
Attack On Titan:Kaiju Vs Titans

Notice I’m so lazy I’m done uploading if you want the story look it up online For hundreds of years humanity thought that the titans were the top of the food chain but they were wrong now there are something that are more bigger,faster, stronger,smarter, more dangerous creatures that outside the walls but one is the strongest of them all either called a king or god to humans but still a monster. Some think they are savories, others think they're Destroyers but there is one question they have to answer: Are they with Humanity or against us. That question was answered on one day when the titans breached the wall. This is where our story begins. (I don't own Godzilla or Attack on Titan universes they belong to the rightful owners) Please note that I have not created this Fanfic I am unable to find original author if you can prove you are original author and want it taken down I will do so

MinerFrags · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Legend and Training

The cadets had to hand it to him; Shadis knew how to simultaneously make them terrified of their future and pumped up for it. Sadly, for them, it was time for the hazing.

"Hey, Mop Top!" Shadis exclaimed, looking directly at Armin.

"Sir!" he replied, saluting trying to keep his cool.

"What do they call you, maggot?"

"Armin Arlert from Shiganshina, sir!" he answered.

"Seriously?" Shadis asked, wondering if he heard correctly. "Why would your parents curse you with that ridiculous name?"

"It was my grandfather, sir!" He replied back to him

The drill instructor leaned in, not granting the boy personal space. "Cadet Arlert, why is a runt like you here?"

Armin's voice started cracking, terrified, and even closed his eyes. "To help humanity defeat the Titans!"

"That is delightful to hear," Shadis replied, not at all delighted. "You're gonna be a great light snack for them!" Grabbing Armin by the head, he forcefully turned him around. "Row 3, about face, runt!"

He moved on to the next cadet, who had short blond hair and brown eyes. "What do you call yourself?"

"Sir, my name is Thomas Wagner! I'm from the Trost District!"


"I'm from Trost, sir!" he repeated, louder. "I want to-!"

"Nobody here gives a damn! Next!" Shadis interrupted, quickly moving on to another cadet, this one being a black-haired, gray-eyed girl. "You!"

"Sir, Mina Carolina from Karanes," she quickly introduced.


Like Armin, she too closed her eyes in fear. "Sir, I'm afraid that's the case, sir!"

"Tell your district they can burn in Hell for sending you here!" the drill instructor ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Mina

"You!" He shouted to the next recruit with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Who the hell are you!?" Shadis demanded.

Saluting, he responded, "Dillon Holt from Yarckel, sir!"

"Yarckel!? Step forward, Holt!"

He followed orders without hesitation, but he had a very bad feeling about this.

"Take a good look, maggots!" Shadis said, his voice becoming patronizing. "A Sina brat has decided to grace us with his presence today! You should all feel honored! Tell me, Sina Brat, how many times a day do you ask your servants to bend over and lick your shoes!?"

"I never had servants, sir!" Dillon assured, starting to really hate this guy.

He leaned into his face, spit flying out of his mouth. "Are you suggesting that I am wrong, pretty boy!?"

"Yes, sir!" Well, he's gonna kill him now.

Shadis's glare made his soul want to flee his body. "Then bend over lick my shoes, Sina Brat!"

"Yes, sir!"

Dillon got down on his knees and lowered his face to his shoe, hoping that all he would taste was dirt and whatever the shoe was made of. Instead, Shadis kicked his foot right into his face, sending him backwards. He landed on his back with blood pouring from his now-broken and bent-upwards nose, crying out in pain.

"Keep your filthy tongue away from me!" Shadis demanded. "On your feet!"

Slowly, Dillon did as he said, covering his bleeding nose with his hands in an attempt to stop said bleeding.

"Remove your hands, Sina Brat!"

Reluctantly, he uncovered his nose, presenting his first of what would be many injuries he would get while he was here. With the gentleness of a hammer to the face, Shadis gripped his nose and set it back straight. Dillon couldn't help but yell in response again, but at least that solved one problem with his nose. Now he just had to get it looked at by an actual doctor and he would be fine.

"Get back in line! Row 4, about face!"

Or he could continue bleeding and let the wound simmer. That worked too. At least he could still breathe.

Once Row 4 turned around, Shadis came face to face with a brown-haired male with brown eyes. "What do we have here!?"

"Jean Kirstein, sir, from the Trost District!" he responded, saluting.

"And why are you here, Cadet?"

Relaxing a bit, he answered, "To join the Military Police, sir, the best of the best!"

Naturally, Shadis took this in stride. "That's nice. You wanna live in the Interior, do you?"


Instantly, Jean was head-butted by him, crumbling to the ground and holding his head.


"What the hell is wrong with your face, you smiling idiot!?" Shadis questioned a black-haired male with freckles.

"Marco Bodt, at your service, sir, from Jinae, south side of Wall Rose!" he replied in one breath. "I am to join the Military Police and give life and limb in service to the king!"

Shadis knew just how to respond to that statement, lowering the volume of his voice into a creepy whisper. "Well, then...that makes you an idealistic fool...and a rube. You want the truth?" Marco gulped uncomfortably as he leaned in with a deadly stare. "The only use the king has for your life and limbs are as Titan fodder!"

With the cadet frozen in a state of shock, the drill instructor moved on to a bald-headed male that was one of the shortest people in the Corps. "Hey, Cue Ball, you're up next!"

"Uh, me!?" Quickly composing himself, he saluted...on the wrong side of his chest. "Sir, Connie Springer from Ragako Village, sir!"

Enraged, Shadis grabbed the boy by the head and lifted him off the ground, pressing his hands into his skull. "You have it backwards, Connie Springer! That was the first thing you were taught! This salute represents the resolve in your heart to fight those bent on the systematic destruction of our people! IS YOUR HEART ON YOUR RIGHT SIDE!?"


It was like the entire world just froze for two seconds. Standing nearby, as if nothing important was happening, was a girl with reddish brown hair eating a potato...in the middle of formation.

Completely flabbergasted, Shadis dropped Connie, who was on the verge of passing out. "Hey, you there. What do you think you're doing?"

The girl did not give any indication that she heard him, and took another bite out of the potato.


Mortified, the girl quickly swallowed her bite and saluted, potato still in hand. "Sasha Braus from Dauper Village at your service! Reporting for duty, sir!"

"Sasha Braus, huh?" he repeated, glaring down at her. "Then what is that you're clutching in your right hand?"

"A steamed potato!" she answered. "It sat there in the mess hall begging to be eaten, sir!"

For the first time today, the drill instructor seemed like he was trying to restrain himself. "The theft I understand, but here! Why eat it here of all places?"

Sasha wasn't taking the hint. "It looked quite delicious, and it was getting cold, so I gave it shelter in my stomach, sir."

His voice dropped so low that the other recruits had to strain their ears to hear him. "Why? I can't comprehend! Why would you eat that potato?"

Now she was confused. "Are you...asking me why people eat potatoes. I'm surprised you don't know, sir."

The temperature seemed to drop 50 degrees as the cadets stared at her in utter horror. Was she trying to get herself murdered on the first day? Surprisingly, Shadis didn't immediately rip her to shreds and just stood there, silent. Some of them wondered if he was contemplating how he was going to kill her and get away with it.

Sasha was getting uncomfortable by the sudden silence and tried to rectify things. She broke the potato in half, though one was bigger than the other, and held out the smaller half to him. "Here, sir. Have half."

Slowly, Shadis took the piece as if it was the nicest thing someone had ever done for him. "Have half? Really?"

The girl smiled as if she did such a great deed, and that was the last straw.


-Later the Day-

Sasha's punishment was to run to run around the the whole camp till dark. While she was doing that Eren, Eric, Armin, Marco, and a few others were watching her go by and making a conversation making friends. When they were doing that Dillion came up to them with bandages on his face after he came back from the infirmary.

"Well, looks who's here," Connie greeted with a grin. "The Sina Brat himself."

Dillon could tell he meant it in jest...he hoped, and said, "Just call me Dillon."

"I didn't expect for you to get hurt like that today," Mina mentioned, looking at his injury with concern.

He shrugged. "Well, he wanted to break me down and started with my nose. It was just bad luck for him I had to get it patched up before it got worse." He decided to introduce himself to Eren the one person he didn't know, holding out his hand. "Dillon Holt. You?"

Eren was about to say his name till he was cut off from Eric.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Dillion Holt." Eric said to him with a devious smile.

"Eric Ford it's Been quite a while I last saw you." Dillion said to him giving a bro hug to him as they both chuckle at their greeting.

"Heh it's good to to see you again old friend." Eric said with a smile.

"It's good to see you to you haven't changed that much." Dillion said with smile.

The rest of the cadets were all confused till they all know who they both were.

Let me guess you both are good old pals." Armin said with a smile.

"Yup while Me and my sister were traveling with our uncle we stop by at Yarckel once in a while to get some supplies for our journey at their blacksmith shop and catch up on a few things." He said to them.

Dillion turned back to Eren and said "Anyway back to you, what was your name again."

"Eren Yeager," he answered carefully, shaking his hand.

"So, what's it like living in the Interior?" Armin asked.

"Lots of noise," he replied. "I worked as a blacksmith in Yarckel with my dad. Noise was something I had to get used to very fast. If I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing, I got hurt."

"Sounds dangerous," Marco observed.

Dillon nodded. "It can be unless you know what you're doing at all times." He spotted Sasha continuing to run and changed the subject. "So, Potato Girl's still running?"

"I thought Shadis was going to kill her," Connie commented.

"I know," Eren added. "One hell of a first day." He chuckled. "It's funny. Being told to run until she passed out didn't seem to bother her nearly as much as being told her meals were being dropped to one per day for the next five."

Dillon snorted. "Maybe next time, she won't eat in formation."

Eren noticed something up in the distance.

"Hey, what's that?" Eren asked.

The group looked where he was pointing at and saw a horse dragging a cart of trainees away from the compound.

"They're dropouts," Mina explained sadly. "They prefer to work in the fields."

"Weaklings" Eric thought to himself.

Marco was confused. "But...it's only the first day."

Dillon could understand why they left. "Not everyone can be a soldier. Shadis put us through one hell of a workout today."

Eren looked at the dropouts with disgust. "I can't believe anyone would rather pull plants than fight."

The blacksmith turned to him with an annoyed look. "Those 'plant pullers' help feed people, Eren. They may not be in the front lines, but they are doing a good service to humanity."

The green-eyed boy glared at him. "And I bet you've enjoyed a good meal in the Interior because of them, haven't you, Dillon?"

Like Shadis said, this was happening. Most of these trainees were orphans due to the Titans or some other tragedy. They've experienced homelessness, starvation, and wondering how they were going to make it to the next day. He, on the other hand, had a secure roof over his head, a job that paid well, delicious meals, and a family that loved him. He could sympathize with these kids, but unless he experienced half of what they did, he could never fully understand it. Whether he liked it or not, Dillon was going to be an outcast for a while until he changed the reputation that was already made for him, he will do it, for he had done it before.

That being said, Eren's statement was still stupid beyond belief. Fortunately, someone else called him out on it before he did.

"Enough Eren, he does have a point. They may not be killing titans but at least their doing a part for once, better to have that than cowering away. So get use to it, like Dillion said not everybody can be a soldier." Eric said in a irritated voice.

Eren didn't look convinced, but to his credit, he chose not to say anything in response since he'll know what Eric will do to him.

Marco decided to change the subject. "I know about some of us, but you never mentioned where you guys were from.

"The same as Armin," he answered, putting on hand on the blond boy's shoulder. "From Shiganshina."

Dillon's eyes widened in horror. "Shiganshina? That means-!"

"You were there that day," Connie finished, less shocked and more...excited.

"Quiet!" Marco warned, realizing what he was about to say.

Connie didn't heed his advice. "The Colossal One! Did you see him? What about the beasts you saw them too?"

Eren didn't look insulted by his lack of tact, but his voice grew darker as memories surfaced from that day. "Yeah. Yeah, I did."



-Mess Hall-

"Yeah, okay? I saw the big guy!" Eren confirmed, sounding exasperated.

Crowd of cadets gathered around Eren, asking him over and over again if what Connie said was true, if he really was there when Wall Maria fell. At least they gave him space so he could get his food first.

"Whoa, seriously?" Thomas asked as if he hadn't said it the first two times.

One guy, Samuel, wanted details. "Okay, exactly how tall was he?"

"He stuck his head over the outer wall," he explained.

The comments started flying.

"Whoa, wait! I heard he stepped over the wall completely!"

"So did I."

"That was the rumor in my village too."

"He was big, but not that big," Eren corrected.

"So what did it look like?" Mina dared to ask.

"It had a mouth like a corpse," he described. "And no skin. Just muscles."

"And the Armored Titan?" another cadet questioned. "The one that broke through Wall Maria?"

Eren didn't seem impressed. "Is that what they're calling it? In all the panic, it was just another Titan to me."

"What about the the monsters were they also part of the attack too?"

"Yeah but the only thing is that they attack the titans and not us which was weird." He said to them all.

They were all shocked and amazed to hear about it.

"What about the first monster that broke through the after Colossal did. Did you see him?" A cadet said.

"Yeah what did he look like?" Thomas said to them.

"He was giant all right, he had many giant spikes on his back and a tail that can wipe almost about 50 titans, also he had a ability that I never seen before he had the ability to breath blue fire." Eren said them all.

They were all shocked to hear this that giant creature like that can have an amazing ability.

Samuel was flabbergasted like everyone else. "No way. So, what were they like?"

Eren stopped eating, gasping as the memories of that horrible day hit him everything that happen to him. Dropping, his spoon, he put his hand over his mouth, sounding like he was about to vomit. Dillon looked around for a bucket, or something like that in case the poor kid needed to let it out.

Marco finally had the decency to put an end to it. "Come on! That's enough questions, all right? I'm sure he'd rather not relive everything he went through."

"We're sorry," Connie apologized, feeling ashamed for putting Eren through all that just to satisfy his own curiosity. "We didn't mean to-."

"It's not like that," Eren assured, composing himself and taking a bite of bread. "Those stupid Titans. They're really not that big a deal. If we focus on mastering the Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear they give us, then it's Titan payback time. I've waited years to be trained as a soldier. All of a sudden, the reality's sinking in. I'm joining the Scout Regiment; then I'll send the Titans back to Hell. I'm gonna butcher them all."

The whole stood in silence at what they heard from him. But Eren wasn't exactly finished yet.

"Though there is one I want to figure out." He said to them. They were all confused about what he meant, he continued on.

"What were those things that saved many lives? Why are they here? What's their purpose? Why are they defending us? And most importantly. What was that creature that gave fear to the titans and help many lives?" He finished saying. This also made the cadets wonder about the same questions too what were these beasts? Why are they here now. They were all wondering about Eren's questions too, till one voice spoke out.

"The Monsters Name is Godzilla."

That made all the cadets quiet and looked at the person who said it. Eren also looked at who said that.

It was Eric sitting next to his sister and Dillion. He put down his spoon and spoke again.

"The spiked four legged monster is Called Anguirus. The Flying Monster is Rodan. And the Giant worm is Named Mothra."

Everybody we're all shocked to here that he knew what these creatures were, even Eren himself was shocked because Eric knew about these creatures and never told him about even after they came back.

"Eric.How do you know these creatures." Eren said to him.

"Oh come on you all know about that legend right, the one that we all heard about as kids that suppose to be a scary story to give us nightmares." Eric said to all of them. Some of the cadets knew what he was talking about while others had confused looks. He sighed and continued.

"Well for those who don't know I'm gonna say this once so listen carefully then."

The cadets gathered all around him to here this story.

"Many years before we were all born, before our parents and their parents were born, even before the Titans and Walls were even thought of, the Titans weren't the exactly the threat to humanity, there were giant creatures that ruled this world and conquered it, we were just pests for them, they have fought our kind for hundreds of years with no end, some were victorious, some were defeated, but there was one that always had triumphed and that was Godzilla. He was a living god that had fought many wars and battles and had always been a victor, our race was thought gonna be extinct by him, but that was when the titans appeared in the picture. Now they're the threat that must be dealt with but we weren't strong enough to go against them but then one day the same creatures that attack us were now protecting us as they repelled the titans even the God of Destruction himself as took them on himself giving humanity a chance to survive, then as the Walls were finally built those hundred years ago, they just vanished without a trace never to be seen again until now." He finished his story. All the cadets were all shocked to here that he knew so much about them.

"So your saying that this Godzilla that broke through wall Maria was trying to protect us." Mina said to Eric as he simply nodded.

"What those other monsters are they threats."

"No Rodan, Mothra,Anguirus, and Godzilla aren't the threat they're guardians they're doing what they do best which is restoring the balance of nature." Eric finished.

Eric how much do you know about these creatures." Armin said in question.

Yea I want to know too. How much do you know about these monsters. Eren looked at him.

Eric stared at him into the eye, he closed his and sighed again, he started getting up and started walking out of the mess hall.

"Hang on I'll be right back, let me get what your asking for." He said as he left the mess hall.

A few minutes later he came back with book in his hands. He putted down on the table for everyone to see it.

Whoa what's that." Connie said

This is a book about them everything about them, their origins, size, strengths, weaknesses everything." He said as he turned a page. He was right it showed everything but it also showed many variety of creatures even some that were strange looking.


"There he is, was this the same creature Eren." Eric said pointing at the picture. Eren looked at the picture and saw it was the same creature that saved his mother and killed the Titan that was gonna eat her.


"Yep that's him." Eren said to them. Eric turned to the other page and some of the cadets were shocked to see what they're seeing.

Well there he is the God of Destruction himself." Eric said as they all awed at this part of the page. They were shocked to see so much information on this creature giving every detail of it. They began to comment on this.

"Wow look at it"

"He looks enormous"

"That was the one that through Wall Maria."

"He doesn't look that tuff."

Eren looked at the picture and knew this was the same creature that was there that fateful and gave him a few nightmares of him every once a while.


"So why is he called the God of Destruction?" Thomas question to Eric

"He was called that because of what he did. He destroyed many cities and lives, many tried killing him but never dies that's he's savior and destroyer of earth." Eric answered.

"So he's on no one side." One cadet said

"Yeah." Eric replied back.

"Well this is all the the stuff I need to know." Eren said

"If what you say is true Eric then I'll make some of these creatures help us if I have too, if we want our world back from the titans. Once I become a scout I'll know why are they doing here and why the titans are here and I'll kill every last one of them." Eren said one last time as the room got quiet till one voice spoke out.

"Hey, are you crazy or something?"

All eyes faced Jean, who was smirking due to Eren's tirade. "Not that it's my business, but signing up for Reconnaissance is like a death sentence."

Eren eyed him carefully. "I guess we'll see. Or, at least, I will. You seem content hiding in the Interior with the MPs."

"Look I'm just speaking honestly here kid, at least I'm not some sort of loud mouth Bragging tough guy wanna be thinking he thinks he's piss scared as the rest of us." He said which caused him to get a little mad and stood up from his seat."Are you trying to pick up a fight." Eren said grudgingly.

"Stop it you guys." Marco said to them trying to stop them from making it worse.

"All right sure if it's no different than me." Jean said getting up from his seat and getting ready to fight Eren.

Just they were about to fight the bell was ringing say that dinner is over. They stopped at what their doing.

"Hey I apologize sorry I called you names misunderstanding your choice of career put her there kid what do you say." Jean said as he hold out his hand for a agreement.

Yeah sorry as well." Eren said as he high five him and left the mess hall.

Jean wasn't very pleased about Eren though. When he was deep in thought Mikasa passed by him, as she did slow mo had been in his eyes as he never seen a girl as beautiful as her.

"Ummm excuse me. I um- I just wanted to um- I never seen anyone like you before, I mean -uh-I- you really have beautiful black hair." Jean stuttered with a hint of blush on his face.

Thank you." Mikasa simply said and went out of the mess hall. Jean came to his senses and start to follow Mikasa when he got out there he didn't see her he saw her with Eren.

"Would you lay off its no big deal." He said to Mikasa trying not to let her babying him.

"It's just that you don't see what you just think through." She said making a point.

"ugh again with this if you insist on worrying worry how long your hair is. It's start out bad as it is when we start on the ODM gear." He said waving her hair.

"Ok fine I'll cut it." She said to him.

Jeans face had a dark look on his face when he saw them walking together. Connie went by Jean a humming in some tune. As he went by Jean unexpected by Connie wipe his hand on Connie's shirt.

"What the hell don't touch my clothes dam it what did you wipe on me anyway." He said to Jean angrily.

"Don't worry just my trust." He simply said back to him.


Meanwhile at the other side Eric was the last one to head to their barracks. He was deep into his book about the Giant monsters especially when he's looking at the famous Godzilla pages. He was so into it that he ran into somebody and knock over the person.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you coming" he said to the person but turns out that it was a girl.

"It's ok it was an accident." She simply said to him with a smile. Eric cannot believe his eyes he's seeing the most beautiful girl he ever seen before, this proved that heaven was indeed missing an angel. Her blue eyes were the most beautiful he had ever seen and her blonde hair was short enough to accentuate that fact. Speaking of short, though, she happened to be the shortest cadet he'd seen, her height only coming up to his neck, but he had no problem with it. When he saw her appearance he had a small blush on his as he put his hand out for her and she accepted and lift her tiny body up.

"Umm, yea sorry didn't see you I was -um-uh I was into my book." He stuttered holding his book out.

"It's ok I wasn't paying attention either." She said and pick up was a few pieces of bread and a water skin.(A/N: don't what it is it's a old fashioned water bottle just looked it up.)

"Hey what's that for, you didn't eat." He said as he observed her.

She shook her head to him. "Oh no this isn't for me it's for that other girl that was running through the entire camp."

"Oh you mean potato girl." He said to her as she nodded.

"Well be careful you might get in trouble if you give her those just don't get caught. And don't worry I won't say anything ok." He said to her

"Ok thank you."

"Nice meeting you uhh-" He said to her trying to know her name.

"Krista.Krista Lenz." She said and left.

Eric was in deep thought. Then he took out a crystal necklace which reminded him of a person that gave him it, somebody very special to him. Then snapped out of his mind he put the necklace back in his shirt and went to the barracks.


-Day 2-

"Its aptitude test time so listen up there is no place for you if you cannot perform those who can't do this isn't even worthy of being bait, fail and you are outta here." The instructor began with full force. As the contraption for practicing the ODM gear each cadet was put to the test.

In the background two of the other instructors were cordially conversing. "We are just drilling out the fundamentals. You can tell a cadet's knack for it just by watching" one said.

"Like them?" The junior instructor pointed at the perfectly still figure of Mikasa and Eric who basically has his hands in his pocket with a bored expression on his face yet being perfectly balanced.

"Indeed" the older man said. "The girl is perfectly steady. She instinctively knows how to adjust her form. As for the boy he is a natural master with a degree of arrogance since his body can balance without him even trying. Overall we have good crop of recruits this year."

"What about him?" The younger instructor pointed at the blatantly obvious poorest performer Eren.

"Ah yes, he is the perfect example that drive and dedication does not always translate into capability." The older instructor explained.

Poor Eren was hanging upside down with his eyes widened in horror. To make matters worse, he was getting laughed at by his peers. What were they, in grade school or something?

Shadis, as usual, wasn't helping matters. "WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION, YEAGAR!? STRAIGHTEN YOURSELF UP!"

"Why am I, how do I work this thing,this can't be happening." Eren thought to himself.


-Later that day-

As the the whole day went by, at the ODM training ground, Eric, Mikasa, Diana, and Armin were with Eren helping him on his training.

"Just remember the basics and you should be fine no need to try any fancy maneuvers just focus on your balance then distribute your weight evenly with the waist of the belt of your legs." Mikasa said to Eren giving him advice.

"Also keep a clear mind." Eric said to him.

"Loosen your stance a little bit if I could do it I know you can." Armin commented.

"Yea we we believe in you Eren." Diana said with a smile.

"Ok a loose stance but balance let's give it a shot Armin." He told Armin as he lift him up off the ground he was balanced a little bit right before he toppled back to the ground again with a painful hit on the head.


Later on, Mess Hall

"Hey Daz he was talking about butchering all the titans but really got quiet after the ODM training didn't he well I guess it's the field for him tomorrow, can't waste food for the useless." A cadet said referring to Eren. Eren heard him and still shocked that he can't do it to.

"Eren ." Mikasa said as he came to reality.

Don't worry you still have time to practice before tomorrow

"How pathetic how am I suppose to kill Titans if I can't even stand straight." He said to himself angrily.

"It might be time to let that dream die."

"What do you mean." He said hoping that she isn't saying what she's gonna say.

"I think you should give up this attempt to be a soldier, there's just a lot of more than combat and fighting than just throwing your life away in vein." She said to him.

"What are saying after what we saw that day after what happened to mom your crazy of you I'm just gonna walk away." He said angrily

"I get it but it doesn't matter how determined you are."

"Wait what do you mean"

"Because whatever you not fit to become a soldier isn't up to you." She said as the bell rang and all the cadets were getting their dishes and leaving the mess hall.

"You misunderstand-" "lets go." While she was still talking unknown to her Eren already left.

"I'm saying you should return to the Fields for yourself I wouldn't dream of it because where ever you go I go with you." She said as she turned thought she was still talking to Eren instead it was Sasha.

"So uh are you saying that your not going to finish that." She said to her pointing to a piece of bread.


-Boys barracks-

"What's the trick to posture control?" Connie asked in a patronizing tone. "Hard to say. Guess I've got the gift. You've just got to feel it, you know."

Jean didn't help matters. "I'm trying to figure out your trick. You've screwed up every way imaginable, short of an accidental, equipment-related asphyxiation."

Eren continued to plead his heart out. "Please, guys! You gotta help me. I'm begging you!"

Connie's smirk widened. "That's funny. Wasn't it just yesterday you said, 'If you can't handle the pressure, you gotta leave?' No, wait. Was it 'if you're a complete idiot, you gotta leave?' Something like that."

"I think you two fit the last one pretty well!" Dillon stated, getting off his bed while glaring at them. "He asks for help and you mock him for it, when less than a minute ago, you wanted my help with fighting! Hypocritical much? Eren, Armin, follow me."

Surprised except Eric, the three followed Dillon outside and shut the door.

"Before I answer your question, have you given any thought to mine?" he asked. '"Why do you think I'm here?"'

Eren sighed. "I think you're here because you want to make a difference like I do."

Dillon nodded, satisfied. "Now that we've established that as fact and you've had time to simmer down, truce?" He held out his hand.

Hesitantly, the green-eyed boy shook it. "Truce."

"All right. Here comes the bad news: the advice I'm about to give you is advice you've probably heard today. You need to have balance." Seeing his expression look downcast confirmed his suspicions. "You did hear it today. Okay, how about advice I have trouble following myself? Hope for the best, prepare for the worst!"

A look of determination filled Eren's face. "I'm not giving up!"

"Good," Dillon congratulated. "I don't expect you to, but you need to be prepared for a scenario you don't want. I know you don't want to be shipped to the fields, and I don't expect you to be happy about it if it happens, but...sometimes there are battles you can't win."

He quickly realized who he just said that to as he received a deadly glare from him. "I'm not going to lose, Dillon. I'm going to master the 3DM gear! Just you wait!"

"That's enough Eren now stop it before you make it worse." Eric said holding him back.

"Eren, he's not our enemy!" Armin pointed out firmly before facing him. "Thanks."

"Get some rest," he advised. "You've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow and you want advice ask Reiner and Bertolt."

Dillon entered the barracks and closed the door.

Man how are you friends with him Eric."

"Like I said it was fate ok. Plus I know he may be from Wall Sina but give him a chance ok once you get to know him you'll understand. Now come on let's ask Reiner and Bertolt." He said as he opened the door for them and both of them followed him in.

"Oh come on I heard you both are good at it. Reiner.Bertolt." He ask for their help but they aren't.

"Sorry kid but there isn't any trick than just hanging there but if it's advice you want I'm not the right to look for." Reiner making him understand.

"Yea all right." Eren said in defeat.

"Thanks anyway guys." Eric said to them.

"Come on it'll come to you tomorrow." Armin said to get rest but till Bertolt stop them.

"Hold on aren't the two of you originated from Shinganshina." He ask them.

"Yea." All three said at the same time.

"Then you should know how terrifying they are why on earth would you want to be soldiers." He said to them.

"I didn't see the things they did but Eren and Eric did he saw them full of bloodlust at first hand before anyone knew how bad it was and I couldn't stand by as the royal government forced the citizens to ring in the failed territorial retrieval operation." He said talking about that very day.

"I see"

"So where are you two from." Armin asked Bertolt.

"Oh Reiner and I were both from a mountain village just south east of Wall Maria." He said to them

"What." Three of them said at the same time.

"Then that means-

"Yeah unlike the prosper river towns our village didn't received word right away the titans were on us before we even knew what's going on it happen at dawn all the livestock were restless till we heard some strange rumbling noises just becoming louder and louder then I realized that those sounds were the sounds of death were getting closer. I looked out at and I saw-" He stopped right there a short while remember that horrible memory.

"After that I uh everything was just A blur we just panicked and."

"Hey easy now don't start getting worked up on yourself again." Reiner said trying to tell him to calm down.

"Sorry. But we managed get out of there in time if weren't for it showed up." Bertolt said.

"What do you mean by it." He said

"Right after the titans showed up we didn't have time to to evacuate in time we all thought we were gonna get eaten that was when it arrived. We heard a loud o cry or wail of some kind then the sky was raining down some sort of glowing dust of some kind in the soil. Then the earth was shaking more than the titans footsteps, then in the ground came out a huge creature that some kind of monster plant from hell itself. It used its mouthed vines to get of the titans (A/N: can anyone guess what this Kaju is I'll give you a hint it's in the Heisei series and the first monster to fight Godzilla in the beginning of the series in the Second movie in the series) keeping them busy while got out in time." Bertolt said as he finished a story. They were the very shocked to hear what happened to village as they heard another monster was heard but never reported.

"basically what I'm trying to say is this the five of us aren't like the rest...of them."

"Them who." Armin asked him.

"The others that have not witnessed the titans horror-" Bertolt was say more till Reiner stopped him.




They decided to go outside to find a place to help Eren on his training.

"Most are here for show just to do what society expect in a world where your labeled as a coward if you choose fieldwork by the time your 12 probity demands our service. With that said I'm really no different than the others I joined to be in the ranks to join the military police tucked in the interior. If that doesn't works I'll give up entirely I really don't have the fortitude for anything else." Bertolt said talking about himself about why he joined the military.

"Theirs no shame about caring your life Bertolt we all do." Armin said.

"Do we, I'm going back to home to the home that was taken from me, that's all I care about right now, with or without those monsters help, I will do it no matter what." Reiner said in determination.

"What about you. Why'd you signed up." Bertolt asked Eren.

"Why I joined I decided I have to kill them I'll stop till every Titan is dead and rotting dead to every last one." He said in sort of venomous tone. They were a little taken back for what they heard and hear the thought he was kidding around.

"You saw what those monsters were capable of and you still want to take them on."

"Damn right it's just after screwing up the training I don't know if I'm cut out to be a soldier." He said in a defeat tone.

They stopped at the cliff which had a beautiful view of a lake with trees in the beautiful night sky.

"We'll take it to step one Belt adjustment by tomorrow you'll be and expert I know you got what it takes I can see it in you am I wrong here." Reiner said to Eren.

"No you're right I won't fail thanks Reiner thank you." He said thanking them for helping him him.

Unknown to them Eric sensed something in Reiner and Bertolt something that's not right in them a he doesn't like it whatever it is he'll find soon.


-3DM training area

"Eren Yeager!" Shadis said once Eren was strapped in. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, sir!" he answered.

There were a lot of cadets today that hoped Eren would be able to pull this off, Mikasa and Armin being the biggest supporters. Dillon was among them, wanting his determination to pay off. Dreams being crushed were never good to watch.

"Proceed!" Shadis commanded.

Thomas nodded, turning the lever.

Slowly, the harness started to rise into the air as everyone waited with bated breath to see what would happen. Eren's determined look intensified the moment his feet left the ground. With a loud grunt, he kept himself upright for the first time. The cadets cheered loudly for him, thrilled that he accomplished what he wanted.

Unfortunately, that joy only lasted a few seconds. With a surprised yell, Eren toppled to the ground, upside down yet again. No one laughed this time around. Not even Jean was smirking at his failure.

The minute Shadis started towards him, Eren started panicking and begging. "No! Not yet! Once more! I can do it!"

"Lower him," he instructed, disappointment in his voice.

The minute he was on the ground, Eren fell to his knees in agony. There were even tears in his eyes. "I-I'm finished."

They all thought that he was gonna be sent out till one was heard.

Sir I have a request I would like to ask now," Eric tried to speak as cooly as possible. "Huh? What is it?"

"I would like to ask you to repeat the test with Eren wearing my belt." He said.

"Very well. Wagner give him Erics belt to please."

Two things went through everyone's minds: "wait, what?" and "did Shadis say please?"

"Uh, yes, sir," Thomas replied, confused.

Once the belts were exchanged, the old one given to the drill instructor, Eren was lifted into the air again. This time, it was the complete opposite outcome. The green-eyed nut was achieving balance as if it came easy to him. It was so different that he almost toppled because of how easier it was.

"Your equipment was defective," Shadis explained, holding the now-apparent broken belt. "If given a piece of functional gear, you might not be worthless after all. Quartermaster didn't notice this broken clasp. Might have to visit the supply depo and crack a couple skulls."

Murmurs broke through the crowd. For broken equipment, Eren actually pulled it off for a little while. All Eric could think about was how much he pitied the supply depo that would face Shadis's wrath soon.

"So you mean I... I didn't wash out?" Eren dared to hope.

"You made the cut," he confirmed. "Now keep training, Cadet!"

A huge grin broke out on Eren's face, the happiest anyone had ever seen him. He was going to be what he always wanted to be: a soldier!

I I did it I really did it check it out Mikasa I'm doing it I can fight the titans you don't haveto worry about me not anymore." He thought to himself as he was looking at Mikasa.

"Well done Eren." Eric thought to himself.

"It seems things worked out well for him." Reiner said to them.

"His eyes are saying check me out." Armin said.

Their not his eyes are saying he doesn't have to leave me not anymore.." Mikasa said to that's his were really saying.

They all got weirded out by what she said.

Eric felt somebody touching his shoulder found out it was Dillion which gave him a nod and touch his sisters shoulder and gave her a nod and nodded back then went way back behind the crowd. Making sure they weren't being watched he took out a ear piece which was a communicator.

"Base this Shadow one do read."

"We read you what's the status." A voice was heard.

"He succeeded it I repeat he succeeded it." Eric said

"Very good continue your mission but report back if any conflict has arrived."

"Copy base Shadow one out." He finished taking out the communicator out of his ear and looked at his comrades and gave them a smile and thumbs up that one part has seceded.

"Grisha today should bring you pride, your son is a soldier." Shadis thought to himself.

Later on Shadis on his horse watch as the cadets on ODM gear flying through the treetops. Eren can feel it as past Mikasa and Eric, he now can now finally go up against the titans he vengeance on them is on now on course and he will succeed. And maybe just maybe find out the secrets of the titans and monsters especially Godzilla.