
The assembly.

Gin, Ansu, Razor, and Olivia step into the assembly room, greeted by a sea of officials and troops. Suspense crackles in the air as they await the forthcoming announcement. With quick, curious glances, they find their spots amidst the crowd, brimming with anticipation.

Gin: I wonder what will be announced, is it some form of special training?

Razor: That's most likely not the case, if it was for some special training, then we wouldn't see 90% of the Authority's force here.

Ansu: I had no idea the Authority was this big...

Olivia: Of course its big, its an army force that rivals many other nations, you would know that if you were actually smart!

Ansu: Don't tempt me.

Razor: This is not the time for this, will you both calm down?

Gin: Razor is right, you guys have been getting heated a lot lately.

Suddenly, the Head Official's voice cuts through the murmurs, commanding everyone to stand at attention and give their undivided focus to the forthcoming announcement. Instantly, the room falls into a hushed silence as all eyes turn toward the front

Head Official: Thank you, everyone, for your attention. I apologize for the sudden assembly, but this matter is of utmost importance. We'll take a brief intermission to ensure all high-ranking officers are present.

In front of everyone, the four high class officers that have skill, un comparable to the ones under them, walk in silence.

Shinra: This meeting better be important.

Shinra, the High Class Officer of the Authority, strides into the room with an air of authority, his thin mustache adding to his distinguished appearance. He cuts a striking figure in his sleek black uniform, adorned with intricate details, topped off by a stylish top hat. Heads turn as he makes his entrance, his presence commanding attention amidst the gathered crowd.

Gin: That's the high class officer that caught me back in the middle class...

Following Shinra's entrance, a woman with vibrant yellow hair and glasses steps into the room, her presence a stark contrast to the seriousness of the setting. She exudes confidence as she walks, her sleeveless blue shirt showing off her arms. Despite the unconventional attire, her demeanor suggests she is no less significant than the others gathered, adding a touch of color to the somber atmosphere of the assembly.

Petra: Wow, so many recruits this season, but the power level isn't comparable.

Petra, a high-class officer of the Authority, joins the gathering, her presence commanding respect despite her petite stature. With an aura of confidence, she navigates the room with purpose, her sharp gaze taking in the assembled officials and troops. Dressed in a tailored suit that exudes professionalism, Petra's every movement exudes authority, making it clear that she is a force to be reckoned with within the organization.

Gabe: Stop showing off. Petra, you were there once.

Gabe saunters into the room, an aura of nonchalance surrounding him as he casually takes a drag from his cigarette. With his hands casually tucked into his pockets, he exudes confidence bordering on arrogance. His basketball cap adds a casual flair to his demeanor, contrasting with the formal attire of the others present. Despite his laid-back appearance, the long sword strapped to his back hints at a readiness for action. His relaxed eyes betray a keen intelligence, observing the room with a cool detachment that belies the intensity simmering beneath the surface.

Ranger: Its great to see the Authority bigger and stronger!

Ranger enters the room with a bright, infectious smile lighting up his face, his optimistic energy palpable. His black hair is neatly styled, complementing the sharp lines of his suit. Every inch the picture of happiness, he radiates positivity with every step. Despite the serious nature of the gathering, Ranger's demeanor remains upbeat, bringing a ray of sunshine to the otherwise solemn atmosphere.

Head Official: Now that all the High Class Officers have arrived, it's time to discuss the matter at hand. Yesterday, our tower's men discovered a ship from the opposite side of the Authority, heading towards us. We had hoped that our five-ship fleet, led by High Class Officer Akito, would easily take care of it. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. The entire fleet was swiftly and easily destroyed. According to our tower's men, the enemy ship is still on its course towards us and is estimated to arrive in a day and a half. We ask everyone to observe a moment of silence for Akito's death.

The rookies and high-class officers alike are visibly shaken by the news of Akito's death. The weight of the loss hangs heavily in the air, palpable in the stunned silence that envelops the room. With heavy hearts, they all pay their respects with a solemn moment of silence, honoring their fallen comrade and friend.

Once the moment has passed, the gravity of the situation propels everyone back to the pressing issue at hand—the approaching ship from the opposite side of the Authority. Despite the grief and shock, a sense of determination fills the room as they refocus their attention on the imminent threat.

Head Official: Everyone, we have made a discussion before this assembly, between the officials and the captains, and we've determined that this is an attack from the Dark Entity, engaging in war with us, we have no way of stopping the ship from moving further from sea, as all the fleets are on each side of the Authority, we have no other option but to wait for the ship to reach our land, we are going to engage in battle down at the third class.

Gin: T-Third class?

Olivia: Shush! don't speak!

Head Official: We want everyone who can participate to join the war. This will be a battle for the peace of the island and also a battle for Aspect, whichever nation loses this ongoing war, will have the upper hand at achieving Aspect, the battle for the Authority, shall begin.

The Head Official concludes his speech with a final rallying cry, his words ringing with encouragement and resolve. With a nod of determination, he exits the assembly room, leaving behind a room filled with determined faces and a renewed sense of purpose.The Head Official ends his speech with encouraging words, and leaves the assembly room.