
A Threat Arises.

Helen, Tameo, and Kon entered a room dominated by a long table, with officials seated in every chair. They strode in, prepared to participate in the crucial meeting ahead.

Head Official: Seems like everyone is here, lets get this thing started.

As the door behind them closed, the head of the officials donned a serious expression, signaling the gravity of the situation.

Head Official: Our main patrol ship in front of the Authority has been destroyed recently.

Helen, Tameo, and Kon exchanged surprised glances as they processed the news: a five-ship fleet had been completely taken down.

Head Official: On land, our defenses are solid, but when it comes to the sea, we're lacking in protection at the moment.

Helen: Akito's fleet as been taken down? b-but, do we have any evidence of this? I mean I'm not doubting you, but Akito is a pretty capable guy, he can even rival me if he trains more.

Head Official: Our towers have received reports regarding this incident. According to the tower's men, a lone ship approached the five-ship fleet, and in the blink of an eye, all vessels were sunk and obliterated.

Tameo: In the blink of an eye? b-but Akito can't lose that fast...

Kon: This is pretty unfortunate... a fleet going down in one swoop.

Head Official: Our towers men speculate that its the Dark Entity approaching.

Kon: Akito can easily take down a ship from the Dark Entity, its really no struggle to him, he's done it multiple times.

Head Official: That only means one thing.

Helen: It can't be some high class warrior from the Dark Entity, it would be a hard fight for Akito but I'm sure he'll get through it, but destroying his entire fleet?

Kon: What's the status of the ship that destroyed Akito's fleet?

Head Official: Its heading towards the Authority as we speak.

Helen: This must mean, its the obvious...

Tameo: Your thinking what I'm thinking?

Kon: Its the Dark King.

Tameo: The man that rules the Dark Entity himself is attempting to wager war?

Head Official: We suspect it may be him, but we're uncertain about the extent of his power. This meeting has been convened for two reasons: firstly, to discuss the destruction of Akito's fleet, and secondly, to request the summoning of the Virtue Master.

Tameo, Helen and Kon have serious faces on their face, they turn to each other and start having a small discussion while whispering to each other, they then turn over to the officials and the head official.

Helen: We believe summoning the Virtue Master is unnecessary. Our duty is to protect our nation, and we've worked hard to attain our current power level. We're fully capable of handling this situation without relying on external help, the virtue master is too wise and powerful, and must maintain hidden for obvious reasons.

Head Official: If you say so, the ship is currently heading towards the Authority and will arrive in an estimated 2 days, prepare well warriors, this meeting is dismissed, you may leave.

The officials, including Helen, Tameo, and Kon, departed the meeting room with a lingering sense of unease about the impending battle for authority.

Going back to Gin and Ansu, making progress mastering their techniques on the training grounds, Olivia struggled with a particular sword technique. Despite her efforts, she found it challenging to grasp the necessary skills.

Gin: Charm technique 5, Reinforcement!

Gin conjured a slightly transparent green barrier, which Ansu charged toward, delivering a powerful blow that cracked the surface, demonstrating his strength and the barrier's resilience.

Ansu: My fist has gotten harder, and more darker...

Gin: That's weird. Maybe its because of your virtue color?

Ansu: That can't be justified, why isn't your hand turning bright yellow? this is only happening to me...

Gin: Maybe we should ask Miss Helen...

Olivia: Ugh! I can't seem to figure out this sword technique!

Gin: Hm? let me take a look at which technique you are trying to learn.

Gin takes a look at Olivia's list, and she pointed to the technique she wanted to learn, Gin sighs and patted her shoulder.

Olivia: What? can I learn it or not?

Gin: That's charm technique 78, Blade's song, and its not even on the essential list.

Olivia: It sounds pretty, and it must be powerful!

Gin: That's not how we go about doing things, you should start with learning the essential and important ones, like Reinforcement!

Olivia: But those are boring techniques, I want to learn something that will help me in combat.

Gin: If you say so, me and Ansu are learning the essential ones, Miss Helen ticked for us.

As Gin checked his list, he noticed some faint words on the back, barely discernible against the list's color. Curious, he briefly pondered their significance before refocusing on his training.

Ansu: Hey Gin, found something?

Gin: I was just looking at the back of my list for something.

Ansu: Oh alright, so when are we going to ask Miss Helen about my, hands...

Gin: We should probably ask her tomorrow, she said she had some type of meeting.

Olivia: Ugh! I'm going back to the dorm, this is too complicated!

As Olivia made her way back to the dorms, Gin and Ansu followed suit, the darkness of the night enveloping the Authority headquarters. Suddenly, a mysterious announcement echoed through the halls, shrouded in secrecy and intrigue.

Announcer: Attention, everyone. This is an announcement from the Head Official of the Authority. Due to unforeseen circumstances, all sector exams, initial exams, and sector trainings are hereby cancelled. We will provide further information regarding rescheduling at a later time. Additionally, we request the immediate assembly of all Authority personnel at the designated area tomorrow morning for an important announcement. Please ensure your presence. Thank you.

Gin: Sector trainings cancelled?

Ansu: So what can I do about these hands now, I don't think I'll be allowed to consult miss Helen.

Olivia: About time, we finally get to have our well deserved break!

Razor: I don't think this is a break.

Razor, once again, appeared seemingly out of nowhere, catching everyone by surprise with his sudden presence, leaving them astonished at their failure to notice his arrival.

Gin: R-Razor? when did you get in here?

Olivia: Ah! stop popping up like that!

Ansu: How hard have you been training?

Razor: I'll explain that later, but this doesn't seem to be some sort of break, they mentioned an important announcement.

Olivia: So its something serious?

Razor: Most likely.

Gin: Its pretty late, we should probably go to sleep and see what it is tomorrow.

Ansu: I'm with Gin here.

Olivia: Alright then.

Olivia, Razor, Gin, and Ansu settled into their beds, preparing for a night's rest before the revelations of the following day. Tomorrow promised answers, and they eagerly awaited understanding amidst the mystery that surrounded them.