
Assassin Squad

Four women devoted their time as assassins behind the shadows of the government. They were killing just fine, until some guys messed with their lives, or should I say, hearts. Will they accept what their heart wants, Or kill it just like what they always do? It's now or never. Join the assassin squad and turn your killer mode on.

Czenniell · Teen
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter Two

"You'll be playing with the top four most powerful and hot, good-looking guys,"

"Was that even a good news, Ray?!" Spring complained as she mimicks Dave's voice. She was no longer wearing her wig, revealing her long ginger red hair, up until her waist.

The driver beside her had no choice but to deal with her rants.

"Ah, I think s- I don't think so!" He quickly answered as he saw how the girl was giving off death glares.

Ray is a man in his late 20s. He has an emerald pair of eyes which will surely catch the attention of anyone. A left mole was on his right side of his eye, making his dashing features more attractive.

He was their driver since day one of assassination,

and also their accomplice in backstabbing Dave.

The car was suddenly filled with applauses. Summer was clapping triumphantly while sitting at the passenger seat. Her brown shoulder-length hair was also exposed. She was sitting between Autumn and Winter who were both busy staring outside the window. Autumn's hair and face are still yet to be revealed, but Winter's jet black wavy hair can be seen.

"Isn't that a great great news? S-rank guys with handsome faces? Perfect!" Summer said and laughed like a mad woman. Spring gave her a death glare which she quickly noticed.

"You know, I wouldn't be this happy if Ray gives me even little bit of his attention." She complained with her arms crossed. She rolled her eyes as soon as she saw Rey from mirror???? Snickering at her.

Spring suddenly grabbed Summer's hair as the woman screamed at the top of her lungs. The car was suddenly filled with loud noises as Autumn tried to stop the commotion inside.

Spring's eyes suddenly went big as Summer accidentally grabbed the ribbon clipped in her hair.

"No!" She shouted but it was too late. A faint cracked was heard, and her broken clip fell down the floor.

"Oh, sh-!" Summer couldn't even finished cursing as the kid grabbed her hair once again. Autumn got too tired from stopping the fight, so she decided to just stare outside the window again.

The four were on their way to Krypt Town where their targets are located. After so many days of arguing with Dave, they finally agreed to do the mission. They were still in trance after hearing the details,

given the fact that it's something they have never done before.


"F**k, you kidding me?!" Summer roared, her face filled with anger. She was breathing heavily and her chest was about to explode from all the rage she's feeling right now.

But Dave didn't say anything.

"What is this all of a sudden?" Winter broke the silence. Her gaze was no longer fixed outside the window and she was now staring coldly at him. There might be no expression written on her face, but her piercing eyes tells it all that she's not in favor of what Dave ordered them to do;

To save some criminals whom they've been killing all their life.

Autumn couldn't help but to butt in, her eyes flaring with wrath as she grit her teeth. Her fists was now clenched while her nails started to dug right through her palm as some blood started to trickled down.

"We lost too much, Dave!" She shouted, with all the hatred she bottled for years.

"Us, including you! We can't just go around and suddenly start to save crim-!"

"They were brainwashed!"

What he said made everyone stop. His eyes screamed sadness as he looked down the floor. Silence enveloped the car.

"Yes, it's too late. They already killed people," Dave muttered. He finally looked straight into their eyes as if he made his decision final.

At first, he also had some second thoughts, but he thinks they also deserve a second chance to live normally,

just like what all of them wanted.

"but they were victims, too. They were held captive for years and was tormented until they had forgotten who they truly are. They shouldn't suffer anymore." He said with his pleading eyes.

"And I know the four of you are the only ones who can pull this off," he continued, as he eyed them with full of faith and trust.

"Because you're the only ones brave enough to dive right through the pits of hell and save them."


"Do you really think we can pull this off?" Autumn said out of the blue. Her gaze was still fixed outside the window, but you could tell she was lost on deep thoughts.

The atmosphere suddenly gets dull while silence reigns over. Spring stopped grabbing Summer's hair and went back to her seat.

There was no emotions written on the little girl's face as she stares vacantly with her lifeless eyes.

"You all know best why we do the killings," She mumbled, but it was enough for everyone to hear. Their mouths were all shut, as some of them were reminded of the past they tried to buried behind.

The past that still hunts them every night.

"It's because saving someone is what we do the worst."




Their eyes were a mixed of these. Their memories started flooding in and they can't do anything but to mourn and supress their anger in silence, except for Winter who wasn't fazed at all.

"You're not saints,"

Ray finally broke off the long silence. What he said grabbed everyone's attention. He turned the car's engine off, his eyes fixed on the front.

"But you aren't devils either." He said and gave them a warm smile.

"Maybe, all the killings you've done made the four of you forget the reason why you became assassins." He continued and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"But I hope you'll remember that I'm one of those many victims whom you've saved from hell." He said as he showed them his upper body.

It was full of cuts, stitches, burns, and scars which will remain until the day he'll die.

"And I have faith you can save them, too."


"Home sweet home." Spring muttered as the four of them stared at their new house. It was a two story house, with the color of cream white, enough to be called elegant, but still doesn't stand out too much from the crowd.

They finally arrived at Krypt Town. The atmosphere there was unexpectedly relaxing. It was too peaceful you'll never imagine that some brainwashed shady guys are living in there.

Summer started to sniff the air as if she's been lacking oxygen for years. Her nostrils keep getting bigger as she tried to inhale all the fresh air around.

"Hey, stop it. You look so stupid." Autumn said. Her face was still concealed with her hoodie, but you could tell she was staring at the tan woman with her judging eyes.

"The air's just too fresh. I might live here forever." She said as she continues sniffing around.

The girls finally entered their house and started to looked around. They checked first if there were some suspicious things around, set traps and alarms before they gathered at the living room to held a meeting.

Summer and Spring were sitting on the big sofa, while Autumn and Winter were sitting on separate chairs.

"This mission might last a year," Autumn started to speak.

"So first, we need to dress out of character." She said and pointed at Winter.

"Captain should avoid wearing all-black outfits," she then pointed at Spring.

"You should avoid wearing jumpers and those big ribbon clips, while you Summer, should avoid those revealing outfits. You should cover yourself from head to toe." She said with a poker face.

"Objection you're Honor! My right to free will is obstructed!" Spring passionately said as if she was on a trial.

She faced Winter and gave her some puppy eyes. "I can still wear big ribbons, right?" She cutely said but was answered with silence.

"Silence means no." Autumn and Summer said in unison.

"Then, you better not wear hoodie for a year!" Summer retorted and glared at Autumn.

"Of course. Second, we should act out of character as we-"

Once again, complaints filled the room and it took them hours before they finally decided to adjourned the meeting.

But before they ended it completely, Winter spoke up.

"This mission will require us to move individually so I want the three of you to be very careful." she said as she eyed each of them with her cold eyes.

"We have our own targets to capture and be reminded that we can't kill them. We just have to kill the person behind the brainwashing. And if something goes wrong with your missions," she stopped halfway, and look at them very seriously,

"Just remember that we still have each others back. We're still a team, afterall."

After their meeting ended, the girls went on their own rooms, small smiles plastered on their faces.

"Guess I still have a family." Spring muttered before letting her conciousness drift away.


"Not sleeping again?" Winter's cold voice emanates at the quiet living room. She went back to get a glass of water and was met by Autumn who's eyes are still fixated on her laptop.

"It's not that I don't want to. You know I can't." She muttered, still busy typing something. She heard Winter's sigh, and then her footsteps, slowly fading as it went upstairs.

It was such a peaceful afternoon for Autumn. No loud girls, no distractions,

no one around.

Until she heard a loud thud coming from the door.

She quickly stand up and was about to move when the door sprung open.

Her lips tremble as cold sweat trickled down from her hidden face. She knew it was too late to do something right at that moment.

Too late.
