
Arcane Techniques.

The following day, Gin and Ansu made their way to Helen's training hall, where they found Wicker and Carpet already waiting. Taking their seats, they engaged in a discussion, eager for Helen's imminent arrival.

Gin: Wicker, Carpet! have you guys discovered the color of your Virtue?

Carpet: Yes, take a look.

Carpet charges his hand with Virtue, the color appearing the be orange.

Gin: Wow, that's sick! what about you Wicker?

Wicker: Mine appeared to be green, pretty normal.

Ansu: Can you guys tell us a bit about yourselves?

Carpet: Well I was born in the middle class, I'm a business man but now I'm looking to be a member of the Authority.

Carpet wears a black suit and wears glasses, and has black hair, he is average height, while Wicker wears a jacket and a tank top, having black hair as well.

Wicker: I'm a middle class member too, used to work at my dad's shop until I discovered my curse, and now I want to put it into use, how about you two?

Gin: Well I'm a third class member, until I snuck into the middle class and got caught, then I was forced to join, and if I didn't I'd get deported.

As Gin shared his tale, Carpet and Wicker listened intently, their curiosity piqued by the events he described. captivated by the intrigue of his story.

Carpet: H-How did you even begin to?

Gin: It wasn't difficult, I just had to hop over the gate between the third class and the middle class.

The door to Helen's room opens as she entered the training hall, ready to give them their very next lesson.

Helen: Hello students! welcome back, this is your second session, sorry I was late, I had some business to finish, anyways. Have you guys finished your home works?

Carpet: Yes, we've conjured our Virtue to its constant form.

Helen: May I see the colors?

Wicker: Yes! of course.

As Wicker successfully conjured his virtue, Helen's eyes lit up with satisfaction at his accomplishment, nodding approvingly at the green hue surrounding his hand. Turning her attention to Carpet, she observed with intrigue the orange glow of his constant virtue, impressed by the display of his newfound ability.

Next, Helen's gaze fell upon Gin, a smile forming on her lips as she noted the bright yellow aura matching his hair color. The resemblance brought a hint of amusement to her expression. However, as she approached Ansu, her demeanor shifted slightly, a mixture of concern and surprise crossing her features at the sight of his pitch-black virtue. Though momentarily taken aback, she quickly brushed aside her worries, choosing to focus on the progress each of her students had made.

Helen: All of you have some interesting colors, but I'm more concerned about your color, Ansu.

Ansu: Really? is there something bad about it?

Helen: Not really... the pitch-black color of Virtue's constant form typically represents something bad in ones life, but I will not ask any questions regarding that.

Gin: So now that we were able to accomplish this, what is our next lesson?

Helen: Alright, for our next lesson, we're delving into the realms of arcane. Even if you don't possess it naturally, arcane can be harnessed through charms and curses. From these, two distinct paths emerge: charm techniques exclusive to charm users and darkness techniques exclusive to curse users. However, there's a rare breed, the virtue masters, who defy convention by mastering both paths simultaneously.

Ansu: Wait, don't we need to discover our arcane before we do that?

Helen: Exactly, that's why I'll start training you so you can unlock your arcane.

Carpet: How do we find out if we have arcane or not?

Helen: Has anything unusual ever happened to you or your body at some point of time?

Gin: I've had time stop in front of me, but then resume back in a second.

Helen: I'm still not sure about your arcane Gin, you seem to possess some form of auto reflex ability.

Gin: Auto reflex?

Helen: My theory is that you are able to adapt to techniques, its either that or some form of auto reflex or instincts.

Gin: Adapting...

Helen: As for you Wicker, its pretty obvious, you have some form of super strength.

Ansu: What was that transformation Wicker did during the sector exams?

Helen: Exhales Alright, listen up. Arcane release is when you unleash every ounce of hidden potential within your charm or curse for a brief four-minute window. But let me make this crystal clear: it's a double-edged sword. Sure, you get a power boost, but at a steep cost. Your body takes a serious beating. Frankly, I'm not keen on delving into what arcane releases can do because it's downright dangerous and, frankly, dumb to mess with unless you're staring death in the face.

Helen's gaze fell upon Wicker, her disappointment evident in her eyes. Wicker caught her meaning immediately, recognizing the subtle hint directed his way.

Helen: It's far more prudent to dedicate yourselves to training until you reach your full potential, rather than resorting to the use of this dangerous ability, Anyhow, getting back to the topic at hand, Helen resumed, charm techniques encompass 130 abilities, while darkness techniques comprise 110. Remember, you don't need to master them all. Focus on the ones that are essential or most relevant to your needs.

Gin: Is there a list for essential ones?

Helen: I'm going to give you a list, with all the essential ones ticked already, you need to at least learn 2 skills, this is the end of your lesson, I have some important business to attend to, you all are dismissed.

Carpet: We'll be on our way then, thank you.

As the students filed out of the training hall, Helen, their teacher, patiently waited until they all departed and returned to their dorms. Once the coast was clear, Helen, accompanied by Tameo and Kon, made their way to their important meeting...