
The Allied Island.

In the quiet solitude of her room within the imposing Sinheart estate, Olivia sits upon her bed, her body wracked with pain and her spirit shattered. She curls into herself, tears cascading down her cheeks, a testament to the torment she has endured. Bruises mar her skin, and cuts bear witness to the violence inflicted upon her. In this moment of profound vulnerability, a tender presence approaches. Totska, her seven-year-old brother, sits beside her, he has white hair, green eyes and a petite body. His small hand reaching out to pat her gently on the waist in a gesture of comfort. Though young, his empathy shines through as he offers solace to his sister in her darkest hour.

Olivia: T-Those, those wicked devils...

Totska: Are you feeling better... Olivia?

Olivia: I-I'll make them pay!

Olivia sits up on her bed, and looks at her brother in tears.

Olivia: I-I don't know what to do! I-I'm weak and helpless against them!

Totska: There, there. You'll get over it.

He pats her on the head, trying to comfort her.

Olivia: Y-You are the only person who's been nicer to me...

Totska: Don't take this as me being on your side, I don't want to study commerce as well, but I must abide by what father wants, or I'll eventually end up like you.

Olivia: Y-Yes, I don't want that for you, I understand.

Olivia wiped her tears, staring into her hands, bruised and helpless.

Totska: Olivia, you said you found some new friends in the Authority?

As Totska mentioned her batch, she wiped her tears more clearly and smiled.

Olivia: Y-Yes, they are all amazing people...

Totska: Don't you think you should stay with them in the Authority? you did mention they had dorms, right? just stick with who you truly see as family, Olivia.

Olivia: W-Wow, you are actually right...

Olivia gave Totska a warm hug, thanking him for his moral support.

Olivia: Thank you so much... Totska, you've always been there for me.

Totska: Don't mention it, I've got to go study now, if you need to talk just let me know, alright?

Totska, clutching his book, leaves Olivia's side and heads for the door. Despite his tender age, his actions convey a sense of resolve and empathy.

Olivia: Y-Yes... though I'll probably be leaving soon...

Totska: Really? but you still haven't see mother yet.

Olivia: Maybe next time, but I can't stay here for too long...

Totska: Are you afraid of father and older brother?

Olivia: Mhm...

Totska: I see, I won't question you even further then.

As Totska offers Olivia a small, reassuring smile before he departs, she gathers strength from his gesture. With a determined expression, Olivia's resolve hardens. She reaches for her sword, a symbol of her resilience, and prepares to depart from the suffocating confines of the Sinheart household. With each step towards freedom, her determination grows stronger, fueled by the need to reclaim control over her own destiny.


Amidst the vast expanse of the sea, a ship sails towards the allied island under the banner of the Authority. On board, the distinguished figure of the Inspector stands at the helm, accompanied by his trusted companions: Gin, Razor, Carpet, and Zion. Their mission clear, they are poised to investigate the unsettling disturbances threatening the island's stability.

Inspector: Alright brats, we're here!

Gin: So this is the allied island?

As the Inspector and his team step onto the island, the unfamiliar changes in the atmosphere and landscape unsettle them. The lighter shade of green grass hints at a disturbance in the natural order, and the different atmosphere carries an air of foreboding. Sensing that these alterations may be signs of underlying trouble.

Carpet: I can tell from a mile away, this island is having some serious problems...

Inspector: Lets split and check out the island!

The Inspector and his team split up, each member heading to a different area of the island to investigate. With determination in their hearts, they set out to uncover the source of the disturbances and restore stability to the land, the Inspector sends all of them to different locations with his arcane ability, as they are suddenly take to different locations, they are split apart.

Carpet: Alright then, lets see...

Carpet, assigned to the heart of the village, decides to gather information by speaking with the locals. Spotting a bystander, he approaches with a determined stride, extending a gentle hand to catch their attention. With a respectful touch on their shoulder, he seeks to engage them in conversation, eager to learn more about the recent events unfolding on the island.

Carpet: Excuse me madam, I've arrived here with the virtue master to investigate what has happened to the island, would you be so kind to give me some information?

 As the woman steps back, taken aback by Carpet's approach, he remains in place, respecting her reaction. With a nod of understanding, he gives her space, waiting patiently for her to feel comfortable enough to engage in conversation.

Woman: U-Uhm, w-well you see, last night, o-our land began to witness these changes...

Carpet: Alright, thank you for the information, I'll start investigating...

Woman: C-Can I help?

Carpet: It would be best if you stay out of trouble.

Woman: N-No! I-I can really help! and I know more about this island than you do, so you would probably need my help!

Carpet sighs, face palming himself into the situation he got himself in.

Carpet: Fine, but don't disturb my calculations....

Carpet leaves the village, going around to notice the effects of the acid rain, as the woman followed him, Carpet gets down to the level of the grass, and checks on it.

Carpet: I should start by identifying the source and composition of the acidic precipitation. Firstly, I should probably collect samples of the rainwater to analyze its pH level and chemical composition.

Woman: pH- w-what are you talking about?

Carpet: This analysis can help determine the acidity of the rain and identify any pollutants present, such as sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides, which are common contributors to acid rain formation, given, I shall probably rule out as many pollutants as possible.

The woman standing next to Carpet was completely dumbfounded as she watched him talking to himself, bewildered by his words.

Woman: C-Can I contribute as well?

Carpet: Hm? have you studied basic level of chemistry?

Woman: C-Chemistry?

Carpet: Oh, it seems that you don't know what chemistry is... have you people been doing a lot of farming lately?

Woman: Y-Yes, we are trying to build our crops and grow them for harvesting season.

Carpet: I should probably investigate any changes in farming or agriculture they might've been doing here that may have released nitrogen compounds into the atmosphere... they might've contributed to the acid rain, but that isn't as important at the current matter, can you please get me some water samples of the acid rain? w-wait, you guys don't have those... do you?

Woman: W-We probably do! we filtered our well and clogged it as we started placing our water huge closed containers so the water doesn't get contaminated, some acid rain water probably grew in the well, I'll go fetch it!

Carpet: I like that idea!

As Carpet continued his investigation into the acid rain, the woman went to fetch the samples, eager to contribute to their research.