
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Who Needs Wings: Part 2

Rothox slowly snuck across the open cavern, rope in one hand, dagger in the other. As he watched the bats he tired the end of the rope to the hilt of the dagger. The other end tied around his waist. He spotted a giant bat perched on a stalagmite a couple hundred feet in front of him. He had a plan, he had no idea how the magic with his belt and dagger would work with a rope attached to it but he figured he had to try. The bat screeched giving Rothox pause, it swiveled its head before settling on the workers, it hadn't seen him. Once he was within a hundred feet he ran, now the bat saw him. Its large head pivoted to glare at him with those black eyes. The large ears flipped forward before it let out another screech at Rothox. Releasing the rock he took flight.

Rothox spun the dagger around with the rope. "Come on you big bird." The giant bat dove at him. He waited until the creature extended its claws. Rothox slipped to the side,just under the wing and embedded the blade into the creature's soft underbelly. It wailed in pain, flapping its wings harder in an attempt to escape the thing that was hurting it. The rope quickly disappeared from Rothox's hand. It had worked, the dagger hadn't blinked back, the attached rope preventing whatever magic from taking effect. The rope went taut yanking him off his feet.

"Shit!" He yelled. 'This might have been a bad idea'. The ground began to quickly fall away. He had no idea how long his blade would stay in the bat, especially with the added weight so he started to climb.

The others watched in awe as the demonblood got lifted off the ground by a giant bat.

"He's gonna get himself killed," Erigos said.

"Not unless he can get on that thing's back before---" Harim stopped talking as he watched Rothox begin to fall, about two hundred feet above the ground. The dagger had been pulled out.

Rothox felt the rope go slack, he began to panic - he began to fall. The cavern floor was fast approaching. A set of claws dug into his back as Julius came out of nowhere, catching him. Julius, not strong enough to carry them both, just strong enough to keep him from plummeting to his death. He dropped him ten feet off the ground to avoid them both crashing into it.

With all the commotion the Cerabora were alerted to their presence. The bat was circling back, angered. Rothox had one more shot before the Cerabora would reach him. Rolling to his feet he readied his dagger and rope again.

"What are you doing?" Julius landed beside him.

"Got one more chance before the Cerabora are upon us, now or ever." The bat was starting its dive.

"Let me help you."


Julius began to mutter under his breath and suddenly Rothox felt everything around him slow down, his body felt fast. He ran at the bat, with a blistering pace. So fast that the bat seemed to fly in slow motion. He twirled the rope. The bat swooped in, claws extended. Rothox aimed at the legs, the dagger carried the rope, wrapping around the feet. Rothox was moving so quickly he caught the dagger, and threw it again as the bat went by arching up. This time it found perches in the creature's back, wedging deep into a bone. Once again he got lifted off his feet. Whatever spell Julius had given him was still going and he pulled himself up the rope, hand over fist. He reached the back of the bat, the large wings flapping with ferocity.

He was on the creature, 'what now?' he thought. The bat tried to throw him off but he held on to the wedged dagger.

A blast of dark magical energy streaked by him as a Cerabora attacked. 'They have magic too,' he thought. Glancing down he saw two Cerabora watching him, readying another volley of their magic.

"Julius!" he yelled for the birdman. Out of the corner of his eye he saw him flying towards him. "Julius, get the bat to chase you, to the tunnel." He looked back at the Cerabora as two more bolts of energy swirled in their hands.

Julius flew out in front of the bat, attempting to distract it. An arcane blast flew over Rothox's head, another one slammed into the bat creating a black fiery explosion. The smell of burnt flesh and hair wafted into Rothox's face. The bat cried out, growing angrier towards the unwanted passenger who it thought was to blame. It tried to shake him rolling in the air. Rothox grasped at the thin layer of hair on the back but was unable to find a hold. He began to slide, he grabbed his dagger as the bat flipped upside down. Dangling from his blade's handle. "Julius!"

Julius, not as fast at the bat, had to act quickly. He dove for the tunnel entrance, which at this height, was another two hundred feet away. The bat flipped back over, tucking in its wings, diving after Julius. Rothox could see the small ledge of the tunnel now. He got ready, wiggling the dagger, loosening it. Cutting the rope away as it was still attached to him, the dagger and the bat's feet. Julius flew as close to the cavern wall as he dared before diving past the tunnel.

Rothox jumped, timing it well but the speed at which the bat traveled sent him flying into the tunnel floor. The impact winded him and definitely bruised some bones but at least he was safe.

Harim and Erigos watched the entire chaotic situation occur from cover and after seeing Rothox disappear into what they could only assume was the tunnel they looked at each other.

"No chance I'm doing that," Erigos shook his head. "That was nuts."

"Well we need to figure it out, the Cerabora are looking for us." Harim pointed to where the Cerabora were tracking the giant bat and Julius. One peeled off, scanning the cavern for them. Julius began to fly towards them, the bat in hot pursuit.

Rothox leaned out from the tunnel entrance. Seeing his friends still hiding and Julius heading towards them still being chased by the bat. He had nothing on him to help them. The tunnel continued behind him, scanning the interior for anything that could help, there was nothing. 'How do people get down from here, what's the point of this.' he thought. There had to be a way down and back up. He went to the edge of the tunnel again. Lying down he noticed two metal hooks embedded just, over the edge. It looked like the kind of device you would run a rope through. He watched the bat fly by, his rope dangling from its legs.

Julius flew into the narrow gap just as the large bat tried to grab him. It had to stop abruptly, too large to fit. As it turned and flapped away Harim ran at it, jumping onto the back. The bat screeched with annoyance and tried to shake him. Harim dug his hands and heels into the hairy sinew on its back. His tight fists weren't letting go. The bat continued to fly, Harim did his best to try and control it but it had a mind of its own.

"Damn these two, I don't want to get eaten today." Julius took off chasing after Harim clinging to the giant bat.

"You won't get used to it!" Erigos yelled after him. He saw the Cerabora approaching, seeing him alone they moved faster. "Damn it, leave the guy with the statue by himself to fight off creepy mind control creatures." He brandished his sword and slowly left cover. Using his shield to block the blasts of magic they sent at him. The first one came within range and as it did it's eyes lit up.

"Fuck that," Erigos swung his sword, his movement was slower while carrying Alissa. The Cerabora had to stop focusing in order to dodge the attack. Erigos yelled and tackled the creature instead. Hearing the yell the other Cerabora all turned their attention to the sound. A few bring their controlled minions with, among them the giant.

Erigos could see the alienness of the Cerabora now. Their dark glowing eyes and the slim narrow jaw with slits where their nose should be. They were bald with an elongated skull. He also realized they were surprisingly strong as the one he tackled through him off with ease. He landed on his back. 'Shit, Alissa.' He hoped she hadn't cracked. Either way the thought of it made him angry. The creatures' surrounded him. "Let's go!" He yelled. "Who's first?" A loud screech broke their focus as Julius flew by, low to the ground just above Erigos' head. Followed by the giant bat, and the dangling rope.

"Grab it!" Harim yelled. The rope whipped by, Erigos grabbed it, somehow. He felt as his arm would tear out of its socket as he got lifted into the air. Julius continued to strafe the bat, who was slower now with the extra weight. He made for the tunnel, banking hard at the last second to force the bat to do the same, Erigos let go. His momentum carried him into the opening. Landing face first on the dusty path. A few seconds later the birdman flew in. Followed by a large angry bat. The bat gasped the edge of the tunnel, releasing a high pitch screech. It clawed at them, holding on with one leg. Large talons racked beside Erigos, scaring the stone.

Harim rolled off the side of the bat, grabbed a wing, using it to swing into the tunnel at the same time he swept the one leg of the bat off the ledge. It lost its balance, lowering it's head for Harim to unleash a Ki powered punch. The bat was knocked backwards, dazed, it began to plummet to the ground. Before it could come to its senses its body crashed onto the cavern floor in a crumpled mess of leathery wings, fur and rope.

Breathing heavily, face in the ground, Erigos turned over to look at the other three, "I guess we didn't need wings afterall."