
That little kiss you stole

(Eyes like a car crash

I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away

Body like a whiplash

Salt my wounds but I can't heal the way

I feel about you

I watch you like a hawk

I watch you like I'm gonna tear you limb from limb

Will the hunger ever stop?

Can we simply starve this sin?)


As Xiao Lingxi was starting to lose it slowing falling into depravity a sinful lust the Apple of their Taboo she felt Yun Che hands start to grab her ass and something big and hard hit against her stomach as she moaned she had a brief moment of clarity.

As she cried out, springing back like a frighten deer before headlights. She could still feel his hand as they lingered on her ass, As he poked her with his Manhood, and as her lips were still moist teasing like his. As she licked her lips subconsciously. She couldn't help but feel a little regret for all she told him.

Yet happiness for finally saying was she felt even though it was something she was desperately trying to keep under lock and key. But as she saw his eyes full of love and concern, with not even a hint of lust or regret she couldn't help but herself jumping into his arms kissing him. Wishing this moment could last forever for it to be real. And that was all just a moment yet in that moment it was all it took for their lives to change never could they go back to how they were nor did they ever think too.

(That little kiss you stole

It held my heart and soul

And like a deer in the headlights I meet my fate

Don't try to fight the storm

You'll tumble overboard

Tides will bring me back to you

Deathbed, all I'll see is you

The life may leave my lungs

But my heart will stay with you)

But quickly as she kissed him she pulled back worried yet excited of what this could mean. At first she tired to hide what she was feeling but as much as she tired it was showing unable to hide the happiness. Her fingers touched her numb lips as her clear eyes widened in surprise and a touch of red quickly spread from her beautiful face to the nape of her neck trying her best to breath, "You… You… You kissed me again!!"

Xiao Che At first was going to make a joke about how they always used to kiss as kids and that it was only now that didn't but he knew that wasn't was she needed to hear. For she wanted a answer, she wanted to know what he'll do. So he just smiled and said.

(The waves will pull us under

Tides will bring me back to you

The waves will pull us under

Tides will bring me back to you

That little kiss you stole

It held my heart and soul

And like a ghost in the silence I disappear

Don't try to fight the storm

You'll tumble overboard

Tides will bring me back to you

That little kiss you stole

It held my heart and soul)

Xiao Che: I don't care what anyone says or think I only care about what you think. I don't care I'll get marry soon all I know is I love you. There's not a minute of a day of a moment when I don't want to kiss you to be without you. While I can't promise you'll be the only woman I'll be with.

One thing that will always stand and be true is I love you. And I want to be with you.

Xiao Lingxi's face had a flushed of crimson red, "B..Bu...But we're now adults and cannot afford to mess around...and I'm your little aunt….what about your wife?

"Then…. What do I do if I want to kiss you?" Smiling, Xiao Che put his hand under her chin ready to take a bite.

While even though the adorable fifteen year old girl tried her best to think of a reason. She couldn't help but say

"Then… You should marry me!"...Hoping deep inside he'll say yes. For that's all she needed to hear for him to say he'll stand besides her no matter what. She truly didn't care if he had more women as long as she was always in his heart and could be with him.

Yun Che as if knowing what she thought went down one knee and said "Xiao Lingxi would you marry me?"

Yun Che wasn't even able to finish talking before Lingxi jumped into his arms crying sobbing saying "YES, yes a million times yes"

But as is the case for this shitty house with someone always getting in the way.

Cockblocker Xiao Hong's voice came from outside once again, "Young master, are you ready? It's about time to go get the bride."

"Yes, I'm coming out now." Xiao Che signed wishing he could kiss Lingxi some more but he really need to go get his Ice Princess looking at Lingxi he said "now you are my woman, don't worry about anything i'll handle it all but with we really need to go see your sister wife."

Xiao Lingxi as first wasn't sure but then felt Xiao Che grab her hand saying "Do you trust me?"So she smiled and said yes, i do but can you repeat those 3 words one more time?"

Xiao Che: I love you...

Lingxi "promise forever, and that you'll never let me go?"

Lingxi of course didn't need to hear it but she just adored him professing his love to her.

Xiao Che as well knew that and wanted to make up for all the wrongs he did to her in that other life so he promised her and they kissed one more time."

"Hehe, what a good boy." Xiao Lingxi smiled sweetly but did not release Xiao Che's hand nor stop kissing him, "hehe come, come lets go see my sister wife. You may marry her first but i'm next"

Xiao Che thinking back how long he made her wait just to never marry and have her see how he kept marrying other women. Made a vow to never let that happen again. "Yes i'm marrying you next my little wife<3"

As his voice faded, he pushed the door open and they left.

Xiao Lingxi stood still, frozen in place for a while. An arc formed at the edge of her lips and she joyfully skipped out afterwards, like a girl who had been given her favorite candy.


As Yun Che stood outside swatting away some annoying insects using his basic dream laws, Thinking to himself don't worry I'll kill you after I'm done.

He Ask Ash to get him a Wine-Red Lamborghini making sure to use his control over Laws to make it so no one asked him where he got it only made it so they all thought it look amazing and badass going oof in style. It was really that simple as for that plot of those seeking to kill him and lusting after his wife he would kill them when he felt like it. They just weren't that important.

(Honestly It's not even funny using this song for how much it parallels with their relationship. With how them being together is a sin in the eyes of society even though they aren't related by blood they grew up as brother/sister and as nephew/aunt their relationship is a sin regardless.

And just like a car crash no matter how much they try and look away they are drawn towards each other. Plus Yun Che has a fetish for dying/disappearing just to always come back to her. Also this is for those wondering how I use the songs to shape the narrative. Properly won't add another Song until the H-scene. For those of you that know the song. I think you can imagine how wild it will be:)

The first few chapters will be slow as I try to flesh out Little aunt and Ice Queen character more. I felt they were too Lifeless and one note in the series. One a useless cry baby. And the other a cold lifeless princess that's always locked away in a Castle. After that I'll try to speed up the story.

AFatelessTalecreators' thoughts