
ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

(Important: For early access to arcs and other interesting works, make sure to join 'the Den of Fics' using the code 'denoffanfics' on Discord) "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Those were the words of a very suspicious but quite calm old man. What killed me? Was it a shot to the head from a burglary gone wrong? did I suddenly develop powers that stimulated my body to the point of death? Or had covid finally gotten to me after months of paranoid isolation? ‘No, apparently it was a heart attack according to the old geezer in front of me’. Join our unfortunate MC, as he tackles the mystery that is life, save an ungrateful world and hopefully find love along the way. (Disclaimer: I do not own A Song of Ice and Fire nor its characters. Those all belong to George R. R. Martin, aside from my OC.)

FitzMagna · Book&Literature
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126 Chs

Into the Fray


For early access to arcs and other interesting works, make sure to join the Den of Fics using the code 'denoffanfics' on Discord.


(Erlend POV, the Twins)

"They're on their last legs, My Lord" Raymond remarked.

The Freys or at least what remained of them had locked themselves up in the great hall of the eastern castle.

Alongside the Banners and surrounding any possible exit were the northerners, wary of any potential attack from my side. Though some were relieved that the siege would soon come to an end.

"Prepare yourselves, it's time we end this farce" I said, signaling my men to bring down the doors.

The Frey's betrayal had ignited something in men that were gathered here from the three kingdoms. Frey men and their soldiers were cut down with little to no mercy throughout the great hall.

The hatred and fury they had outstripped whatever desperation the Freys had to survive.

While the death of my maternal Uncle and Cousin hadn't affected me personally. I was still furious that their actions had destroyed years of preparation and planning. Hence I took a bit of satisfaction from killing them.

Soon enough my men and I approached the Old Squib, who was sitting on his throne, next to him was the frightened form of his latest wife, Bethany Rosby.

A dozen guardsmen stood in front of him, trying to look intimidating and firm. Yet their quivering forms and their deathly pale skin said otherwise.

Looking amusedly at their defiant figures, I calmly walked towards them with Ardent clear for all to see, my guard followed suit.

The northerners made no move, choosing to watch in interest at what would happen next.

Despite the fear in his eyes, Old Frey, didn't hesitate "KILL HIM, YOU FOOLS!".

One of the guards, a burly-looking man charged at me, swinging his blade towards me. Ducking his strike, I cut the offending arm and stabbed him deep through his guts. As his intestine tore violently, the man fell to his knees with a scream of pain and terror.

Three guardsmen proceeded to attack, not wanting to give me any chance, I parried their strikes before cutting the head of one. Only to spin around and avoid another attack from the second soldier, grabbing his sword arm and cutting his throat.

The third guard dropped his sword and collapsed on the ground, signaling his surrender, lest he meets the fate of his fellows.

The other guards meanwhile found themselves outmatched and quickly put down by my household guard. The observing northerners froze in shock at the display.

My armor was drenched in the blood of those that garrisoned these castles, only made worse by the guards I killed. Older Walder looked ready to piss himself staring at me, while his wife had already fainted.

"So you must be the miserably Walder Frey" I spoke amicably, as if I hadn't just slaughtered his men right in front of him.

"Who the hell are you?" despite the disrespectful tone he had, the squib was shaking.

"Erlend Mudd, this region's new Ruler," I said.

The old fool froze at that.

"I.. I.. I'll kneel, my… My House will be loyal" Walder stammered, desperation on his face.

"Oh will you now, and I suppose the freehold will rise from ashes and the Dornish will go celibate" I replied with a bored tone.

Turning my attention to Raymond, I waited for him to report the present situation.


"Stevron Frey and Emmon Frey have been captured, as well as all the others that haven't perished during the Siege" Raymond said.

"I thought Emmon was in the Rock" I looked confused at that.

"Ah, it seems his wife kicked him out" his tone was rather dry.

"Well then, I guess I don't have to make any visits to the Rock" I muttered. "Secure both castles, it's time we show Westeros what happens to turn cloaks" I continued.

The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.

Good old George certainly had a way with words, it's a shame it took him ages to release a damn book.

I forced the old fool to watch, as the primary conspirators behind the betrayal were executed by my hand. Naturally, these fools didn't make any move to hide their deeds and with a bit of testimony and reports from the Trident, proved their guilt.

Their deaths depended on the severity of their actions, some had their throats slit, others I would leave to bleed out and some would go through the rather gruesome method of being hanged, drawn, and quartered, taking into consideration the crimes they committed over the years alongside their treachery.

By the end of all of it, House Frey was a shadow of their mere self, Only Stevron and his line who had stood against betraying the rebels were spared and allowed to keep their name. Royce and Blackwood managed to get their innocent kin spared, though they would have to forgo all claims they had and take up their maternal name.

Walder Frey was on his knees, looking rather pathetic, the tears in his eyes were probably some of the first he'd ever shed, and was that snot on his nose.

Granted, I did make him watch as I killed a significant portion of his house, but he really should've expected it, with the number of enemies he's made over the years.

"Well, that's done and over with" I turned my attention to the miserable squib.

Sensing my apathetic gaze toward him, Walder immediately began begging for his life. "Have Mercy... I.. i... I'll ChAngE PlEAsE!".

Benjen who had been standing there watching the executions in silence roared in anger "YOU DARE!!"

The wolf pup roared, before unsheathing his blade and pounced on the miserly old lord, knocking him to the ground, and stabbing him right through his heart.

He looked quite deranged if I have to be honest, I motioned for my men to let it happen as they were about to interfere.

The spectating Lords looked satisfied as Walder screamed in pain. Benjen merely snarled in response, pulling out his dagger and stabbing him right through the guts. Finally Walders struggling body gave out, as his entrails came out and the man let out one last shriek of pain before going silent, his body ceasing all movements.

Raising my eyebrow at the rather gruesome event, all I could say was "Looks like pup has some Wolf in him after all".