
ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

(Important: For early access to arcs and other interesting works, make sure to join 'the Den of Fics' using the code 'denoffanfics' on Discord) "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Those were the words of a very suspicious but quite calm old man. What killed me? Was it a shot to the head from a burglary gone wrong? did I suddenly develop powers that stimulated my body to the point of death? Or had covid finally gotten to me after months of paranoid isolation? ‘No, apparently it was a heart attack according to the old geezer in front of me’. Join our unfortunate MC, as he tackles the mystery that is life, save an ungrateful world and hopefully find love along the way. (Disclaimer: I do not own A Song of Ice and Fire nor its characters. Those all belong to George R. R. Martin, aside from my OC.)

FitzMagna · Book&Literature
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128 Chs

Siege of the Twins

House Frey, a fairly young House by most standards had reigned for nearly 6 centuries before they were brought low by the might of Erlend 'the Fierce' and their Banners.

Their origins could be traced back to a commoner who had gained noble status and was awarded a decent plot of land, the reasoning for their ennoblement is disputed to this day. The first Frey lord would build a bridge spanning the green fork, with construction only being finished during the reign of his grandson.

House Frey would end up causing its destruction after they betrayed their Liege Hoster Tully during the 'Battle of the Trident', many a great lord would fall that day due to the actions of the Freys, laying the seeds that would see their downfall.

Excerpt from 'A Tale of Mudd and Steel' by Maester Alyn Feld


(Erlend POV, Western Encampment)

"They're feasting?" I said.

"Aye My Lord, it seems they're confident that you won't breach their walls" Edmund nodded.

Edmund was the Captain of the contingent of Shadow Wardens sent to infiltrate the Twins, his insight should prove crucial in breaching the walls.

"They're unaware of the breach we've made, a contingent could easily sneak through it" He prompted.

"It's quite arrogant of them to believe they'd come out of this unscathed" Jason Mallister said.

"The fools probably believe their marriage ties will protect them" This time it was Symond who spoke.

"That is what Walder and his progeny hope, My Lord" Edmund confirmed.

Edmund was a grim man, like his brother Raymond, the two Feld brothers were twins who had proved themselves during the navel battle against the Pirate Fleet and had been steadfast in serving me ever since.

I believed his words were true, as my imprinted animals had confirmed his words. Walder Frey was an arrogant man, confident that his marriage ties would save him from too harsh a penalty.

Yet I would not let this slide, this was the fool that had ruined my plans even if he didn't realise it, and he would pay in blood.

(Benjen Stark POV, Eastern Encampment)

"Should we trust the Mudd?" it was a thought that all of us worried about, yet someone had to say it.

"Both his cousin and uncle were killed in Trident, I believe he would want to work with us to avenge them," Wyman said.

"What proof do we have that he cared for them?" My father-in-law was still suspicious of Mudd's intentions.

"He agreed to protect the Vale from pirates and raiders" Rickard put forth.

"He'd had no choice, it would've affected his trade if they were allowed to harras it" William pointed out.'

"Regardless of whether he cared for them or not, I doubt he'll spare the Freys; not when all his Lords are out for blood" This time it was Maege who spoke up, looking annoyed at the argument and wanting it to end.

Galbart seemed to agree, as he voiced his thoughts around the matter "What did he even want from us?"

"Just to launch an attack on his signal" I answered.

"That's it?" Maege looked surprised.

"Aye" was my reply.

"Then what the hell are you all arguing about, he's just asking to keep doing what we've already been doing, no harm in that" She looked rather put off by the discussion.

The gathered Lords seemed to agree, though there was quite a bit of grumbling, making Maege roll her eyes.

While I was worried about the Mudd's ambitions, that didn't mean I wouldn't support whatever plan they had to end this Siege. Otherwise, we'd be stuck besieging this damned castle for god know how long. Which could hamper our ability to govern our lands and stop our people from starving.

Already bandits and deserters were becoming a nuisance to the north and we couldn't let them run rampant.

I also wanted to be there for my child's birth and to make sure Bethany was alright and had enough healers around her.

(Erlend POV, Western Encampment)

The plan was simple as it was risky.

A raft carrying two teams led by Edmund would move down the river towards the bridge where they would climb the western castle using grapples and ropes.

The area they will climb would be guarded by the contingent of Shadow Wardens who had already infiltrated the castles as Frey guards.

As of right now, rumors have already been spread around the castle of Walder planning to sell off some of his children as scapegoats to be hanged, spreading discord from within.

While the various factions fight amongst themselves, both the western and eastern castles would be besieged by the Banners and the northern host, spreading panic among the garrison.

The contingents within would use this chaos to open up the gates and swarm the panicked guardsmen. What is important is that we manage to secure the bridge preventing either garrison from reinforcing the other.

As for why I don't just destroy the twins is rather simple. I want this castle intact, not as a toll bridge but as one of the primary strongholds that would guard the Riverlands, from any northern incursions.

As honorable as the Northerners are, it's no secret that they hold great disdain for Southerners. They've shown consistently throughout the centuries that they could play a deciding role on the battlefield and I want my descendants to be ready for any such risk.

The Twins alongside many other fortresses would play a key role in defending my realm and I had no intention of destroying it. Was it paranoid of me, perhaps… but history has shown time and time again that just because a Ruler proved competent and skilled. That does not mean their descendants followed suit and I wanted to be prepared for such a scenario.

The plan was already in motion, now we just needed to wait for the signal.

The signal appeared, and my men quickly began launching the attack, on the east the northerners made their attack as they saw the signal.

Trebuchets kept launching large heavy stones at the walls, unnoticed by many, quite a few of these stones would be guided by me to kill specific people, and commanders who were in charge of the defense quickly found themselves turned into a paste as the stones hit them.

Chaos was spreading more than it already had been, discord among the various spawn of Walder Frey ensured that the loyalty of the garrison would be divided. Their often conflicting priorities made them inefficient and vulnerable to the attack, easy prey for my men on the inside and my archers on the outside.

Ladders were lined up among the walls, and many of the Bannermen succeeded in climbing on top of the walls and top of the castle, as the garrison desperately tried to hold them back.

A huge creaking sound could be, the bridge was being raised. With little hesitation my men rushed to the now open gates, slaughtering the bewildered garrison with no mercy.

Leading the charge was none other than Ser Symond Templeton, the man was cutting through swathes of men, and the bloodthirsty expression on his face was spreading fear among their ranks as he was finally able to avenge his brother.

Was it cruel, to most people it would be but this was war, and war often brought out the worst in men.

"Look alive men, we have a squib to bring to heel" Was all I said, charging into the fray.