
Attack on Titan Inception

5 years has passed since the great World War 3, but someone revealed a devastating truth, triggering a new war. But now, no one knows who their true allies are nor do they know who their true enemies are. Eren must do whatever he can in order to prevent another World War, but with who's help?

eddiechang24 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


Eren's POV

"You'll be cooperating with a squad." said Recon, "They're called Death squad."

I look at the 8 men squad, all of them are heavily equipped with gear and weaponry.

"We got intel that there are Sentinel members hiding in enemy Russia." said Recon, "You'll be arresting them. If they engage you then you have permission to engage, but only if they engage you first."

"Is it Ghost team?" asked Captain Levi

"We don't know." replied Recon

"We'll get the job done." said the squad leader of Death squad


6 hours later

"This was their last position." said Captain Levi

I look straight ahead at Mount Yamantau, remember the time we had to look for Phantom when she was a titan.

"You think they went in the mountain?" asked Connie

"We already know that they were, and they came back here." said Hange

"Then where do you think they went? They couldn't have gone far since it's only been 15 minutes since we last picked them up from here." said Armin

"What's death squad doing?" asked Jean

"They're tracking them right now." replied Mikasa

"Found them." said a squad member, "They're moving east, if we run we can catch up."

We began to run towards them, Death running ahead of us deep into the forest. We run for a good 5 minutes before stopping and jog instead.

"If we're dealing with Ghost team, we don't know when they'll strike, so keep your eyes peeled." said Hange

We continued jogging until one Death squad member signals us to stop.

"Trip wire." said the squad member

He approaches it but a something hits the trip wire, triggering and explosion. The squad members all moved back just in time before the explosion.

"Sniper! Take cover!" yells Levi

I hide in a ditch and peeked my head out, looking for the sniper.

"We don't know if that's Marksman so be careful, he never misses." said Hange

I took off my helmet and put it on my gun then I started to show lift my gun up so it looks like I'm peeking. A gunshot echoes through the forest and a bullet hits my helmet.

"Death squad flank them to the left." said Levi

"Hey, we're calling the shots here." snapped the squad leader

"We know them the best so right now we're trying to minimize the amount of casualties." replied Hange

The squad leader actually accepted it and left with his squad.

"Throw smoke." Levi ordered me

I tossed two smoke grenades helping us hide from the sniper. 1st squad moved to the right while 2nd squad stayed behind.

"Stay low." said Levi

We crept through the trees and the bushes trying to be as quiet as possible. The smoke starts to die out so Jean tosses two more. We continued to move towards the enemy and later, I saw the barrel of a sniper sticking out of a bush. I signal Levi and we slowly approach the bush and I began to move around the bush. But once I saw the bush there was nothing but a sniper sticking out of the bush.

"What the fuck?" mumbled Jean as he pulled out the sniper from the bush.

A bullet hits Jean's helmet knocking him off his feet.

"Jean!" yelled Mikasa

Jean groaned but stayed down.

"Shit, it grazed my helmet." groaned Jean

"You good?" I asked

"Yea, I'm fine." he replied

I look further into the woods but I see nothing, probably cause I'm laying down in the snow. Mikasa tried crawling towards Jean but a bullet hit the ground right next to her, pinning her in current position.

"Death squad come in." said Levi through the headset, "We are pinned down by sniper fire, we need you to hurry up and flank them."

"Understood, double time." replied a Death squad member

"Mike, I need your squad to provide covering fire." said Hange through the headset

"Understood." replied Mike

Gunshots started bursting, 2nd squad started shooting randomly further into woods, hoping to hit the sniper. We began to slowly move back to the original route where there was a slight ditch, giving us more cover. I rolled down the side of the ditch and began moving further into the woods.

"Annie, stay low." I whispered

"Don't worry about me." smirked Annie

"Well, I am." I replied

We start moving towards the sniper until we clearly saw Marksman there, laying on the snow looking into his scope.

"You thought this would be easy didn't you?" said a voice behind me.

I quickly turn around and saw Juggernaut kneeling there on one knee and pointing his gun at us.

"I didn't believe that it was you until Marksman shot Jean on the helmet." said Juggernaut

There was movement behind Juggernaut and Hacker came into view.

"You guys are seriously doing the wrong thing." said Hacker

"How do we know that?" asked Levi

"You really think we would start another war?" asked Hacker

"What if you do?" replied Hange

"Hacker, let them go." said Juggernaut

"I wasn't planning on hurting them." replied Hacker

"You might not hurt us but we have a mission to finish." I said

"Recon's mission or Historia's mission?" asked Hacker

His question caught me off guard and I lowered my gun a bit.

"If you're going to side with Recon, then you're making a huge mistake." said Juggernaut

"Juggernaut, we don't even know if Recon's behind this." said Hacker

They sighed and got up, causing all of us to immediately act and aim our guns at him, but I kept my finger off the trigger.

"We don't want to hurt you." said Hacker

"You don't even have your guns aimed at us." said Jean

But then I saw something fall from on top so I looked up and on a branch was Bomber pointing a grenade launcher right at us.

"You should reconsider that." said Hacker

Juggernaut motions us to leave with his head so we slowly left and went back a few yards before stopping.

"Are we really going to let them go?" asked Hange

"No we're going back." said Levi

"Death squad come in." said Levi through the headset

No response, Levi tries again but this time a female voice comes in.

"Death squad is officially, dead."

"Who's this, identify yourself." said Hange

"Phantom, and your comrades are well, dead." said Phantom

I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"If you wanted to talk we can do it now, since there is no Russians around." said Phantom

Levi looked at us and we all just nodded.

"How can we trust you?" asked Levi

"I can ask you the same question." replied Phantom, "But the Colonel is willing to talk so this is your choice."

Levi sighs and we all start approaching back to 2nd squad.

"We're going to talk to them." said Levi

"What about Death squad?" asked Mike

"They're dead." replied Levi, "Let's go, we're going to talk to them."

I walked towards Ghost team with my gun raised, aiming into the woods until Colonel came into view standing there with his gun at his side but he wasn't aiming it at us. The rest of Ghost team were a couple of feet behind him, some kneeling, some standing, all pointing their guns at us. My team began to spread out a thin line all taking our cautions.

Ghost signals his team and all of them began to relax and lower their guns. He looks at us and sighs, steam coming out from the mouth part of his ghost mask.

"Took you long enough." said Ghost

None of us replied back but slowly lowered our weapons.

"Want to explain your attack on Stohess?" asked Hange

"There's nothing to explain cause we didn't do it." replied Ghost

"Then who did?" asked Levi

"We don't know." replied Ghost, "Whoever planned this obviously has planned it for a long time and this person is a highly intelligent person."

"This plan could have been pulled off by anyone." said Jean

"No, it couldn't have, they targeted the Sentinels specifically." said Ghost

"If someone is targeting the Sentinels, wouldn't the only country targeting them be Russia?" asked Connie

"No, why would they kill their own president?" replied Armin

"This is why we need to figure this out." said Ghost

"We? There's no we here." said Levi

Ghost sighed and just nodded.

"Fine, there is no we, so if you stand in our way," Ghost team began to raise their guns at us, "we're going to have to take you down."

I was aiming at Kit, but I still had my finger off my trigger. Ghost turns and leaves with his team deeper into the forest leaving us.


5 hours later

"So you just let them go?"

Recon was questioning us as we stood there looking down at the ground.

"We didn't let them go, they forced us to retreat." replied Hange

"The fact that none of you were shot doesn't seem to really satisfy that answer." snapped Recon

"I got shot in the helmet." implied Jean

"Eren and Annie are titan shifters and you're telling me you didn't attempt to use your titan form?" Recon asked, completely ignoring Jean's remarks.

'I completely forgot about my titan powers, I haven't shifted since the last war.'

"I didn't order them to." said Levi

Recon sighed and rubbed her forehead.

We left and headed towards Historia's chambers, ready for our next mission.

"Canada and the US have already engaged in battle near their border." said Marco as we entered the chambers, "It's terrible, the situation is everywhere."

"Have we tracked down Ghost team?" asked Armin

"They're completely off the radar." replied Ymir

"Any idea where they might be heading to?" asked Hange

"Nothing, they're like shadows lurking around." replied Marco

"Death squad was killed without a single shot being fired by a squad member." said Annie

"I should shift the next time we encounter them." I implied

"They could still take you down Eren." said Hange

"Huh?" I questioned

"Remember during that experiment and test 6 years ago." said Hange, "They took out your legs completely immobilizing you."

"And remember Ghost took out a titan without ODM gear." implied Armin

"And if you do shift, you're going to only worsen the situation, they can kill you if they wanted to." said Jean

"Then what are we supposed to do?" asked Mikasa

"Eat food." said Sasha as she covered her face with some food.

Connie sighed and tried to take the food away but of course Sasha fought back.

"Right now, we need to track them down no matter what." I said

"I agree with Eren, we need to find out what the hell is really going on." said Jean

"Your majesty!" Marlowe yelled as he barged into the room, "Recon is going on a hunt."

"What? Recon?" asked Armin

"Yes, Recon is going to hunt them but..." Marlowe paused mid sentence

"What is it?" asked Historia

"She wants you guys to be with her." continued Marlowe

"She's leading?" asked Hange

"Yes ma'am, but she won't be wearing her prototype armor suit." said Marlowe

"Then what is she going to wear?" asked Connie

The doors to the chamber open and a female figure walks in. She had the same exact thing Annie wore when Captain Ghost disguised her as Charlie.

"I haven't wore this in so long." the female said

"Recon?" questioned Mikasa

"Is there a problem?" asked Recon

"Nothing, you just looked like a Charlie." said Mikasa

"Charlie?" asked Recon, confused.

"Oh well, something personal happened and one of us had to dress exactly like that and was moved to Ghost team." said Connie

"Ahh, Ghost must have picked the outfit." chuckled Recon

"Ghost said that the person looked just like you, so that's what he meant." said Annie

Recon nodded as she pulls up her hoodie.

"That was my outfit when I was back on Ghost team 116." said Recon

"Ummm ma'am, what are you even doing here?" asked Connie

"I'm here to assist you all, since you're struggling to take down Ghost team." replied Recon

"I found them!" suddenly yelled Hitch

We all gathered around the computer monitor to see 8 people in an airport.

"Where is it?" I asked

"Port of Tarifa, South of Spain." replied Hitch

"They took boats?" asked Armin

"Yes sergeant." replied Hitch

"What are they doing in Spain?" mumbled Levi

"Where are they headed to?" asked Hange

"Russia." replied Hitch

"What, they just came from Russia why are they going back?" asked Jean

"I found Ghost team!" yelled Marco, "Port of Naples, Italy!"

"What?" mumbled Armin

"Hey, are you sure the feed is live?" asked Levi

"I got them too!" yelled Marlowe, "Antalya Airport, Turkey."

"What the fuck is going on?" asked Jean

"We're leaving." said Recon, "I'll have some recon squads go to those other two positions."

"Where are we going?" asked Hange

"Not sure, but contact the government in those three countries and tell them that Ghost team is there." replied Recon as she grabs her customized AK-105, "Which ever country has the correct identification of Ghost team, we'll be heading there. For now we head to Spain."

"Why Spain?" asked Connie

"Cause there's someone I think might be helping them." replied Recon