
Losing my Religion

"Oh life, It's bigger

It's bigger than you

And you are not me

The lengths that I will go to

The distance in your eyes

Oh no, I've said too much

I set it up

That's me in the corner

That's me in the spotlight

Losing my religion

Trying to keep up with you

And I don't know if I can do it

Oh no, I've said too much

I haven't said enough"

At this time, as Yun Che was humming a tune discarding all the useless thoughts and emotions he no longer needed. Thinking of all the mistakes he made with his little fairy, jasmine, little aunt, all his woman. He couldn't help but get disheartened well it's true he no was the same Yun Che that did all that. Still regardless of the reason he would not let any of that happen. This time he will protect all of them and see his child.

As he was wearing a red wedding robe in a room thinking to himself (it looks like i'm marrying Xia Qingyue first hopefully my little kitty never finds out. sigh... still did they really need to plaster "double happiness" everywhere with red cloth, it makes it look so tacky)

Thinking back of last Last night, with one of the only male that not shit in this series. His grandfather Xiao Lie came with his little aunt Xiao Lingxi personally arrangeing this handiwork. His bedroom had been transformed into a wedding room. Covered in red as if anticipating all he'll do with that ice queen. Sigh should i mind control him or simply tell him i want to bone his daughter.... a threesome would be nice...but this body is too weak...I still need two more days.

As Yun Che began to continue humming

"I thought that I heard you laughing

I thought that I heard you sing

I think I thought I saw you try

"Every whisper

Of every waking hour

I'm choosing my confessions

Trying to keep an eye on you

Like a hurt lost and blinded fool, fool

Oh no, I've said too much

I set it up"

Suddenly, the door opened and an ethereal figure hastily came in. Xiao Che (Yun Che) immediately stood up and grinning, "Yes my lovely sweet doll of a Little Aunt, is Father in law i mean grandfather back?"

Xiao Lingxi hears what Xiao Che (Yun Che) said and couldn't help but get dazed as she blushes wishing, longing for that to truly be the case for her to be the one that marries Xiao Che (Yun Che) but alas she sighs keeping to herself for she knows that can never be.

He's getting married soon and even if that wasn't the case they are still family. No matter how much she wishes to deny that nothing will change.So even though she was happy he said that she couldn't do anything but pass it off as a joke knowing he was properly just teasing her.

As she was about to say something another gentle voice could be heard spread across the room yes the ultimate cock-blocker Xiao Lie had entered.

Seeing Xiao Che already out of bed with a normal complexion, Xiao Lie relaxed a bit unaware of what he so rudely interrupted. Behind him closely following behind was his housekeeper Xiao Hong and the number one doctor in this backwards City—Doctor Situ.

"It's good that you have woken up and you do not look ill anymore but let Doctor Situ examine you. Today is your wedding day and we cannot have the slightest error. Doctor Situ, please go ahead." Xiao Lie stepped aside during his speech.

Doctor Situ put his medicine chest onto the table and sat in front of Xiao Che, lifting his hands to finger the pulse on Xiao Che's wrist. After a while, he took his hands off Xiao Che.

"Doctor Situ, how is Xiao Che's condition? Is it serious?" Xiao Lingxi asked worriedly, with fearful nervousness etched on her face.

As all this was going on Yun Che couldn't help but think no wonder i was dying when the best doctor in this city is a quack. Just places a finger in my pulse and he's done….The hell you can tell with just that.

Although he did not speak, Xiao Lie appeared solemn and had a fierce look on his face…. How could he not be aware that Xiao Che's sudden collapse was strange? Sadly even if he thought there was nothing he could do as Xiao Che. For the quack could only check a pulse.

As the charlatan face slowly lit up and eased into a smile knowing they all bought his act he said, "Elder Xiao you do not need to worry, your grandson's physical condition is excellent. He has no major ailments or even the slightest cold.

Of course that wasn't all he said for in speaking about how Xia Qingyue marrying Yun Che was nothing short of regartfull he signed his death warrant. Already Yun Che had a nice hole in the ground ready for the good doctor.

"That's great news." Xiao Lie sighed in relief and nodded in thought, "It must be hard on Doctor Situ to be pulled over so early in the morning. Hong, escort Doctor Situ to the living room to rest."

No longer paying attention to the old fart Yun Che didn't even notice when he left.

"Che'er, are you really alright? Do you feel unwell anywhere?" Xiao Lie was still not assured after shitty doctor left and scowled in thought. When Xiao Che suddenly collapsed, his temperature dropped and his vitality faded away. This could not only be a result of being too excited. And that he already become a far better Doctor without even checking a pulse.

"I really am alright Grandfather" As Yun Che said even he couldn't help but feel a little for all the old man went through. With his hair whiten in grief, for the death of his son and wife, And the unknown fact of his grandson unsure if he were still alive.

Yes nobody knew how Xiao Lie lived his life the years carrying the immeasurable grief, hatred and a deep unspeakable sorrow. Still even with all that even how useless Xiao Che turned out he never once showed him nothing a deep love, never giving up on him. Yun Che couldn't help but think of making his grandfather younger and finding him a new wife...Still was a thought for another time.

Just before Xiao Lie left he asked "Oh right, do you want to ride horseback or sit in the carriage?"

Yun Che couldn't help but smile and said don't worry grandfather i have the mode of transportation. I guarantee you'll be surprised.

There was a delay in Xiao Lie's expression, unsure of what to say but trusted his grandson judgment so could only say "good" Hoping it wasn't too bad.

And Xiao Lie stepped out of the room and gently closed the door.

As soon as Xiao Lie left, Xiao Lingxi stood in front of Xiao Che and curled her lips. Her face warped in unhappiness she spoke, "So what was that nonsense you said me being a lovely sweet doll of a Little Aunt, and my father being you in law? I would like it if you didn't tease me after all aren't happily going to marry Xia Qingyue, I seen how you look at her...."

Xiao Che just smiled slowly getting closer to Xiao Lingxi , "How's that possible! Xia Qingyue is quite beautiful but I think my charming Little Aunt is far prettier. If I really fainted because of the ice queen, then you wouldn't believe how many times i fainted in this lifetime thinking you much less actually."

"Hehe…" Xiao Lingxi's face immediately broke into a bitter sweet smile as she blushed,Thinking one thing but saying another "You know you have always had a way with words, always knew what would make me happy. But even then it's It's fine after all Xia Qingyue is beautiful as she is talented.

But even then no matter how amazing she may be she is going to marry my Xiao Che."

At this point, Xiao Lingxi wore a proud look on her face but if you looked into her eyes you could tell she was dying inside. Trying her best to keep it together after all what she most cared about was Xiao Che happiness no matter if he was with her or not.

Right before she could say another word Yun Che was right before her pulling her in for a hug not letting her say a word nor pull away. Looking into her eyes and said into her hears.

"Consider this

Consider this

The hint of the century

Consider this

The slip that brought me

To my knees failed

What if all these fantasies

Come flailing around

Now I've said too much

I thought that I heard you laughing

I thought that I heard you sing

I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream

That was just a dream

That's me in the corner

That's me in the spotlight

Losing my religion

Trying to keep up with you

And I don't know if I can do it

Oh no, I've said too much

I haven't said enough

I thought that I heard you laughing

I thought that I heard you sing

I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream

Try, cry

Why try?

That was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream


As Yun Che finish singing into her ear. She couldn't help but cry for even though she wasn't sure what he said she could tell he was trying to tell her she...He felt the same but sadly as it's always the case for when they are alone.

They heard a knock on the door which was followed by the voice of an old housekeeper Xiao Hongcang, "Young master, it is almost time to go and meet your bride."

"Ah…. already?" Xiao Lingxi glanced at Che...there was so much she wanted to say to do but knew they couldn't so she pulled all the strength she could find hidden deep within. Forcing her self to freeze her heart and said...Let's go but if you saw her eyes you would know they were gradually becoming misty.

But right before she could let these feelings die for good, and not look back. Smooth Che awoken, Quickly before she could act he came before her looking into her clear beautiful eyes with love and pressed his lips against Xiao Lingxi's lusciously pink lips….Hugging tightly making sure she knew he would never let her go.

Lingxi she didn't think, she didn't care no longer did she hold but kissed him back with all she had. Wrapping her arms around him as she felt all her emotions flooding in. saying in between each kiss "I love you"

For those of you wondering why I added the lyrics to this song.

I'm basically hinting where I'll take this story.

If anyone can break down what I'm trying to say you'll get a cookie meaning besides the 10 chaps I'm plaining to do today I'll add another 5 with one H-scene.ps doesn't have to be 100% of it's meaning ps I'm trying to do no chap below 1,500 words

AFatelessTalecreators' thoughts