
ASOIAF - Above us, Victory.

When Yvar the Mad sacked Oldtown, he headed north. From that day on, his lineage took power and stole their glory.

Felix_Writtdan · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Agreements, Bargains and Plans.

In the courtyard in front of the Red Keep armory, Stark and Lannister soldiers trained together, exchanging blows with blunt steel and evaluated by Lady Dyana Stark. The princess was sitting in an armchair next to the entrance to the hand tower, where her uncle Ned Stark now lived. She always sat there at the beginning of the day, watching the assaults and praising both Northman's and Westernman's and the few Stormman's were also noticed by the princess who praised the fury that dominated them during sparring. But those most noticed by the princess were Lord Beric Dondarrion of Blackhaven, Ser Aron Santagar the master at arms of the fortress, Ser Arys Oakheart of the kingsguard and Ser Balon Swann who was the second strongest only behind Sandor Clegane. Ser Alvyn Wynfall, now wearing a brand new set of beautiful dark steel plates enamelled with the white star of his sigil on his breastplate, and on his helmet he wore a shooting star badge made of marble and white pearls, even the pommel of his sword was a shining silver star.

"Ser Alvyn, what do you think of Lord Dondarrion?"

asked Lady Dyana, who was wearing a beautiful blue dress made of soft velvet on that relatively pleasant cold morning for her, a northerner born in Winterfell in the heart of the north.

"Skilled, his use of the sword lacks lethality, but with training and life and death battles, he can become a good warrior. However, I doubt that my lady will not choose him just for his talent, Blackhaven is in the Dornish Marches and support would be fruitful of Lord Beric in the future, with the help of House Santagar of Spottswood and Swann of Stonehelm, the lady has three distinct bridges, four if you count Starfall for business with Dorne and bringing them to Prince Joffrey's court."

The northern lady applauded Alvyn's report with the tips of her hands, who remained proud of his lady's recognition. She filled an extra glass of wine and poured the glass for Alvyn who, still standing next to her, took a sip to cool his throat. Dyana had been teaching Alvyn how to think and create strategies in a southern way, because without Sanya currently, Alvyn was the only one who accompanied her to every corner of the fortress in the last few weeks and a sword was needed that knew where and how to strike when her enemies they moved.

"Very well, Alvyn, but what makes me interested in Ser Arys Oakheart?"

The northern knight thought, took a few sips of wine, the Dornish red and shook his head, finding no answers.

"A letter from Maester Aemon of the Night's Watch said that winter approaches, the days become shorter and we will need the Reach more and more, taking into account the long summer, a doubly cruel winter could plague my home. It is known general that the Reachmen's hate the Wyce house and I intend to change that, I want the north united with the other kingdoms"

"Lady Stark, her grandfather had the same ideas, but you saw what happened..."

Alvyn rethought his words but gathered courage.

"... He died because he understood he was equal to them, but he wasn't and you aren't, I hope you rethink your plans and allow me to collect the debt of the pier merchants with the Wyce house and our power grows in this... Pigsty"

Dyana laughed at the knight's evident contempt and took a glass of wine, savoring the taste of Dorne before responding.

"But I'm not like them, Alvyn, I'm better than them. I have the prince as my greatest ally and the king desires me with his drunken eyes every night in the great hall..."

She said and Alvyn felt uncomfortable with the memory of the previous night, the king spoke to her and his eyes never left his daughter-in-law's breasts, the prince himself discreetly placed himself between his father and his bride, preventing any advances from him.

"... I am surrounded by lions, I know that, notice how superior the Lannister soldiers are in a two-to-one comparison, even the ferocity of the Stormman's may not reverse the outcome of a possible bloody battle. For this same reason, I need with swords at my side and nothing better than a good challenge for the pride of these knights"

Alvyn smiled and grabbed the handle of the blade and approached the courtyard in front of the armory with long, heavy steps, his cape embroidered by Dyana herself fluttered in the wind and the shooting star landed among the groups of warriors.

"Knights, foot soldiers and lords. Lady Dyana intends to tour the capital and get to know her new home. She will need the best knights, they will receive a single gold coin per month plus bonuses for any act of chivalry witnessed by her. Only the The best of the best present themselves for the interview... It will be a fight with me"

Alvyn pointed to his chest with his thumb and a sneer lit up, the northern men retreated upon hearing how the selection will be given. The Westernman's laughed and one of them went towards Alvyn, drawing his blade saying:

"I will teach you how civilized people fight, savage"

He threw a thrust at Alvyn's shoulder but without removing the blade from its sheath, Alvyn quickly dodged and threw a powerful punch at the man's jaw, which ripped off his helmet and there his unconscious body kissed the brick floor.

"The rules are: for foot soldiers, my fists, for knights and lord's... My blade"

He drew the sword from its sheath again to demonstrate the shiny, polished steel, a new, virgin blood blade.

The Lannister soldiers then approached, in groups and carrying the most varied weapons. Two went together but Alvyn, like a bear, ripped their teeth out and painted the gray floor blood red. That day, the Starwhite of Winterfell was born, defeating twelve infantry, three knights and a marcher lord.

Daenerys wore purple silk as she took her palanquin through the streets of Pentos, heading to the navy blue mansion of magister Harlano Iranion. Dany lives in a mansion near the bay and her ships and galleys attacked in front of her, with the purple dragon on the black sails drawing the attention of many men and especially the prince of Pentos, Balleno Nestel, who received her with gifts and promises of union. Samurel accompanied her alongside the bearers in the palanquin, wearing more Essosi robes of fine linen with steel scales underneath the linen and on his face, he tied an expressionless mask made of pure jade and at his waist, two bastard swords with wooden handles wrapped around them. made of leather and a bronze guard with a dragon-shaped pommel made of tanzanite. She was called Jademon and served as Queen Daenerys I's sworn sword.

They left the mansion by the sea at the tenth hour of the day, they arrived in half that time and Harlano himself welcomed them, wearing a cotton tunic with navy blue thread embroidery, his Blue Onyx inlaid earrings gave him the charm of a military commander in a company of mercenaries but his hair dyed golden yellow made him an imposing magister. In the courtyard in front of the entrance, the servants dressed in cotton and perfumed like lords and ladies knelt when the queen came down from the palanquin and her platinum blonde hair glowed that morning.

"Your grace, my humble mansion is yours"

He said kneeling before Dany.

"Lord Harlano, I really appreciate your spices, how can I deny your visit? Your abode is a delight in my eyes, I feel embarrassed to invite you to dinner during our exchange of letters"

Harlano stood up after kissing one of Dany's rings and smiled at his words.

"Your grace must not suffer from such foolish emotions, know that many of my friends in Myr and Tyrosh eagerly await the order of tapestries and glass to decorate the abode of the queen of the seven kingdoms"

Harlano said while still with Dany's hand in his, he led her inside that huge building dyed blue and decorated with countless stories on the walls that led to a large hall, where a large bluish ivory table, stuffed on all sides of pale white wooden chairs and armchairs at the ends, with a leather-stitched and feather-padded armchair on the seat near the door, and a golden throne studded with jewels at the other end. There were forty seats in total on each side of the large table.

"I was waiting for your grace to break the fast"

The man clapped his hands hard and at a door in the corner of the hall, servants came out with large polished silver trays, serving meats, vegetables and many spices that filled that place with diverse aromas. Harlano sat on his throne at the end of the table and Dany on his right, with Jademon following her silently.

"I usually enjoy fruits and vegetables for breakfast, Lord Iranion, but seeing how you prepared all this for me, I feel obliged to try each of your dishes"

Dany said smiling and the young beauty of a girl who had recently turned fourteen made the stoic thirty-something year old Harlano blush like a young fool.

"However, Lord Harlano, I must retort that we should wait for our mutual friend"

Dany touched the magister's hand and the man with a startled jump snapped his fingers at one of his Stewards.

"Call him"

He ordered and the steward walked with long, heavy steps across the room, to another door that led to a long, curly staircase.

"He hasn't slept in a few days, since the Ironman rebellion, he tends to worry too much about his goods traveling to Frostport, the bastard lost a single horsehide galley, it was enough to cut his share by two tenths, relocating to the protection of the ships. Every Freerider wants to have him as an employer. It's normal for him to simply go for days without sleeping and then come home to drink to finally rest..."

The steward returned a few minutes later and other footsteps followed him, these were heavier but were lazy and clumsy. The man who came along was tall, taller than the steward and Harlano, he was also strong as a bull and full of dark hair and an oiled, pink-dyed beard. The face and eyes reminded Dany of Sam, who beside him still remained as silent as he could.

"Your grace, this is the Magister of the Wyron family, who holds power over the metal trade with the Wyce house of Sunhall, this is Magister Naeryn Wyron"

Dany extended her hand and the big man kissed it carefully, an inviting smile on the face of a leader born for the role.

"From what I have studied in the tomes and books, House Wyron was born during the secret negotiations of House Wyce with a young Braavos, the trade extended to the Rhoyne and then to Old Ghis. With the birth of Tentown, the Wyrons were formed by lord Yronel Wyce"

Naeryn nodded at Daenerys' words. He quickly glanced at Jademon, who stared at him through the mask's eye slit and replied Dany.

"House Wyron is ancient, your grace, it cannot be compared to my family, we are just vassals of the lords of Frostport, for now obviously"

Naeryn finished with a laugh shared by Dany and Harlano.

The three then started to eat. Naeryn updated Dany on the court of King's Landing, with Prince Joffrey's wedding and Eddard Stark's appointment as hand of the king.

"I know this very well, Lord Wyron, I know that the usurpers consolidate their power while my own stagnates in Braavos"

Dany poured herself a glass.

"But I intend to change that. The Wyron family can be more than distant representatives"

"I'm of the same opinion, your grace. It's time for a change in this antiquated painting called the seven kingdoms."

Naeryn said with smiles.

The gates of Winterfell were portcullises, as heavy as five whole logs of wood put together, and the archers on the battlements were uninviting. Tyrion thought that just one night in Wintertown was enough to please the lords of Winterfell, after the way his sister, the queen asked for the hands of the young lords after the end of the marriage long awaited by the king. However, the Stark soldiers who picked him up at the inn said otherwise and he found himself in that castle again, now as one of the lions that asked for blood, completely surrounded by wolves and literally real Direwolf's. The imp entered the castle and went to the First Keep where the lord's throne rested in grandeur and ferocity. Tyrion saw Lord Jon Stark, Lady Sansa Stark, little Brandon Stark, a distracted Rickon Stark and unexpectedly, Robb Stark and Saloman Wyce. Everyone surrounded the young lord on the stage where the throne was positioned.

"Lord Stark"

Said Tyrion with a more respectful bow than planned, he didn't want to awaken the anger of the wolves resting in front of the young Starks.

"May I know why you requested my presence?"

"Because your father wants to see you on the next moon, Halfman"

Said a voice that Tyrion recognized only when he turned to look at it. Tyron Wyce entered through a door next to the stage where the Starks gathered. Tyrion, upon seeing young Wyce, agreed with King Robert, the boy really looked like a Lannister, but faded in appearance. He was smaller than all the Northmen in the room and larger than all the Andals, Tyrion had already read about this curious feature of House Wyce and thought if Tion Lannister survived, the knight Arthor Wyce could marry a Lannister of Rock and he could be a Wyce bigger than andals and less than First Men's.

"Tywin Lannister sent a raven to my father, he learned of Lady Dyana's failed marriage to Prince Tommen, harsh words were used to describe his dissatisfaction. But his handwriting was very cheerful when the paragraph of the business contract arrived and he demands that the clause of sending the goldsmiths from Velwyn to Lannisport must be obeyed"

"My father is a pragmatic man, Lord Wyce, and I inherited this from him. Be direct as I am absolutely sure that my presence is not necessary to send the goldsmiths, Wyman Manderly's fleet knows those waters as I know the tunnels of Casterly Rock"

Tyrion retorted with a lip smile.

"House Lannister did not honor their side of the bargain. King Robert married Dyana to Prince Joffrey but Tywin still owes us the union with Prince Tommen, my cousin who currently resides in White Harbor, Lady Arya Stark does not have a marriage contract signed with no northern house"

Lord Jon sitting on the throne said, his words were hard as steel and sharp as shards of glass. Tyrion laid his eyes on him, a young man with a long face, his black hair reached down to cover the back of his head and his silver eyes were sharp as blades.

"But House Stark has a bond with the Crown and House Lannister for the king's marriage to my sister. And it was not said in the negotiations that Lady Dyana was betrothed to a northern house."

Tyrion felt annoyed, both because Wyce didn't say anything about Dyana's engagement and because he himself didn't question it. Tyrion understood that his adventure in Tentown was a way to control him from negotiating properly. Saloman Wyce was not a comfortable and vain youngest of a big house like him, he was cunning as a damned fox.

"You did not ask and we do not need to answer, it is a matter of necessity, Imp, and House Towers is unhappy that the Lannisters have taken away such an honorable chance to once again join the Starks of Winterfell."

Tyrion furiously clenched fists with the words of Saul, again cursing his lack of care, he thought it would be easy to bring a trade and marriage deal to the northern lords, known for being direct and not cunning, but he realized that he alone entered the den of full-grown and fierce wolves.

"What will Eddard Stark say about this marriage? Like his relatives and vassals plotting to sell his youngest daughter's hand?"

He tried to buy time, think of something and delay this negotiation.

"It's no use Imp, you can't change what has already been done. Starting tomorrow, you will travel to Frostport and in Sunhall you will receive Tommen Baratheon on the next moon and the exchange will begin, the twenty goldsmiths and you for Prince Tommen, who will be adopted by Lord Garvy Wyce"

Jon announced and Tyrion gritted his teeth, worried about what will happen to him when he returns to rock and his father demands what his days in Tentown were like.

"Tonight you will stay at Winterfell and in the morning after breakfast, you will leave with a Flint detachment with a caravan of Tyrosh merchants."

Tyrion nodded silently and left with his soldiers before bidding farewell to Yoren of the Night's Watch, who was waiting outside the gate of the First Keep.

Yoren and his Watch companions approached the space in front of the northern lord's throne. They wore dark leather and black cloaks with chain mail clinking as they walked and they all wore blades with handles wrapped in black leather.

"The Night's Watch is welcome at Winterfell, brave brothers, you will be offered mulled wine, bread to satisfy you and our shields to protect you"

Said Jon with the authority of a lord.

"Lord Jon, my name is Yoren, I'm just a recruiting brother passing through the kingdoms in search of criminals who chose to wear black, I thank you for guarding me and my brothers"

Yoren said with a serious face but with frowns.

"However, I come to you, my lord, with a not very pleasant message..."

Jon frowned and told him to continue.

"It's your uncle, my lord, he disappeared in the north"

now it will be 1 chapter per week, each chapter with many, MANY WORDS.

Saturdays or Sundays, if not on Mondays.

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