
Strawberries? What's ice cream?

Yun Che:....Nothing.

Xia Qingyue: what?

Yun Che: There's nothing to do.

As Xia Qingyue was laying here waiting for Yun Che to speak, she couldn't help but get excited imagining what he'll say. Speaking words of wisdom or to not worry for he'll protect her. yet...nothing...he really said nothing. Even someone as cold and clam as Xia Qingyue couldn't help but get annoyed ready to rage for how dense he was being.

Of course Yun Che knew what she was feeling and thinking but she just didn't see it like she saw it.

Yun Che: What you wanted me to say some deep and profound word?. Or to say don't worry for I'll protect you? I can give you any answer you want but it would be none you need. For there is no right or wrong answer to what you seek. You want power sure I can give you it. Revenge? Sure just tell me who to kill. A normal life? We can settle down right now if that's truly what you want.

But here's that thing you don't even know who you are anymore much less what you want. Even tho I'm Yun Che, i'm not the one you knew nor the one you fell in love with. And even if I told you something right now and it truly helped you. It would only be for now. For as you grew more and experienced knew things, So too would your thoughts change and you would find the answer no longer seemed right. For it would not pertain to you anymore.

And you'll still be loss unsure of yourself. So there's nothing you can do besides live your life. For here's the thing life doesn't own you shit, we all have our own problems we have to deal with. You either learn to deal with it or you never grow. That's not to say I won't help you or be there for you. No Instead me telling you what to do, you need to find your own answer, your own meaning in life. And don't worry for even if you fall, lose hope, or no longer care I will always be here with you when ever you need me.

Xia Qingyue at first wanted to deny what he said but she couldn't for she knew he was right...

"You really are different then the one I knew yet oddly I can't help but like you too....Tell me at least this even broken will you take me? Could you love me?"

Yun Che just smiled and kissed her cold lips until they became warm at first she was surprised but found it nice and kissed him too.

"Since the moment I first laid eyes on you I liked you, but it wasn't until I knew how you were that I fell for you. " Tell me want another kiss?

"Hahahaha" Xia Qingyue hearing what he said couldn't help but laugh feeling warm inside, for this was the first time she was ever treated like this much less from the guy she liked.

"Tell me why do you keep kissing me?"

Yun Che: Easy you taste amazing, I love the feeling of your lips and when I see you acting so cute I can't help but just want to eat you up. Besides doesn't seem like you mind, after all you did kiss me first.

Xia Qingyue couldn't help but blush unlike when she tired to act cold like she felt nothing, This was how she truly was just a little girl scared and alone seeking warmth. Just wishing to feel love.

Xia Qingyue: I don't think you really have to try for it seems I already like you. And I do seem to like kissing too. But since you said you'll protect and take care of me tell what are we going to do? Oh and you can't say nothing again.

Yun Che: Hmm instead of going to Frozen Cloud Asgard you can travel with me and my little aunt.

Xia Qingyue: That does sound nice, very romantic of you to speak about another woman while we are having our moment.

Yun Che: Well you are the one that told me all the different woman I had. No but serious would you travel with me?

It didn't take long for Xia Qingyue to say yes. For she just wanted to live this life with him without regret.

"You know even thought I said I'll be your wife I'm not sure what a wife does. also are you going to let me go any time soon? Don't you need to go to the toast? "

As her voice fell, the sound of slow footsteps came from outside the door. Xiao Hong's old gentle voice came from the door: "Young master, it is time for you to propose the toast."

Xia Qingyue: So you going? Because if you are make sure you don't drink too much this time defecating and urinating anywhere.

Yun Che just ignored what she said and kissed her again "Nope why would I go drink with some old smelly men when I can be with my beautiful wife"

Xia Qingyue:....Good

But before her voice finished falling again, the sound of slow footsteps once again came from outside the door. Xiao Hong old shitty voice came from the door:

"Young master, it is time for you to propose the toast everyone one is waiting for you."

Yun Che hearing him get in the way became mad and said "FUCK can't your shitty dog eyes see i'm busy spending time with my wife. Tell those shits to fuck off I have a beautiful lovely wife to take care of unlike the toads they have in home."

Xiao Hong Got mad hearing what Yun Che said but just before he could say something a blade passed right besides his face..he fall down on his back pissing his pants.

Yun Che: I thought I told you to fuck off, if you don't go now I really will kill you.

After that you could hear Xiao Hong running off fearing for his life

Xia Qingyue:...Really?

Yun Che: What you say it like you wouldn't have done the same.

Xia Qingyue:...Shut up..

Yun Che: Come come let me baby my sweet ice princess

As says that he picks up Xia Qingyue and starts to kiss her neck and lips

Xia Qingyue:Nooooo I need to go talk with my master

Yun Che: Sure we can go together but first you sure you want me to stop?

Xia Qingyue:....Nooooo...It feels nice and warm...you taste sweet... like strawberries..

Yun Che hearing that couldn't help but laugh "Well you taste like vanilla ice cream"

Xia Qingyue:hmmm what's Vanilla Ice Cream?

Yun Che:.....

Ash: Ding harem count to 2...as a reward you receive Blue balls again..hm

Yun Che hearing both of them speak couldn't help but ask himself what he had gotten himself into.

What do y'all think about Xia Qingyue?

AFatelessTalecreators' thoughts