
Assassin Squad

Four women devoted their time as assassins behind the shadows of the government. They were killing just fine, until some guys messed with their lives, or should I say, hearts. Will they accept what their heart wants, Or kill it just like what they always do? It's now or never. Join the assassin squad and turn your killer mode on.

Czenniell · Teen
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter Three

"Where's Autumn?" Summer whispered as she cautiously scans the surrounding. A cold sweat trickled down from her face.


What Winter said made the three of them stay in silence.

Summer's grip tighten on the knife she was holding. Spring can't help but to welled up in tears though she tried to hold it back.

But she really can't contain it any longer.

The kitchen was suddenly filled with Spring's laughter as Winter heaved a sigh and shook her head.

Few minutes ago, the three was in the midst of resting when Autumn woke them urgently. She was so distressed that the three of them hurriedly went down, ready to kill.

It turns out, its just their neighbors who were welcoming them as newcomers. Most of them were elderly people who brought food and vegetables for their dinner.

The three are now currently lined up, busy washing the dishes they used.

"So, Autumn died from embarrasment." Summer said as she washed the knife on her hand.

"She didn't even greet them properly. She just stood there like a log." Spring butted in, using her lips to point at the direction where Autumn was last seen.

"But who assassin put alarms and traps but forgot to lock the door? That's so stupid." Spring commented as Summer choke nervously.

"Next time you do that," Winter started,

"I'll chop your head off." She said with a piercing gaze towards Summer.


It was a chilly night. The cold breeze enveloped Autumn as she stroll around the little town. Street lights were everywhere and lively people were seen outdoors, making the surroundings look warm.

Autumn had no idea where to go. She just went out unconciously and let her feet drag her somewhere else. Her face was still concealed by the hoodie she was wearing, had a black trousers on and her combat boots.

She wanted to be distracted.

She kept walking and walking as her mind was filled with relentless thoughts. It took her minutes before she stopped walking.

Suddenly, there was silence. The people vanished and it was pitch dark around. Autumn looked at her surroundings. She suddenly found herself under an old bridge, the sound of a river filling her ears.

She heaved a sigh and shut her eyes hard as she lean on the wall.

No noise. No people.

Just darkness around.

For Autumn, it was what she found calming and what she needed the most when her mind's perturbed.

Her head was still feeling dizzy because of what happened. It's because what she can't handle the most are elderly people.

It's not that she don't want to,

She just really can't.

She let her eyes shut and rest down for a bit. Leaning on the wall, she breathed deeply again and again before regaining her sound mind.

It's okay. It's okay.

She kept saying in her mind again and again.

But her alone time was disrupted quickly when she smelled an unfamiliar scent.


yet intoxicating.

She sprung her eyes open and was taken aback by what she saw. She can't move from her position but she tried to reach for the knife on her pocket.

But the guy in front of her stopped her arm.

Autumn cursed continuously in her mind as she was cornered in the wall, the guy leaning closer to her.

Despite the darkness around, her eyes widen in shock as she saw his face.

Copper hair. A black earring on the left ear.

A devilish grin plastered on his face.

It was the hacker that she's been tracking these past few days.

It was her target, the guy she needs to capture.

Her heart thumped wildly as her system was racked with anxiety and fear. A cold sweat trickled down from her concealed face as she tried to think of a plan to escape. She knows best how extremely dangerous the guy is.

Afterall, she's been collecting information about him all this time.

She bit her lip as she came into a realization that she left herself too unguarded.

And she was still in trance on why she didn't felt his presence at all.

The guy leaned closer, still trapping her between his arms. Their face was now only few centimeters apart, and Autumn can already feel his warm breath on her neck, his scent entering her system clearly.

She couldn't help but to flinched and shut her eyes hard as the guy touched her head.

But it was too late before she even realized what he's trying to do.

He slowly put her hoodie down, revealing Autumn's face.

She opened her eyes and they locked gaze for a moment.

Dreamy eyes. Sharp nose. Pinkish lips. Delicate skin.

Autumn's appearance was way too beautiful for the eyes of the beholder.

"It's really you." The guy muttered and smirked on her. He put his lips near Autumn's ear, making the girl hear his every breath.

"Hey hacker," he whispered and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"You messed with the wrong hacker."


"I can finally see my kids going to school." Summer wiped her fake tears as she sat comfortably in the driver's seat. Her window was open and she just dropped Winter and Autumn at the university where they will study for a year.

Briar University.

That's where two of their targets are currently studying.

"Don't forget to blend in." Summer said with a low voice, winking at them before leaving.

The two readied theirselves as they faced the big gates of the university. Some students passing by were eyeing them, already captivated by the beauty they hold.

"I know what happened last night."

Autumn flinched when she heard what Winter said. The cold woman started walking, leaving Autumn in trance.

"I didn't tell the rest. But if ever something happens," she paused and looked back at Autumn. Her system was now filled with guilt as she clenched her fists.

"You can always call out to me. You know how capable I am."

Autumn expected she was going to be mad, given the fact that she already blew her cover. She didn't anticipate it to be the exact opposite of what she assumed it to be.

It's just like how her outer and inner self are the complete opposite, Autumn thought.

Cold but warm.

She let a sigh out of relief as a little smile crept on her face. She stared at the captain's back until she went out of sight. Atleast she knew she's not alone.

"Who are you smiling at?"

"F**k!" Autumn shrieked as a copper headed guy popped right next to her.


Winter took a left turn and was met by an empty hallway. She heaved a sigh and look very closely to the map she was holding, her face almost covered by it.

After walking for several minutes, she now realized leaving Autumn behind was a big mistake.

She actually forgot how terrible she is with directions.

She was about to leave but a guy appeared at the end of the hallway. He was fidgeting on his phone, so his head was tilted downwards. Winter didn't hesitate and walked nearer so she can ask for help.

But as she got closer and closer,

She didn't knew why,


her heart grew wilder,

and wilder,

And wilder.

She suddenly made an abrupt stop when the guy lifted his head. Their eyes met and Winter felt something she've never felt before. She hold onto her chest, more confused than ever.

Hiro Takahashi. 19.

Her target for the year.

She knew all of this,

But deep down her,

Was a feeling of longing,

A feeling of pain,

She never felt her entire life,

Until her eyes met his.