
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
107 Chs


The tunnel gradually inclined for two days. They had no idea how deep they had been, where this tunnel would let out and what would be waiting for them around each bend, crack and crevice. Tired, blooded, hungry and definitely bruised, they didn't care so long they found the surface. It was hard to make it out at first but as they got closer they knew it as sunlight.

Emerging from the tunnel into the midday sun, it hurt their eyes and they had to shield their faces, especially Julius who hadn't seen the sun in years. He fell to his knees, weeping. The three others waited patiently for their new companion who after a few moments got to his feet, flapped his wings and took to the sky for the first time in years. Those without the luxury of flight, followed the unused path from the tunnel through the narrow valley. They were in the middle of nowhere.

Julius flew ahead, returning after an hour after having scouted out the area. "The valley opens up not much further ahead and I saw smoke from what appeared to be a small settlement at the far end of the valley."

"Do you think we can make it there before nightfall?" Harim asked.

Julius nodded, "I think so."

The settlement was very welcoming. It was a day's journey from Culku City. The settlement was recently set up in the valley to explore it for the possibility of a new mine. The Sect informed them to stay away from the tunnel at the end of the valley. The next morning, after having been given directions out of the Trezen Mountains not through Culku City, they pressed on. Being a small group on a direct path out they were fortunate to not encounter any creatures. A few times they had to hide as a giant or two wandered by hunting in the area. It took them the better part of a week to finally reach the outskirts of Meirgrand - of civilization.

The Northern gates of Meirgrand weren't nearly as large or spectacular as the Southern entrance, the entrance that faces the capital. A handful of guards stood watch on the other side of a drawbridge that spawns the natural moat created by the floodplains. Rothox and Harim changed their appearances once again. Julius didn't ask why they hid their appearances, he kept his curiosity to himself after all they had freed him.

Entrance into the city was easier this time, the city no longer closed. As they crossed the main bridge that spans the full width of The Scar they couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and construction of Merigrand.

"How are we saving Alissa?" Erigos asked, noticing a few gawkers staring at the human statue on his back.

Julius, who hadn't said much since entering the city, marveling at the surface world, happy to be free. He stopped and looked at the statue.

"What are you doing, Julius?" Rothox asked.

"I'm well versed in many kinds of magic being a student of the art. This is a petrification spell, a powerful one at that---."

"Can you save her?" Erigos turned to him.

"...I do not possess this type of ability, I'm sorry."

Erigos' face slumped.

"I thought that someone of your...divine abilities would know that restoration magic is needed."

"My divine power comes from another deity, one that is no longer allowed to be worshiped in the Empire. She is where I get my powers. Unfortunately her magic does not offer that type of power either."

"Well I may know of someone who might," Julius said. "I don't have a direct connection or a name but I know that the clerics of Omnitheos possess divine magic that cure many diseases and curses."

"Where is the nearest temple?" Erigos turned to Rothox.

"Why do you think I know where one is?"

"You grew up here," Erigos snapped at him.

Rothox paused, "Over there," he pointed towards a marble building, standing out over the rest of the city.

Erigos' eyes flared with intent, "Take me there."

The temple to Omnitheos was massive. Towering over all but the palace. Rothox had never been inside although Sister Gladis had told him stories of its beauty. She had not lied. The interior of the large structure was awestricking. Large stained glass images depicting Omnitheos cascaded colorful light through the large hall. There were beautifully crafted wooden benches facing a large marble statue of Omnitheos. A few people sat praying towards it. The statue was positioned perfectly in the middle of the stage and back of the nave. The sanctuary was currently filled with a few more worshippers and a handful of priests and clerics, chatting amongst themselves.

One such cleric noticed them walk in. She made her way over to them.

Her voice was soft and welcoming, "Children of Omnitheos welcome. What brings you into his warm embrace on this fine day?"

"My friend is a statue." Erigos blurted out. He turned his back to her, showing Alissa.

She took a step back, caught off guard. The statue was of a small girl, her mouth open. She looked at the rest of them, they were clearly tired, worn and dirty clothes. They clearly had been through alot. "Please follow me." She led them to a back room, a smaller sanctuary with a pedestal of stone in the center of the room. "Please lay your friend on the stone altar. I shall be back shortly."

The priestess left them for a few minutes before returning with an elderly female clade in similar gold and white robes with a slight difference to the cord around her waist. Where the first priestess had a gold belt, the other had a brilliant purple woven in. Rothox recognized the new lady. Although she was much older than the last time he had seen her, he never forgot her face.

"I am Priestess Gladis, and you've already met Sister Nora," Sister Gladis said.

Rothox instinctively shielded his face, forgetting he was disguised.

Sister Gladis walked over to Alissa, "Hmm," she examined her, traced her finger over the stone. Erigos went to stop her but restrained himself. After a few minutes she looked up. "I am sorry gentlemen but there is nothing I can do for your friend."

"What do you mean nothing…you mean you won't!?" Erigos was angry.

"Unfortunately," she calmly addressed him. "The process to restore your friend is not easy and the magic to perform the ritual is costly." She stared into Erigos' eyes. "As much as it pains me to turn you away, we are unable to help everyone, especially when they worship a false god." She stared at the symbol on Erigos' backpack.

"This is bullshit!" He stormed out.

"I am sorry." She glanced over the remaining three. She turned to leave.

"Wait," Rothox, whose head was still bowed, spoke up. She stopped. "Would you save her for me?" His magical disguise shimmered and faded away. The demonblood looked up at the lady who had raised him.

Sister Gladis was in utter shock. "Roth..ox…" she stammered.

He smiled sheepishly.

"I thought...I thought I'd never see you again." She went to hug him before remembering her station and kept her arms at her side.

"Can you help my friend, please?" Rothox had a tear in his eye, it trickled down his cheek. He suddenly felt regret for leaving without saying goodbye all those years ago. Sister Gladis had been nothing but kind and caring towards him. She had saved his life.

Sister Gladis stood staring at Rothox. "Please Sister, you saved my life once, I know you can do it again." Rothox said.

She nodded, tears welling in her eyes.

Rothox smiled, wiped away the tear, and pulled himself together. "I'll get Erigos. If that's ok with you?" She just stared at the now grown Rothox, keeping her emotions in check. She nodded again.

Harim, Rothox, Julius and Erigos stood silently at the side of the room watching the two priestesses work. Divine magic began to pour out of their hands. The sun shone from a window on the top of the domed room, shining directly onto the body of Alissa. They seemed to draw their power from the sun, weaving it around the stone, chanting the phrases. With a sudden burst of white divine energy. They watched as the stone began to crack away, revealing an intact, alive and peacefully sleeping Alissa.