
Assassin Squad

Four women devoted their time as assassins behind the shadows of the government. They were killing just fine, until some guys messed with their lives, or should I say, hearts. Will they accept what their heart wants, Or kill it just like what they always do? It's now or never. Join the assassin squad and turn your killer mode on.

Czenniell · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter Five

"I know how great of an assassin you are,"

"But this is just too much." Summer stated.

The four were gathered around the living room. The atmosphere was filled with tense as they stared at a peculiar species sitting in the middle.

Spring slowly applauded and saluted at Autumn with full respect.

"It's supposed to be a year, but you finished your mission in a day. Well done big sis."

Summer scowled at the littled kid and ranted like a child. It's because Spring never treated them as someone older than her but now she's calling Autumn as big sis.

"Oooh, someone's jelly." The guy in the middle suddenly spoke. He looked at Summer with his innocent face but it only annoyed the 24-year old woman.

"Shut up, kid."

"Take responsibility for now, Autumn." Winter butted in.

She looked straight at Autumn who was busy massaging the temple of her head.

Yes, it was an advantage to her that her target surrendered as fast as a lightning, but the problem is Dave. They tried to call him several times but he was not picking up.

They have no choice but to came up with the conclusion of letting him stay at their home for the meantime.

"Since we only have exactly four rooms in here, and I bet no one here wants to sacrifice their personal space," Winter said and the others nod in agreement.

"he'll stay in the living room. We'll take turns in watching ove-"

"He'll stay on my room."

Everyone turned their heads towards Autumn. She was casually sitting on the sofa, fidgeting something on her laptop.

When she felt their stares and malicious looks at her, she sighed and stopped typing.

"Just like what Winter said, I'll take responsibility. He'll stay at my room for the meantime. We also don't know when the neighbors will suddenly barged in here again."

"Well, that's a better plan." Summer commented and the others nod in agreement as well.

"H-hey, that's harrasment!" The guy dramatically said as he covered his body.

But Autumn only smirked at her and started walking upstairs.

"Follow me."
