
Attack On Titan:Kaiju Vs Titans

Notice I’m so lazy I’m done uploading if you want the story look it up online For hundreds of years humanity thought that the titans were the top of the food chain but they were wrong now there are something that are more bigger,faster, stronger,smarter, more dangerous creatures that outside the walls but one is the strongest of them all either called a king or god to humans but still a monster. Some think they are savories, others think they're Destroyers but there is one question they have to answer: Are they with Humanity or against us. That question was answered on one day when the titans breached the wall. This is where our story begins. (I don't own Godzilla or Attack on Titan universes they belong to the rightful owners) Please note that I have not created this Fanfic I am unable to find original author if you can prove you are original author and want it taken down I will do so

MinerFrags · Anime & Comics
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The Oath

Meanwhile in the inner wall a horse drawn carriage sped as a man with Eren's hair color and eyes rushing towards a direction. This man is doctor Grisha Yeager, very famous doctor, the thoughts of this man is on his family.

"Eren, Carla, Mikasa... Please be alive." Grisha thought to himself, as tears flow down to his of face at the worry and fear, praying that hopefully his whole family is alive.


-Unknown Location-

"EREN! EREN!" A voice that Eren heard as he saw his dad holding a needle in his hand.

"STOP, DAD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He shouted to his dad as he was trying to get out his grip.

"Just give me your arm!" Grisha yelled to his son.

"NO YOUR CRAZY!" He shouted to his dad.

"EREN!" Grisha shouted again.


"It's for...your own sake!"


"Listen! Don't lose the key! You must reach the cellar! Until....you learn...the truth someday....!" His father said to him as his figure disappears.

As he opened his eyes the landscape changed, in his eyes he can the monsters again, the ones that kinda saved lives, that also terrified his dreams but he knew the two legged dinosaur monster as it gave a ear-piercing roar and then looked at him, he remembered its eyes of hatred and fury and sound of its defying roar as it's back was starting to flash it's bright blue color again on its spikes and blasts it's blue beam at him and everything went black.



Eren then woke up as he also heard the bells ringing when he was laying in a pile of hay. Then he saw Mikasa next to him

"It's ok your just dreaming." Mikasa said to him as he was fully waking up.

"Dad was....it felt so real.....then I saw him again, he looked a whole lot scarier than before." Eren said to her telling what he saw in his dreams.

"Nightmare, shake it off." Mikasa said

"Yea." Eren said when he got up as he saw a key on his shirt. The same key his dad gave him before he disappeared, now the key belongs to him.

"Come on their handing out food rations near the warehouse." Mikasa said.

He got up and went with Mikasa and went out outside and stood at where the refugees were getting their food rations.

"I used to think this is where they stored all the dried goods. Now it's where they corral the refugees." Mikasa said to him. Eren still can't believe that he lost his home from the titans as he still remembered what happen a few weeks ago when they first came into the Trost District.


The Day was not very good as word about Shinganshina District (Wall Maria) has been breached, the news spread like wildfire, as the districts of Wall Maria were being evacuated.

In the Trost district our main trio have made it to safety from the danger. As they were with Eren's mother, Carla, in the infirmary.

"Well your legs are broken up but you'll recover." The nurse said to as she left the room.

Carla sighed of relief that she'll recover, Eren and Mikasa sighed were also glad that she'll live and won't lose her legs.

"I'm sorry to say this but we can't have your children in here for a while we're gonna have a lot of refugees in here so we to make room as we can, I'm sorry." The Garrison soldier said as he left the room.

Eren glared as the soldier, he couldn't believe that he has to separate his family again, until his Mom's legs are fully healed.

"Grr bastard I'm not gonna let them separate our family." Eren said.

"I know Eren but we have no choice they won't let us stay here unless we're injured too." Armin said to his friend.

"Well I don't care ok, I just want us to be together." He said

"Eren listen to me you to go before they kick you out, I know you don't like it but we have no choice, don't worry I'll be ok." His mother said to him.

"I know but I'm not leaving you this time, not after what happened." Eren said to his mother as tears were about to form in his eyes.

"I know but don't worry we'll be together once my legs are healed ok." Carla said to her son with a small smile on her face. Eren wiped the tears out of his eyes and gave a small smile to her. He sniffed and wiped his tears away and gave her a small smile to her.

"Ok." He said to her.

"It's time, let's go." The Garrison soldier said to them as the trio were starting to go out but Eren stopped and looked at his mother.

"I'll come back visiting you once in a while, ok." He said to his mother. She smiled to him and said "Ok.....be careful ok and remember stay alive like I said I don't want to hear news about only son had been brutally murdered." Her face turned serious when she said that to him.

"Don't worry I promise." Eren said and left the room to meet up with the other two of his friends. Then he saw his father coming in the infirmary.

"Eren! Mikasa!" Grisha called to the children.

"Dad!" Eren shouted as he and mikasa ran to him and hugged him.

"Thank the gods your alright. Where's your mother at, is she alright." He said to the children.

"She's inside that room." Mikasa said to him and pointed to the room where their mother was in. He went inside to see his wife, the next forty minutes they waited for Eren's dad to come out when he did he had a grim look face, he looked to Eren.

"Eren, come with I need to show you something." He said to his son.

"Ok." He said to his father and went with him leaving Mikasa and Armin behind. He was wondering what his father was gonna show him but he doesn't know is what he's gonna do to him which is gonna be the the only thing for humanity's survival.


Eren's mind was snapped out of his thoughts as he saw a two men were fighting over for some bread.

"I think so friend." A Refugee said as he was the bread from the other man

"Give me a break all I had was a bit of two days of crust." The other refugee saying as trying hold it as long as he can.

"Not exactly a good defying existence." Mikasa said to him

He still can't believe at what's happening to the poor refugees.

"Hey Guys!" A voice was heard from the crowd as the saw Armin with a handful of bread with him.

"Armin." Eren said as he saw coming to them.

"Glad I caught you, here grandpa scrounge up the little extra to the kids." Armin said to them

"That's nice of him." Mikasa replied to Armin.

"Also I've ran into some shady characters that were looking for me as I ran into them they were looking for you guys as well." Armin said as he saw small figures coming up to them without Mikasa and Eren knowing as he was smirking in his mind.

"Oh really who are these shady characters then." Eren said thinking Armin was bluffing, but he noticed Mikasa eyes widen a little bit as she the two people came up behind them. His eyes widen also as he was ready to punch the person behind him.

"Eren wait!" Armin said to Eren, but too late he was gonna punch the person behind him but the person caught his fist before it made with figures face. Eren looked up to see who it was. As he looked up he saw the two figures was a boy and a girl.

"Jeez Eren calm down you know you can't take on me, you should know that by now." The Boy said to him giving him a smile as the girl giggled.

Eren's eyes widen at the boy and girl since he knows who these two are.

"Eric. Is that really you." Eren said in shock.

Eric Ford is Eren's childhood friend that he met long time ago when they were little. They met each other when Eric had a sickness that can't be cured till Eren's dad went to his house with Eren as he saw him. When Eric got better they started talking to each about what they talked about it they talked about The Outside World, The Scouts,everything and that made their parents proud and that's also where there friendship started till they were 5 he and his sister had to go on a journey with their uncle so they haven't seen them for quite a while they come twice every six months to visit.

"Yep it's me come here buddy." As he bringing him into a big bear hug. Eren returned the hug as well as he let go he hug the other girl as well after that Mikasa hugged her too.

"Diana it's good to see you again." Mikasa said to her.

"It's good to see you too." The girl Diana said to her.

Diana is Eric's little sister. Eric is only two years older than them but she's the same age as Eren and the others. She is the best friend to Mikasa, ever since she lived with Eren and his family, he introduced to her to the siblings and Diana already became best friends with her already to her, they've been close ever since.

"It's been so long since we've seen you guys." Eric said to them

"Yea it has. Oh yea here you guys go got these for you." Armin said when he two pieces of bread to them.

"Thanks Armin." Eric said as he smiled.

Eren noticed a garrison soldier glaring at them as he walked off.

"What's his deal."

"Just ignore him, there's a shortage, the poor man is probably hungry by the way I make it last they already dealing with famine before we got here, so it's an ugly situation to spare with the haves and have nots." Armin pointed out at the situation as groups of people were fighting over food rations.

"Yea I know tell me about ever since this whole chaos started everything's gone crazy now with the whole titans breaking through the wall and stuff as well as giant monsters fighting them as well fearing that they break through the walls for the titans." Eric said to the group.

"Yea I know we're lucky to make it here alive if it weren't for our uncle." Diana commented.

"Where's your guys uncle at then?"Armin asked them.

The had saddened faces of them as they knew what happened to their uncle.

"Oh. I'm sorry, he was a good man." Armin said to them

"It's ok, if it weren't for him, we would've been titan food." Eric said to them.

Armin nodded to them a little bit. Eren heard a voice that was coming from the garrison soldier that was glaring at them earlier.

"Look at them so much for them to be civilized. Yeah well when it comes to hunger they're all animals. Come on people eat up, we have to beef up the herd. The titans like a little meat in their bones." The Garrison soldier said to the people.

This caused Eren to get angry as he about to drop his bread and give the soldier a piece of his mind. His friends were trying to stop him.

"Eren wait." Armin said to him

"Here he goes again." Eric said to them as his sister nodded.

"Better put them in cages so we can put them in the frontlines better to save our skin than theirs." The Garrison soldier said as he noticed Eren in front of him as he kicked in the soldiers lower leg.

"Ow! Damn it, you pick the wrong man a**hole." He said to Eren as he and his partner kicked him back.

"Spineless cowards all of you, you don't- you don't know what it's like, you seen one, you see what they can do." Eren said to them. This made the soldier shock and then made him mad afterwards.

"Why you little piece of-" He was about to say till Armin and Diana came in front of him.

"He's sorry, he didn't mean it, he's just hungry, we all get like that, speak out our minds to terms. Forgive him I beg of you." Armin said to the soldier.

"Yes please, forgive him he's just went through a lot so please give him a chance." Diana said to him with a cute puppy eyes to the soldiers.

The soldier was shocked and he noticed everyone was glaring at him for what he was doing to the boy.

"Yeah well keep in mind on giving who's fair, in case you haven't noticed were all hungry, tell your buddy that gratitude gets you all the way." The Garrison soldier said to them as he left.

"Sure" "Will do". Armin and Diana said at the same time giving him fake smiles.

"Bastard. I'm not gonna show gratitude to a coward." Eren said under his breath.

They went back to entrance of the building to talk to each other about the situation.

"I can't do this, I'm going back to wall Maria, the Titans are gonna pay for what they've done." Eren said to his friends as they were shocked of him hearing him say that.

"Hey now, you serious right, that's your stomach talking." Armin said to him.

"Yeah hunger must have have gotten to you." Diana said to him as well.

"No it's not, wake up the guy standing between us and them are just a bunch of talk. Hell with them, here." Eren said angrily and threw his bread at Armin who caught before it fell to the ground.

"Yeah what are you gonna do starve yourself." Armin said to Eren.

When are you gonna get sick of their charity to much has handed to us, we have to stand on our own two feet." Eren back to them.

"To do what, get yourself killed by a titan, I know our future is beyond the walls, but like you said to that man I've never seen what they could do to us." Armin said hoping Eren would understand, unfortunately he didn't.

"So that's it, that's how the way life is and take what's given to us." Eren said to him again

"Look at us, what choice do we have here." Armin said.

"We can damn well leave, if you wanna live through the charity of cowards that's your thing, but I'm not a parasite." Eren said angrily which made Armin have hurt look on him when he said that last word to him. That made Eric mad and shoved Eren to the pillar.

"That's enough Eren, look I know your angry, trust me I know, but like we just many times before you can't just go head on a opponent your not ready yet you need to know them before you attack." Eric said to him.

"So your giving up to. Are you saying that to make an excuse of it because of of your uncles death, don't you want to avenge his death and get revenge for what they done." Eren said to him.

"As much as I want to but I know what I'm doing and I know I can't go against because I know what they can do." Eric said back.

"If you know so much, then maybe you can join the the low lives then, maybe you can join the cowards that I call parasites."Eren said to Eric again.

Then a fist came right to Eren as he had punched by Mikasa, she made everybody shocked Armin eyes were wide open, Diana has her hands covering her mouth while Eric had a serious look and moved aside letting Mikasa go pass by him since Eric knows she'll knock some sense into Eren.

"Have you looked in the mirror lately all of us are parasites, we weren't able to escape certain death without help, tell me differently don't take your short comings out on them, for gods sake we can't even find food on our own, we're parasites, we're cowards, titans are on top of the food chain period. Pride must be damn what we do to live, your mom didn't ask us to be brave after she's in the medical building." She said to him as she got the bread from Armin and took it in her hand and shoved the bread into Eren's mouth. This made Armin and Diana shocked while Eric was still serious.

"Mikasa." Armin said first.

"Eat it your mother ask us to stay alive, I'm not about let her down." Mikasa said as Eren's eyes began to tear up. Eric looked at him seemed he had enough.

"That's enough Mikasa I think he got the message." Eric said to Mikasa. She did as he told her, she let go of Eren and to the bread out of his mouth as Eren was gasping and coughing for breath.

"Eren listen, I know going through a lot, I know we all are going through a lot, it's not you but us as well. So give us a break will and stop being a a••hole for once and think about the other people feel not just yourself." Eric said as he reached his hand out for him, Eren looked at his hand and accepted and helped lift him back on his feet and wiped his tears off his eyes.

"Sorry, just got angry no hard feelings right." He said to them as he gave a apologetic look on his face for their forgiveness.

"Yea it's all alright"

"It's ok"

Mikasa was about to say something but she noticed a figure that walking next to them and sat down across from them. Then figure looked at them and said "Relax I'm not gonna hurt you." He said as got some other food rations to kids, they were hesitating at first till he said "Don't worry there's nothing in just plain old food that's all." He gave them some the rations to them.

"Thank you kind sir ." Diana said to him as she passed around to them.

"So let me guess your the refugees we heard about." The man said to them. Eren got a little mad at what he said.

Yea, you got a problem with that." Eren said to him.

No I'm just saying that are you refugees I'm not offending anybody." He said to him. Eren's glare softened at what he said. It got kinda quiet for them till the hooded man spoke first "Tell me, did you see him."

They gave him confused faces at what he said.

What do mean, who did we see?" He said to him questioning manner.

"The monster, you saw him?" He said to them. They realized who he was talking about, he was talking about the very monster that saved their lives and put most fear in their hearts.

"Yea we did." Armin said to him as they all nodded except for Diana and Eric.

"Yeah I knew you would." The man said to the them. "I'll tell you one thing, that thing was out here for a reason not for us but for the Titans themselves and if you think they are gonna come and tear down these walls like these overreacting wusses, don't believe in them, if he did we would've been in a Titans body by now.

I don't know they seem to come soon anyway." Armin said to him back. "And if he is then we don't stand a chance, looks like we won't be alive for long after all." He said depressingly.

Hey come on don't give that look, have hope, no matter what happens, always have hope that's your determination, strength and bravery. That's how you live on. We'll see ya." He said to them as got up going through a alley.

Wait hold on." Eren said as the man stopped walking.

"What if you don't have any strength and The last one standing. What would you do in that situation." Eren said to him. The man just turned around and had one of his hands and taking something out of his pocket which was a coin.

Well I think of one thin that I have to remember. Without sacrifice there can't be no victory." He said got out the coin and flipped it towards them. Armin caught the coin as he looked at what's on the coin.

On the coin, it had a huge lizard with wings and a forked tongue standing behind a shield on his legs. Unknown to them this creature was something that people knew long ago that was in myth and legend. This is a Dragon.

They were amazed at this coin, this was something they've never seen before except for Diana and Eric. Armin turned the coin around and saw another creature. It was the same creature except this one w had a serpent appearance and had a very long beard.

They were definitely amazed at what they're seeing this is a an amazing relic but Armin noticed Eric's and Diana's eyes were wide as saucers as they somehow knew what it was. Eric and Diana looked at each other, thinking of the same thing and looked at the man as he had a smile.

"As they always say, No Sacrifice, No Victory." He said as he winked and put on his his hood and started heading to the alley. "See you around."

The saw him left as he started going to the alley the two siblings looked at each other and started to run towards him before he started to disappear in the alley.

"Hey wait!" Eric shouted at the man before he disappeared In the alley.

"Guys wait!" "Where are you two going!" Both Armin and Eren said at the same time as the trio start to catch up to the two siblings. As they they saw them disappear behind on the right side of the alley, they start to run faster hopefully they're going to be ok. They went through a twist and turn in the alley they finally saw them at a corner as they stopped next to them, trying to catch their breaths, gasping in for air.

"What were you guys doing." Eren said to them.

Sorry, we wanted about something but by the time we got here he just disappeared on us." Diana said in shame.

It's alright. Don't worry about it, what were you gonna ask him." Armin asked to them.

The two siblings glanced at each other and then looked towards the trio.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Never mind." Eric said them as he put something in his pocket as it was unknown to the group as he was hoping they didn't see it, but unfortunately Armin noticed it at what he was doing, he was gonna say but he dropped it thinking it's just a little box with something in their.

Come on, let's get out here, this place is giving me the creeps." Eren said to them as Mikasa and Armin followed him leaving back Eric and Diana. Unknowingly to the trio the siblings gave a sighing of relief that they didn't noticed and glanced at each and nodded to each other and thinking, deep in thought.

Hey you guys coming or not." Eren said to both them as they were out of their thoughts, they looked at them and catching up to them.

"Yeah we're coming, just wait up." Eric said to them as they caught up to them, and started going back to the crowd. But unknown to them except for Eric and Diana, in Eric's pocket there's a little metal box that was blinking a light blue and had a symbol on top of it. It shows a bird that spread out its wings resembling to the US logo and had a badge in its center. And it's center of the badge it showed four capital letters that goes by



As time went the Government that citizens from the youngest child that can hold a tool to the oldest elder, both men and women were put to work in the fields, including our little bands of misfits were also put as they plow through the lifeless field, as the months go by with little food that were growing the government ordered to send everyone from wall Maria above the qualified age to recapture its lost territory. Unfortunately it was just a mass execution for to resize the population and of all the 250,000 lives were lost to the titans, not even 200 made it back.

Then a small miracle happen to as they were the government were set out a report of the lives were lost, a group of people up about 300 were outside of the all the The Districts gates with a many carriages of food that could Last them for about three whole years. As the military interrogate the survivors, they reported that a huge monster that resembled to a Praying Mantis (A/N: anyone know who this is. Try to guess) had just saved them from the Titans but it wasn't alone, they also saw smaller flying beasts that breathed fire even some that turned into these creatures saved them with metal men came down and assist them by giving them food in the carriages and escorted them them to the walls and as they yelled to say thanks the metal men that rode on fire-breathing beasts had vanished. The rumors of these reports of these flying metal men had some sort of connection with them and the monsters that were at Shinganshina. So The Government declared these metal men threat of the walls as well as the monsters. On the Scout Regiments expeditions they report of seeing moving mountains and hills as well as seeing giant footsteps and hearing loud roars and cries as they knew these giant creatures are in Wall Rose.

Many people either see these men in metal and huge creatures as threats, that doesn't deserve to exist or as saviors, either way that didn't give any happiness to our little band as they didn't hear any good news. When the survivors came back to the walls. That was when a oath was made and forged.


-Year 446-

-The Night of the Report of Casualties-

As the report of unfortunate souls that didn't make it back were heard out, Armin sat against the wall clutching his grandfathers hat and sobbing like a baby as Diana crutched next to him patting his back for comfort . The remaining four stood near him with soft expressions of sympathy on their faces. At that moment Eren spoke up

"We have to find a way to stop them our lives will never be the same until we do, this world will never be home. That's it, next year I'll be applying to join the cadets. To become strong enough to fight back." He said to them in determination. They all looked him and and giving each other glances. Armin looked at him.

"What about your mom Eren." Mikasa said to him.

"Don't worry she'll understand I told her that I'm doing this while I was visiting her." He said to them.

"I'm with you." Armin said to them which surprised them all.

"You don't have to do this."Eren was about to say the rest was cut off by him

"Yes i do." Armin said in determination which impressed Eric.

"Looks like the little guy finally broke out of his shell' Eric thought.

"So do I." A voice said that belong to Mikasa.

"Damn it not trying to drag you in, look there's not point of following me to my death." Eren said trying to convince her that have second thoughts.

"Yea but if I can help it then it won't be your death." She replied back to him.

You guys aren't going all they way without us." Eric said.

"Not you guys to." Eren said to both of them.

"Hey you want to get revenge right, so do we so we're with you no matter what." Eric said to him as Diana nodded as well.

"You guys know this will be our death wish right." Eren said to all of them.

The stood quiet as they knew it will a death sentence, till Eric spoke up.

"Well not if I can handle it, no one will die in my hands let's swore an oath then." He said as he put out his hand.

They saw his hand out and understood what he was doing then they all had put there hands in the center making an oath.

"From this day forward no more crying now. We will all become soldiers and refuse to accept death until we make a difference in this broken world!" He said to them.

"We swear." All four said all together. And separate their hands. Eren looked at glad that he had friends that never left his side, no matter how much he caused trouble and even push them away they always been his side ever since.

"All right, together then." He said to them as they looked at the night sky see what their future holds.


-Year 847-

Location- Southeastern Wall Rose. Cadet Training Camp

"Straighten those spines, piss-ants!" the drill instructor shouted. "The 104th Cadet Corps Boot Camp starts now! Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Commandant Keith Shadis and you will grow to hate me! Training is gonna be a white-knuckle run through Hell! If I've done my job, you'll be waking up in a cold sweat from memories of this place every single night for the rest of your miserable lives! Right now, you're nothing! Livestock! But over the next three soul-crushing years, you'll learn to take down your own goliath! Remember this moment when you come face to face with him, cause here's where you ask yourself: am I a fighter, or am I feed!? Am I gonna be ground up to human, pulpy crisp between boulder-sized incisors, or am I gonna be the one to bite!?" The instructor shouted to the new batch of cadets also Eren and his friends joined in the camp to.

"Oh I'm a fighter all right and before I'm done with them the titans will grow to hate me." Eren thought to himself ready to take on the Titans.


Unknown to the camp in the distance in a nearby forest there were three figures hidden in the bushes as one was holding binoculars. These soldiers weren't Garrison, Scout, not even Military Police, these guys had high tech equipment.

"Base this is Recon 49 do you copy over." They soldier with binoculars said on his communicator on his ear.

"Copy Recon 49 what's the status." A voice said in the communicator.

"The Little birds have made it through I repeat they have made it through."

"Copy Recon 49, return to base for further instructions, over." The voice replied to him again.

"Copy that base we are moving out over." The soldier said as they prepared to leave.

"Good luck out there kids." The soldier thought to himself as he and his squad disappeared in the forest.

Just saying from now on Godzilla will be the 2014 version

MinerFragscreators' thoughts