
Sector exams, concluded.

Kiyo Hayato, the samurai, exits the exam room with poise, his demeanor untouched by the ordeal within. In contrast, Razor emerges, bearing wounds and weariness, but his resolve remains unshaken as he carries Olivia to safety. Each carries their own story of struggle, yet their determination remains unyielding, a testament to their inner strength.

Kiyo: That girl has some great determination and will, but strength is what matters most in this dangerous world.

Razor meets Kiyo's gaze, acknowledging his words with a nod before swiftly moving on, his focus unwavering as he strides away, leaving the conversation behind.

From across the room, the door to Helen's exam swings open, revealing Gin and Ansu emerging. Gin supports Ansu, who limps slightly, his determination evident despite his injury. As Gin catches sight of Razor, a sense of relief washes over him, and he exhales audibly, grateful for their safe return.

Gin: Both of you passed?

Razor: I've passed, but I have no clue about Olivia's results, how about you and Ansu?

Gin: We both passed, barely.

Razor: Glad to hear that.

As they make their way through the corridor, all eyes follow the group of exam survivors, the officers granting them a respectful distance. Upon reaching their dorm, Razor swiftly lays Olivia on her bed, while Gin helps Ansu settle onto his own. With a weary glance, Gin notices Razor's weakened state, his injuries leaving him barely able to stand. Slowly, Gin approaches Razor, concern etched into every line of his face as he reaches out to offer support.

Gin: Razor, you don't seem fine.

Razor: I'm alright... I-I can handle this... call urgent care.

Gin: You need urgent care?

Razor: Not for me, for Ansu and Olivia...

Gin: Y-You look like you need-

Razor: Just call them god dammit!

Gin hesitated, uncertain of how to proceed, but swiftly dialed urgent care for assistance. As the medical team arrived, Razor, seated in a chair, trembled from the intensity of his pain. The urgent care provider approached him, ready to administer aid, but Razor halted her with a raised hand, his eyes fixed on the ground, a silent plea for understanding.

Razor: Don't heal me, heal the others...

Urgent care: I'm not just going to leave you, you need some form of medical attention.

Razor: I don't require it, d-don't heal me.

Urgent care: Are you sure?

Razor: I've never been more sure in my life.

Observing Razor's determination, the urgent care provider respected his wishes and moved on to tend to Olivia and Ansu, swiftly healing their injuries. Once they were attended to, she turned her attention to Gin, noting his relatively minor wounds. With a nod of reassurance, she offered assistance, ensuring that all members of the group received the care they needed.

Urgent care lady: Do you need healing?

Gin: No, that's fine, if it was anything serious I'd take you up on the offer.

Urgent care lady: Alright then, I'll be leaving, but if you need me don't be afraid to call, kay?

Gin: Absolutely.

With the urgent care provider's departure, a moment of quiet settles in the room. Gin and Razor exchange a knowing glance, their smiles speaking volumes of their shared understanding and resilience.

Razor: I'm going to get some rest, don't disturb me.

Gin: Back at you.

As the night settles in, Razor climbs onto his bed and lies down, seeking solace in the quiet of rest. Gin follows suit, settling onto his own bed, the weight of the day's events lingering in the air around them.

The next morning, with the promise of a new day and the start of their training looming ahead, Olivia is the first to rise from her bed. A wave of realization washes over her as she reflects on the events of the exams and her perceived failure. With determination fueling her actions.

Ansu, too, awakens, ready to face the day with renewed resolve.

Ansu: Good morning, I know how you feel, you didn't do that well in the exam, didn't you?

Olivia: I don't want to talk about it.

Ansu: Its fine, you can say anything you want to me, I'll hear you out.

Olivia: I-I... I've tried... my resolve isn't... good enough, at this point I'd get killed if Razor wasn't by my side.

Ansu: I felt the same thing, I tried but I wasn't able to, only with Gin's help was I able to finally pass, even so, I shouldn't give up, I know the both of us have a lot of potential, we just haven't grasped that yet.

Olivia: W-What if I don't have any potential? w-what if this is my peak? what if I can't get stronger than this...

As Ansu remains lost in thought, unable to respond to Olivia's words, the abrupt ringing of the dorm bell breaks the silence, signaling the imminent start of Sector trainings.

As the bell chimes, Gin and Razor rouse from sleep, their conditions varying. Ansu and Olivia, undeterred, head to the training hall, eager to learn from their captains. With determination, they all set off, ready for the day's challenges and the guidance of their mentors.

As Gin and Ansu step into Helen's training room, their eyes lock with hers once more, but this time they notice two familiar figures standing beside her. Recognizing them instantly, excitement lights up their faces.

Helen: Good morning you two! since you requested it, I thought why not? after all you did surprise me during the sector exams.

Gin: Wicker! Carpet! you guys made it!

Gin and Ansu's faces beam with happiness, their success evident in their joyful expressions. However, Wicker and Carpet, though they have passed, wear uncertain looks upon their faces, their victories overshadowed by doubt and insecurity.

Carpet: Gin, as grateful as we are, you didn't have to do that for us, we trained, put in the effort and the results have clearly shown that we couldn't pass the exam.

Gin: The results didn't show, but the effort you put into helping us pass, is all the reason we wanted you to pass.

Carpet: Thank you for giving us the opportunity.

Ansu: Without you we couldn't have come up with a plan to pass, we only passed because you guys bought us time.

Wicker sits in silence, his inner turmoil echoing louder than any spoken word. Despite his transformation, a lingering sense of failure weighs heavily upon him, gnawing at his confidence like a relentless shadow.

Helen: Enough with the conversations, you guys should get ready to train now.

With anticipation palpable in the air, everyone gathers, seated on the floor with legs crossed, prepared to absorb the knowledge Helen is about to impart. As the Sector trainings commence, a sense of focus descends upon the room, each member eager to learn and grow in their skills.