
Assassin Squad

Four women devoted their time as assassins behind the shadows of the government. They were killing just fine, until some guys messed with their lives, or should I say, hearts. Will they accept what their heart wants, Or kill it just like what they always do? It's now or never. Join the assassin squad and turn your killer mode on.

Czenniell · Teen
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter Four

"Who are you smiling at?"

"F**k!" Autumn shrieked as a copper headed guy popped right next to her.

"Are you cheating on me?" He dramatically said and held onto his chest, acting hurt than ever.

"Sorry, I don't know you." Autumn started walking with a poker face on.

I just have to pretend I didn't know him.

That is what Autumn could ever think of.

"Hey, that's very insulting. After you've stalked me for weeks now you're gonna act like nothing happened? That so cruel, babe." The guy muttered as he followed her around.

Autumn stopped her tracks and faced the guy with a devilish smirk.

"Sorry, but I have to go to class now. Please stop following me around." She said as she opened the door.

But please stick around me sometimes.

She muttered on her head. She still needs to collect information about him and know him more.

Autumn flinched as the guy went closer at her. He went into her ears and whispered something.

"Meet me at the rooftop or I'll blew your cover right now. You know best that we have eyes and ears around."

"One word from me," he paused and a sinister smile was plastered on his face.

"And you'll be dead."


Autumn's head was clouded with thoughts throughout the whole class. She was so occupied that she can't even feel the stares of her guy classmates around. She just stared vacantly at the front, wondering what to do next.

"Hey," someone knocked at Autumn's desk, bringing her back to reality. She faced her seatmate who was smiling brightly at her.

"The bell already rung. Wanna have lunch together?" Her seatmate with pigtails beamed at her.

But Autumn bluntly stared at her. "Sorry, but I have matters to attend to." She said and walked straight outside the room.

"So cold." The girl commented.

One of the rules of being an assasin,

Don't get too attached to someone or their life might be put in the line.

Autumn trudged along the hallway as she bit her nails nervously.

What does he wants from me? Don't tell me he already told the organization about us?! What if we'll get killed without even knowing something?

Autumn shook her head and brushed off her negative thoughts. She halted as she found herself already at the front of the stairs. She scanned the surrounding first before letting out a sigh of relief.

There were no more students around and silence filled the empty hallway. The rooftop is off limits so no one are seen around. Besides, it was on the farthest area of the building and no classes are held near the rooftop.

She mustered up her courage and went up towards the rooftop with nothing but anxiety.

But, as soon as her feet landed on the rooftop, the guy lunged towards her with a dagger on his hand.

Autumn immediately pulled her knives attached on her thighs and countered his attack. It was quite a hard blow, but Autumn remained standing despite the impact. Their weapons made a loud clang as it met.

They were resisting each other's strength, when the guy speak up.

"Are you the strongest among the four?" He asked, as sweat trickled down from his face, trembling as he put all his strength on his arms.

"I'm probably the weakest among us," Autumn started, her eyes filled with nothing but void.

"But I'm still stronger than you."

She quickly grabbed her opponents wrists and shoved it as fast as a lightning. Before the guy made a move, Autumn did a roundhouse kick but the guy was able to dodge it. But it didn't stop there as Autumn threw one of her knives towards the enemy. He dodged it the second time but it made him lose his balance, giving an opening for Autumn. She quickly charged towards him and pushed him down to the ground. She was about to locked him when he suddenly put a big amount of force on his body, and used his strength to overpowered her. Autumn was now under him, as the guy smirked triumphantly.

But he was left dumbfounded when Autumn suddenly smiled.

Damn, beautiful.

His felt his heart went wild for a moment.

Autumn shifts back with her lifeless emotions and moved her face towards him. They almost kissed if the guy didn't moved his face right away on time.

Autumn used the opportunity and use her right arm to push the opponent on his chest. She put all her weight on his, pinning him down completely. The guy tried to escape but to no avail.

"Ah, sh*t. I was trying not to blew my cover." She whispered to herself but they were so close to each other, that the guy heard it too.

"Cute." He chuckled and stared at her with his playful smile.

Autumn ignored his comment and gazed back at him with her lifeless eyes.

He look at her with awe. It was the first time he met someone who wasn't fazed one bit by all the stares he was giving to her.

She could've been intimidated.

Or atleast attracted.

It's a fact that he's somebody which many girls drool over. Afterall, he's one of the hottest guy in campus.

"I was planning to go easy on you but you leave me no choice." Autumn said as she put her knife on his neck.

"Tell me everything about you, and whatever organization you are in. I'll kill you if you don't speak up in three, two, on-"

"Woah, chill woman!" He exclaimed.

"But can I ask you what your weight is? You're quite heav-"

"Okay, I'll tell you everything!" The guy was cut off as Autumn put the knife closer through his skin, as some blood started to trickled down from his neck.

"The truth is," The guy started and stared at her seriously. His playful demeanor was gone and all that's left are his empty eyes.

"I was only testing you." He said, dead serious.

What the f**k is he blabbering about?

Autumn's eyebrow knitted as the guy started to speak.

"I was only testing you if you're really capable of bringing them down."

"Them? Who's them? If you're playing with me, I'm really going kill you ri-"

"You know I'm f**king serious right now."

His cold voice went down Autumn's spine. It was as if he wasn't the same person earlier. It was different person.

"When I said 'them', I'm referring to the organization I'm in. And I'm willing to help the four of you in bringing them down."


Autumn asked, but she was still not convinced even one bit. She didn't budged from her position and her knife was still on his neck.

"Because I wasn't brainwashed,"

"I was f**king pretending for seven years. I know I can't bring them down alone so I kept waiting for someone who'll help me escape that hell."

His eyes were screaming different emotions.




A smile escaped from his lips as a tear trickled down from his face. He looked like someone who was able to lift a big burden on his shoulders. Autumn felt uneasy as the guy beneath her looked at her with admiration.

It was as if she was his savior.

"I was waiting for you."