
How to utilize Virtue.

Helen: Picture this: virtue, it's not just a quality, it's the very essence of your being. It's the invisible force that fuels your arcane prowess. Without it, you're as vulnerable as a castle without walls. In every battle, virtue is your secret weapon, your impenetrable shield. It's not just about what you do; it's about who you are. Master virtue, and you'll master the battlefield.

Spellbound by Helen's revelation of virtue, Gin, Ansu, Carpet, and Wicker pledged to embark on a journey of discovery together, driven by their newfound fascination and determined to delve deeper into its mysteries, each step fueled by a shared curiosity and the promise of untold power.

Helen: You see, virtue typically dons the hue of emerald green, but deviations from this norm are exceedingly rare. Currently, within each of us, virtue manifests in a linear fashion, rather subdued. However, as fighters, we possess the unique ability to transform virtue from its linear state to a constant one, enabling us to perceive it tangibly with our very eyes. Allow me to demonstrate.

As Helen extended her arm towards her eager students, a faint, ethereal blue aura began to envelop her hand, its presence subtly enhancing her already visible limb, casting a mesmerizing glow that captivated the onlookers.

Helen: Here it is, virtue in its constant form, And as you can see, my virtue wears the color of blue, making me quite distinct, wouldn't you say?

Gin: Amazing!

Carpet: H-How?

Ansu and Wicker stood among the others, their astonishment mirrored by the sight of the vibrant blue aura surrounding Helen's hand. The display was captivating, sparking a shared intrigue that fueled their curiosity and left them spellbound in its wake.

Helen: This is our first lesson, how to turn your Virtue from a linear to a constant form, this will take a lot of concentration.

Gin: Miss Helen, how does this help in combat?

Helen: Ah, an excellent question! When it comes to combat, virtue becomes a formidable ally, she explained, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. By channeling your aura into a constant form around your hands, it amplifies the power of your strikes. Each blow packs twice the punch of your standard attacks, making it an incredibly reliable asset in battle.

Ansu: So how do we start by conjuring the constant form of Virtue?

Helen: Focus and patience is required, you need to be one with Virtue, when you eventually do release Virtue, make sure its not distorting, and it should look like mine but the color that you conjure, if it is distorting, then its still on its linear form.

Helen grabbed 4 bags of rocks, and handed each one to a student.

Helen: Your lesson is over, your homework today, use these rocks to attempt to conjure your Virtue, then show it to me tomorrow, you can do this by putting the rock on your hand, and focusing deeply into your hand, feel the Virtue and turning it into its constant form, if the rock breaks, just use another one, do this until you see the Virtue color conjure on your hand, and show it to me tomorrow.

Students: Thank you.

As Gin and Ansu made their way out of the room, Olivia and Razor followed suit, each carrying their own bag of rocks. Once they reached the dorm, the four of them wasted no time diving into practice, determined to unlock the secrets of conjuring their virtues. Within the cozy confines of their shared living space, they embarked on a journey of discovery, honing their skills with unwavering focus and determination.

In their dorm, Gin's strength inadvertently shattered his rocks, while Razor and Olivia honed their focus to maintain theirs. Ansu struggled to concentrate but showed slow progress. Despite their individual challenges, they persisted, each determined to master the art of conjuring their Virtues.

Razor: I-I feel it...

Razor's rock unexpectedly turned black-purple, delighting him with its allure. Dropping the rock, he found his Virtue's aura remained on his hand, marking his success as the first to conjure its constant form.

Olivia: T-That looks, beautiful, h-how?

Razor: Patience, and focus...

Gin: Your Virtue color is black and purple? means, you have a rare type of Virtue...

Razor: This is probably not due to me, but due to my clan...

Olivia: I wonder what color is mine...

As Olivia concentrated on the rock, her hand gradually took on a green hue, much to the amusement of the others. However, Olivia's reaction was less than enthusiastic as she realized the simplicity of her Virtue's color.

Olivia: No! T-This can't be! why is it green? I-I wanted it to be white or grey!

With a crestfallen expression, Olivia couldn't bear the thought of being labeled as basic. In a swift motion, she dropped the rock to the floor, but to her dismay, the Virtue aura persisted on her hand. Annoyed and frustrated, she shook her hand vigorously, determined to rid herself of the color she refused to accept.

Razor: No matter what you try now, that's the color of your Virtue forever.

Olivia: You don't have to make me feel worst!

After much effort, Gin finally conjured the color of his Virtue, which manifested as a bright, vibrant yellow. His eyes widened in amazement at this unexpected revelation, and with a burst of excitement, he dropped the rock from his hand, leaping up in jubilation at his achievement.

Gin: Wow! my color is really pretty!

Olivia: W-What? h-how! I'm more royal and of a notable clan than you are, how come you aren't as basic as me?

Gin: I guess Virtue chose to be nice to me.

As Ansu held the rock with intent, a profound shift stirred within him, causing the rock to transform into a pure black hue. Startled, he released the rock, only to find his hand enveloped in the same deep blackness. As Gin, Razor, and Olivia observed Ansu's hand, a sense of unease washed over them, sensing something peculiar about his manifestation.

Razor: This doesn't seem normal.

Ansu: I can tell, b-but what can I do about it?

Ansu hastily shook his hand, desperate to rid himself of the unsettling aura. A heavy silence descended upon the room, weighing down on everyone with an almost palpable pressure, leaving them all feeling uneasy and uncertain of what had just transpired.