
Zashi, The Willful Ninja.

After the assembly concludes, Ansu decides to approach Helen and inquire about the dark, hardened substance forming on his hands, meeting her outside the Authority.

Ansu: Miss Helen!

Helen: Hm?

Ansu: Miss Helen, I have to ask you about something.

Helen: Ask right away.

Ansu: I've recently had some form of hardening forming on hands, but its dark in color...

Helen: hardening you say? let me see your hand.

Ansu extends his hand to Helen, who gently places her own hand atop his, beginning to inspect the hardening substance.

Ansu: S-So what is it?

Helen: After taking a proper look, it could potentially be a diminished form of your arcane forming, that's just my speculation, or it could be an effect of your Virtue color.

Ansu: My arcane forming? then what could my arcane be?

Helen: It could be some sort of hand summoning, or some type of armor, I'm not really sure, I'm sorry but I don't have time to look over it, I'll do that when I'm done with my work.

Ansu: Alright, I'll let you know if anything unusual happens.

Helen: Thank you for coming to me about this, good bye!

Helen's words left Ansu with a multitude of questions swirling in his mind about his arcane abilities and virtue.

Later that night, as the dorms lie shrouded in slumber, Gin stirs awake, his fingers seeking out the arcane technique's list. With a newfound understanding of the writing on its back, he resolves to slip away to the special training grounds.

Gin: The hidden technique... Virtue Fist... this will be useful during the battle for the authority.

Gin meticulously studies the depicted movements and accompanying instructions, commencing his practice under the veil of night, methodically advancing through each motion with determined focus.

As dawn breaks and the final day dawns, stirring the rest of the group to prepare for the impending arrival of the Dark Entity's ship, Gin remains deep in slumber, oblivious to the awakening world around him.

Olivia: Hey Gin! get off that bed, today is a really important day!

Gin: I-I'm... really tired...

Olivia: Did you not sleep yesterday? what were you doing?

Gin: I-I was... Wapoosh!

Gin sinks back into sleep, his peaceful repose punctuated by the occasional snore and a dribble of drool escaping his lips.

Olivia: Ugh, boys are the worst!

Razor: Let him do what he wants, at the end of the day, it'll be his loss.

Olivia: I guess you are right... but I still care!

Ansu: You already told him, if he didn't listen, its his fault.

Olivia: Alright then, if you insist.

Ansu, Razor and Olivia leave the dorm, leaving Gin as he is sound asleep.

The resounding echo of an announcement reverberates through the airwaves via the giant speakers, proclaiming that a mere four hours remain until the ominous arrival of the Dark Entity's ship.

Olivia: four hours?

Razor: Seems like they underestimated the timings...

Helen is seen walking really quickly, calling for everyone to follow her.

Helen: Quickly! follow me!

Ansu: What's wrong?

Helen: We have to make it to the third class, before the ship arrives, where is Gin?

Ansu: He's asleep.

Helen: Asleep? wake him up! there is no time for that! we need everyone out there!

Olivia: I've tried waking him up! he's not budging!

Helen: Ugh when we are done with this I'm gonna punish him! everyone follow me!

Everyone follows Helen as she leads them to the third class, ready to engage in battle.

Ansu: Is everyone at the third class?

Helen: Not yet, only Tameo has made it, Kon is on his way.

Olivia: Tameo is already down there?

Helen: He's lightning arcane, of course he'd make it there.

Tameo, stationed at the third class, observes the approaching ship as Helen, accompanied by her troops and recruits, finally arrives. She immediately goes over to Tameo.

Helen: Is the third class evacuated?

Tameo: Yes they are, they were moved into the middle class for the time being.

The ship has finally made landfall, appearing to accelerate slightly. Helen and Tameo stand atop a building, closely monitoring the scene.

Helen: Its two hours early.

A man emerges from the ship, ensnared in chains and cloaked entirely in darkness. His eyes, the only white amidst the obsidian aura, pierce through. Massive dark claws extend from his hands, while an ominous darkness emanates from his very being.

Helen: The Dark King.

Kon finally arrives on the scene with officials and extra troops, everyone is geared up for battle.

Dark King: Oh wow, this place seems worst than last time...

Tameo: What is it that you want, King. And if its not worth our time, I'll torture you to death.

Dark King: You're quiet funny you know that? I have a prototype on my ship that really needs testing, but its not quiet ready yet, so how about we throw hands for a while? I'll bite.

Kon: You came over here just to test your silly machines on us? You had to kill Akito for that?

Dark King: Hey Hey, he was in my way, I had to do something about that little runt.

Helen's irritation flares at the Dark King's derogatory remark, referring to Akito as 'a little runt.

Helen: I won't let you disrespect Akito like that!

Helen was the first one to engage in hand to hand combat with the Dark King, the king having a smile on his face.

Dark King: Laughs mischivously Try harder! how will you expect to save everyone like this?

The Dark King delivers a brutal punch to Helen's face, catching her off guard and sending her hurtling towards a wall. From above descends Tameo, the Lightning God himself, to intervene.


Dark King: Zashi.

As Tameo's sword descends towards the Dark King, a dark ninja swiftly intervenes, blocking Tameo's attack with a thin blade. Their wide-open, serious eyes meet Tameo's gaze, the ninja clad in a complete black uniform, with a mask concealing their face except for piercing eyes.

Tameo: W-Who is this?

The ninja swiftly changes trajectory, landing a powerful kick on Tameo's side, sending him crashing to the ground. Without hesitation, the ninja follows up, attempting to slash Tameo across the chest. Tameo reacts quickly, blocking the attack, but is still forced back by the sheer force of the strike. Completely taken aback by the skill and ferocity of this individual, Tameo struggles to regain his composure.

Tameo: Who are you?

Zashi: My name is Zashi, The Willful Ninja.

Tameo: The Willful Ninja, Zashi... I've never heard of you.

Zashi: Well its time that you know my name.

Zashi puts his hand inside his body, and drags a blade out, Tameo is completely surprised by this action as loses focus for a second, as Zashi wastes no time and goes for a slash on Tameo's neck.