
Attack on Titan Inception

5 years has passed since the great World War 3, but someone revealed a devastating truth, triggering a new war. But now, no one knows who their true allies are nor do they know who their true enemies are. Eren must do whatever he can in order to prevent another World War, but with who's help?

eddiechang24 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


Eren's POV

"The Spanish police found some suspicious people in Port Tarifa heading to Malaga about an hour ago." said Armin

I look around the Port, checking out the boat Ghost team rode on.

"Why Malaga?" questioned Recon

"Is there a problem?" asked Levi

"I thought they would head over to Seville." replied Recon

"Sir." called out Armin

"What is it?" asked Levi

"The police in Italy confirmed the identification of Ghost team." said Armin

"What?" asked Recon, confused by Armin's statement.

"But there's a problem." said Armin, "The Turkey police also said that they confirmed the correct identification of them too."

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked

"I have no idea, but we're not the only special forces here." said Armin, "The SAS, Navy SEALs, the CIA, Unidad, name every other special forces out there including intelligence services."

"This is a hunt for something." said Levi

"A hunt?" asked Mike

"Your Captain's right." said Recon, "Other countries must be after Ghost team for reasons that could benefit them, economically. Other might just be doing it for money or for power."

"Sir, I also got word that there are some mercenaries organizations here too." said Armin

"What do we do now?" asked Mikasa

"We have to be the first one to get them." Recon cocks her gun and puts a short katana on the back of her vest, "Kill anyone who tries to get in our way."

"Let's go." said Levi

"Wait Captain." I stopped him, "You're not going to actually kill the others who are going after Ghost team are you."

"The others must know that we're also here." replied Levi, "They probably see us as a threat, but we do not engage unless they engage us first."

"Yes sir." I replied

We get in our humvees and headed towards Seville instead of Malaga.

"Ghost team might be in a house with civilians so watch your fire." said Levi

"It's going to take 2 hours to get there." said Jean

"Make it an hour." said Recon

"What? That's not possible." replied Jean

"Then let me drive." said Recon

She gets out of the car and pulls Jean out of the drivers seat.

"4 humvess, will probably attract attention so split up." said Recon, "Two on two, first team take the western highway, we'll meet up Jerez de la Frontera."

"Wait if we take the eastern highway, we'll be late by 10 minutes." said Armin

"Just hang on to your seats." said Recon

"I think it'll be better if we're on our own for now." said Connie, "If you're going to drive fast there's no way the other can catch up. Make the other team 3 humvees."

"For once in your life your brain is working." said Recon

"What?" snapped Connie

"Just get in your humvee." I said

Jean gets on the 50 cal machine gun mounted on our humvee. I enter the back with Annie and Mikasa while Levi sat in the passenger seat.

"Move out." said Levi through the headset

Recon steps on the gas, throwing all of us back and Jean nearly slipped off. She drives entering the highway, avoiding and zooming pass cars.

"You're seriously gonna get us killed!" yelled Jean from above.

Recon only steps on the pedal harder, going at a speed of 120 miles per hour. I clung onto the handle so that I don't sway around too much. Annie clung onto my arm since she was sitting in the middle.

"Traffic up ahead!" yelled Jean

That's when Recon did something crazy and illegal. She crossed the highway onto the other side where the cars where going the opposite direction.

"What the fuck!" yelled Jean

"Recon, are you crazy!" yelled Levi

She doesn't respond but continues to drive. Cars were honking at us, some even crashing into one another.

"I can't die like this." mumbled Mikasa

I clung onto Annie with my free arm to keep her safe just in case we crash. Recon switched gears and the humvee went even faster.


1 hour later

I collapse onto the ground, my legs shaking from the ride.

"Eren are you okay!" frantically yelled Armin

I just waved him off as Jean collapsed next to me.

"Sir, we have reports of gunshots in the city." yelled Bertholdt

"Gunshots, I don't hear any." said Hange

That's when an explosion rang out and I looked into the city to see a ball of fire erupting into the flames.

"Let's move!" yelled Levi

I slowly get up and slowly started to jog towards the fray.

"Sir, it's a whole street war!" yelled Connie

I saw a whole bunch of soldiers wearing all kinds of different uniforms fighting each other.

"They must be after Ghost team, hurry up we have to get to them first!" yelled Recon

Civilians were screaming and running at us blocking us from moving.

"Where do we even know where to search!" asked Levi

"I know a place 5 blocks from here!" replied Recon

"Move move move!" yelled Levi, "Do not engage until they engage us!"

I began to push my way through the stampede of frightened civilians running away. We made progress and we moved towards a house Recon was leading us to.

"This is it?" asked Levi

Recon nodded her head and immediately kicks open the door. I entered the house to see an old man sitting on a rocking chair drinking beer.

"General Villan." whispered Recon

He looks up, his baggy eyes looking at each and every one of us.

"Was Ghost team here?" asked Recon

Villan sighed and takes a drink of his beer.

"Yes." he replied, his voice raspy

"Where are they now?" asked Recon

"They left 15 minutes ago." he replied

"Do you know where they are headed?" asked Recon

He shook his head.

"Let's go, he shouldn't have gotten far." ordered Recon

"I never thought you would betray us." interrupted Villan

I look at Villan and back at Recon.

"After all, you were my top student." said Villan, "Now you're nothing but a pile a shit."

Recon turned around to face him and chuckled. She sheathes her sword and stabs Villan in the shoulder.

"Shut up old man." growled Recon

Villan sat there glaring at Recon as she plunges her sword deeper into his shoulder.

"Why the hell did Ghost come here for?" asked Recon

Villan stay silent so she twists her sword deeper into his flesh, making him wince in pain. I wanted to stop her from what she was doing but I knew that would cause even more problems.

Recon pulls her sword out of Villan's shoulder, blood pouring out of the wound. She walks over to a cabinet where there's a post it and a pen on top of it. She takes off two post its and draws a target on it. She then grabs two nail pins and goes back to Villan who was clutching his shoulder.

"You want to play it that way, fine have it your way." said Recon

She nails the post it into Villan's knee. Villan tried lunging towards her but Recon kicked him back into his chair and put her foot on his chest.

"There now for the heart." said Recon

She nails the post it right on top of where the heart should be. She then pulls out her pistol and cocks it.

"I'm going to ask you this one more time, why was he here?" asked Recon

Villan spits on her face, both blood and saliva.

"Wrong answer." growled Recon

She shoots the post it on his knee and Villan cried out it pain.

"Oh, I missed just a bit." said Recon, "Let my try again."

She shoot again and Villan screamed in pain, his voice in agony.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked

"Tell me where he is." said Recon

"Fuck you, you disgraceful motherfucker." spat Villan

I tried to push Recon off but Hange stopped me and shook her head.

"We can't let her kill him." I whispered

"She's in command, we'll lose our alliance with them." whispered Levi

Recon then shoots Villan's other shoulder, a pool of blood underneath the chair kept growing.

"He'll stop you, he'll kill you, that was my last order to him." he groaned in pain

Recon then shot the post it on his heart, twice. Villan didn't scream in pain but his breathing grew rapid and raspy. Recon removed her foot from Villan's chest and Villan tried getting up but fell onto his pool of blood.

"What the hell, we could have brought him in for interrogation." said Jean

"That was way out of the line." I added

"He's a general, he helped fugitives making him one as well." replied Recon

Before I could talk back Armin come running into the living room.

"Ghost team is leaving the city on foot!"

"Let's go!" yelled Levi

"Contact!" yelled Mike

I look outside the window to see soldiers shooting at us.

"Weapons free!" yelled Hange

I start shooting out the window hitting a guy running to take cover behind a van.

"Connie, find us another exit through the back!" yelled Levi

Connie leaves the group while the others stay put.

"It's the SAS." I whispered to myself

Their gas masks and black uniform helped me identify them pretty easily.

"We have an exit!" yelled Connie from the kitchen

"Fall back!" yelled Levi

I began to move backwards while shooting at the SAS, giving us covering fire.

"Where's Ghost team 117?" asked Levi

"Down the block!" replied Armin

We got out onto the streets and we saw Ghost down the block getting on a motorcycle.

"There!" yelled Mike

Ghost quickly turned on the motorcycle and sped away.

"Dammit!" yelled Jean

"Annie, go after him!" yelled Levi

"Huh?" questioned Annie

"Shift!" he yelled back

Annie smiled and ran after Ghost and shifted. Her titan formed emerged out of the smoke from the explosion and she blasted off after Ghost.

"I'll follow Annie." I said as I broke a car window and got in.

"I'm driving." said Recon

"Okay, we'll be right behind you. 2nd squad, go after the remaining members of Ghost team." said Levi

I got in the passenger seat with Jean and Mikasa.

"What car is this?" asked Jean

"A Hummer h3." replied Recon

Recon pressed on the gas and it bolted after Annie. This car went faster than the humvees we rode on last time.

"There's Annie." I said

Annie was chasing after Ghost who seemed to be very calm about the situation. That's when Ghost completely slowed down and Annie was too fast to slow down in time. Ghost ducked right under Annie and drifted a u turn. He sped right past us in the opposite direction.

"Hang on." said Recon

She drifted a u turn as well and went after Ghost, Annie right behind us.

"Shoot him." said Recon

"But I thought we wanted him alive." I replied

"Then shoot his tire." replied Recon

I stuck myself out of the window while Jean opened the top window and Mikasa on the window on the other side.

I began to shoot at Ghost but he was too fast. He quickly turned the corner and Recon did the same but Ghost entered the sidewalk while we were still on the streets. Ghost began to shoot us with his sidearm while driving.

"Shit!" yelled Jean, "He shot my lmg, the gun's busted!"

I kept shooting at Ghost but none of my bullets hit the tire.

"Fuck!" yelled Recon

She stepped on the brakes, launching me forwards but I was able to stop myself from launching all the way.

"It's the Unidad!" she yelled

She quickly reversed the car away from another jeep which had a Unidad logo on it.

"Eren, hand me the other lmg!"

I gave him the lmg and Jean immediately started shooting at the Unidad jeep.

"Where's Ghost?" I asked

"Where's Annie?" asked Mikasa

We drove off to a different place until a car came out of no where and nearly crashed against us.

"Who the fuck-" I mumbled

"It's Ghost team!" yelled Mikasa

I shot the truck as they reversed and we chased after them. Hacker was in the passenger seat and he began to shoot our jeep trying to take out the engine.

"Shoot back!" yelled Recon

I started shooting back but only at the truck's engine. Recon had her pistol out of the window and started shooting as well. Recon hit Hacker in the shoulder so Juggernaut, the driver, quickly swerved and started driving forward away from us.

"How the hell did they do that?" Mikasa was shocked from what they just did with their truck.

The back of the truck opened and there Bomber held an RPG straight at us.

"Shit, look out!" I yelled

Recon quickly swerved to the right dodging the missile just in time.

"Levi where are you!?" yelled Mikasa through the headset

"We're approaching your six!" he replied, "2nd squad is going to try to cut them off!"

Recon tried ramming the side of the truck and she shot one of the tires of the car. She then slowed down and shot another tire. The truck swerved and it fell over on one side, sliding against the concrete street.

Recon stopped the car and I got off the car. Recon approached the truck that was flipped over but before she could get close to it, Ghost's motorcycle came out of nowhere and crashed into the hummer. I was able to dodge it but just when I was about to get up the motorcycle exploded with the hummer and the explosion threw me off balance.

"Eren!" yelled Mikasa

I groaned in pain and slowly got up.

"Where's Ghost team?" I asked

"They're gone." replied Recon

"What? I thought we had them." I replied

"The motorcycle was a distraction, and Marksman had another truck on standby next to it." said Recon

"Let's get out of here then." I replied