
ASOIAF - Above us, Victory.

When Yvar the Mad sacked Oldtown, he headed north. From that day on, his lineage took power and stole their glory.

Felix_Writtdan · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

The White Wolf

The rooster crowed, it was like oil thrown towards the fire, Jon woke up and felt Sansa's heat, her bare skin and red hair like threads of fire set fire to his chest. The good smell of honey filled her nose, her erect breasts brushed his bare chest. They got married last night, at the last minute and without the presence of Lord Eddard Stark or other northern lords. He wore a white cloak with the Gray Direwolf, the symbol of the Stark house of Winterfell, and she wore a black cloak with the white Direwolf, the symbol of the Stark house of Moat Cailin. In front of the Heart Tree, they introduced themselves, Jon from House Stark and Sansa also from House Stark, Lady Catelyn was the one who handed over her daughter, with teary eyes, Jon didn't want to know if it was from happiness or regret. Sansa was asked to accept Jon and she did, they both knelt before the Heart Tree in submission and Jon took Sansa in his arms. There was again a feast in the great hall, Wintertown lit up in festivities, and the summer snow did not fall that night.

He waited there on the bed, watching Sansa's body and lightly touching her full belly, hoping to see a child there that could be his. He was already the lord of Winterfell in name, he already reigned as one and could rule as a Stark. An heir coming from Sansa, a Stark from Moat Cailin, would only consolidate his power and further establish his father's lineage on the throne of lord warden of the north. He waited years for this day, the day he would be lord and have Sansa as his lady. Sometimes he slept and feared waking up from this wonderful dream where life had given him everything even apart from his parents and his sister had left for the south, where only his best men could protect her, not him. He wanted Dyana with him and Sansa, even if he married her to Torm Towers, he wanted to have his sister by her side.

Sansa moved, hugging Jon's body more, they both had the warmest skins of the biggest and fiercest animals covering them, but for Sansa, only his body was enough to warm her up. Lady and Ghost, the two Direwolf's were lying at the foot of the bed, with their bodies tangled together, also sharing a cozy sleep. Jon felt the ghost shudder and then lift his head to give a long, open yawn, still without making any noise, as silent as a real ghost on that cold morning in Winterfell.

Jon felt the lord's duty to call when Ghost got down from the bed and approached the back of her head and began to lick her, with his long, rough and hot wolf tongue. He turned to his friend, said a low: "good morning, friend"

And he slowly pulled away from a naked Sansa tired of last night's love. Jon put on his boots first, followed by padded leather pants and then a thick cotton tunic and over that a dark doublet with the Gray Direwolf of House Stark embroidered across the chest and brought with him the same dagger he had used when Sansa decided to take it. him as a husband. He left silently, went down the spiral-shaped stairs of the Great Keep. He was in the main courtyard of the castle, he saw the South Gate open and frowned, he also saw Ser Rodrik Cassel preparing the saddles of two horses and two more men presenting themselves to accompany him, they were also mounted but there was not so much load on the saddles. Jon was surprised, he approached with quiet steps and Ghost also followed him silently. Ser Rodrik and his unmistakable face looked dismayed and obviously in a hurry as he strapped on the saddle.

"Any trips through Wintertown, Rodrik?"

Jon asked calmly, the knight moved his feet away, scared and his eyes widened when he saw Jon there.

"Lord Stark... I... I'm going to hunt a little in Wolfswood, nothing more..."

He gave an uncomfortable laugh but his eyes betrayed more than the slight stutter in his speech.

"...Just a few hours before the whole castle wakes up..."

He gave another shaky laugh.

Jon saw in the saddles, in addition to a sword, bows and arrows, he also saw bags of clothes and food, a lot of food. It wasn't a hunt, it was obvious, Rodrik would travel and far away from Winterfell.

"You two..."

Jon pointed to the men, also frightened by the appearance of young Lord Stark.

"... Where are they going?..."

Jon asked, Rodrik tried to answer but he put his finger in front of the knight's face, who quickly fell silent. Rodrik served the Starks for a long time and knew when the winter lords were angry, the most sensible thing to do was to remain silent and let them understand the situation.

"... Be honest and tell me only the truth. I will not order Walder to whip you until your back opens with your flesh completely raw, if the truth is told"

The youngest of them, who was missing two teeth on the side of his smile, stuttered as he tried to respond.

"Lord Stark, S-Ser Rodrik d-said t-that we would travel t-to White Harbor and from there we would receive ten pieces of silver for escorting him and…"

He tried to say but the stuttering was constant.

"He and who else?!"

Jon roared, Ghost stood behind Ser Rodrik Cassel, jaw open and a row of teeth protruding, dripping with saliva and fanned by the wolf's restless breathing. He felt Jon's fury and at any moment, Ser Rodrik would no longer be needed as Winterfell's weapons master, for there are no armorers who can teach soldiers if there is no leg to assist him during an exchange of blows. .

"I, Jon"

Said the voice coming out in the same direction as the Guest House. Jon recognized it before turning around, it was Lady Catelyn Stark, ready to leave, wearing thick blue cotton pants with a skirt to cover her thighs and a thick linen jacket with a cape over her bust. Her hair was different from Sansa's, it was red like burning rose petals, curly and full. Sansa's were innocent and youthful, the red was bright and the strands descended from her head like the resting fluff of an owl, like the fur of a kitten. Jon already felt love for her, because he missed his mother or because he wanted to feel what Robb felt when he hugged her every time but she always looked at him that way, with fear and contempt. Now he was a taller, stronger and more resistant man, that piercing blue gaze no longer hurt him, it was as harmless as the chirping of a chicken.

"May I know where you will go with so little protection, Lady Stark?"

Jon asked, looking at Catelyn coldly and directly in the eyes.

"I'm going to Eyrie to visit my sister"

She responded without lowering her head.

"Then wait until after breakfast, I will have a wagon and ten good men ready for White Harbor, Lord Wyman will be happy to replace these men with knights anointed by the light of the seven."

Jon announced with a smile, he didn't like Catelyn, he hoped he wouldn't have to find her now and lose more men protecting Wintertown and Winterfell, but she was his mother-in-law now and Sansa wouldn't forgive him for not sending her with adequate protection. so far away.

"I want to go before Sansa wakes up, Jon, Lysa needs me and..."

Catelyn wanted to approach the horse but Jon stepped in front. Ser Rodrik wanted to do something but he knew that in front of Jon he was just the vassal.

"...You will wait until breakfast. You will say goodbye to Sansa, Bran, Robb and Rickon. You will tell them you love them and that you will take Arya to play with little Robert Arryn and then you will be escorted to White Harbor and everything What I said before will happen..."

Jon gave no choice, he was cold enough for Catelyn to understand the order from no longer young Jon but Lord Stark of Winterfell.

"And it's Lord Stark, Lady Catelyn, not Jon. You can call me that when Sansa is with us but while we're alone. That's how we'll treat each other from now on."

Catelyn clenched her fists covered in leather gloves, her cheeks reddened and a certain coldness spread across the lady's eyes.

"I raised him as a son, with Robb and the wife he lies with to despise me like this, Jon?"

She approached him, looking into his gray eyes.

"My father was right about you, Brandon's blood was lost, stained with Dornish insolence."

Ghost once again felt Jon's anger ignite and the wolf now positioned himself behind Jon and with his red eyes staring at Catelyn with the same hidden fury.

"Go to your chambers, Lady Tully, you are my guest and I still have enough of my father's blood to not break my wife's custom and heart with your head pricked and your body torn apart by Ghost."

Catelyn felt afraid, a threat like that was not that of an angry boy, she felt that she had made a mistake and could do nothing but return to the Guest House with firm and annoyed footsteps echoing through the stone mosaic on the floor.


He called Jon and the knight knelt at the call, the other two men also got off their horses to kneel to the northern lord.

"You and these two will protect Lady Tully until her return to Winterfell. Any damage or significant damage to your person will be taken out on your own flesh and family. Understood?"

"Yes my lord"

He replied and Jon went to the First Keep afterwards, without worrying about anything other than waiting for Tyron.

He arrived at the First Keep and went to the lord's manor, opened the door and saw Tyron Wyce sitting in the lord's chair. He wore only a blue doublet with a white mountain embroidered on the chest and black cotton trousers. Her blond hair shone in the morning sunlight and a half-full glass of black beer sat on the table, they also had a plate with cheese, toasted bacon and fruit cream with breadcrumbs scattered on the plate. He already had breakfast and seemed to have been waiting for Jon for a long time.

"You must wake up earlier than the rooster if you wish to be lord of this kingdom, Stark."

He said with a half smile.

"You must leave my seat if you wish to have your head still attached to your body, Wyce."

Jon replied coldly. But after a while they both laughed at the situation. Jon approached and Tyron stood up from his chair, with the northern lord stealing a slice of bacon from his plate and cube of cheese, enjoying the taste of both with a grunt of satisfaction before sitting down.

"The cooks didn't make the bacon and this cheese isn't from the north"

Tyron laughed and nodded also taking some cheese.

"The cheese comes from Hornhill goats, I toasted the bacon, with lard, also from Hornhill"

Jon understood who they were talking about, the first subject of the day, the one who was forced to become a brother of the Watch: Samwell Tarly, son of Lord Randyll Tarly. He was a fat, clumsy young man, an avowed coward, and a big problem staying in his castle. According to Samwell himself, Lord Randyll had sent him to the Wall because he was not the warrior born to inherit his father's lands and Randyll himself had Dickon Tarly as his greatest treasure and the perfect heir, but as Samwell was the heir By law, Randyll sent him to Wall because killing him was considered too much work for him. Samwell showed himself to be a fearful man during the first few days in Winterfell, only talking to Robb and Saloman, but as the days went by, he showed himself to be an intelligent boy with a kind look at people. Bran and Rickon liked him, he even found the problems tying Tentown's blacksmiths in creating a suitable saddle for Bran to ride again. Now the fat young man spent his days in the libraries alongside Maester Luwin, reading and spending time with the old maester.

"Any suggestion?"

Jon asked as he poured himself a stout.

"We shouldn't let him live here. Randyll Tarly will at one time or another miss the men who were supposed to deliver him to the wall, even if we choose to welcome him, old Randyll will want to have him back. And like the house Wyce does not have good relations with the Reach, they will block the Manderly galleys from accessing the waters off the southwest coast with the excuse of keeping him captive."

Tyron drank the entire glass of beer by the time he finished speaking. Jon scratched his temple and closed his eyes, collecting his thoughts.

"He won't fit into the Watch. He can't carry a sword without his hands shaking and him hurting himself with the pommel..."

Jon slid his finger across the glass and took a few sips, trying to open his mind to some plan.

"...What about Maester Aemon? Does he need an acolyte if I'm not mistaken?"

Tyron nodded but after thinking he shook his head.

"We have already sent some boys from Tentown for him to choose from, in the last letter he said that one of them stood out and that the others are better to act for a lord or as a scribe for the Warg's in the merchant fleets"

Tyron said as he ran his hand down his chin and brushed it against his stubble.

"Could he be Luwin's acolyte?"

Jon retorted.

"Luwin was born on the outskirts of Hornhill, he may not know that Samwell is Randyll's heir, we may have asked him to say that he is the son of a rich merchant and that his father's caravan was attacked by bandits whilst traveling from Frostport to Karhold But at one point or another the fat guy is going to spill his guts and the old man is going to have to die..."

Tyron responded, coldly mentioning a possible assassination of Maester Luwin.

"...Or the fat one dies and his bones are sent back to his father's castle, we get out of trouble and a war doesn't start because Randyll Tarly didn't know how to raise his son to be a steward or a banker like those in Braavos. These Reachmen are flowery idiots, all green fagots who only think about riding their horses and playing with their jousting spears."

The contempt in his voice was evident.

Jon got used to the Wyce's hatred for the Citadel, it was no mystery that maesters still feel the same hatred for the descendants of Yvar the Mad and that maesters despite being accepted in Tentown thanks to the peace agreement made between the Gardener and the Starks at the time Although the seven kingdoms were divided, they were held at Tentown just as the Manderly galleys moored at Frostport were free to pass the shores of the Reach and the Redwyne fleet. They were not welcome in that land and Samwell could be a spark that could reignite a war between the North and Reach again, but it will not only be Reach but all the kingdoms thanks to Dyana and Joffrey's marriage and Arya to Tommen.

Jon put his hands through his hair and asked that Samwell really be the son of Randyll Tarly, not just any adventurer or even the son of a merchant traveling through the seven kingdoms.

Again it was like oil on a fire, the idea blossomed in his mind like a rose blooming in summer.

"What if he's not a Tarly anymore?"

He said.

"Like this?"

Tyron questioned.

"He might not necessarily be Samwell Tarly, he might be Samwell Flowers or Sam Snow"

Jon said with a wolfish grin.

"Be clear, Jon"

Tyron asked, trying to find reason in the young northern lord's words.

"Samwell Tarly died on the way to the Wall, his bones were discovered among an invading tribe of cannibalistic wildlings south of the wall, on the lands of House Towers, and thanks to the efforts of Robb Stark and Saloman Wyce, a burial urn containing the bones of the boy will arrive in Hornhill and so ends the life of Samwell Tarly..."

Jon drank more beer to clear his throat.

"...And with Samwell's death, we will have a man intelligent enough to find fault and not neglect details"

"Are we talking about the same Samwell?"

Tyron asked with a frown.

"The Samwell who almost pissed himself watching the Direwolf's tear an already dead sheep into pieces?"

"Didn't I tell you what he did with Bran's saddle?"

Jon asked and Tyron shook his head.

"His craftsmen couldn't get Bran's colt used to the gears rubbing against the animal's belly and spent whole days assembling and disassembling the damn saddle until Sam managed to see where they went wrong without seeing the parchment with the drawings."

Tyron raised an eyebrow, surprised by Samwell's ability.

"And then Samwell still managed to make improvements and some parts were removed from the project, predicting that they could injure the colt as they squeezed some parts of his chest. Now Bran can ride much safer than before, without the need for specific commands of voice"

"But he's also a Warg"

Tyron replied.

"Isn't he being taught?"

"He needs to learn to bond with birds before he tries it with a horse, even a young, docile colt."

Jon replied. Tyron rubbed his eyes, clearly annoyed at not knowing these details. Jon didn't blame him, his friend was appointed to be a steward in place of Vayon Poole who left with Ned Stark for the capital.

"The girl...Jeyne Poole? Is she still making fun of you?"

"I do not want to talk about that"

Tyron was direct and Jon accepted.

"Are the bodies of those men who accompanied Sam still embalmed?"

Jon asked and Tyron nodded.

"Have Vyko build a fire in Wolfswood, a big one."

Hours passed, the fire was lit, and the corpse of one of the men accompanying Samwell burned silently in the forest. Jon and Tyron discussed more matters. From the wildlings breaking through the wall, the dealings in Duskendale, the annual payment to the moonmountain clans in weapons and armor, the baby in Alys Kastark's womb, Domeric Bolton's requests, spies infiltrating Wintertown and before the start of the breakfast in the great hall, the way Dyana dealt with her problems in King's Landing.

"She killed them all?"

Jon questioned.

"All forty damned men of the master of coin, Petyr Baelish"

Tyron smiled as he responded.

"With a Valyrian steel dagger"

He added.

"Did you buy her one?"

Jon frowned.

"I don't have that much gold available let alone a permit to buy. The halberd cost millions of pounds in gold pieces to gather Valyrian steel, when they reforged it, House Wyce almost went to war with Yiti over the influx of blacksmiths coming to Frostport from Qohor "

Tyron shrugged his shoulders and Jon was surprised, unaware of this detail in the history of one of the richest houses in the seven kingdoms and the richest in the north.

"I can bet it belongs to Prince Joffrey."

"The Lannisters don't have Valyrian steel weapons, much less the Baratheons, I don't think the conqueror wanted something like that for his brother"

Jon retorted.

"Or they could take the throne two hundred years earlier"

Tyron smiled and so did Jon.

"What did Uncle Ned do to her?"

"Nothing, neither does the king. A raven coming from Duskendale to King's Landing asked for a postponement of Lady Dyana's trial, from the crown prince's hand, a letter confessing that he himself allowed Lady Stark to carry out royal justice in his name. Now It's up to them to judge when the prince arrives"

Tyron said with an icy face. He didn't like how they treated Dyana and felt that Jon could commit many unforgivable acts if his sister suffered something.

"Tell the Warg's that if the sentence is unfavorable, they can remove her from the capital"

Jon ordered, as Lord Stark and Dyana's brother.

"It will be done, my lord"

Tyron replied.

"Prepare the cards for the northern lords"

Jon stood up from his seat. Ghost, lying on his feet stood up as well, while stretching.

"Which lord's?"

Tyron asked, cautiously and hoping not to receive a foolish order.

"All of them, I want the banner bearers ready to march south at the first sign that Dyana or Uncle Ned has suffered something. Robert Baratheon has shown himself to be no different from the Targaryen kings of the past, he might forget that the greatest of kingdoms holds that throne comfortable for him"

Jon's eyes glowed as steady and sharp as Ice, trapped in the manor's wall, as sharp and dangerous as the day she was forged, and the Direwolf's ferocity hid beneath the youthful face.

"Is Tommen Baratheon in Frostport?"

"Yes, Lord Stark"

"Prepare one of Varys's birds, in the same age range, clean it and feed it. The boy's fingers and ear will be important for sending a message"

Tyron nodded and followed Jon out of the lord's manor at the First Keep.

They found the castle's new master-at-arms, Great Walder, a near-giant waiting for them outside the Keep. The giant wore a doublet made of fermented leather inlaid with black mail, on his waist he carried a large sword with a double handle, but in his hands it looked more like a simple machete for cutting fish. Walder is Old Nan's great-grandson and like his great-grandmother, is well respected in Winterfell.


Greeted Jon.

"Lord Stark"

He responded with a bow, which looked more like an adult bending down to speak to children.

"Lady Sansa, Lady Catelyn and the others await you in the great hall for breakfast."

He announced, emphasizing Catelyn's name. Jon understood and Tyron hoped to understand later what had happened.

"And Lady Wylla?"

Jon asked, Tyron wanted to know too, since Walder would always include Wylla Manderly.

"Milords, Lady Wylla went to Wintertown with little Manrel Wyce to wait and welcome Lady Wynafryd Manderly who returns from New Castle with little Darik and Manrel"

Walder replied with a smile on his square face,

"Lady Wylla asked for secrecy but I feel bad about lying to the lord's"

"You did good, Walder, now let's break the fast and wait for my nephews"

Tyron said and they both went to the great hall.

They arrived there and the gates were open, the servants and men-at-arms at the Mayan end near the door were eating and talking among themselves for the day that would unfold and further on, next to the lord's large table, the representatives of the northern houses that lived At Winterfell, they also fed and communicated with members of the Stark house. At the end of the great hall, on the elevated plateau where the lord's table was ready and filled with fruits, vegetables, meats, breads and grains, the Stark family ate while exchanging conversations. Jon arrived unannounced, everyone knew that only the lord and steward were missing from the great table and when his imposing figure entered with the white Direwolf with red eyes, each man stood up and paid their respects to the new lord of Winterfell, the Stark, the white wolf. Jon arrived in front of the table placed vertically on the plateau and went around to kiss Sansa's face, who was wearing a silk dress stuffed with cotton and a half-cape covering her torso. He sat down and allowed everyone to return to breakfast, the servants and vassals obeyed the lord and breakfast continued. Jon saw Sansa, Robb, Catelyn, Bran, Rickon and Saul talking with peace and tranquility. He prayed to the Gods that the news from King's Landing would be better and that one day Dyana would return to the north to enjoy that peace that he had so desired, since he was a child, since he was entrusted with the position of lord warden, which belonged to his father.

"Jon, is it true that the wildlings are preparing for a new invasion?"

Bran asked, with his usual smile. He already looked his best and didn't have the melancholy that surrounded his blue eyes. He had improved a lot with the Heartapple, his back straightened, the movement of his legs also returned. However, it was still impossible for him to walk, his feet were crooked and his body no longer had the strength it used to, he would still need help to walk or ride, but for the little one, it became enough. He said he wanted to be like Colmer Gold Eye, who brought prosperity to his kingdom, he didn't want to be just a cripple but the greatest of cripples.

"Mance Rayder managed to convince those men to fight again. And we will convince them to remain beyond the wall again."

Jon said with a smirk and Bran's eyes lit up, with more doubts.

"Why are they beyond the wall?"

"Bran, this is not a topic to have on the table"

He warned Lady Catelyn with his eyes wide open. She was next to Sansa and consequently behind Jon from Bran's point of view.

"During the construction of the wall, some lord's or probably some men and their families decided to stay on the other side of the world, a cruel and cold side for some reason, I can assume that some asked them to stay here where at least something can grow but you understands very well that orders can be disobeyed, let alone requests"

Jon replied, not caring about Catelyn.

"Those who stayed on that side somehow survived and so did their children. And as time passed, the reason those men stayed there was forgotten. They decided they didn't like it and wanted to return, but they didn't want to submit to anyone and how Animals should be free to kill, rape and steal at will. Our ancestors decided that there is no way for our people to live this way and so we took up our swords to war and expelled everyone until there were none left and threatened them so that they would never return. Our homes or we will put to the sword all who do not wish to kneel before those chosen by the gods to reign. But you know well that orders can be broken and threats can be tested, this Mance Rayder says we must expect the greatest of wildling armies. that the south of the wall has ever seen and with Dyana's marriage he will see how the north will witness the greatest army to march on these lands"

Jon's words echoed and the men-at-arms clinked their mugs in toast, shouting, "to the strongest kingdom!", "to Lord Jon and House Stark!" and "to lady Dyana!"

"But they can't change?"

Bran asked after the celebration and in a low tone.

"They can, and those who wish are welcomed by House Towers to become vassals and servants under Lord Cayle's protection. Isn't that right, Robb?"

Jon retorted pointing to Robb, who with calm eyes and a lonely tone stated.

"Yes, despite being wildlings, those who can change are placed over the villages and farms in the new gift"

Bran nodded, seeming to wait for the answer.

Breakfast continued, everyone ate plenty and the Starks went out to do their daytime chores, Bran went to study with Maester Luwin and the wise men of Tentown while Rickon went to train his Warg gift with the Warg regiments in the arsenal. Robb and Saul went to Wintertown to welcome the Freerider's Essosi who will leave behind the wall behind Benjen Stark.

Only Jon, Tyron, Sansa and Catelyn were left.

"Sansa, did your mother tell you about the trip?"

Jon questioned.


She didn't know and Jon looked at Catelyn.

"I'm going to visit Lysa, my love, she needs me and as a sister I must help her in this terrible time, I know she would do the same for me"

Lady Catelyn revealed with some tears in her eyes and Sansa held her hand, comforting her. Jon didn't do the same and Tyron let out a silent smirk but quickly covered it with a sip of mead.

"Jon, I know many men are going to Kingscrown for the protection of the farms but I know you can send some to take mother to White Harbor and some to the Eyrie..."

Sansa looked nervous, Jon held her hand, trying to reassure her.

"I will send some men-at-arms with her and Ser Rodrik Cassel himself will be as Lady Catelyn's personal guard and Lord Wyman has seven-anointed knights to escort her retinue through the Vale of Arryn."

Sansa smiled at her words, she wanted to kiss him out of concern for her mother but she knew that Lady Catelyn would not like to see the act, as she was still against their union.

"It would be great if you came with me, my love, little Robin might enjoy his company. He was always such a lonely boy when he visited his aunt at Bloody Gate."

Catelyn suggested.

Jon felt uncomfortable, as she knew that little Arryn clearly had feelings for his wife. He always received letters from Moat Cailin, mainly from Lord Howland Reed, who kept him up to date with the events with the Starks who rule there and it was in an exchange of letters, during a visit from Lady Lysa Arryn, that Jon learned of the existence of this frail young man. and with intelligent eyes called Robin Arryn. He brought many gifts to Sansa, bought her beautiful birds to falcon through the marshes of the neck and scented candles that Sansa began to use frequently, he also brought almost bimonthly shipments of fruit intended for her, which he kindly distributed among the family and friends. men-at-arms of the Wolf Horde at the banquets in the great hall of Moat Cailin. Jon, upon hearing about this suggestion, clenched his fist but a snap of his fingers gave him away.

Sansa looked at him, first at his clenched hand and then at his expressionless face. She felt Jon's anger and held his hand in a fist and gave him a comforting smile, which made him calm down.

"I'm sorry mother but I must stand by my lord husband at this time, where he has become lord of Winterfell and this kingdom"

Sansa was wise, even though she was on the opposite side of her mother, it was to her husband that she owed allegiance, as she was not a Tully of Riverrun but a Stark of Winterfell and the winter's is coming.

"I understand my love, I will take Rickon, he can make friends with Robin and who knows we can even find an honorable house in the valley to adopt him in the future"

Catelyn seemed sadder but she knew how to hide it. Tyron stared at Jon, exchanging words with his gaze.

Lady Stark remained with Sansa for a while longer and the prose seemed to end but the hall's gates opened and a man announced: "Lady Wynafryd and Lady Wylla Manderly! Lady's of Frostport and Tentown!"

Tyron got up from his seat and went to the door to find Wylla and everyone followed together. When two beautiful young women dressed in the most beautiful and soft green velvet walked up the stairs, smiles lit up at the sight of three beautiful children, the eldest, Darik, had his father's dark hair with pale blonde tips and his mother's green eyes while Manrel had his head stuffed with wet blond strands and little Waylar was sleeping peacefully.

Point out spelling mistakes so I can correct them. Those who read through the app's translator please understand that the translator eats entire texts or paragraphs.

Felix_Writtdancreators' thoughts