
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
107 Chs


A small girl ran through the streets of Avent, chasing after her friends. Her blonde hair shimmering in the sunlight that pierced through the forest canopy. Avent, a forest city, built in and amongst the trees using the forest floor mixed in with stone paths for streets. Homes built inside, on and around the large trees of the forest. It's a wondrous city full of magic and interesting creatures that live harmoniously with the cities inhabitants. Compared to other cities on Yulandi, Avent is the most welcoming of the arcane, although it is not illegal to practice magic in the Empire it is not encouraged to allow it in public. Avent is the opposite, magic is encouraged and welcome. Alissa watched her friends disappear around a street corner,she rounded the corner and her friend's were gone. She heard giggling coming from above, she looked up and they were sitting on a tree branch ten feet above her.

"That's not fair!" She exclaimed.

"You know it is," The elder one said before hopping off the branch and gently gliding down. The other two did the same. "You would do the same if you could," she smiled at her. Her brown hair, tied into a braided bun showcasing her green eyes.

Alissa was the youngest of the four of them. They were all able to levitate for a few minutes when they wanted to. It was a simple ability, yet something Alissa had yet to develop. Unfortunately, being an orphan she didn't come from a family that could bring in a tutor to help unlock her potential like her friends.

"Next time Lis," the same girl said. "We should be getting back home, mother will be wondering where we ran off to." The three sisters left Alissa on the street alone after saying goodbye. She had nowhere to be. She found herself wandering aimlessly through the city. Alissa caught herself when she realized she was a few steps from entering the palace grounds. She often found herself staring at the wondrous place, her subconscious had carried her back to it once again.

Built between and of two massive trees, home to the royal family of Avent, the entire structure is covered in all manner of vines, flowers and lush foliage. Alissa longed to see inside just once. To feel what it was like to be a princess.

While staring at the lavish gardens leading up to the palace she saw the familiar beautiful lady floating through the gardens. Alissa knew this to be the Lady of the Palace, Queen Amalia. Alissa watched her glance at a few flowers then looked right at her. Alissa froze in place. The Queen smiled at her and waved her over. Slowly Alissa made her way across the grounds. The palace had no physical barrier or protection, Alissa just continued onward.

"Well, aren't you a curious one," The queen said as she apporached, her long gentle fingers stroking the petals of a brilliantly yellow flower. Alissa kept her head down, extremely nervous. "What's your name, dear?"

"...Alissa…" she said, still not trying to look at the queen. She felt soft fingers touch her chin lifting her head up. Alissa stared directly at the queen. Queen Amalia was an elegant elven woman, she had a gentle yet very intimidating appearance. Her long blonde, almost white, hair dangled near her waist in an elaborate braid. Her emerald green eyes sparkled with kindness.

"That is a beautiful name. What are you doing by yourself, Alissa, where are your parents?"

Hearing her name come out of the Queen's mouth caused her to tremble. "I...don't have any."

"Oh my, how long have you been on your own?"

Alissa wasn't sure, she shook her head. It had been so long she didn't know.

"You poor thing, come here, come with me." The queen took her hand leading her into the palace.

She got her wish. Inside was even more beautiful than the outside. The main hall, in the middle of the trees, was open to the forest canopy above with vines and branches creating a natural ceiling, allowing the sunlight in. The two enormous trees were carved out as the structure was built inside and outside the trees. The queen took her towards the kitchen where a few cooks were making wondrous foods. The smells of fresh bread, honey and many other flavors wafted out of the door as they walked into the palace kitchen. The servants worked around the queen as she grabbed a few pieces of the fresh bread and various assorted treats.

"Here," she handed the food to Alissa. Alissa graciously took the food.

"Thank...you." She began to eat. It was the most delicious food she had ever eaten. The orphanage never served anything this good. The queen just smiled as she ate.

"How old are you my dear Alissa, you must be getting to the age of discovering your abilities."

Alissa wasn't really sure how old she was. She shook her head.

The queen had an idea, she took Alissa's hand one more time and led her deeper into the palace.

"Wait here." She left Alissa outside an archway into an open room. She kept eating the warm bread trying to make sure not to drop any crumbs on the pristine wood floor.

The queen returned with a handful of various items. Alissa followed her as she led her back outside to a new courtyard behind the palace. In the garden there was a gnarled ancient white tree. Queen Amalia headed straight for this tree and placed the items on an extended branch. Then backed away. She gestured to Alissa to approach.

Alissa wiped her face of any food crumbs and edged towards the tree. On the branch the queen had placed a wax candle, a seed, a vial of water and a feather. Alissa looked back at her and the queen nudged her on.

"Focus on each item, think about what you want to happen."

Alissa knew this to be a magic test, she had heard her friends talk about it before and had seen it performed once at the orphanage for an older boy. It is designed to demonstrate if someone has magical abilities and what type of magic they possess, if any. Alissa went to the candle it called to her. She focused on the wick, trying to light it. Extending her hand towards it to better aid her focus. A small spark began to grow until with a sudden flash of fire the entire candle was engulfed in flames. Burning the other trinkets and setting the tree branch on fire. Alissa froze, shocked at what she had just done.

Queen Amalia saw the large engulfing flame and immediately controlled the flames and put them out. A scorch mark marred the white tree. 'Interesting'. She had never seen that happen before. There was something unique with this child. Alissa was still frozen, scared.

"Child, it's alright." She knelt beside Alissa and attempted to comfort the clearly shocked girl. "Come let's get you inside." She grabbed her shoulders, turning her back into the palace.

Erigos had been walking through the gardens when a large fiery flash drew his attention. His hand went to the hilt of his sword and he rushed around a few hedges to see the queen kneeling next to a young girl, her hand extended towards the white tree. He did not recognize her. They turned and went back inside the palace. Eriogs walked up to the white tree and inspected the burnt ranch. There were remnants of testing items scattered along it. 'She must have been testing the girl, but why?' he thought. He wanted to learn more about who this girl wa. The queen didn't have a daughter of her own. 'Who was this little girl that possessed the ability to create such a large flame.'

"Ah, Sir Erigos." The queen called to him from the entrance to the garden. He went to her.

"My lady," he bowed. "I saw a fire, is everything okay?" Erigos looked around the room, as a precaution.

"Yes, Erigos. Everything is fine. I was just testing Alissa here." From her standing position she gently brushed the shoulder of Alissa.

"Sorry to disturb you my Queen." Erigos turned to leave.

"Actually Erigos," She called him back. "I may need you." Her gaze turned to Alissa. "How would you like to stay with me here in the palace? This would become your home."

Alissa didn't even realize she had answered, her mind was racing.

"Oh good." The queen clapped her hands with excitement. "Erigos, Alissa will be your charge. You will look after her and protect her as you do me. Treat her as if she were my own daughter."