
Attribute system in Bleach

It is another one of Akira's adventures but this time in the world of bleach but wait a minute he doesn't have his system nor any other worldly talent. How will he survive in a world where villains are more dangerous than transmigrators . At least there is Inori and Mana here to support him. PS: My other two books will continue side by side. ____________________________________ For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a ) Disclaimer: All the media and characters other than OC belong to their respective owners.

Uchiha_Itachi007 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

2. Intruders

In the morning, the Gotei 13 was growing bored as they had not yet encountered any intruders. Zaraki Kenpachi, with Yachiru on his shoulder, voiced his irritation, "What the hell! We searched all night and found nothing. You guys can all go back."

The members of the 11th Division, who were patrolling with Zaraki, bowed and walked away.

Yachiru chimed in, "So disappointing."

Suddenly, a small sound of a whistle reached their ears, grabbing everyone's attention. They all looked around, trying to locate the source of the sound.

Zaraki Kenpachi questioned, "Ah? What's that... sound..."

Then, a massive ball of light appeared, piercing through the clouds.

Renji Abarai exclaimed, "What... is that...?"

Sōsuke Aizen commanded, "Something is falling! Everyone, get back! Hinamori-kun!"

Hinamori acknowledged, "Yes, Captain..."

One of the Shinigami shouted, "It's coming this way! Run away!"

Yoruichi Shihouin declared, "We're going to crash...! Put all your energy into the cannonball! Make it as hard as possible!"

Ichigo Kurosaki affirmed, "Let's do it!"

The reishi-made cannonball collided with the shell covering the Seiretei, creating a loud bang. It struck the Shakonmaku (soul-shielding membrane) and momentarily halted. However, the high-concentration Reishi that composed the cannonball was melted by the Shakonmaku's defenses.

Ichigo Kurosaki questioned, "What's going on? We passed the shield, but we're not dropping."

Yoruichi Shihouin explained, "Everyone, stay together! The shield was only temporarily melted by the high-concentration Reishi. Soon, a tornado will start, and if we separate, we'll be thrown in different directions."

Suddenly, the reishi surrounding them began to spin like a tornado. The first to be thrown out was Osamu Kurosaki.

Ichigo Kurosaki shouted, "Osamu!"

Yoruichi Shihouin reassured, "Don't worry, he's strong."

Ganju Shiba screamed, "Woo... OOH?" He moved through the spinning reishi as if swimming in an ocean.

Ganju caught Ichigo's leg and climbed up to his waist, but Ichigo, feeling disgusted, tried to get away.

Ichigo Kurosaki exclaimed, "Let me go! Stay away from me!"

Ganju Shiba argued, "We have to stay together!"

Ichigo Kurosaki grumbled, "Damn!"

Ganju and Ichigo held each other's collars as if ready to fight.

Ichigo Kurosaki retorted, "What are you cursing for?"

Sado grabbed Orihime by the waist, holding her like a sack of potatoes. Seeing Ishida starting to fall away, Sado lost his grip on Orihime and jumped after Ishida. Passing through the cannonball wall, he caught up with the falling Ishida. Sado grabbed Ishida's hand and threw him towards Orihime, causing him to fly away alone.

Ichigo Kurosaki cried out, "Sado...!"

Yoruichi Shihouin reassured, "Don't worry! He'll find a way to survive. Don't dwell on it. If you want to find him, you have to worry about yourself first!"

Ichigo and Orihime stretched their hands towards each other.



Just as their hands were about to touch, the reishi turbulence ceased, separating the two of them. The cannonball had split into five parts.

Looking up, Akira murmured, "Well, things are going to get even more interesting."

Everyone landed safely, employing their respective techniques to soften their descent. Sado punched the ground to slow down, Orihime used Santen Kesshun to create a shield for herself and Ishida, Ganju utilized Seppa to convert the ground into sand and cushion his and Ichigo's landing, while Yoruichi and Osamu simply relied on Shunpo to swiftly move away from the crash site.

Upon landing, Ichigo and Ganju found themselves face-to-face with Ikkaku Madarame and Yumichika Ayasegawa. Osamu, on the other hand, confronted Izuru Kira and Shūhei Hisagi.

Osamu Kurosaki spoke with determination, "You two must be vice-captains, right? Let's fight."

"I was hoping you would surrender. It would have resulted in less bloodshed," Izuru Kira remarked, unsheathing his sword.


Shūhei Hisagi used Shunpo to appear in front of Osamu, and their swords collided. Kira quickly moved to flank Osamu but was surprised when he saw Osamu pointing his finger towards him.

"Hadō #4. Byakurai," Osamu called out, concentrating a large amount of reishi.

In response, Kira extended his palm forward, activating his Bakudō.

"Bakudō #39. Enkōsen," Kira chanted, creating a dull yellow energy disc that spun rapidly, blocking the incoming lightning from Byakurai.

Osamu swung his sword, pushing Hisagi away.

Shūhei Hisagi inquired, "You know Kidō? Who taught you?"

Osamu Kurosaki replied confidently, "Well, I'm a genius. I saw some Shinigami using them, so I learned by watching."

Shūhei Hisagi remarked, "Looks like we'll have to capture you alive."

Osamu Kurosaki taunted, "Sorry, you can't. After all, you're... too weak..."

Akira, observing the battle from a distance, couldn't help but think, 'Taunting opponents? Does this kid know that his opponents are hundreds of years old?' as he tried to comprehend his opponent's abilities.

Clang! Clang!

Osamu found himself overwhelmed by the combined strength of the two vice-captains. Realizing the unfavourable situation, he disengaged from the fight and began using Shunpo to move randomly around, focusing his gaze on different areas of the ground, as if he could see something others couldn't and was collecting it.

Osamu Kurosaki declared, "Now I'm ready."

He Shunpoed towards Hisagi, landing a few strikes and hitting Hisagi's shoulder. Kira attempted to intervene, but Osamu continued to push both of them back. Seeing the battle turning against them, Hisagi removed a band from his right arm and threw it towards Osamu's face. The band started to glow.


The explosion hit Osamu directly in the face. When the dust settled, Osamu's face and right shoulder were heavily bleeding. Hisagi's shoulder also bled profusely, and he quickly wrapped a cloth around it to stop the bleeding. Even Kira was not unscathed, as Osamu had managed to slash his chest, leaving a small wound.

Drip! Drip!

Osamu glanced at his opponents with a sneer. Bubbles began to form from his wounds, and when they dissipated, the injuries had completely healed. Both Kira and Hisagi were astonished, realizing the origin of this healing power and coming to the same incredible conclusion: high-speed regeneration.

Osamu Kurosaki smiled and confidently said, "Let's fight again."


A large pinwheel came hurtling towards Osamu. Osamu swung his katana to block it, but the chain attached to the pinwheel wrapped around his sword.

Shūhei Hisagi announced, "Reap, Kazeshini."

Shūhei Hisagi then unleashed another Kidō.

"Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden," Hisagi chanted, applying the Kidō to his chain. The yellow electric current travelled through the chain to Osamu's sword, electrocuting him and rendering him paralyzed.

Osamu Kurosaki let out a scream of pain, "AAAAAAARRRRGGGGGG!"

Taking advantage of the situation, Kira Shunpoed behind Osamu and mercilessly slashed him multiple times on his back with his Shikai.

Izuru Kira proclaimed, "Raise your head: Wabisuke."

Osamu fell to his knees, face-first.

Shūhei Hisagi activated another Bakudō.

"Bakudō #62. Hyapporankan," Hisagi announced, jumping above Osamu and throwing a purple reishi rod that multiplied into hundreds, pinning Osamu to the ground. Izuru Kira slowly approached Osamu, holding his Shikai with the square hook beneath Osamu's neck, applying pressure as if executing a reverse guillotine.

Osamu Kurosaki desperately pleaded, "Wait! Wait! You said you would capture me alive!"

Izuru Kira responded coldly, "Your growth is tremendous. You've become too dangerous. I'm sure we can capture someone weaker among your friends."

Osamu Kurosaki shouted angrily, "You bastard! Liar! Shameless Shinigami!"

Izuru Kira calmly replied, "You think fighting is a joy just because you believed you were stronger than us, but it's also filled with despair for the weak. And now, you are weak."

As Kira's blade approached his neck, Osamu let out a gut-wrenching scream, "NOOOOO!"


A massive surge of spiritual pressure was released. Amidst the explosion, Osamu stood tall, his sword having transformed into a pure black, straight katana.

Osamu Kurosaki declared, "Copy, Kagenoken."

'Tsk! Tsk! Goldfinger's holders always get an unreasonable power-up. Looks like vice-captain-level Reiatsu combined with a Shikai on top of that. It'll be a tough fight for Kira and Hisagi,' Akira thought as he observed the unfolding events. Taking in the situation, he noticed that Ichigo had emerged victorious in his battle against Ikkaku. Akira quickly made his way toward Ichigo's location.

After the fight with Ikkaku, Ichigo used the healing properties of the medicine from Ikkaku's sword handle to tend to their injuries. The two engaged in conversation, with Ikkaku making fun of Ichigo about the rescue of Rukia. As their conversation came to an end, Ichigo prepared himself to head towards the Senzaikyū, where Rukia was being held captive according to Ikkaku's information.

Ikkaku Madarame interjected, "Hold on a second! Who is the strongest in your group? Is it you?"

Ichigo Kurosaki replied, "...More or less..."

Ikkaku Madarame continued, "Is that so... Then you better watch out for my captain. He has no interest in the weak. If you're as strong as you claim, he'll find you."

Ichigo Kurosaki inquired, "Is he strong?"

Ikkaku Madarame responded, "You'll know when you see him. Actually, you'll find out just how strong he is if you survive your encounter with him."

Ichigo Kurosaki asked curiously, "What's his name?"

Akira suddenly appeared beside Ikkaku Madarame, who was lying on the ground, and chimed in, "His name is Uchiha Madara."

Ikkaku Madarame retorted, "Zaraki Kenpachi!"

Ichigo Kurosaki seemed confused, "Huh?"

Ikkaku Madarame clarified, "What are you saying, you bastard?"

Akira interjected, "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't resist. His captain's name is Zaraki Kenpachi."

Ichigo took his stance and placed his hand on his sword, ready for another battle.

Akira reassured him, "No, no, I'm not going to fight you. I'm from the 4th Division. We're only medics; we don't fight."

Ichigo eased up and said, "Okay, then I'm going."

Akira bid him farewell, "Bye, bye... Take care."

Ichigo waved goodbye and ran off, continuing his mission.

Ikkaku Madarame exclaimed, "You idiot! You should fight him! He's an intruder, and you're a Shinigami of the Gotei 13!"

Akira responded calmly, "Well, we fight for different reasons. I don't have a reason to fight in this particular battle. Now, let's heal you a little bit. You still have some use."

Meanwhile, on the other side, Kenpachi found himself facing a dead end, frustrated by his lack of direction.

Zaraki Kenpachi muttered, "Heh... Damn it, another dead end."

Yachiru Kusajishi chimed in, "Ken-chan has no sense of direction..."

Zaraki Kenpachi snapped back, "YOU IDIOT! We're only lost because I followed your 'intuition'... Forget it! Let's try the other way!"

Yachiru Kusajishi cheerfully agreed, "Ookie-dokie!"

As the two departed, two figures cautiously peeked their heads from the rooftop, making sure the coast was clear.

Orihime Inoue whispered, "They're gone."

Uryū Ishida confirmed, "Yeah."

Orihime Inoue remarked, "They felt so strong. Good thing they didn't see us."

Uryū Ishida pondered, "Yeah. He's probably as strong as Ichigo, but maybe not as sharp. Anyway, what should we do now?"

Orihime Inoue pointed towards a tower in the distance, suggesting, "There, I think I saw a tower over there."

Uryū Ishida questioned, "A tower? Where?"

Orihime Inoue responded excitedly, "Look! It's over there..."

Suddenly, a colossal figure materialized by her side and attacked her with a sword.


Ishida swiftly utilized Hirenkyaku to carry Inoue away from immediate danger.

Jidanbō Ikkanzaka introduced himself, "I missed? To be able to dodge so quickly... Not bad! Be remorseful. If you hadn't appeared in front of me, you would have lived longer. I am Jirōbō Ikkanzaka, 4th Seat of the Seventh Division."


For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a )