
Assassin's Creed [YURI]

A Citrus AU

KangJungAh · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Yuzu was walking down the sidewalk with Shigeko. They just got a text from Yuzu's mom that there's something she needs to tell them.

"What do you think mom is talking about?" Yuzu asked as they walked heading back toward their house.

"Don't ask me, I know nothing." Shigeko said and kept walking with Yuzu.

Yuzu just nodded and brought her attention back to the road and took a left turn then ran. Shigeko ran with her as they headed toward their burning house.

"No, no, no, mom!" Yuzu shouted and ran but the firefighters held her in place.

"Miss, please let the authorities take care of the situation." The man said but Yuzu didn't listen to him.

She sprinted toward the house and went to the bathroom to wet herself with water. Then she went upstairs to see her mom collapsed on the stairs. She took her mom and helped her up then went toward the exit.

Yuzu coughed as the smoke reached her lungs.

"Y-Yuzu, just leave," Ume said as she just woke up.

"I'm not leaving without you, mama. Not again." Yuzu said and kept walking toward the exit.

When the firefighters saw them, they hurried toward them and helped the two go outside safely. Yuzu was given some water and a new pair of clothes with a towel to dry her. Meanwhile, her mom was taken to the hospital to get her checked up.

The police arrived and they immediately went to ask them.

"Hey, kid. Where were you when the fire started?" The investigator asked.

"Haah, we were outside sir. We didn't know how the fire started." Yuzu replied.

"What happened before you guys went here?" He asked.

"My mom told us that there's something important she needs to tell us and that's when I saw the smoke coming from our house." Yuzu replied.

"We ran toward home and saw the fire." Shigeko added.

"Is that all?" The investigator asked. The girls nodded and he nodded back then left.

The investigator went toward to his group and discussed everything with them.

"Y-Yuzu, do you think auntie's alright?" Shigeko asked with her head down.

"Why are you asking that, mom will be alright. She will be, my mom's strong...I hope." Yuzu said and whispered the last part.

"Uhh, miss. We found this in your house. I think this belongs to your mom." The firefighters said handing her the phone.

"Thank you, officer." Yuzu said and took the phone.

Yuzu put the phone close to her when it rang. Yuzu jumped and almost threw the phone away.

"Hello?" Yuzu answered.

"Ume? Are you guys ready?" A man answered on the other line.

"Excuse me sir, I think you dialed the wrong number." Yuzu replied. "My mom is at the hospital right now." Yuzu added and she and Shigeko heard a gasp from the other line.

"What hospital is your mom in?" The man asked.

"She's in Doctors' Hospital sir. Why do you need my mom?" Yuzu asked.

"I'm a close friend of your mom, Yuzu. She asked me for help ever since Yongi died." The man explained.

"We're still back home, I think we'll be asking the police to us to the hospital later." Yuzu replied.

"No need, I'll give you a ride to the hospital. Just stay there." The man said.

"Uhh.... Can I ask for your name sir?" Shigeko asked.

"It's Sho Aihara, kid. I'll be going now so that I can get ready." Sho replied and hanged up.

"That's weird. You don't know this man but your mom knows him?" Shigeko asked.

"Let's just wait and see, I think I've heard that surname before." Yuzu said and rested her head on the wall beside her.

*             *                *

"Are you leaving again?" Mei asked her father.

"I'm not going to spend much time, Mei. It's about your sister. She needs me right now." Sho replied.

"You care for her more than your own daughter?" Mei asked.

"Can we not talk about this right now? She will lose her family if I don't come." Sho replied.

"You'll lose me if you leave." Mei said.

"Mei, please." Sho pleaded.

"Just go, like I care." Mei said and turned around to leave.

"Th-then, why don't you come with me? You'll see who I'm talking about." Sho suggested.

"Fine, I'll go." Mei said and followed her father outside toward the garage.

Yuzu was asleep because of exhaustion; Shigeko was looking after her as the man arrived. She waited until the man came up to them before standing up.

"You are?" Sho asked.

"I'm Shigeko, Yuzu's cousin." Shigeko replied.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Shigeko." Sho said and looked down.

"I guess she was really exhausted. Let me help you bring her to the car. I'll carry her." Sho said and carefully carry Yuzu.

"Shall we get going?" Sho asked and Shigeko nodded.

"M-mama..." Yuzu mumbled which the two heard.

"Nightmares," Shigeko said. "She always has those dreams ever since Uncle Yongi died." Shigeko added.

"I'll have nightmares too if that happened to them." Sho said and knocked on the car window.

"Hey, Mei, Can you open the door now?" Sho asked and a girl went out.

"So, that's her? Hmm...not bad." Mei said and opened the door at every side.

"Hop in, Shigeko." Sho said as he put Yuzu on the backseat.

They're all silent as they drove toward the hospital.

"Are you cousins with Yuzu to your mom's side?" Sho asked.

"Actually no, my father is brothers of Yuzu's father." Shigeko replied.

"I see if you're wondering, this is my daughter Mei. She's a bit shy around people." Sho said.

"Well, I guess it's nice to meet you?" Shigeko said nervously.

"Haha, Mei don't be rude," Sho said and Mei turned to look at Shigeko.

"Shigeko right? Nice to meet you." Mei said and smiled a little.

"Hmm, Haah..." Yuzu yawned and slowly wake up.

"Shik? Where are we?" Yuzu said as she sat up.

"We're with Mr. Aihara, Yuzu. Don't worry; we're almost at the hospital." Shigeko explained.

"Hey there, Yuzu. We'll be there in a few minutes." Sho said.

"Thanks, Uncle." Yuzu said and leaned her head on the car door.

Sho smiled and brought back his attention toward the road. The rest of the journey was quiet except to the honking of cars outside a d people talking. They went out of the car and Yuzu stretched her body after the long journey.

"Aah! I hope mom alright." Yuzu said as she straightened herself up again.

"Don't worry, auntie will be alright." Shigeko replied and put her arm around her shoulder and the two followed the Aiharas inside.

"May I help you, sir?" The nurse at the counter asked as she greeted them.

"I'm here for Ume Okogi. Do you know where her room is?" Sho answered.

"It's on room 307 sir on the third floor to the right but only family members are allowed so that the patient could rest." The nurse explained.

"I understand, can I just send the kids upstairs then wait outside the room?" Sho asked and the nurse nodded in response. "Thanks." Sho said and asked the others to follow him.

They arrived outside the room and saw Ume still resting.

"Yuzu, you should go in first and we'll wait here." Shigeko said and Yuzu nodded nervously.

"It'll be fine, Yuzu. Your mom's strong." Mei said and Yuzu nodded again then went inside.

She closed the door and her mom opened her eyes.

"Hey there kiddo," Ume greeted as she smiled.

"Mom!" Yuzu shouted and hugged her mom tightly. "I'm so glad you're alright!" Yuzu said as she took a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, don't worry too much about mom. I'm strong you know. I'm more amazed by you! How did you know that you should wet your clothes first before entering a burning area?" Ume asked.

"I just watched it somewhere, mom. I saw you unconscious on the stairs! But you could've been more badly hurt if I didn't came in!" Yuzu shouted as she scolded her own mom.

"But how did the fire started anyway?" Yuzu asked.

"I don't know darling. Maybe I forgot the food I was cooking and it caused a fire inside the house. I don't really remember anything. Is Shik outside?" Ume asked.

"Yeah mom, you want them to come in?" Yuzu asked.

"Them?" Ume asked.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that Uncle Sho took us here. He was worried about you too." Yuzu said.

"Ah it's Sho. Can you send them in?" Ume asked and Yuzu nodded and went toward the door opened it slightly and poked her head out.

"Come on out guys. Mom wants to see you." Yuzu said and the three stood up and slowly reached the door.

"Hey, there." Ume greeted weakly.

"You! You made your daughter worry and all you can say is hey?!" Sho scolded Ume.

Ume only looked at Sho with a serious look so Sho said. "Can you guys step out for awhile? I need to talk to Ume privately." Sho said and the three girls nodded.

"What do you think they will talk about? Uncle Sho sounded serious." Yuzu said when they all sat down.

"Dunno, maybe it's about what really happened earlier...I'm just guessing so...yeah." Shigeko said then leaned her back on the chair.

"I think that Papa knows something that the only two of them know and refuse to talk about it while we are listening." Mei said as she looked at Yuzu.

"That too, but I asked mom if there was something she wanted to tell me earlier but she just shrugged it off." Yuzu said.

"Do you think Auntie is hiding something from us?" Shigeko asked.

"No, I don't think so. I made her promise that no more secrets and she did a pinky swear with me." Yuzu replied.

"I-I see, well. I guess your mom has her other hand crossed on her back." Shigeko replied.

"Well, I guess I think that mom just wants to protect us from something but refuses to tell us." Yuzu concluded then a woman approached them.

"Hey, Kelly." Mei greeted to the woman.

"Hey, there. It's time to go." The woman named Kelly said.

"I'll just say goodbye to mom..." Yuzu said then knocked on her mom's room then went inside.

"Uhh, I just want to tell you that Kelly's here and we're going. I'll see you tomorrow mom, I love you." Yuzu said and went to kiss her mom goodbye.

"Be careful on your way there." Sho said and Yuzu just nodded then left the room.

Yuzu turned to the side and saw that they were waiting for her. Kelly let the kids first then went to the elevator. They arrived the parking lot and the kids followed Kelly to the car. They were all silent as Kelly drove toward the Aihara Mansion.


Sho was talking to Ume when the door opened and the doctor went in.

"Are you Sho Aihara?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes, doc," Sho answered.

"It's best if we talk outside." The doctor said and went out again. Sho followed and closed the door.

"So, about your wife, I don't think she's going to live for long. Not without a lung transplant. Her lungs are weak and that accident made it worst. I want you to decide now, sir." The Doctor explained.

"Is there any way that you could still save her?" Sho asked.

"We need a donor and that would take us a long time, especially it's the lungs. I don't think her lungs could wait any longer for a donor." The doctor answered.

"Uhh, can we just talk later? I want to explain it to my wife before I make any moves besides I don't want the kids to know." Sho said and the doctor nodded.

"I'll be in my office if you are ready, sir. But it's best if you hurry." The doctor said and left.

Sho slowly went back inside with tears forming in his eyes. Ume just smiled weakly and nodded.

"Just do it, Sho. I'm weak besides I won't live for long." Ume said and closed her eyes to stop herself from crying because Sho had started crying.

"Ume, how will I explain this to the kids? Especially Yuzu, I don't know how she will react!" Sho explained.

"I don't care if Yuzu gets angry at me, Sho. Just tell her everything she needs to know about me and my past." Ume said as she sighed.

"Ume please, I can't do it. I'm too weak. I want you to explain it to her." Sho said.

"It's already too late and you know that...I already put a letter on Yuzu's jacket earlier this morning. I think she might have read it by now." Ume said slowly as she had a hard time breathing.

Sho's eyes widen and the only thing he can do is sigh.

"I'm sure you have your reasons why you want to do this...I'm sure to explain and send your message to your daughter my friend, I'll see you soon." Sho as he kissed Ume on the forehead then went to the door. He looked back and saw Ume nod so he went out and talked to the doctor.

* * *

"I hope mom would be okay, I'm afraid..." Yuzu said as tears started forming in her eyes.

"H-Hey it'll be okay, Auntie will be okay," Shigeko said.

"But you won't know what will happen, Shik. I see mom frequently coughing but I just didn't mind it because she doesn't want me to worry." Yuzu explained.

"Auntie has her reasons why she refuse to tell you the truth." Shigeko said as they went inside the mansion.

"I guess... " Yuzu said then she immediately sat on the couch in the living room.

"I'll leave you guys now, if you need me I'll be in my quarters." Kelly said then left.

"So, for your quarters. Shigeko, you have your on room while Yuzu and I have the same room but two beds." Mei explained.

"I have my room but Yuzu hasn't? Why is that?" Shigeko asked.

"Because her bed is in my room, you could stay with your cousin if you want," Mei said.

"I-I see, I'll just go out for fresh air guys. I'll be right back." Yuzu said then left before the two of them could stop her.

'Isn't this the paper I saw earlier in my jacket from mom? She said I can only read it after I meet someone named Sho Aihara.'

Yuzu thought as she opened the letter.


I'm sorry if my decisions didn't match yours but I have my reasons. I just want to tell you that the reason I was coughing is that I have cancer and I lied about it telling you it was just cold because of one thing, you. Your Uncle Sho will explain everything to you when you see him but it is better if you ask him to tell you. I'm afraid that if this letter was handed to the wrong person they'll target you and I don't want that. I love you, darling. I hope you won't hate mom. See you around darling; remember that I and Papa will always be watching you. I love you.


Yuzu clenched the paper and threw it. She's so angry because her mom kept secrets from her. Yuzu only went back inside and went to Mei's room and closed the door. She heard the shower running and thought that Mei is taking a shower.

"Haah, Mama. Why do you keep breaking your promise? I don't understand you." Yuzu mumbled as she cried.

"Hey, I thought you were just clearing your head outside, are you okay?" Mei asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just angry and I feel helpless that's all." Yuzu replied.

"I think I know what you're feeling. I felt it when dad left me without saying anything." Mei said.

"The only problem is that my mom wanted to end her life without telling me, now it is too late to try and stop her." Yuzu said as she sat up.

"How do you know?" Mei asked.

"She sent me a letter that she's ending her life for my own sake, also told me that all I need to know, I can get it from your father." Yuzu said. "Do you know anything about mom's talking about?" Yuzu asked as she added.

"I-, Mei stopped and thought of something before continuing. "I don't, actually," Mei said.

"It's okay; I know this is only adult talk that we can't know about." Yuzu said and lay on her bed again then turned to the other side then closed her eyes. Mei did the same and remembered what her father told her before they met the Okogis.


"Ah, before I forget Mei. You can't speak about our people in front of Yuzu." Sho said.

"Why so?" Mei asked.

"She doesn't know anything about the Shadow World, kiddo. Her mom doesn't want her to know anything about that so please let's keep it that way, okay?" Sho explained.

"Yes, sen-father, is there a reason why her mom doesn't want to tell her?" Mei asked.

"I'm not sure but I can only tell you that when you search the Okogi clan, you will find something about your question," Sho said then parked his car.

End of Flashback

Ring Ring

Mei stood up and took the telephone then answered.

M- Hello?

S- It's me dad, can you please give the phone to Yuzu?

M- Just wait as I fetch Yuzu.

Mei left the phone hanging but put it on speaker before she went to Yuzu, she was peacefully asleep but she has to wake her up.

"Hmm?" Yuzu said as she sat up and yawned.

"It's Papa, on the phone. It's on speaker." Mei said.

"Uncle?" Yuzu asked.

"It's about your mom Yuzu. She..." Show said.

"She what?" Yuzu asked but she knew what already happened.

"She's gone. I'm sorry, Yuzu. I don't know where she is." Sho said on the other line.

"... " Yuzu was in shocked because of the betrayal of the people around her.

"Yuzu?" Sho asked.

"I'm f-fine, Uncle. She disappeared? How?" Yuzu asked.

"I'll hang up now, the police are here to investigate the scene. I'll see you here, take care guys." Sho added then hung up.

Yuzu stood up but fell on her knees. Mei caught her before her knees touched the floor.

"Yuzu! Are you alright?" Mei asked worriedly.

"I feel weak, it's like someone is taking my e-energy o-of..." Yuzu said as she stuttered.

"Sit and don't you dare close your eyes. Wait here." Mei said before going to her dressing room.

Mei came back with a necklace. She put it on Yuzu who was confused.

"What is this for?" Yuzu asked as she touched the pendant. It glowed from her touch causing her to let it go.

"There's some things you need to know but now it's not the time." Mei said. "Keep this on you and touch this if you think your in danger but if you have no idea it will glow and call us immediately if you do." Mei added.

Mei looked at Yuzu who was still focused on the necklace. Mei just sighed and turned to leave.

"I'll just call Shik to tell her what happened. I'll be right back." Mei said then left.

She headed toward Shigeko's room and knocked.

"Hey, Shik. You awake?" Mei asked.

"Y-yeah, just woke up. Why?" Shigeko answered.

"Papa called and we need to go to the hospital." Mei said but even before she could finish her sentence Shigeko burst outside.

"Is Auntie alright?" Shigeko asked. Mei looked down then shook her head.

"Do Yuzu know?" Shigeko asked and Mei nodded.

"Where is she?" Shigeko asked again.

"Yeah, she's in our room." Mei said and Shigeko hurried to their bedroom.

Yuzu saw Shigeko first but she didn't know how she did that.

"Hey, Yuzu. I guess you already knew that's why it didn't shock you." Shigeko said then Yuzu stood up.

"Yeah, I do. But there are still questions that need to be answered so let's get going." Yuzu said and went out of the room.

"Is Kelly available?" Yuzu asked.

"There's a faster way to get there. Hold my hand." Mei said and the two both held her hand and Shigeko held one of Yuzu's free hand.

"How- Woah!" Yuzu exclaimed as Mei's eyes glowed.

Yuzu looked around her as the place around her started turning quick. She closed her eyes and when she opened them she was in her mom's room with Uncle Sho on the bedside.

"I told you not to use magic in human world." Sho said.