
The sweetness of your heart

Pain and suffering are said to be the soil of strength and courage. Yet how laughable that is the vast and rich history of their bitter sweet short lived gory, thanks to the abundant choices & those around them, produced various sourful heartaches but not without the sweetness of their honeyfield life, allowing their character to grow larger and larger thanks to the trials of life.

But were they better for it? It's hard to say if they reach their potential, everyone has their own ideal of what happiness is, of what life meaning is, none wrong none right.

The Vessel of the Darkness, Removing a mask to reveal the ugly face of self-seeking interest. Yet thirsting for the glory as a fly would the light from bathing in the Light yet his waxed wings fell apart. How funny, how pitiful, how sad… his most glorious of moments cut short, shedding his cowardness in death.

In the case of Xia Qingyue no words needed to be said no grand act done, did not need to pull down the stars to light the path. No in Xia Qingyue path to redemption only love was needed, for someone to love her as she would him. In its in the simple act that makes it all the more impactful. A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day and i had you to share it with, and with that amir journey gets down played.


I...I...Th...This word seems the same yet feel so much colder. I seem to be brought back to the past...I tried and tried to to speak but none would hear me...Unlike my original world in this one my father and brother is dead....Instead it was Yun Che Grand Father who took me in and raised me. I became flustered, loss and unsure of what was going on. Was that past life all a dream? Or is this one just a fake..

I can no longer tell what's real...Even the Yun Che from my memories is different. For in this life in order to save his life. They gave him all manner of Heavenly Plants and due to the excess of conflicting chemical properties he mutated. Instead he grew a tail, became taller, hair became wine red and eyes became red too with what seem pinwheels....But instead of looking off putting he became far more handsome then what I remember...

But the fact of his damaged Profound Vein didn't chance no as I checked his Profound Vein they were still disabled...But he seems different too for it's not the same arrogance I used to know..For I really feel as if everything is beneath him...Another thing even in this life it seems my fate is tied to Frozen Cloud Asgard..

I no longer know what to do..Am I going crazy? At first I thought I could forget everything and live my life...But when I saw Yun Che I couldn't help but have my heart melt....So many night I would sleep thinking about him. How much I missed him and wanted to be with him....But was too scared....So I tried to forget act as if it nothing ever happen...And it did it worked until I saw him.

It was the same eyes that would always look at me. The eyes I could never forget, and it just exploded everything I was trying to lock up, all I tired to forget. That kiss...it felt the same, his touch felt the same. and I was no longer able to deny what I was feeling nor my memories....


As the music starts and the drinks begin to pour all throughout Xiao Clan happiness and jealously is felt all around..

Slowly Xia Qingyue eyes begin to open more clear than ever as if knowing what she'll do.

Yun Che: Oh it seems my darling sleeping beauty has awoken and he I was starting to think I would be your Prince Charming and wake you up with a kiss.

Xia Qingyue at first was confused on what he was talking about but then saw his face mere inches from her face, their lips almost touching and her head laid on his lap. It was too much for even in her past life this never happened and she blushed pushing him away.

As she was about to use her Profound Qi she stopped...For she felt Yun Che arms warp around her pulling her in his chest and heard his beating heart.

"I was so worry something happened to you, all of a sudden you kissed me and collapsed I didn't know what to do...I was worry I could lose you."

As Xia Qingyue heard the deep concern and felt how frantic he was...The last of her defenses shattered breaking off disappearing into the wind...And she cried and cried into arms where she felt safe, where she felt at peace. Stuttering and worrying he'll think she's crazy as she said.

"I..I missed you much, I wa....Wanted see you so bad...I felt so loss and al...one like noth...ing was re...al..I just wanted...to be with you again"

Xia Qingyue as she looks up to Yun Che worry at what he may say, For he was the only person she had left.....terrified at thought of losing him too. She freezes as she feels Yun Che warms lips on her and she kisses him back. And finally for the first time in her life she feels happiness like she isn't alone.

So they just stand there not saying a word just kissing softly and sweetly letting all the doubt and trouble disappear. It was at this moment Xia Qingyue knew she no longer cared about anything not even about her mother she just wanted to be with him with the man that gave up so much for her, the only man she loved. And live this life with him even if it meant she would no longer train and lived a ordinary life.

Finally after what seem like eternity they stopped kissing and just continued hugging until Yun Che picked her up like a princess laying her on the bed caressing her head.

Yun Che:....So anything you want to say my darlllllling wife?

And first Xia Qingyue wasn't sure if to tell him or not but as she felt him hugging her and saw him smiling....she felt safe like like no matter what happened he would protect her so she told him all she knew. From Frozen Cloud Asgard to his other women and little fairy. To how she got into the world of Gods and finally how he died trying to save her.....

Yun Che: I see so you are like a person reincarnated into this world for if what you say is true this isn't your same world for the differences between them.

"Are you enduring it?" Yun Che asked after a pause.

"Enduring it?" Xia Qingyue let out a seemingly self-deprecating laugh:

"Perhaps. The truth of the matter is even knowing all this I wasn't able to chance anything but live my life empty waiting for death to call for me....living a worthless life that has no way out...just alone....Is there a difference between a cowardly self-blame and a silent endurance?

Enduring it? It was more like she had just given up....tell me what do I do?"