
ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

(Important: For early access to arcs and other interesting works, make sure to join 'the Den of Fics' using the code 'denoffanfics' on Discord) "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Those were the words of a very suspicious but quite calm old man. What killed me? Was it a shot to the head from a burglary gone wrong? did I suddenly develop powers that stimulated my body to the point of death? Or had covid finally gotten to me after months of paranoid isolation? ‘No, apparently it was a heart attack according to the old geezer in front of me’. Join our unfortunate MC, as he tackles the mystery that is life, save an ungrateful world and hopefully find love along the way. (Disclaimer: I do not own A Song of Ice and Fire nor its characters. Those all belong to George R. R. Martin, aside from my OC.)

FitzMagna · Book&Literature
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128 Chs


(Lorimas POV, High Heart)

Our victory over the Vance Coalition as my nephew would call it had spread all over the Riverlands. House Piper has declared for our Banners shortly after the battle and it's expected now that Riverrun will send a raven soon enough.

Erlend had already been well regarded before our landing on Westeros, his accomplishments against the Dothraki and successive military victories against mercenary companies hired by the other free cities were well known.

Combine that with the Siege of Harrenhal and Battle of Stoney Sept and he was now an established commander within Westeros, something that should prove crucial to House Mudd's future.

I know I'm not exactly the brightest, but even I could see that my nephew is on the rise, though the question remained, how far did he want to rise?

Then there was little Mya, it was no secret I always wanted a child to care for, something Dalia had also sought, but no matter what we did, it simply wouldn't work. We had sought a healer for both of us and they had told us that Dalia was simply infertile.

My wife had been distraught by the news and would've continued being despondent had it not been for my nephew, the poor lad lost both his mother and my brother only a few moons apart, and we decided to be strong for him.

He was the son we could never have and we loved him fiercely, but he was growing older and more independent and would no longer need us to hover over him. I couldn't help but want another child, so when I noticed little Mya whose mother passed away, I decided to adopt her on a whim.

I felt no regret in doing so and I knew once Dalia stopped being furious at my brash move, she would come to love Mya, just as I have.

As I contemplated the future of our house and little Mya, a messenger requested permission to hand over a letter to me. Allowing him to hand it over, he quickly left much to my bafflement.

Taking the letter, I was curious about who could've sent it and why the messenger seemed to be in a hurry to leave my presence, as I looked at the letter, a shiver ran through my arm, as I noticed my beloved Dalia's seal on it.

(Yohn Royce POV, High Heart)

If someone had told me a few years ago that I would witness the destruction of the House of Dragons, the near extinction of my liege's House, the return of one of the oldest dynasties in Westeros, and the heralding of a new Sovereign.

I would've had them thrown out of my court, and potentially thrown in the cells of Runestone for good measure.

Yet, beside me were the Lords that had participated in the 'Battle of Stoney Sept', as we observed our Liege, a King in all but name. Someone who ushered in the return of a House many thought would never return to Westeros.

We stood vigil on top of High Heart as he Knighted those that proved themselves during the campaign. Around us was a ring of thirty-one weirwood stumps, what once was a sacred place to the children of the forest, was now the grounds by which those that showed valor and bravery would be knighted. My son Andar was one of them, thank the seven that he survived that battle.

It was a symbolic move by Lord Erlend if I had to guess, some would see this as an insult to the Old Gods, whereas to others it would be an attempt to bridge the divide between the old and the new and most would simply be curious.

I believed that he intended to bridge the gap. Despite holding faith in the seven, like all Royce's before me I also believed in the Old Gods and a joining of the two would be welcomed.

Still, when he talked about the children of the forest, I could sense some distaste in his voice towards them, as for the reason why I had no idea. But I believed like with all things, he had his reasons for it.

(Catelyn Tully POV, Riverrun)

"Cat, are you sure about this?" Worry tinged Lysa's tone.

"Truthfully No, but we can't just sit here and do nothing, eventually he'll come and he should know that we aren't hostile," I said.

"But aren't we a threat to his rule?"

"Not if I offer myself towards him" Despite the disagreements we had in the past, it was clear Lysa didn't like the idea of me selling myself to a stranger.

Unfortunately, it was the only way I could see House Tully continuing to exist, there was little else I could offer aside from my claim. He would never trust us otherwise, and I didn't want to see the legacy of my House to be destroyed out of Paranoia.

"Will he accept though?" this time she was skeptical.

"Perhaps not, but we must show our sincerity, otherwise…" Left unsaid, were the consequences that could befall us if he chose not to.

Of the 4,000 men originally under my House, only 1,500 were left, the rest either died at the trident or had deserted, uncaring of our plight and choosing to save themselves.

We had barely enough men to protect our own Lands, the Riverlands on the other hand had been in a state of uneasy peace till Erlend arrived and then the peace fell apart.

I didn't know why my Uncle acted the fool and decided to stand against Erlend, but he did and while I knew he and my kin were still alive, I had no clue as to what would happen to House Whent after the war ended.

Both Vance branches were removed as both their Heads had died at the Battle. Wayfarer had only its female members, who were likely to be married off to Erlend's subordinates, whilst the fate of Atranta was unknown as it had 3 living sons.

House Vypren was all but extinct with only Lord Lucias and his heir Damon dead and his only daughter within the Stormlands.

Bracken's seat Stone Hedge was under siege by Erlend's allies and the Freys if they somehow survived the North, would not be spared for their role in the death of his Uncle and Cousin.

The Riverlands was now Erlend's and I had to prove to him that House Tully would not be a threat to his rule, or we would very well meet the fate of the Justmans and Teagues before us.