
Team work!

In the midst of the chaotic battlefield, dust and destruction obscure the surroundings. Misha is seated atop Carpet's back, the business man lying wounded on the ground, bleeding profusely and unable to rise or defend himself.

Misha: Oh, still trying?

Carpet: M-My team... t-they'll come, a-and kick your ass!

Misha: So confident in your friends, are you a hundred precent sure they can beat me?

Carpet: I...

He pants and coughs, unable to speak more, Misha giggled at his desperate attempts to talk her down.

Carpet suddenly began to sense virtue nearby, someone must be approaching.

Carpet: Heh, its your demise...

Misha: Oh, they must've arrived, oh well, I'll play with your friends a little bit.

Misha got off Carpet's back, stretching her arms, as Zion and Razor approached at quick speed.

Razor: Zion, you know what combination techniques are, right?

Zion: Yea! you wanna preform one sword man?

Razor: Its better to eliminate the target in one shot, rather than drag it out into a battle, so sure!

Zion: My amazing Zion kick!

Razor: My cursed king ability...

Misha lowered her guard, seeing them as weaklings.

Zion & Razor: Combination technique!

Misha: Combination attack?

Razor and Zion, their movements swift as the wind, dash across the rooftops. With synchronized precision, they leap off the final house, launching themselves through the air with remarkable speed. As they descend towards Misha, she senses the overwhelming virtue emanating from both of them, but there's an unsettling edge to it. The glint in their eyes sends a shiver down her spine, a devilish aura that hints at the formidable force they embody.

Zion & Razor: Amazing Cursed Slash!

With seamless coordination, Razor and Zion execute their attack in perfect synchronization, their blades intersecting to form an X mark as they unleash their combined power. Meisha finds herself ensnared in the devastating combination technique, unable to evade the onslaught.

As they execute the technique, a colossal wave of wind erupts from the point of impact, sweeping across the battlefield with tremendous force. The ferocious gust sends debris flying in all directions, transforming the landscape into a chaotic maelstrom of dirt and rocks.

Carpet: W-Wow, you guys!

Zion: Did that take her out?

Razor: Unsure...

As Razor and Zion look back, they see Misha descending from the air, as she landed down, she looked at the both of them, giving them a devious smile, with her eyes relaxed, revealing a slice on her cheek.

Misha: That caught me off guard... you both are quiet fast...

Razor: Shit, we didn't get her...

Misha: What? you thought you could take me out with that weak combination attack?

Zion: Weak?

Misha wiped the blood from the tiny slash on her cheek, that left a scar on her, as Zion helps Carpet get off the floor.

Zion: Carpet! are you good man?

Carpet: Y-Yes... s-she's strong though, don't drop your guard for even a second!

Misha: I'll kill you... I'll kill all three of you!

Razor: She seems blood lusted...

Misha quickly sprung into action, equipping knifes from her kimono and rushing towards Razor, Razor blocks her knife, Misha makes a right turn, equipping another knife from her free hand, and attempting to drill it into Razor's neck, only for him to activate his swiftness technique, quickly dodging her relentless strikes.

Misha: Oh?

Razor appears from above, poised to inject his blade deep within her skull, as he drops down with his blade, Misha dodged his attack, backflipping away from it, when suddenly appearing behind her, Zion ready to kick her in the back.

Zion: Zion back kick!

Misha quickly ducked down to avoid his kick, countering back with her own kick to his face.

Misha: Misha face kick!

Zion is quickly sent flying the direction he came from, quickly landing his feet, and wiping the blood from his nose.

Zion: Don't you dare copy the amazing art of Zion!

Appearing behind Misha, Razor ready to cut her up, Misha quickly blocked with her knife, but the force from the attack sent her drifting to the side, Razor quickly followed up with a darkness technique.

Razor: Darkness technique, dance of the blade!

Suddenly disappearing into thin air, and creating many clones, Misha smiled, retaliating back with her own attacks, Razor's clones were completely in sync, not giving Misha a second to breath.

Misha: Oh this is irritating...

Misha quickly countered, slicing each of the clones heads one by one, killing them quickly, before reaching the real clone, Razor himself, as she sent a knife towards his neck, he quickly blocked it with his blade, his blocking appearing to be off edge, Razor gets sliced in the cheek, and is forced to be knocked back from the force of the strike on his blade.

Misha: You have quick reflexes, I'm surprised you are able to block like that-

Razor: Zion! now!

Suddenly, from above, comes Zion, prepared to kick the floor with his over heated jets, Misha failed to notice his presence as he charged it up earlier.

Zion: Amazing Zion Kick!

Zion's landing on the floor sent a shudder through the terrain, the impact launching Razor backward. Fatigued from his battle with Misha, he drove his blade into the ground, hoping to anchor himself and avoid being hurled away. Yet, despite his efforts, the force was too much for his sword to bear. As the air cleared and debris settled, Misha emerged unscathed, effortlessly evading Zion's failed assault.

Without hesitation, Zion seized a small pebble and hurled it at Misha. Confusion flickered across her face as she easily sidestepped the projectile, watching it harmlessly sail past her.

Misha: What do you think a small pebble is going to do?

Zion: Switch!

Zion's sudden switch with the pebble's place jolted Misha. Unbeknownst to her, Zion wielded arcane abilities, catching her completely off guard. Razor, equally taken aback, watched as Zion materialized behind Misha, poised to strike with swift kicks.

Zion: Barraging Zion!

Zion's air-jets whirred to life, propelling him into a flurry of kicks aimed at Misha with a single leg. Reacting swiftly, Misha turned to block, but her footing faltered under the onslaught. With each kick, Zion's air-jets intensified, propelling his strikes faster. The heat generated by the air-jets turned Misha's arms red as she struggled to keep up with the onslaught.

Zion: S-Shit! t-this is bad!

Zion found himself propelled beyond control as his air-jets registered an overwhelming velocity. Despite his efforts to halt the barrage of kicks, they continued relentlessly. Misha, bewildered by the unexpected turn of events, could only watch as Zion's relentless assault persisted, driven by forces beyond his command.

Misha: H-How long can you keep this up for?

Zion: I-I can't stop it!

Misha: I'm getting sick of this!

Misha's unexpected maneuver caught Zion off guard as she harnessed the earth beneath her, forming a protective layer of dirt and rocks around her body. Evading Zion's relentless kicks with agile sidesteps, Meisha maneuvered with surprising grace. Meanwhile, Zion, propelled uncontrollably by his air-jets, hurtled across the battlefield. Despite his efforts to regain control, he found himself hurtling towards a wall, his air-jets refusing to heed his commands. Desperation etched across his face, Zion struggled to halt his impending collision.

Zion: S-Shit! No!!!

With a sickening impact, Zion collided into the wall at breakneck speed, the force of the crash shattering several of his teeth. Agonizing pain shot through him as the realization of the damage sank in. Groaning in agony, Zion slumped against the wall, dazed and disoriented from the collision, unable to continue the battle.

Zion: Z-Zion... down...

Razor: Zion!

Emerging behind Razor, Misha's presence loomed, her body partially transformed by the hardened dirt. With a calculated shift, she concentrated the earth onto her left chest and arm, forming a massive claw of hardened dirt. The rest of her body reverted to its normal state. Razor tensed, realizing the escalated threat Misha now posed, her dirt claw ready to strike him on the back.

Misha: You're next! little runt!

Razor: Swiftness!

With a blur of movement, Razor vanished, employing his swiftness technique to evade Meisha's strike. As her claw descended, it crashed into the ground with tremendous force, shattering the terrain where Razor had once stood, leaving behind a chaotic mess of broken earth and debris.

Misha: That's a nice little technique you got there!

As Carpet watched the intense battle unfold before him, a sense of helplessness washed over him, his weakened state preventing him from offering support to his comrades. Razor, standing amidst the chaos, bore the visible signs of exhaustion from the relentless confrontation. With Zion now incapacitated, the situation grew increasingly dire.

Despite his weariness, Razor knew he had no choice but to press on, drawing upon his resolve and determination to see the fight through to its conclusion. With each passing moment, the weight of the situation bore down upon him, the outcome of the battle hanging precariously in the balance.