
ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

(Important: For early access to arcs and other interesting works, make sure to join 'the Den of Fics' using the code 'denoffanfics' on Discord) "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Those were the words of a very suspicious but quite calm old man. What killed me? Was it a shot to the head from a burglary gone wrong? did I suddenly develop powers that stimulated my body to the point of death? Or had covid finally gotten to me after months of paranoid isolation? ‘No, apparently it was a heart attack according to the old geezer in front of me’. Join our unfortunate MC, as he tackles the mystery that is life, save an ungrateful world and hopefully find love along the way. (Disclaimer: I do not own A Song of Ice and Fire nor its characters. Those all belong to George R. R. Martin, aside from my OC.)

FitzMagna · Book&Literature
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126 Chs

Conflicting Ambitions

(Jason Mallister POV, On the March)

Stone Hedge had finally capitulated, while Jonos had still insisted on putting up a fight after word of the 'Battle of Stoney Sept' had spread, it was more of a token effort than any actual resistance.

The farce only continued for a few days because the man insisted that he'd only surrender to me or Lord Ryger, much to the concentration of just about everyone involved.

Still, after he finally surrendered, the blackwood and bracken duo almost immediately began to bicker, even though Jonos was technically a prisoner. No one saw fit to stop either, mostly because we were all just fed up with their nonsense.

I would've insisted on putting him in chains but that would've made things harder for my good-nephew and I'd rather not get on his bad side.

Of the Houses sworn to the Freys, only House Haigh remained loyal to their overlords, both Charlton and Erenford has risen against them and sworn to Erlend, they had been busy harassing the Frey lines ever since the start of the war.

Charlton sought freedom from the vassalage his House was forced into centuries ago and Lord Erenford feared for his newborn daughter who Walder Frey had taken an unhealthy interest in.

Erlend's Banners would soon meet us at the Twins, having secured control over all the Riverlands, excluding Riverrun and the Twins.

The Vance's had been neutered with the children of previous Heads now placed as wards under Erlend or his trusted confidants. The same happened with their fellow Lords, at least those that survived.

Theomar Smallwood had been spared for following his Liege Lord though that was mostly due to his ties to the Swanns who held high positions in the Storm Lord's court, rather than out of any sense of mercy.

There was word that conflict was brewing within the Westerlands and the Reach, but I couldn't care less about them as long as it didn't spill over to our own Kingdom.

I could only sigh as the 23rd argument between Tytos and Jonos began, Seven have mercy on me.

(Erlend POV, The Twins)

Say what you will about the Freys but their seat was quite impressive, this was further strengthened when you consider the fact that the northern host has yet to breach through its thick walls.

Then again, to be able to properly take either Castle, you'd have to besiege it from both sides, and the North lacked a proper fleet that would've allowed it to do so. Unironically, Brandon 'the Burners' actions still haunted the North to this day.

Two Identical stone castles stood on the Green Fork, its waters were deep and rapid, making crossing the margin quite harrowing without a bridge or boat.

High-curtained walls could be seen, with deep moats around them. Both castles were practically Islands on their own as channels had been dug to allow the moat to form around them.

The high towers within each castle made it so that any host intent on taking the twins could be seen long before they arrived.

The most important part of the Twins was its smooth grey bridge made out of rock and arched between its two castles. It was wide enough for two wagons to cross snuggly. It being the only crossing point over the Green Fork, ensured great wealth would flood whoever held it.

The Freys were one of the main reasons House Tully was never able to properly make use of its position and status as Lords Paramount of the Riverlands. While most Freys Lords had been subtle about their undermining of their overlord.

Walder Frey cared little for it, instead choosing to blatantly abuse his position, the man was by no means a genius, only pushing the tactics and methods his family has used for generations to the utmost extreme.

He had greatly increased the power House Frey wielded but at the cost of making enmity with nearly everyone House in the region and even the houses outside of it.

I had no intention of allowing this to continue since there was no doubt in my mind that even If I spared the Freys, they would simply go back to their ways, albeit more discreetly.

Harrenhal, the Twins, and Riverrun would all become core parts of the plans I had made, while the plans were now greatly changed thanks to the destruction of canon. They still could be implemented if I wanted to secure my own House's reign to be smooth.

I was beyond happy that the Vances, Freys, and Whents chose to act against me, giving me the perfect casus belli to deal with them as I wished.

House Frey's had rendered its marital connections to other Houses useless due to their treachery in the Trident.

Had I attacked any of the major houses indiscriminately, taking the Riverlands would've been much more difficult, let alone hold it. Yet, my enemies were unknowingly pushed and stirred by the Shadow Wardens that were placed within their Households, quietly manipulating them to fulfill their roles. Roles that would prove crucial to the success of this invasion.

House Whent had given up all rights to Harrenhal when they chose to stand against me, saving me a lot of planning and headaches in the future. The question was whether to restore the cursed castle or to tear it down.

The Durrandons and the Hoares even at their prime, continued to make the same mistake every time they conquered the region, never being able to hold it past a century or two.

For all their constant infighting, the Riverlands had some of the best warriors, and when push came to shove they would prove to be a formidable foe, one that was now loyal to me.

The Riverlands was mine in all but name, my most troublesome enemies had effectively neutered themselves. All I needed to do now is make it official and unfortunately for the Freys, they were standing in the way of that.

"My Lord, a messenger had arrived, he claims to be from the Northern host" Raymond approached me. His expression remained unchanged.

"I assume they want to open negotiation?" I said.

As a man of few words, Raymond merely nodded his head in response.

"Well then, let him in"