppercut. Causing Osamu to face upward and fire the cero straight up. The concentrated red beam stronger than last time went straight to the soul membrane covering Seiretei.

Crack! BOOM!

With the blast, cero was stopped but it still made a hole in the already weak membrane. The red pillar of light and now a cloud of an explosion above disclosed the location of conflict to everyone. Even the road idiot Yachiru was pointing in the right direction.

Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto: "Chōjirō, these incompetent fools let hollow in Seiretei. Recall captains for another Captain meeting."

Chōjirō Sasakibe: "Yes, Captain!"

Hollow Osamu swings his sword Akira blocks the sword.

Akira Akatsuki: "Hadō #31. Shakkahō"

Akira placed his hand in front of Osamu's face. A red ball of flame forms in his palm. Before he could blast Osamu, Osamu just crushed the ball with his hand exploding it.


Akira backed away from the explosion clouds, his right arm was burned. Osamu follows him and swung his sword to cut him.


Ikkaku used his sword's sheath to block him.

Ikkaku Madarame: "Why are you fighting? Didn't you say you will let me fight him?"

Akira Akatsuki: "Bakudō #63. Sajō Sabaku"

Akira places his swords back. He raises his left palm to Osamu and closes his palm into a fist and summons a thick rope made up of yellow energy. The rope binds the upper part of Hollow Osamu.

Akira Akatsuki: "Bakudō #20. Jimen no ana"

He placed his hand on the ground. A hole formed under Osamu who fall into it.

Akira Akatsuki: "Walls of iron sand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright, silent to the end. Bakudō #75. Gochūtekkan"

Akira clasps his hands and light is generated in the sky above the Osamu, five tall and thick pillars, which are connected to each other by chains, fall and pin Osamu to the ground.

Ikkaku comes up to Akira and grabs him by the collar, "HEY! I am talking to you. Do you want to fight?"

Akira said while calming Ikkaku down, "Calm down. This will only stop him for a few minutes."

Ikkaku Madarame: " Huh?"

Akira Akatsuki: "It's just to buy some time so I could talk. Now that hollow is way stronger than Ichigo you fought before, not as strong as your captain but enough to crush you. So if you don't fight with your full strength you're gonna lose."

Ikkaku Madarame:"Yeah..Yeah...Grow Hōzukimaru"

Akira Akatsuki: "I meant all your power when I said full power"

Ikkaku Madarame was surprised "How...Do you know...Did Abarai?"

Akira Akatsuki: "Let's not focus on that. Now I am going to place a prison barrier. Which will isolate Reiatsu and. Meaning nobody outside can tell what happened inside. Enjoy"

Akira picks up Kira and Hisagi and walks a little far from the fight. He places both of them on the ground.

"Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Drown where none can see. Self-Made Bakudo: Cat in a box"

A dark purple Reiatsu is released by Akira. The Reiatsu then becomes a black liquid-like substance. The liquid flows toward Ikkaku and then transforms into a box the size of a football stadium. Akira sits down on the ground and clasped his hand together to complete the sealing. The dark walls and roof of the Bakudo capture all the Reiatsu inside causing the Reiatsu signature of Ikkaku and Osamu to disappear from the outside world.


Inori and Mana came running to Akira's side. Looking at his two wives he asked them to give Kira and Hisagi some first aid. After healing them Inori came to his side and sat beside him. She took his injured right hand but Akira takes his hand back to concentrate on maintaining the barrier.

Akira Akatsuki: "It's okay. It's a slight burn. I will heal it later."

Inori takes his hand again. Inori started healing his hand and her touch was soothing and healing. She started talking "Akira feels lonely. You always take the hard burden on yourself to make sure that, we don't get hurt. But nothing hurts me more to see you hurt."

Inori places her hands on his face and looks straight into his eyes and continues, "Akira rely on us more, share your pain, share your burden. I don't want Akira to be hurt. I love you."

Seeing his wife's sincere words and slightly moist red eyes. Akira's heart was beating faster than an F1 engine. His whole attention went to Inori he stopped maintaining the barrier. Pushing Inori gently onto the ground, he hovers above her, his eyes locked with hers. He went closer to her face.

In a soft voice filled with passion, Akira responds, "Inori, I promise, from now on, I'll share my burdens with you. I'll rely on you and open my heart fully to you. I love you more than words can express."

As their lips meet in a tender kiss, their love and devotion intertwine, momentarily forgetting the world around them. But their intimate moment is short-lived as Mana intervenes, pulling Akira away by his ears, and reminding him of his duty to maintain the barrier.

Looking at the barrier that was wiggling he sat back again and clasped his hand but not before placing Inori on his lap. Mana came behind him and wrapped her hands on his shoulder. She placed her chin on his shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Rely on me too, My Adam".

Akira responds with a heartfelt smile, acknowledging their unbreakable bond. He acknowledges their unwavering love and support, cherishing both of his wives equally. With renewed determination, Akira fully releases his Reiatsu, pouring all his strength into maintaining the barrier. His Reiatsu didn't have a slight effect on Inori or Mana as if it was their own.

At the same time, in the 1st Division waiting room, Gin Ichimaru gazes out of the window, his eyes fixed on the thin purple beam colliding with the soul membrane above Seiretei. The impact seems surprisingly calm, resembling the gentle collision of wind against a wall. The Reiatsu spreads across the membrane, akin to water seeping into the ground, and then descends in the form of delicate ice crystals.

Curiosity piqued, Gin Ichimaru reaches out and touches one of the crystals, causing it to evaporate into reishi. He turns to Retsu Unohana, seeking her insights. With a hint of recognition in her eyes, Unohana acknowledges the phenomenon.

Gin Ichimaru remarks, "That's an impressive amount of Reiryoku for a vice-captain-level Reiatsu. Do you recognize the source, Captain Unohana?"

Unohana Retsu nods in agreement, responding, "Indeed, it belongs to Akira-kun, the 3rd seat in my division."

Gin Ichimaru can't help but tease, "You must consider yourself fortunate to have such a talented individual in your division."

Unohana Retsu's gaze softens, and she offers a gentle smile. "Akira-kun possesses great potential, but like any young Shinigami, he still has much to learn and experience."

Gin Ichimaru continues, "Indeed, with his overwhelming Reiryoku permeating the area, it can make it challenging to sense the presence of other Reiatsu."

Unohana Retsu narrows her eyes slightly, sensing a hidden implication in Gin's words. "Are you insinuating something, Ichimaru-kun?"

Gin Ichimaru quickly reassures her, "Oh, no, Captain Unohana. I would never imply anything negative. It's simply fascinating how incidents seem to gravitate toward Akira-kun, from the sudden disappearance of the hollow Reiatsu to the current events. It's like he carries an air of intrigue."

Unohana Retsu brushes it off, dismissing any concerns. "It's most likely just a coincidence, Ichimaru-kun."

Gin Ichimaru nods nonchalantly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Yes, Captain Unohana, merely a coincidence... "

Their conversation lingers in the air, hinting at the possibility of an underlying connection between Akira and the mysterious events that surround him. As they both return their attention to the window, they ponder the enigmatic nature of Akira's presence and the untold potential that lies within him.

Inside the black barrier, Ikkaku's eyes scan the pure white walls and roof surrounding him. The atmosphere is tense as Hollow Osamu breaks free from the Kido spells that had bound him, using brute force alone.

He lunges at Ikkaku with his sword, but Ikkaku manages to defend himself with his spear, tilting it to deflect the blow. In an attempt to strike back, Ikkaku swings his spear downward, aiming for Osamu's face. However, Osamu evades the attack by tilting his head, and Ikkaku's blade only grazes his shoulder, unable to inflict any damage on his steel-like skin.

Undeterred, Osamu grabs hold of Ikkaku's spear, pulling it towards himself and causing Ikkaku to lose his balance. With a swift motion, Osamu transforms his katana into a large kitchen knife, with a white cloth serving as the handle. Reiatsu gathers around the blade, indicating his next move. Recognizing the Zanpakuto, Ikkaku prepares himself.

Knowing that his current spear form won't be effective, Ikkaku splits it apart into its true form. He pushes his body backwards, using a section of his spear to weaken the force of Osamu's impending strike. Osamu swings the blade down, unleashing the iconic Getsuga Tenshō attack.

The wave of Reiatsu slashes through the spear, disintegrating it, and inflicts a severe wound on Ikkaku, running from his shoulder to his stomach. The attack continues its trajectory until it collides with the barrier, resulting in a powerful explosion. The wave is halted, but the barrier remains intact. Although gravely injured, Ikkaku survives the onslaught, lying on his back as he reflects on Akira's earlier words.

Despite the pain and the dire situation, a smile spreads across Ikkaku's face. He mutters to himself, "Ha! That bastard! He said 'full power.' I'll kill him if anyone finds out. It's the same for you, Ichigo's brother. You hear me?"

With a surge of determination, Ikkaku summons his Bankai.

"Bankai: Ryūmon Hōzukimaru".

Holding his two main weapons, a Chinese Monk's spade and a standard guandao, he rises to his feet. Ready to bring the battle to its conclusion, Ikkaku attacks Osamu with a powerful swing from his right side. Osamu blocks the attack but is overwhelmed by the sheer force, causing him to bend his knees. Seizing the opportunity, Ikkaku swiftly swings his left arm to strike from the side. However, Osamu effortlessly catches Ikkaku's blade with his bare hand, demonstrating his immense strength.

Realizing the need to act quickly, Ikkaku steps back, preparing for his next move. With a determined expression, he says, "Tch! I was hoping to cut you in half. Hey, are you going to say anything? A little roar would do. It's annoying no talking during the fight. I'm going to finish this soon." He starts spinning the central portion of his Bankai, causing the red dragon crest to fill with power.

Engaging in a brutal exchange, Ikkaku and Osamu unleash a flurry of attacks. Osamu employs powerful techniques such as Ceros and Getsuga Tenshō, while Ikkaku uses his weapons to cleave through the Ceros and break through the Getsuga Tenshō. Despite sustaining multiple injuries and becoming bloodied, Ikkaku's smile never wavers. A smiling bloodied Ikkaku looked more like a monster than a masked face Osamu.

Sensing that the battle is nearing its end, Ikkaku readies himself, despite his injuries. The dragon crest on his weapon is now fully charged, granting him a maximum boost. Meanwhile, Osamu combines his Zangetsu with his own blood, using it as a catalyst to unleash a combined attack, the Gran Rey Cero-Getsuga Tenshō.

Ikkaku utilizes flash steps to close the distance between them, swinging both his weapons with all his might. Osamu responds by swinging his sword, releasing their devastating combined attack. Sensing the overwhelming Reiatsu of the attack, Ikkaku disregards his own defense and focuses solely on cleaving his opponent apart. The large Cero beam envelops his view, but he pushes forward, successfully slicing through the wave and grazing Osamu's mask, causing a deep gash on his chest.

Standing tall, bloodied and smiling, Ikkaku witnesses Osamu's mask crack, resulting in the shattering of his Hollow armour. Osamu collapses face-down, while the broken pieces of his armour float and melt into a liquid that fills the hole in his chest, healing his injuries. Osamu's body appears unharmed.

As Ikkaku's strength wanes, he too falls backwards, lying on the ground. His weapons crumble into pieces around him. As his eyes close, he catches a glimpse of a part of the nearby block lifting up. Three individuals emerge from underneath, swiftly carrying the unconscious Osamu underground.

Outside, Akira senses the vibrations on the ground coming to a halt, indicating that the battle inside the barrier has likely concluded. He looked to Inori and Mana and says, "I am going to lift the barrier. I don't have much Reiryoku left. So if there is an enemy can you both hold him down"

Inori and Mana's eyes sparkled with joy and they both readily agreed. They both equip their respective weapons: Inori with her dual pistols and Mana with her reishi katana.

With determination, Akira declares, "Okay, I'm taking it down."

Akira releases his hold on the barrier, causing it to dissolve into the air. As the barrier dissipates, the scene inside reveals a landscape of rubble, with no standing structures left. Akira's gaze falls upon Ikkaku, who is lying on the ground. He approaches him and looks down, asking, "Did you win?"

Ikkaku bursts into laughter and exclaims, "Ha! Ha! Of course!"


For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a )