
Attack On Titan:Kaiju Vs Titans

Notice I’m so lazy I’m done uploading if you want the story look it up online For hundreds of years humanity thought that the titans were the top of the food chain but they were wrong now there are something that are more bigger,faster, stronger,smarter, more dangerous creatures that outside the walls but one is the strongest of them all either called a king or god to humans but still a monster. Some think they are savories, others think they're Destroyers but there is one question they have to answer: Are they with Humanity or against us. That question was answered on one day when the titans breached the wall. This is where our story begins. (I don't own Godzilla or Attack on Titan universes they belong to the rightful owners) Please note that I have not created this Fanfic I am unable to find original author if you can prove you are original author and want it taken down I will do so

MinerFrags · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Graduation & Return

-3 Years later-

A small group ran through the rain carrying heavy baggage as practice of endurance. At the rear of the platoon a blond boy was struggling to stay upright as he pitifully ran.

Pick up the pace you leg heeled laggers." Shadis shouting to them.

"Your boots are waterlogged Arlert. Let's see some hustle." The instructor said in his gruff tone.

"Uh damn it."Armin couldn't even reply to him since he's almost out of breath.

"You're too heavy for your stuff? Half drop and leave it in the mud. The titans will have easier work eating you without all the extra crap" he said

"damn it." He muttered to himself.

"Seriously. Here focus on staying upright. You know we are being graded on this." The brotherly figure of Reiner came in to lift some weight off his shoulders.

"Thanks but won't you get in trouble for this?" Armin ask Reiner.

"Yeah if he finds out." He replied back to him.

Keith watching this exchange thought of his opinions on the cadets.

Reiner Braun: The mind and constitution of a grass fed ox. Respected by his commrades.

"I'll never be a burden to anyone, you hear me, I made a promise." Armin said. Picking up his bag and his resolve from the promise he made three years ago. He got the baggage and starts running fast.

Armin Arlert: Delicate as a daffodil. Can barely do field work but academically brilliant.

The task moved on from to endurance to ODM skills. A few dummies were raised to simulate titans. The figures of Annie, Bertold and Jean charged it.



Two deep cuts were lain on the target afterwards a more shallow one was laid by Jean who was out of focus.

Annie Leonhart: Gifted with does not exactly swing it well around others.

Bertold Hoover: Heaps of great talent but too mild mannered to take charge in anything.

Jean Kirstein: Highly proficient in the ODMs but also . . . an insufferable smartass with a hair trigger temper.

"Think those show off can slice and dice. Best hope you see a titan before I do." Jean said to himself mad that he didn't get the kill.

He charged forward to another target. Only to have his prey snatched by the likes of Connie.

"Way to lead the charge dude. You don't mind if I steal your thunder right" he said in his cocky way. Unfortunately both men then got suckered by the pony tailed girl aka "potato girl" Sasha. "Yahoo"

Sasha Braus: At first glance seems retarded but on the field has impressive uncanny instincts. Though rarely shares them with her teammates.

Connie Springer: Agile on the switchbacks. But a few sandwhiches short of a picnic.

Ahead of them lies a unique duo. A black haired girl slashed deep with quick precision on many targets. Swinging forth without even breaking a sweat. With the boy struggling to keep up with the champion skills.

Mikasa Ackerman: Model cadet. Excels in almost everything. In fact its no overstatement to call the girl a genius.

Eren Yeager: Lagluster in the classroom. Marginally better in the field. But driven by a sense of purpose that is almost terrifying.

Damn it still isn't deep enough." Eren thought

While he was looking at those two he heard the hiss noise, he turned his head and was very surprised to see most of the Titan dummies were nearly torn to shreds and he noticed one dummy was still standing but it didn't last long.

(A/N:this showing the slash on each one open slash are one and the ones close to each other are multiple slashes.)









He saw the last Titan dummy turned to shreds as he saw three blurs go by. One was another black haired girl while the others were two boys,one brown and one black. The black haired one is the lead one.

Diana Ford: Moves swiftly like a banshee. Lack on most combat training but has remarkable healing abilities which would be good use for a lanky like her.

Dillion Holt:For a Sina brat he sure does know most combat skills. Even though his ego and naivety will be the situation to get rid of.

Eric Ford:Monstrous strength and speed like a phantom. Also, That combined with his goals and will to lead makes him a godsent force to be reckoned with. Who knows? If he lives long enough he might go on to become a legend!

When the others came upon a now familiar yet ussettling sight of destruction. Chatter began on the field. Mostly these we're talking about Eric taking some of those titan dummies.

"Those guys are monsters."

"How does he do that?"

"Wow she's so beautiful when she attacks"

"Damn, that guy is gonna lead regiments before he reaches twenty."

"Hey, leave some for us"

Unfortunately they were ignoring their comments as they all ready to slash the next one.



Then moved to hand to hand combat as two cadets practiced in hand to hand combat with each other one with a knife.

Reiner had the knife in his hand and charged with a war cry to Eren but Eren stopped him by putting his hand on Reiner's chest and tossed him into the air around and then to the ground.

"Sorry man I really got to learn to hold back." He said holding out a hand for Reiner to reach and he accepted it and

"It's all right let's see how you would go...what are you waiting on." Reiner said holding out the wooden knife to him.

"This training doesn't make sense knives wouldn't be good in combat i mean a guy would be stupid enough to use this I mean a knife." He said holding the fake knife. When he looked at it he remembered that what he did when he got his before which was 6 years ago back when he first kill and when Mikasa's parents were killed, he his went dark when he remembered that day.

"What if there's not an option the fight doesn't give us a say if it wants to get ugly it gets ugly its our to prepare the enemy comes in many forms, like for example your friends sister." He said as he and Eren were looking at Diana who took down a cadet bigger than her while he was in KO position she just gave him a smile and giggled at him." She may not be a person that wants to fight but this shows to never underestimate her, artillery not always be the answer soldiers ones the ones with their salt anyway are ready for anything. Don't believe me look." He pointed to a blonde girl that goes by the name Annie Leonheart who was just walking around.

"Yeah what about her. The only she's ready for any chance for is slack off." Eren said didn't looked convinced

"You think so maybe somebody will give her a talking give her a little hard knocks lessons and preparedness." Reiner said giving him a evil look. Eren realized what he's going to do as head towards to her.

"Come on now not beating down wasn't enough keep it up you'll be flat as the dirt your standing on or I suggest to why you signed up in the first place." He said to her. She gave him the most scariest scowl that no person wants to see if she had a boyfriend he would be scared to death of her if he goes on her bad side.

"Woah she's pissed I never thought she would be that scary." Eren thought to himself after seeing her scowl.

"Ok now go get her." Reiner said as he pushed him.

"Huh hey, what the hell, hey wait." He said as he was being shoved. He stood there as she was readied herself into a boxer stance ready for anything that comes to her.

"Right I tell you I won't hold back. Heads up." Eren said to her as he charges to her then moving swiftly she kicked him in the shins. As he was hit he fell to the floor painfully.

"Son of a- that was a dirty move." He said trying to get up but can't with the pain.

"Are we done here." Annie said in a bored expression.

"Not just yet you know the drill take up the dagger." Reiner replied.

"Wait hold on this isn't how. Oh cr*p." Eren said as she starts heading towards as she hold his upper body and used her leg to trip his and flipped over.

" There. So your ready to take me by yourself or what." She said to Reiner.

" Uh not exactly-"

"Don't you dare.

She's got a lesson right you go get her." Eren cut him off before Reiner said more.

"Yeah a soldier can't really afford to back down neither. Get ready here I -"

Eren stared in awe as Reiner was knocked to the ground in the position he was in earlier. The guy was one foot bigger than she was and she took him down as if he was nothing. Then again, he had it coming for suckering him into a fight with Annie.

"That's some technique," he complemented. "Who taught you how to fight like that?"

"My father did," she answered.

"Did you...pioneer it, or-?"

"Does it really matter?" Annie interrupted. "It's pointless. Just like all this."

Now, Eren was confused. "Wait, you mean the training in general?"

She looked at the other cadets that were sparring. "Hand-to-hand combat doesn't really count against our final grade. The smart ones blow it off. It's a crapshoot anyway. Only the top ten cadets get to serve in the Interior. The rest of us? Forget it! Point is, only the idiots like you take this part of boot camp seriously."

Annie stopped talking when she spotted one of the most insulting things she had ever seen. Sasha and Connie were not only not training, but making outlandish versions of certain fighting styles. Connie even had the wooden knife in his mouth. If Shadis didn't grab him by the head and yell expletives at him for that stunt, she probably would've started breaking their bones herself.

"Idiots, and whatever they are," she said.

Suddenly, she whipped around and attempted to plunge the wooden knife in Eren's heart, but he brought his arm just in time to keep it away from his chest.

"First rule of this life, kid," Annie continued, her tone becoming darker. "The better you are at dropping the bad guys, the more distance the powers-that-be put between you. That's what this whole stupid farce is about."

"Sure," Eren replied with gritted teeth, trying to push her arm back with his other hand. "Whatever you say!"

Naturally, whatever plan of attack he had was foiled by a low spinning sweep kick that brought him back to his new friend: the ground. Now, he was trying to keep the knife by plunging into his neck.

"Face it! You don't fight the nature of things and win!"

At this point, he honestly believed Annie was trying to kill him. The two locked eyes for quite a while, one pair full of fear, and the other full of apathy.

Finally, Annie stood up and stared down at him. "Look around you, Eren. All the sons of bitches really expect us to do is play the game. Don't be a pawn."

On that note, she walked away...only to nearly run into Dillon.

"Yea well I stand of what said earlier." Reiner said.

"I've been so fixated on building up I couldn't see, she's right their not homing their skills to fight, their homing their skills to run." He thought of it when he now what all these cadets purpose are about. He snapped out of it when Eric came to him.

"So you finally realised." Eric began.

"Huh? I didn't even say anything yet" Eren said.

"I can see it in your face clearly. Your beginning to understand how things work here. I'm sure you learned something with Annie kicking you around" Eric continued. Eren's face twisted but nevertheless spoke" yeah your right, these guys. They are all a bunch of cowards who are pruning themselves to run to the interior."

"I'm probably the only one here with the idea of killing those monsters" Eric chuckled "That makes two of us."


"Quite the pessimist, aren't you?" Dillion commented.

"It's called being realistic," Annie corrected with an annoyed look. "I'm not an idealistic fool who thinks the world will be saved because I have determination, willpower, and all that crap."

"Are you talking about Eren, Marco, or me?" Dillon questioned, a little offended.

"You tell me," she challenged, circling him with the knife still in hand. She was sizing him up. "What drives you, Holt?"

That question caught him off guard, and it made him a little nervous. "Mind clarifying what you mean?"

"You know very well what I mean," Annie stated frostily as she glared into his brown eyes, a slight sneer on her lips. "Why are you here with the 104th? Is it guilt that drives you? Perhaps you think that coming all the way from the Interior helps the dead refugees rest a little easier!" Even with that monotone, she could still sound patronizing.

Dillon glared at her, clenching his fist. "I will admit that guilt played a factor. Nothing wrong with that, is there, Leonhart?"

Annie fixed a glare on him and stopped circling him. "Get over it. They're dead. Nothing you do will change that. But if that doesn't drive you fully, what does? Why are you here?"

He stood quiet trying to think of an answer. He knows the reason he's here but unfortunately he tell anyone. So he thought of this which is true.

"Because someone has to fight the monsters outside these walls," Dillon confidently. "I'm here to fight and make a difference, to make the world a better place."

Annie scoffed at his response. "Congratulations, Holt. You're a typical, idealistic idiot. I'm disappointed. You think you can change the world because...what? You have heart? You have morals? You have determination? If you think any of that matters to a Titan, you're not only an idiot, but delusional as well."

"Maybe it's because I'm one of the few people that has hope!" Dillon shouted, his temper flaring for a second. "That's been in short supply since the moment Wall Maria was breached. It's what gets me up every moment. It's what guides my actions. The hope that whatever I do will make a difference."

Annie's eyes narrowed dangerously at that response, her tone becoming ominous to the point of being sinister. "Do you really think you can go against the nature of the world, that you can bend the strings of reality to match your desires?"

She was testing him to see how confident he was in his statements, to see if he would falter. It wasn't going to happen.

Dillon leaned in, matching her glare with his own, and spoke in a low tone. "Who knows, Leonhart? I just might surprise you!"

Annie was shocked at how much conviction there was in his tone. He honestly believed that he had the ability to make a difference in this war. It wasn't just hope. There was something else, something he wasn't telling her. What was this surprise he mentioned? Was it possible that he was...?

"Your turn," he stated, crossing his arms. "Why are you here?"

Annie paused, staring at the wooden knife in her hand. "I want to survive."

Dillon nodded his head. "I figured as much. You've been through hell. There's no shame in that."

This time, he was the one to walk away while Annie pondered their conversation. He still couldn't help but appreciate the way she swayed her hips as she walked away. Wait, when did she ever do that?. Let's just say that Dillion has the hots for Annie, ever since they met when they first came here and been getting teased by Jean,Eric and Diana mostly from the siblings.

That night. Everyone was in casual clothes, having dinner, talking about their training but ultimately relaxing from the days work. While Armin was ranting about how they weren't prepared for wall Maria's fall Eren overheard Jean and Marco's conversation.

"....that way you can conserve fuel. Let your momentum do the work for you..." Jean in his usual lines of bragging about his skills.

"Wow the MPs. Working within a stones throw of the king. There is no greater honour than that." Marco beamed.

"Screw the noble words Marco. I know you only want a nice cozy place in the interior" Jean said with an evil look.

"That's not me, that's not me at all." Marco said trying to tell Jean that.

"Look at you guys. Interior, five years ago this was part of it." Eren said

"Your point friend ?" He spoke in sarcastic formality

Eren chuckled, setting down his drink. "Poor Jean. So misguided. And besides...I don't think your head will fit in the Interior anyway."

That comment sparked a few chuckles.

"Very funny," Jean said, not amused.

Eren ignored him. "Seems a little backwards to me. Fine-tuning your Titan-killing skills so the brass will station you somewhere you'll never see one."

"You'd rather I was good at getting killed?" Jean retorted. "Thank you, but I'll pass! Better to play the system than get gnawed on."

"You really picking up a fight."

"Bring it on, you little bastard!" Jean taunted, meeting him halfway.

"Eren, please stop it!" Armin pleaded as he and Diana grabbed Eren's shirt.

"Gentlemen please." Mikasa said holding Eren's hand. Eren was good enought but the same could not be told about the other. "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUDGE ME" with too many blows to his pride Jean grabbed Eren's shirt and screamed."HEY, YOU RUIN MY SHIRT, YOU'RE DEAD" Eren came up with the only reason to fight back."I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR SHIRT YOU PISS ME OFF."


"Oh wait I get it he has something to prove sounds familiar."

Then Eric did something. He raised a hand over the table and brought it down with his thumb facing down. This was an old sign between them five years ago about dealing with bullies. It meant 'take him down'. As Eren saw that gesture and contemplated the moment,

Sorry to do this but I have to do this before things get worse."

he suddenly nailed Jean to the floor with the foot technique he learned from Annie. Jean was shocked to see him do that even Annie was shocked to see him learn that so quickly.

"What was that move?" Jean said shocked.

"Little something I picked up in todays training while you were sitting with your thumb up your ass."

"Stop this nonsense Eren. Don't bother dealing with him. He is not a soldier he is comedic relief." Eric said in a words of wisdom tone.

Suddenly the door opened and behind it was the half seen face of Keith with a death glare and white bloodlust eyes. The three boys' blood ran cold. And all anger cooled.

"Would someone care to explain what was all that ruckus ?" He spoke with death in those words.

"Sasha has gas sir commodote" came Mikasa's curt reply. This blowed her mind while the others were going through the toughest test ever to hold back laughter.

"Pfft, why am I not surprisded, for the love of god have some self control." He said as he closed the door and left.


The next day after breakfast, they had leisure time due to it being Sunday. But instead of relaxing, everyone had gathered in the training yard in order to watch the two go at it. Annie challenged Dillion to hand to hand combat let's just say Dillion gave her the wrong idea for a few things and telling her his secret and also trying to confess his feelings for her.

Nervously, Dillon did a few stretches and he was already preparing a five-minute apology speech for his behavior to Annie, who was currently eying him like a hawk. He hoped that she wouldn't make him suffer too much. Taking a breath, Annie walked towards the center and put her arms up in her usual stance. She wanted to get this over with, preferably without killing him, but at the same time making him hurt for the joke about her height earlier.

"Brings back memories, doesn't it, Cold Eyes?" Dillon asked as he tossed the fake knife up and down. Yeah, that name will never catch on.

She didn't reply, hardening her gaze as she prepared herself for his charge.

At the same time, the audience were chatting amongst themselves about who would be the winner.

"No offense to Dillon, but I think Annie is gonna beat him," Mina predicted. "She's too good."

"Yeah, but Dillon is a good fighter as well." Jean replied. "He taught Connie and I both."

"Except Annie has the best footwork I've ever seen," Eren pointed out. "Trust me. I've been on the receiving end of it every time she trained me."

"We all shall see Dillion can also be unpredictable so that's his advantage." Eric said.

"It's an even match," Mikasa commented. "It could go either way."

"Bullshit!" Connie said. "He can kick her ass from here to Utopia!"

"I'd like to hear you say that to Annie's face, dumbass," Ymir muttered.

"Don't be rude," Krista scolded.

Gulping, Dillon stepped into the ring, knife at the ready. This was the moment that would change everything. Either he lost and Annie would view him as she did before: a pathetic nuisance, or he won and earn more of Annie's respect. Like Mikasa said, it could go either way. Unfortunately, his mind started to wander to the worst-case scenario where he was on the ground, battered and broken, with Annie staring down at him with disappointment.

Annie, if I lose, I'm gonna lose...your respect."

There was no response until she chuckled. "Is that really what you think?" she questioned. "You deserve this beating, if that's the case."

Dillon gave her a confused look. "What?"

"Dillon, you're one of the smartest people here, but, bright as you are, apparently, you aren't as perceptive as I thought."

"Then would you please tell me what I'm missing?" he asked.

"If you're too thick to see it, I'll just have to pound it in," Annie said, retaking her stance.

All right Annie. He thought to himself, getting ready to attack. Let's rumble

1* Dillon made the first move, aiming for her neck. Surprised by his speed, Annie was forced to back from his slashes and jabs. He was aiming to end the fight quickly. Once he got close enough, she grabbed his wrist and tried to sweep him off his feet with her leg. Prepared for that, Dillon jumped over it, trying to stab her. They wrestled with the knife, with Annie pounding his side with her fist. He got out of her grasp by punching her in the face, making her stagger back.

"Let's make this more interesting," Dillon said. With a casual flick of his wrist, he tossed the knife to the side.

She smirked. "I see what's going on."

"You still have to get the knife," he reminded her, getting into his unarmed combat stance. Finally! Ive been waiting to do this. My knife work suck, but without it...Im free.

Annie charged at him, throwing several punches and kicks at him, though it was mostly kicks. Dillon block each one, stepping backwards. He knew he couldn't let Annie get the knife, but if kept moving back, that's exactly what was going to happen. So, to rectify that, he grabbed her by the shoulders and kneed her in the gut. Then, he shoved her back and spun around, his foot crashing against the side of her head. Now he was in front of the knife.

As Annie got back to her feet, Dillon was already on her, throwing several quick, precise jabs at her. It was like fighting a completely different opponent. Any preconceived notions she had about him vanished as she actually struggled to stay on the defensive. She ducked under another spin kick and she kicked him right in the chest. Now, she was on the offensive. Quickly, she tried aiming for his shins, but he was blocking each blow. And he was smirking too. With a growl, Annie finally landed a punch on his face, making him stagger back. She grabbed him by the wrist and performed a successful leg sweep. What she didn't count on was him rolling backwards, wrapping his legs around her neck, and pulling her down to the ground with him. He kicked her away before she could try anything else and got to his feet. However, his smirk vanished the moment he saw her pick up the knife.

"Whoops," he said sheepishly.

'"Whoops' indeed," Annie replied with an evil smirk.

Naturally, the blond-haired girl was the first one to charge, slashing at him. He was barely able to block the knife from hitting anything by targeting her wrist. She almost got him, but he managed to get behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. With a loud yell, Dillon lifted Annie up in the air and bent backwards, slamming her hard into the ground. Dazed, Annie lost her grip on her knife, which the blacksmith promptly snatched up. By the time she was back on her feet, she felt the wooden blade slice her throat in a quick movement. It was over! *1

Annie was panting, eyes wide as she realized that he had defeated her. Instead of disappointment, as most were expecting, she gave a small smile to Dillon. "Consider it a reward for your victory," she whispered to him.

The 104th spectators applauded, even the ones that bet on Annie.

"That was awesome!" Connie exclaimed.

"He's...really good," Eren admitted.

"Like I told you he's very unpredictable." Eric said to Eren.

That smile alone made the entire fight worth it. "Good fight, Annie. I think it doubles as your birthday gift to me, too."

"If I had known, I'd have gotten you flowers," she teased.

"Flowers aren't my thing," Dillon chuckled, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Will you two get a room already?" Ymir interrupted, looking miffed.

If Jean's smirk was anything to go by, she lost the bet.

Annie's smile dropped as she blushed, clearing her throat. "Good job, Cadet Holt. It is nice to see one person took it seriously."

Suddenly, it hit him like a ton of bricks. "I wouldn't have lost your respect if I lost because I take this seriously. Is that it?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Well I'm gonna clean up see ya" she said as she was leaving but was stopped by Dillion who was holding her hand.

"Wait. Hold on." He said to her.

"What." She said as her cheeks started to become red as she saw how close their bodies were.

"I just want to say that um I uh-" He stuttered but was cut off as I was the most unexpected thing to do it even shocked the whole 104th as they can't believe at what their seeing.

Annie gave Dillion a kiss. As they broke off for air she replied to him.

"It took you long enough, Dillon. Do all blacksmiths have hard heads? Or are you just especially thick?" She said.

He shrugged. "Take your pick. You wouldn't mind if you became my girlfriend would you."

"I think I can arrange that." She said as she kissed him again. Then everybody started clapping and they started to congratulate the new couple.


During the next three years they had been through hell to become soldiers it was a long but they managed as they are now gonna become soldiers.

218. That was the number of Cadets that were graduating from the 104th Cadet Corps. It was humbling experience for the top 10, who stood in a line in front of everyone else, that they made it despite so many people vying for it. It was honor that they did not want to go to waste.

"Do you have heart!?" some head honcho commander Dillon didn't know the name of questioned.

All the cadets saluted. "YES, SIR!"

"As of this moment, you have three options open to you!" he announced. "Choose wisely! The Garrison Regiment, whose job is to reinforce the walls. The Scout Regiment, who rides out into Titan Country to take back what was once ours. And the MP Regiment maintaining law and order under orders from his Royal Majesty! Those cadets eligible for the MP have already been named. The rest of you? Take a look. These are the top of your class!"

The top 10 were non other than

10.Krista Lenz

9.Marco Bot

8.Jean Kirsten

7.Eren Yeager

6.Dillion Holt

5.Annie Leonheart

4.Bertolt Hoover

3.Reiner Braun

2.Mikasa Ackerman

1.Eric Ford (Senior cadet)


Later on they all celebrated on their graduation that they finally became soldiers. Everybody were all celebrating well except for one person.

"How in God's name did I get ranked under Eren?" he questioned, downing his drink that he wished was alcoholic.

"Aww don't worry about that at least your part of the top 10 that's all that matters." Dillion said to him.

While they were talking Eren and rest of his friends were all talking about which regiment they'll be choosing.

"You are really gonna drop the MPs for the scouts. Why? You are in the top 10!" Thomas exclaimed.

"What's so surprising? I always said I would." Eric said."Yeah me too. The scouts have always been our goal. We didn't train this hard for the easy life. I trained to face and fight the titans." Eren said, slightly confusing whether he is speaking for himself or them.

"Are you insane!?" the loud voice of Thomas exclaimed.

That stopped all conversation as all eyes looked at who Thomas was talking to.

Realizing that everyone was paying attention, he spoke quieter, but still had that fear. "How many people have died? We're talking a fifth of the population! If that doesn't paint a picture for you, I don't know what will. This is our life now. We can't beat them."

"Yeah, so what?" Eren growled. "We buckle, take it all lying down? Things have changed. Maybe not a hell of a lot, but enough. They aren't the mystery they were five years ago. There's still a long way to go, but we've made progress. Every battle we lost taught us a lesson, gave us the tiniest inroad towards something like hope. You're telling me it's better to just cut our loses, let all the death and destruction be meaningless!? Just to ball it up and accept it!? Not on your life!" By now, Eren was shouting. "Humanity's future lies just outside the Walls, and I'm gonna clear the way! I'm gonna take back what was ours! I'll drive them out, and if at least one of us can say that, we're not done."

When no one spoke, Eren furiously charged outside, not wanting to be in the pub any longer, with Mikasa and Armin running after him.

"Heh. You still don't understand." A voice said as they all turn their heads and see it the voice belongs to Eric.

"I understand the situation perfectly. So twenty percent died so what? You just suck it up and go lying down? You can't be that hopeless. Things are changing. We are learning, maybe not that well but its progress. Like Eren said Are you really gonna just accept it as fate and let all the death, destruction and sacrifice amount to nothing? All you are really doing is running. Just running from cold reality. Humanity is in a cage of suffering. Our only chance lies outside the walls and if necessary I'll forge the path of freedom all by myself if I have to." Eric ranted out, they were lost at words when he did, he just simply sighed.

"I'm sorry if you can't grasp it. I doubt you can. You never had any near death experience as we had, trust me I have experience as well." He said he got up from his seat.

"If you'll excuse I have catch up to him before he goes on unknown rampage again." He said heading out

"Hey wait for me bro." Diana said as she caught up to him.

As they were both passing by the table Dillion was sitting next to with his girlfriend Eric gave Dillion a nod and he did the same as they

"What were you both thinking about." Annie said to her boyfriend.

"Oh just something." He said as he wrapped his arm her shoulder.

Meanwhile Eric and his sister made it outside as they were sitting next to them.

"That was uh quiet a speech us there." Armin commented.

"Yeah and you were on a role back there." Diana commented too.

"Yeah most of it was yours Armin, all that stuff you use to say back at the day." He said to him.

"Yeah well I'm joining the scout regiment too." Armin said.

"Now your just being stupid come on your not a fighter your life is with books." Eren said what he knows of Armin.

"I'm through with letting people fight for me." He said tom which impressed Eric.

"Guess it's for the scouts for me to then" they heard Mikasa said.

"Oh come on your almost top of the class you'd be wasting your shot." He sis to his adoptive sister.

"Understand this Eren where you go I go. I made a promise to your mom before she was taking to the hospital. I'm not letting you die I've got your back wether you like it or not so just deal with it." She said to him.

"Yeah well moms not here at the moment." He said trying not to remember that day.

"A lot of people I used to care about aren't here either. At least your mom is still around that's all that matters." She said to him.

In shocked that he remembered and he just decided not to talk back to her.

"Yeah so are we." Eric said to them as well.

"Oh come on you too." Eren said

"Hey somebody has to keep and eye on you and the others to make sure you all aren't causing any trouble." Eric said to him.

"Besides your are our best friends and friends always stick together till the very end." Diana said with a smile.

This made them smile at what their saying as they all looked at the stars.

Following that Armin stepped up. "Hey guys remember our promise? The stars look the same as the night we made that vow."

"Yeah. . . . Your right."

"As long as those are up there so is our promise." Eric said as they nodded.

They saw some shooting stars that went by them but unaware that one of the shooting stars was a Titan in blue flames. The Titan shortly landed on a building and burned to ashes. The incinerated Titan's surroundings had dead Titans all over the place. A large foot stomped on top of the dead Titans, which then revealed to be Godzilla. He walked around to find any remaining Titans and saw nothing.


-Next Day-

Sections of the 104th would be divided among parts of Wall Rose to clean up the cannons to make sure they're in working order, and spruce up the wall a little. Some of them believed the Wall Worshippers had something to do with the latter.

Until then, a crowd had gathered around the road to greet the prominent members of the Survey Corps: Commander Erwin Smith, the blond-haired leader, Hanji Zoë, a Squad Leader who also happened to be a scientist, and Captain Levi, the short, black-haired man who was apparently Humanity's Strongest Soldier. If the rumors behind him were even a quarter to be true, humanity was in good hands.

"Heads up!" some random guy announced. "The main unit of the Scout Regiment is back!"

"That's right, Commander Erwin!" another guy yelled. "Did you give those ugly bastards a thrashing!?"

"Look, it's Captain Levi!" yet another guy pointed out. "They say he's like a one-man army."

Said one-man army just scoffed and mumbled, "Spare me please."

"Do you feel how excited everybody is?" Eren asked, looking happy for the first time in years. "It's like the crowd just has a different energy now."

"Well, we are going on five years without incident," a red-headed cadet named Hannah pointed out. "Seems like a good omen."

"And you should check out all the cannon upgrades," the tan-skinned cadet next to her, Franz, added. "The sight alone ought to be enough to scare them off."

"That's the truth," she replied.

"You in denial as a couple!" Eren raged.

Said couple started blushing furiously.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! This isn't what it looks like!" Hannah protested, looking away.

"Knock it off, man. It's embarrassing," Franz added.

Armin watched with an uncomfortable smile while Eric just grinned, Diana was giggling and Dillion was rolling his eyes.

"Hey hey look it here." A voice came from the crowd was heard as they turned their heads and saw who it was.

"Mr. Hannes."

"Word on the street heard you graduated yesterday either you've grown up or standards have plummeted." He Said to Eren.

"Oh yeah like your the one to talk too the core of engineers keep their new chief in the drink." He said making a comeback to him.

"Watch it." Hannes said back as he hit his forehead.

"I'm sorry if this is out of the blue but I want you to know that ever since your moms living with me her injuries still haunts me." He said to him to remind him.

"Me to but it wasn't your fault we were shooting in the dark that day but nothing like that is going to happen again we know what we're dealing with now." He said with determination.

"So anyway hows mom last I heard she's doing fine."

Why don't you ask her that yourself." He said as he turned around as he went up ahead to help Carla pull her wheelchair. Eren's all glad to see his mother again as he and his friends head towards them.

Carla saw them and said, "Eren...Mikasa, is that you ?"

Eren went to hug his mother and Mikasa joined in. Mr Hannes smiled

Carla said, "You three haven't changed a bit. So how did the training go ?"

"It went great. We were all eligible for the Military Police, but we decided on joining the Survey Corps," replied Armin.

Carla felt shocked and said, "What ? You joined after I said not to !"

Mr. Hannes put his hands on Carla's shoulder and told her, "Carla, give these kids a break. They are willing to defend humanity with their lives. They might die doing so, but at least they can never give up on the things they care about."

Hearing these words changed her mind and she looked back at the three friends and said, "Very well then, but I want you all to survive and come back safely."

The five friends nodded and watched as Mr. Hannes helped Carla push her wheelchair and left.

"Fire and capable make a good combination kid, don't screw it up by dying." Hannes thought to himself as he saw them going to their duties.

About an hour later, several cadets that consisted of Eren, Eric, Sasha, Dillon, Mina, Connie, Samuel, and Thomas finally began their work on their section of Wall Rose. Most them were assigned to cannon examinations while the others were attending the wall via dusting or removing objects that didn't need to be there.

"What the hell do you mean, 'you're joining the Scouts!?"' Eren demanded, bewildered. "What happened to the MPs? That was your whole thing!"

"Don't worry about it," Connie replied. "A guys allowed to change his mind, okay?"

"Same here," Dillon added. "Annie and I had a long talk, and I've decided to join the Scouts as well." Now, how do I break the news to Jean?

Eren couldn't believe it. "But...I...what's going on?"

"I think your speech yesterday lit a fire under them," Mina suggested.

"Ain't nobody talking to you!" Connie shot back, turning to face them. "His temper tantrum had nothing to do with it!"

"Take it easy," Thomas advised. "It's not like you're the only one."

"What? Are you serious?" Eren asked, calm for a change.

Before he could answer, Sasha walked over to them holding her jacket tightly over her. "Can you guys keep a secret?" She opened it to reveal a huge slab of raw meat. "Because I totally helped myself to the officer's pantry."

Dillon slapped his forehead hard as Eric pinch the bridge of his nose and sighed while everyone just looked at her in shock.

"Sasha, they could throw your ass in the clink for that!" Eren exclaimed.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you?" Samuel questioned.

"What isn't wrong with her?" Connie snarked, sounding defeated and annoyed.

"It'll be fine," Sasha assured, drooling while sounding like she was about devour the whole slab herself. "I'm willing to share. Oh, can you imagine the sandwiches?" She started chuckling madly.

Dillon slowly started backing up, a little unnerved by her.

"Put it back!" Connie ordered.

"Yeah," Mina agreed, worried. "Do you have any idea how rare meat's been since the Titans took Wal Maria?"

"Um...little bit," the food addict answered. "Yeah." She knelt and opened a hatch to stash the meat in. "Look at it this way: pretty soon, we'll take back all the room we'll need for livestock."

Samuel took a whiff of the meat and said, "I would really like a slice, please!"

"Hey, if he gets one, so do I," Connie stated, changing his tune completely. "Just so you know."

"Me too," Mina added. "I want in on it, too."

Eren looked at the group as if they were insane as they split off to continue working.

"Alright enough of this. At least pretend to be working guys. Or else they are going to hold me responsible." Eric said with a mock look of terror in his face.

"Yes captain." They said in unison intensionally mocking him.

"Yeah come on, Eren," Dillon stated with a grin. "Let's get back to work before the powers-that-be notice us slacking off."

"See you guys at lunch time," Mina said as she went to clean off the cannon closest to her.

Eren smiled and stared out at the wonderful city of Trost so did Eric as he put his hand on Eren's shoulder. A downward look revealed barricades and cannons ready to shoot anything that dared to come through the gate.

Has it really been five years? Look at us! Ready to stand tall once again. We can do it! Mankind didn't start this fight, but we're gonna-

"Hey, slackers!" Dillon exclaimed. "If you're done staring at the city, could you-?"

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning crashed behind them and instantly appeared a creature that caused everyone to stare in horror.

It was massive, standing about 60 meters. Steam billowed from its body, creating a slight fog. There was no skin on its body. Only flesh. The only skin that was on it was pink and covering its face like some sort of mask. There were no lips on the thing, so they could all see its giant teeth as it seemed to glare at them.

The Colossal Titan had returned.

This red-skinned monster that towered over Wall Rose was looking at them as if they were nothing but insignificant insects. Before any of them could do anything, steam jetted out of its body like a current, knocking the cadets off the Wall.

"ITS HOT!" Eren shouted as he grappled himself up.

Quickly, most of them managed to attach themselves to the Wall and stop their fall except for Samuel, who was knocked out by falling debris. Thinking fast, Sasha detached her cables, ran down the Wall, shot a cable into his leg, and fired the other one into the Wall, securing them both.

"Try not to move!" she yelled. "Understand!?"

All Samuel could do was groan suggesting that he's knocked out.

"That was too damn close," Eren commented.

"I know tell me about it." Eric commented too.

"Oh, God, no," Thomas said, looking at the wall. "Not again!"

The cadets stared in horror at the newly formed hole in the Wall that would be big enough for invading Titans.

"They're gonna get in," Thomas continued, his panic overtaking him. "They're gonna get in! THEY'RE GONNA GET IN!"

None of them were more horrified by the turn of events than Eren Yeager. He was there when Wall Maria fell to the same, damned monster. He was there when the Titans invaded and proceeded to kill so many people. He was there when...

"Hell No people. This is the moment of truth." Eric began to take charge, he and Eren already instinctively drew their swords." Cannon squads get your ass moving ASAP. Its time to take out the colossal titan." Eric barked.

"Captains orders guys. This is our chance. Don't let it go to waste."

Eren backed him up as they swung over the wall till they reached the top and looked with mad raging eyes at the giant skinless beast.

"You. It's been while." Eren said as he looked at it.

Just as they were going to attack another flash of light appeared but it a bright blue flash of light instead of a yellow one. They both stumbled but still standing.

"Hey you all right Eric." Eren said to him but Eric didn't reply back as he was in shock to see what he saw.

"Look." Eric simply said. Eren looked at what Eric saw his eyes widened in shocked as he can't believe what he's seeing with his own eyes.

In the distance of the large cloud of smoke and dust a huge tail was swung and then then a flash of light came and showed a shadow of a large object then He came out of the cloud. It showed that he rose head up and then...


Godzilla has returned and he's ready. For round two.