
ASOIAF - Above us, Victory.

When Yvar the Mad sacked Oldtown, he headed north. From that day on, his lineage took power and stole their glory.

Felix_Writtdan · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

The Wolf with Violet Eyes

Dyana, when ordering Sanya to search all the secret passages in the Red Keep, expected to find at least two in different regions in the hand tower, but upon learning that there was at least one in each bedroom, living room, living quarters and bathroom in the fortress, Dyana cursed Maegor Targaryen.

His days after mapping the secret passages consisted of spending his mornings sending and receiving letters from the docks of King's Landing, negotiating with the ship captains who sail with the mountain of blue ice of House Wyce, with the help of a Warg who he had come in the Winterfell entourage.

He also investigated and spied on every irritating piece in their plans, like a tax collector who stopped his barrels of ice from reaching the castle without an extra payment, the man was in the service of the master of coin.

Fortunately, his body was found lifeless after what appears to be a Dornish serpent bit his thigh and poisoned him during one of his nights in a brothel funded by Petyr Baelish himself.

When he gets dressed to leave the rooms, he takes a cold shower in the infernal heat that the capital suffered, alongside Alvyn, who, with his agile hands and hips, stimulated his joints and muscles. For days Dyana had been inviting Sanya to help the powerful and insatiable ser Alvyn who also seeks the charms of his handmaid.

"Come on Anya... Hah... Ser Alvyn is... Delicious..."

She said to Sanya, that even with her flushed face and curious looks, she refused to take part in those refreshing morning baths.

After business, Dyana left with Alvyn and Anya for the armories in front of the hand tower to look for their hired knights, who despite receiving gold for their deeds, seemed grateful to train with the powerful Ser Alvyn Whitestar in exchange for protecting the crown prince bride. Ser Aron Santagar, Ser Arys Oakheart, Ser Balon Swann, and Lord Beric Dondarrion seemed accustomed to the way they were beaten and learned swordsmanship from the northern knight. They already drew their swords before bowing before her and then began the morning training where the four of them together fought with all their strength against Whitestar who defeated them without sweating or clashing his sword with the swords of these knights, they always thanked him when Alvyn would point out his mistakes and tell him where to improve. Then it was breakfast with the queen, where he met the woman who controls all those Lannister soldiers distributed throughout the castle and the most dangerous of them: Jaime Lannister. After breakfast was his walk through the streets of the capital and weekly visit to some wealthy merchants who were looking for a chance to ship their wares on the Wyce galleys heading to White Harbor or Essos. Dyana had at least a dozen of them in her hands and those who resist will be duly spied on by a Warg with great command over rats.

After the small duel, Lady Dyana went to the Queen's Ballroom in Maegor's fortress to have her daily conversation with her mother-in-law, Queen Cersei Lannister. As she passed the bridge that connected the fortress to the castle, Dyana remembered when the little queen Jaehaera Targaryen was saved by the knight of House Wylt of Bear Island, the legendary Ser Edmen Ironbear Wylt who killed the sellsword Tessario and Ser Mervyn Flowers with Longclaw the Valyrian steel sword used by Edmen's mother who was Lady of Bearmont. She always imagined living in the capital, walking the streets and living in the same rooms where Kings Daeron II and Maekar I spent their days. She thought that only one visit would be made when Prince Joffrey's marriage was announced and the nobles were called, she would go with Lord Cayle Towers' son, the young Torm Towers who would be Lord of Kingscrown and she could enjoy a banquet in the great Hall. But now she was a princess and if everything went according to her plans, she would be queen of the seven kingdoms.

In front of the fortress, Ser Mandon Moore guarded the entrance, with dull eyes, sitting on an armless chair and slowly sharpening his blade. Dyana had studied Ser Mandon's routines, he was a man who lives by duty and his loyalty to the royal family is unbreakable. A mortal man with a sword, yet intelligent as a serpent, he has already challenged Ser Alvyn but was defeated with no less than ten exchanges of blows where the Valemen was disarmed in a feint.

Dyana smiled at Mandon, like a lady greeting an honored knight, but in her violet eyes, the desire to have that knight under her control was as violent as the flames of a furnace.

"Ser Mandon, would you like a refreshing drink on this painful summer day?"

She asked, stopping next to the royal guard.

"I thank you, Lady Stark, but I am satisfied with my wineskin."

He pulled it out from behind the white cloak, a skin filled with what appeared to be water, for Dyana smelled no wine. Everyone noticed how the knight, even in that heat, wore his armor with the gambeson underneath the plates.

"I will send Ser Arys to bring a pitcher of cold juice, Ser, I think water alone is not enough"

She smiled and entered with her knights.

"I do not like him"

Opined Ser Aron Santagar, on Dyana's left wearing an orange tunic of fine cotton and bright mesh beneath the clothes and at her waist was a new sword with a pommel being a rose of silver steel.

"He seems dangerous to me like a damn snake"

"I have to agree with Ser Aron, my lady, Ser Mandon is not close to his white-robed brothers and there is no heroism of his to sing in ballads or stories"

Knight Ser Arys Oakheart also said, with an uncomfortable tone. He wore a yellow velvet doublet embroidered with the House Oakheart sigil over the heart and a white half-cape draped over his right shoulder. The pommel of the silver rose also adorned his sword.

"What kind of man can bear to wear armor in this infernal heat?"

"Ser Mandon is not a hero, Ser's, he is a warrior just like Whitestar and should not be slandered for donating his heart to the crown. Warriors like him should be examples"

Ser Balon Swann retorted with a scowl. He wears a black doublet on the left and white on the right with his sword with a black handle, white scabbard and a silver rose also adorning the pommel of the blade.

"A true knight of the valley, like the legends of his arrival in our seven kingdoms"

"Then he better not go north, everyone here knows how these warriors love to tear up plates and eviscerate knights. Isn't that right, Whitestar?"

Ironized Lord Beric Dondarrion sharing a heartfelt laugh among the knights, even Alvyn and Dyana shared smiles. The lord of the Dornish marks wore a violet silk tunic and his blade had a red handle also with a silver rose as a pommel.

"He is difficult to face, you don't want to be in front of him during a battle. His eyes give nothing away but his blade dictates the ferocity hidden beneath the shell of a cold man"

Warned Alvyn, looking at the door of the Queen's Ballroom and seeing Ser Preston Greenfield guarding the door, the knights understood that the relaxed conversation was over and that they were to remain quiet while Dyana visited the queen. Whitestar wears a doublet of boiled black leather with steel scales sewn onto it.

"Ser Preston..."

Dyana greeted him, with a smile and delicacy, which enchanted the knight, whose hair and beard were soaked with sweat in his white tunic with the embroidery of his house's sigil on his left chest.

"...Ser Arys will send a pitcher of cold juice to Ser Mandon and from what I see, Ser also needs something refreshing"

"I appreciate your kindness, my lady, but..."

He tried to deny it but Dyana interrupted him.

"... The Ser doesn't need it, but I want to see the one who protects the queen and me for the next few hours very well prepared for, may the gods forbid, a possible problem involving the action of the best swords of the seven kingdoms"

Ser Preston nodded his thanks and Lady Dyana entered the Queen's Ballroom.

In the center of the hall, Queen Cersei and Princess Myrcella were present, the queen was delicately eating the fluffy bread soaked in strawberry jam, with her long, curly, golden hair falling over her uncovered shoulders and the pure green silk that covering her slender body sparkled like her emerald eyes flecked with gold, and Princess Myrcella was dressed in white, pure cotton and her hair, straight and smooth like golden needles, ran down her back like a waterfall. They were like two goddesses from ancient times, feeding on the best of the earth and filling themselves with vitality. Dyana was dressed in purple velvet with her back and shoulders uncovered, a cleavage of her sweaty breasts showing when she removed the silk cloak that covered them. Lady Stark in those garments was as Dornish as Dayne's violet eyes could tell.

The queen, upon seeing Ser Arys, frowned and asked in her presence:

"Do you know the punishment meted out to those who dare interrupt my breakfast with your presence, Ser Arys?"

The royal guard shivered but it was Dyana who spoke.

"I was the one who told Ser Arys to come in, your grace, Ser Mandon and Ser Preston melt outside while we cool off with delicious and refreshing juices and milk. I pray for them, they are lethal with their blades but they are as fragile to the heat as us"

The northern lady bowed to the queen, who snorted and pointed to two silver jars, telling Ser Arys to take them and take them to the knights.

The royal guard took both vases and left the hall with long, quick steps. Dyana sat next to the queen who was between two open windows, receiving the refreshing breezes that rose from the moat. She poured herself a glass of orange juice and took a large gulp, letting a small drop fall down her neck and into her open cleavage. Then she picked two bunches of grapes and savored each one, exploding with juice on the first bite.

The queen, with a sideways glance, saw the pleasure blush on the northern lady's cheeks.

"Are there no grapes in the north, Lady Stark?"

She questioned, still with her eyes sideways and delighting in a white cheese.

"You taste the grapes every day, as if there were no more grapes the next day. Are all the bunches that arrive at Winterfell for making wine?"

"But of course, Your Majesty, the fruits always come from Frostport to White Harbor but they always lose that... Freshness... They are cold and delicious but they almost look like cherries when I pick up a bunch to enjoy..."

Dyana took two grapes and crushed them between her fingers, the juice running down her hand was licked with her tongue and she did so with an almost hypnotic pleasure. Myrcella looked at those fingers and felt itching in her belly.

"...But Winterfell's wine is no better than Arbor's. I like home but I know we're not the best at creating such southern drinks. Your Majesty must have sipped some of our mead?"

"It was palatable, Jaime liked how it enervated his blood and that fermented milk, he told me that he paid for two full barrels for each drink, hoping to have a few glasses after training"

Cersei said with disinterest but Dyana smiled with childish happiness on her lips.

"Very good news, your majesty, a shipment of one hundred barrels of both mead and fermented milk is coming from White Harbor. Lord Baelish wanted a quarter of the entire shipment for the tournament of the hand and another fifth for his brothels."

Dyana took another sip of juice while Myrcella looked at her breasts, wet with sweat, with her eyes on the side. She looked at her own, wondering when they would grow up like her mother's and her brother's fiancée's. The golden princess cursed lightly as she crushed a crusty loaf of bread and bathed it in cheese and then a blueberry cream.

"Will your knight enter the tournament, Lady Stark?"

asked the queen as she wiped her lips with a white cotton napkin.

"Jaime asks me every moment we meet. Always eager to want another fight against... Whitestar?... Is that what they call him?"

"Yes, Majesty, Ser Alvyn Whitestar, they call him thanks to his own banner that he carries on his breastplate. A white shooting star on a black background, his clothes are black too, almost a brother of the Watch but his sword is made of shining silver steel ..."

Dyana took a gleaming steel knife and made a quick cut across a slice of toasted bacon, cutting it skillfully without destroying the crispy meat.

"...When he cuts and strikes, his speed ignores armor and gambeson, his blade shines like a White Star"

"I see that you are interested in the song of steel, little flower, I heard that there are houses and clans in the north that allow their women to fight, ride and even hunt in their icy lands..."

The queen now looked Dyana in the eyes, with her back straight and superior thanks to the chair she sat on.

"...Are you that kind of northern woman?"

Dyana licked her lips covered in cheese and crunchy bread, took another sip of juice and answered her.

"Your Majesty has heard a lot from my kingdom, and yes, we are given the freedom to fight with swords, bows, spears, axes and I have participated in many hunts in Wolfswood when I was younger. However, since my first bloodletting, Lady Catelyn has forbidden me hunting, with the pretext that someone from the smallfolk could rape me when I swam in the frozen lakes or when in some moment of weakness, a minor noble could use me as a chance to be part of the powerful ruling house of the largest of the seven kingdoms..."

Her Dayne amethysts lost their shine for a moment, as if she feared something but then they began to shine again as a pearly smile appeared on her face.

"...But Jon was there. My brother was always with me, even when Uncle Ned returned to Moat Cailin with Robb and Sansa, and Lord Garvy Wyce returned to Sunhall, and the mysterious Tyron arrived with his retinue of young heirs from all over the world. north. Lady Catelyn left a septa who later fell ill and returned to the Moat, others were sent but they always returned and Jon accompanied me on hunts, in training and when we bathed in the frozen streams. My brother is a special man, your majesty, I think you feel the same way about Ser Jaime"

Cersei looked away for a moment, in deep thought as Dyana's words sank into her heart, with the same sweetness, same love and admiration as her greatest ally. Cersei looked out the window to the right, in the direction where Jaime was, traveling with Joff through the Crownlands and establishing relationships with the houses that provide direct services to King's Landing. She also remembered Tommen who was with his father at Casterly Rock, learning how to be a good king's hand to his brother.


Said the queen.

"... It's time for your sewing lessons, say goodbye to Lady Dyana and go. Take Ser Preston and send Ser Mandon to guard the door"

Myrcella nodded and took her leave, leaving as calmly as she remained among the lady's. When the door closed, the queen turned to Dyana and took a golden bell where, shaking it, the sound of the tinkling attracted a beautiful girl, a servant from the hall's kitchen, leaving a small door at the back of the other end of the place that in In his hands he carried a tray with a bottle of transparent wine, apparently Arbor Gold.

"Would you like a glass, Lady Stark?"

The queen asked, while the servant served the table with the bottle and two glasses.

"Half a glass, your majesty, Jon always let me have no more than half of that at the banquets in the great hall of Winterfell."

The northern lady replied. With a reassuring smile on your face and confidence in your words. Dyana always drank at the end of her conversations with the queen, she always asks the northern woman if she wants a glass of Arbor Gold and she responds with the same sentence, almost like a ritual.

Cersei helped herself to an almost full cup and Dyana to less than half. The queen drank first and Dyana joined her later, a small sip compared to the golden queen's two large sips of wine.

Dyana remembered when the queen looked at the open window that was to the northeast, she had looked at where Ser Jaime Lannister and Prince Joffrey had gone: Duskendale.

A city once in ruins but being rebuilt with sponsorship from the crown coffers of the Lannister house with the current partnership contract being negotiated with the Manderly and Wyce houses. The plan was to make that city a port where only Blacksmiths, Weavers, Potters, Tailors, Tanners, Goldsmiths, Millers, Copies and many others would live to sell their crafts made to order to many of the lords spread across the seven kingdoms and in the future beyond the western continent. There would even be glass blowers and upholsterers coming from the Free Cities of Essos. Prince Joffrey's plans for one of the first warnings of House Targaryen's ruin were as big as Casterly Rock. Her conversations during the night with the prince showed her that the Mad King Aerys Targaryen was mad but prudent in his spending, thanks to the stewardship of his grandfather, Lord Tywin Lannister, the dragon's coffers were fuller with golden dragons than would ever be during the reign of the Trident Demon Robert Baratheon. Houses Buckwell, Staunton, Hayford, Stokeworth and Rosby are responsible for managing the reconstruction with each house responsible for an area of the old city and every moon the crown prince rode with his uncle to the place, fulfilling requests and punishing irresponsibility.

"Have you ever fucked my son, Lady Stark?"

The queen asked, surprising Dyana.

"Your Majesty, I think matters involving me and…"

Dyana tried to divert the subject but Cersei was direct.

"End your mummer charade, Lady Stark, I am an experienced enough woman to see how you and your Dornish curves capture my Joffrey's attention..."

She said, gripping the glass cup tightly.

"...By the seven hells, I see very well how Robert almost loses control at the banquets when you enter the great hall. If Jaime did not honor his oath to the royal guard, I fear that he too would approach you, as your mother almost managed to take him away from the dream of being a knight in a white cloak. You know very well that Barristan, that fool, almost takes his sword out of its scabbard when he sees Joffrey kissing his neck."

The golden queen took another sip of wine and Dyana swallowed hard.

"Ser Barristan?..."

Dyana didn't believe it, how could she not see that legendary knight attracted to her?

At that moment, Dyana felt stupid, the pieces falling into place in her head and Lord Dayne's letters made sense of her warnings to Ser Barristan. He had something with his mother, he could feel something for her! To hell with Ser Arys Oakheart! She has Barristan the Bold! How could she play with a simple Oakheart!

"... As your grace asked me, I will be honest..."

Dyana took the bottle containing the wine and poured it into the glass until it was more than half covered and took a long sip, where she felt the alcohol open her senses as it went down her throat.

"...Your son has the biggest dick I've ever seen. Not that I've tried any others, Your Majesty, but I've had my days as a girl watching those pads in the pants of Jon, Robb and damn Theon Greyjoy. Joff has the biggest of them..."

Dyana stood up, she couldn't let someone like Barristan Selmy take over Robert Baratheon's guard.

"Sit down Lady Dyana Stark, we haven't finished our morning conversation! You have answers to give me!"

The queen's words were cutting and enraged.

"Your Majesty, let's be honest, your son is already mine and that golden cock didn't have the tightest pussy to wrap around him"

Dyana smiled at her words, perhaps getting carried away by the wine. She walked to the door of the Queen's Ballroom, taking the cloak from before to cover her breasts, the sun had already passed more than an hour since the start of breakfast, with breaks to eat between exchanges of words.

"Even in Lys. There will be no whores to satisfy my lion, even that slender lass from Highgarden."

Cersei found no words and Dyana left the room.

As she walked through the door, she saw her knights: Ser Alvyn, Ser Aron, Ser Balon, Lord Beric, and the not-so-interesting Ser Arys Oakheart finishing a pleasant conversation as they waited for their lady to return. she also saw Ser Mandon as still as ever and without seeming to care about what was happening between those knights.


She called Dyana. Heading towards Maegor Holdfast's exit, her knights followed her and she only spoke to Alvyn when Mandon could not hear.

"Yes my lady"

He replied.

"Today we go to the docks, at the break of dawn, all those merchants will obey me as their mistress and nothing more. Send Nyko to call men's to Steel Bloom, I want no mistakes. Petyr Baelish will have his brothels in the coming months. I will have my docks in this stinking city"

Dyana announced with an icy voice, cutting and full of power. Her change frightened the southern knights but Ser Alvyn smiled and pride bubbled in her chest, seeing how his lady increasingly became a Stark of Winterfell as well as a Dayne of Starfall.

They left the Red Keep with a small entourage. Dyana was in a carriage with Ser Alvyn and Ser Aron by the dice and around them a detachment of fifty northern soldiers with their swords and mail equipped. Among them were Warg's, one of them connected to the horse that pulled the cart and another commanded the rats to track that day's targets. Dyana saw that the court did not react in the way she planned, in fact, she saw nothing!

She blamed herself for not seeing the whole picture, just the most beautiful parts of the painting. She didn't see how Robert, Jaime and Barristan were involved in her network, she thought she was stupid for not seeing how she had everything ready to start taking over the King's Landing pier and that all she had to do was act!

She was afraid of punishment from the king and her uncle but why fear!?

There's no reason!

She is the Rose of Winterfell and the rose has its thorns!

She punished herself mentally and now it was time to act, it was in her blood! She boiled with the Dornish fire of facing her challenges and Stark's icy indifference!

The soldiers from the north arrived at Fishmonger Square at noon, the sun was no longer shaded and the sight of those men with frozen faces, cutting off the cocks of those perverts during the king's return to the most distant of kingdoms, was fresh in the Kingslander's memories. However, the scenes of that day were fresher in the merchants' eyes!

When Stark's Gray Wolf, Wyce's Ice Mountain, and Manderly's Merling King drew their blades and took the entire dock for themselves after the lions' plunder of the cliff.

"Has everyone been located?"

Whitestar asked.

"Yes, Ser, the furthest one is in one of Petyr Baelish's brothels. Kylo and Jintor have been sent to arrest and carry out the task."

Said one of the soldiers.

"Start Steel Bloom"

Alvyn ordered. The same soldier took a hollow horn from his waist and blew hard on the tip where a powerful sound reverberated throughout the Square and was heard as far as outside the River Gate. Some didn't understand but knew they should get out of there, but those who were in the capital that day screamed and ran away from there.

The men dispersed. Like wolves smelling blood. They entered the houses, didn't knock, broke down the doors and broke any obstructions. Sellsword's stood against it but the Wolf Horde was not simple and those who wanted to challenge life had it cut down by their blades. The cacophony of men and women exploded, the heat was so great that the blood seemed to boil and the smell of rust spread, mixing with that of fish, mud and feces. The first men were placed before Lady Stark's carriage, their faces were broken and twisted, blood coming from their mouths and noses, roars of rage or cries of pain echoed. The first four became ten, then twenty and ended in forty with six mutilated bodies, agonizing in the filth of the floor of Fishmonger Square.

The carriage door opened, a leg covered in silk came out of the cabin, then a young body, slender and with a parasol, opened in Ser Alvyn Wynfall's hands to free her from the sun. At that moment the Goldcloaks arrived, there were fifteen of them and all on horses, but the Stark soldiers quickly surrounded everyone with speed and hot blades covered in blood touched the bellies of their horses.

"Do you know why you are here?"

Dyana asked loudly. The men didn't respond, they didn't understand and reasoning was driven away by pain.

"You are criminals, unpunished and free to do evil. You embezzle gold from the king's coffers, you tarnish the beautiful image of this kingdom with your distortions! You are cursed! All of you! You do not deserve to wear the honorable black cloak of the brothers of the night's watch They deserve the edge of my men's sword!"

She stood in front of one of the corrupt merchants. Her forehead was bathed in blood from the powerful blow of a sword button and she certainly didn't see Lady Stark with burning eyes but she heard a dagger unsheathed from her hands and slit her fat throat with ease, as if it were butter.

She is Brandon's daughter

Felix_Writtdancreators' thoughts