
The Battle For The Authority, Has Begun.

Tameo quickly ducks down, avoiding the deadly blade, the Ninja kicks down on Tameo, landing a devastating kick on his face, Tameo regains his composure, and smiles.

Tameo: Now that I know you are powerful, its time to go all out.

Tameo tightly gripped his blade, moving with remarkable speed as he appeared in front of Zashi. Zashi attempted to step aside, but was startled as blood trickled from his mouth. Looking down, he noticed Tameo's blade embedded in his side. Tameo's expression was serious, indicating the gravity of the situation.

Zashi: W-What... spits blood

Zashi swiftly regained his composure and activated his unique ability to clone himself. In a blink, he transferred his essence to another clone just as Tameo's sword pierced through the vanishing image of his body. However, despite the evasion, Zashi remained in critical condition, bleeding profusely from a deep wound that demanded immediate attention.

Zashi: Your fast, I'll give you that, but can you beat the speed of a ninja?

Tameo: I clearly just did that.

Zashi suddenly vanished, darting from one location to another around Tameo, leaving a trail of afterimages in his wake. Despite the incredible speed, Tameo's keen eyes were able to track his movements.

Zashi: Can you see me now? where am I? I'm over here? Or over there?

Tameo suddenly appeared in front of Zashi and landed a devastating kick to his face, sending Zashi crashing into the town of the third class.

As Helen regained her composure, the Dark King raised his hand and opened up his fist.

Dark King: Yokai! release and destroy! eat whatever seems edible to you.

A horde of Yokai, big transfigured looking creatures. Suddenly burst forth from the Dark King's ship, racing towards the recruits and soldiers. Kon swiftly issued orders to engage, and the troops charged into battle. However, they quickly found themselves overwhelmed; the Yokai proved to be formidable adversaries, swiftly overpowering and slaughtering the soldiers with alarming speed.

Solider: Ah! HELP! HELP!

The soldier was crushed under the weight of the Yokai's feet, the creature relentlessly squeezing the life from the fallen warrior's body. Kon sprang into action, swiftly engaging the Yokai in combat, cutting them down with his skillful strikes. Yet, despite his valiant efforts, the Yokai kept coming, their numbers seemingly endless. For every Yokai Kon defeated, another emerged to take its place, overwhelming him with their relentless onslaught.

As the massive Yokai's fist descended upon Ansu, he braced himself, but the force proved too overwhelming, and he began to falter. Olivia, unable to react in time, watched in horror. Just as it seemed all hope was lost, Razor lunged forward with incredible speed, severing the Yokai's head with a single precise strike. The threat eliminated, Razor panted heavily, feeling the strain from the intense battle.

Ansu: Thanks Razor!

Razor: Keep pushing...

As Olivia stood frozen, her hand trembling around her blade, a Yokai materialized behind her, poised to strike. Razor and Ansu witnessed the danger unfolding, but they were unable to react in time to save her.

Ansu: Olivia!

Razor: S-Shit!

Olivia is suddenly pushed away by a soldier, as she is pushed aside, she saw everything in slow motion, the hand of the Yokai slowly dropping on the soldier who saved her, as everything returned to normal, the fist suddenly drops on the soldier, killing him on impact, as the blood splatters on Olivia's face, she sat there, tears flowing out of her eyes.

Kon: There are many of them!

The soldiers and troops hastily began their retreat, their voices blending with cries of "RETREAT!" Kon's heart sank as he observed the panic spreading among the troops, sensing their morale slipping away. As the soldiers fled, the Yokai seized the opportunity, launching themselves forward and mercilessly tearing through their ranks.

Suddenly, Wicker and Carpet materialize, halting the troops and recruits in their tracks.

Carpet: Troops, do not retreat! You all joined the authority for a reason! And that reason is to protect your nation! Is this what your nation truly means to you? Fleeing in cowardice? We shall not accept this minor setback, and we shall fight back! Are you all with me?

As Carpet and Wicker surged forward, the high-class officers followed closely behind, their presence injecting a renewed sense of determination into the troops. Inspired by Carpet's impassioned speech and bolstered by the reinforcement of their leaders, the soldiers regained their morale. With a collective agreement resonating through their ranks, they stood ready to strike back against the forces of the Dark King with newfound resolve and unity.

Petra: Sorry we're late! we are here to help now!

Shinra: You all are idiots.

Gabe: I can't wait to destroy all those monsters!

Ranger: We shall beat them all together!

The high class officers wasted no time in systematically dismantling each Yokai, whose strength paled in comparison. With Kon fighting alongside them, they swiftly overpowered their adversaries.

Carpet went over to Olivia and grabbed her hand, bringing her up to his level.

Carpet: Hope is not lost, we can do this together, are you with me?

Olivia is still shaken, but quickly regained her composure and nodded.

Petra: This Carpet fella isn't so bad now is he?

Carpet quickly focused his hands, coating his hand with Virtue.

Carpet: I've recently discovered my arcane... the ability... of acids. With this, I can conjure acids into my hands.


Wicker unleashed his berserk form, swiftly tearing through the Yokai with unparalleled ferocity. Meanwhile, Carpet shed his blazer and tie, channeling his arcane powers to summon acidic energy that enveloped his hands. With precise control, he unleashed the acid, dissolving the enemy ranks with deadly efficiency. Ansu and Razor joined the fray, their combined strength and skill cutting through the Yokai with precision strikes and powerful blows. Olivia, too, joined the unified assault, seamlessly integrating into the collective effort. Together, they fought as one cohesive unit, each member contributing their unique abilities to overcome the enemy threat.

As the battle reached its conclusion, exhaustion weighed heavily on them, their breaths labored as they surveyed the aftermath—a field littered with the fallen bodies of both Yokai and soldiers, some too injured to even move.

Gabe: This is a pain in the ass...

Petra: Woah! I haven't had to fight that much in a while! this is draining!

Olivia was still shaken by what happened to her and the soldier, but she remain composed.

Helen swiftly reengaged with the Dark King, her movements honed and precise. With each strike, she found her mark, landing blow after blow against her formidable opponent. The Dark King, growing increasingly frustrated by her relentless assault, launched a powerful punch toward Helen, only to be met with her swift and skillful counter. With a surge of icy energy, she delivered a devastating uppercut, freezing the air around her fist as it connected with the Dark King's jaw, sending him staggering back.

Dark King: Ah... You bitch!

Helen: Your insults don't hurt me!

Helen's wasted no time, swift kick landed squarely on the Dark King's stomach, the force of her blow causing him to stagger backward. With a resounding impact, he collided with the front of his ship, his back absorbing the force of the collision. The clash echoed through the air, leaving a momentary silence before the sounds of battle resumed.