
A Mysterious Woman.

As Carpet delves deeper into his investigation of the acid rain, a hand suddenly lands on his shoulder. He turns to find the woman from before, holding out a sample of the rain in her palm. Gratefully, Carpet reaches out to take it, but when he spins around to thank her, she's vanished into thin air.

Carpet: Hm?

As Carpet's gaze returns to the path ahead, he catches sight of a striking woman. Her dark blue hair contrasts vividly with the vibrant red kimono she wears, adorned with a golden band. A warm smile graces her lips as she meets Carpet's eyes, sparking curiosity and intrigue within him.

???: Hello there!

Caught off guard by the overwhelming aura of virtue emanating from the mysterious woman, Carpet's hands tremble, causing him to take a step back in surprise. In his haste, he fumbles with the acid rain sample, and it slips from his grasp, tumbling to the ground with a soft clatter.

Carpet: W-Who are you? a-and where is that villager?

Misha: My name is Misha, what's your name?

Carpet: I-I still don't trust you yet, why shall I hand you my name?

Misha: Giggles. come on! we are sharing names, aren't we?

With his senses heightened and his instincts on edge, Carpet remains vigilant, unable to discern whether the enigmatic woman before him poses a threat or not. Every fiber of his being attuned to the slightest sign of danger, he watches her closely, ready to react at a moment's notice.

Carpet: Are you with the authority?

Misha: Me? with the authority? you must be joking, why would I submit my power over to the authority? that's just stupid! and those authority soldiers, what a bunch of jokers.

Carpet now understands, that she's an enemy, he puts up his glasses, and smiles.

Carpet: Chuckles. You know? I find that quiet funny, because I'm an authority soldier myself.

Misha: Oh? well I apologize for the-

Carpet: No worries, I now understand that you are my threat. So, how do you want to settle this?

Misha: See, this is what I mean, authority soldiers always ich for a fight, ugh. Looks like I have to get rid of more filth.

Feeling the tension ease slightly, Carpet releases a heavy sigh, a mix of frustration and resignation. With a decisive motion, he loosens his tie, the knot unraveling as he removes it altogether. Next, his blazer follows suit, discarded with a frustrated toss to the ground. Freed from the constraints of formal attire, he stands more relaxed, yet still on guard, prepared for whatever may come next.

Carpet: I'd like to see you try.

As Carpet's tension mounts, Misha's smile remains serene, almost serene. In a fluid motion, she reaches for her kimono sleeve, revealing a sleek knife that glides effortlessly into her hand. The glint of steel catches the light, adding an edge to her enigmatic demeanor.

Carpet: Here it comes!

Carpet raises his hands defensively as Misha charges at him, knife poised for attack.

In the heart of the village, Gin roams about, conducting his investigation until he crosses paths with the Inspector.

Gin: Oh! Master Ento!

Inspector: Oh! Gin-Taro, come take a look at this!

Gin: Hm? what is it?

Gin approaches the Inspector, who stands beside a food stand, observing the cook as he tends to the sizzling dishes on the stove.

Gin: What is this?

Inspector: Its their special cuisine! its called Fagmintima!

Gin: Fagmintima?

Inspector: Yeah, its like an apple, but covered with beef.

Gin: A-Apples covered with beef?

Inspector: Yeah, sounds delicious, doesn't it?

Gin: It sounds kinda, weird...

As Gin offers his critique on the cuisine, the cook shoots him a glare, prompting Gin to swiftly apologize for any offense his remarks may have caused regarding the man's food.

Gin: S-Sorry!

Inspector: Ha, these people don't like when their food is talked down on, maybe you should try it!

Gin: S-Sure...

The man hands Gin the cuisine. As Gin gazes at it, he takes a tentative bite, his expression initially conflicted. However, suddenly his eyes light up with delight, and he eagerly continues to chow down on the cuisine, savoring every bite.

Inspector: Ha, seems like you like it a lot!

Gin: I-I didn't think it'll be this delicious!

Inspector: Told ya, don't knock it till you try it!

Gin: Y-You were right!

Inspector: We should probably start looking for the others...

Gin: I think we should stay here a bit longer!

Inspector: Ya'think?

Gin: Definitely!

Inspector: Its settled then! lets go shopping!

Gin: Yeah!

The Inspector and Gin, engrossed in their village exploration and shopping spree, become oblivious to the island's issues, their minds occupied with the present moment.

Meanwhile, Razor, wandering on the opposite side of the island and feeling uncertain about his next move, is suddenly overwhelmed by a surge of virtue. Recognizing it as Carpet's virtue, he instinctively senses trouble and begins sprinting towards the source of the surge.

Razor: Carpet, just who are you fighting?

Razor dashes across the rooftops, sword drawn and prepared to assist Carpet, when suddenly, Zion materializes beside him, matching his pace stride for stride.

Razor: Zion?

Zion: Nice to meet'cha sword man! where we headin' to?

Razor: I sensed Carpet's virtue over there, so I'm heading to support him, maybe he's in trouble.

Zion: Great idea! you know where pyramid head and the virtue master's location?

Razor: No clue.

Zion: Alright then! lets go save Carpet then!

Zion's air-jets propel him forward with incredible speed, leaving Razor behind momentarily. However, Razor's smile as he activates his swiftness technique, pushing himself to match Zion's pace, barely managing to keep up with the flying companion.

Meanwhile, Gin and the Inspector immerse themselves in the vibrant atmosphere of the island, meeting new acquaintances, exploring various attractions, and indulging in the diverse cuisines the land has to offer. They savor the novelty of their surroundings.

Inspector: This place is a lot of fun!

Gin: I know right? they've got everything someone want!

Inspector: Where else shall we go? Gin-Taro!

Gin: We should probably-

Inspector: Wait! I'm sensing something...

Gin: W-What is it?

As the Inspector remains vigilant, sensing some abnormality, he looks at Gin with a serious expression.

Inspector: I'm sensing...

Gin: W-What is it Master Ento?

Inspector: A hot-dog eating competition! that way! I can smell it from a mile away!

Gin: Really? lets go!

the Inspector points at the huge table with people gathering around it, ready to join the hot-dog eating competition, the Inspector and Gin decide to join as well, completely forgetting about their investigation.