
Ascension or journey from world to world

The cover I used does not belong to me. I found it on the Internet, and it belongs to the corresponding person. Also, all the works that I use in this fanfiction do not belong to me, and in no case do I pretend to be. This is just fan-made literature written for fun. English is not my native language. This story is about a young man and his travels to different worlds. Dying in his native world, a young man meets a god who fulfilled 5 of his wishes. What will be next? This we will find out later. I can say that I have plot ideas. Let us begin this journey.

PerfyX · Anime & Comics
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The Chamber of Secrets and Slytherin's Heir

August 27, 1992.  Avalon. Onsen.

Hot springs in the open air, a boy and a girl sitting and relaxing in warm water.

The girl leaned her back on the boy's chest, telling him something.  The boy simply hugged her waist and laid his head on the girl's shoulder.

"So, what do you think of Daphne? Although a little time has passed, but I think you see that she has feelings for you."  asked Bella.

"You did know this from the very beginning. Daphne and Astoria are likely to be with us. But I will not take any steps in their direction. If Daphne tells me everything that she keeps in her heart, I will certainly accept her. And as I  see, you fully approve of her, "replied Ray.

"Yes, she will be a good sister, Astoria will do the same. One of them is cold as ice, but warm with her loved ones. And the other is hot as flame, but it will burn anyone who wants to harm her family. They would be perfect dragons, you don't think so  ? "said Bella.

"Yes, I like them, both. Although we have not seen Astoria, but from the letters we exchange, we can conclude that she will fit well into our family."  smiling and kissing Bella on the top of his head, Ray said.

"Hehehe, you're right, as always, My Lord."  Bella said cheerfully.

"Darling, you don't want to make yourself known to the magical world? I understand that we will leave this world. But maybe we could help him somehow? You already have authority on Slytherin and they consider you their Leader. If you can direct future generations, maybe they will find a way to save the world? Even if it is a war, as Grindelwald wanted. "  asked Bella.

"Mmm, to be honest, I was thinking about it, and I have certain ideas for saving this world. But the main keys to this will be: Harry Potter and our world Avalon."  answered Ray.

"Is it because of his fame?" Asked Bella.

"Not only because of fame. He will be a very powerful wizard, stronger than Voldemort and Dumbledore. Even now, his strength is rivaling students of the 5th year. He also has many legacies that he does not know about. All this will give him strength and  authority. But he's not ready, although he obeyed my advice. He studied the customs and history of the Potters. He even became friends with many children. But he is not a leader. He is not a leader yet. "said Ray.

"Are you planning to leave the Peverell family in his hands?" Bell asked in surprise.

"You're right, as always, my dear, I really planned to leave everything to him. Moreover, he is the only one who can claim the title of Lord Peverell. If Tom Riddle did not create a horcruxs, he would have more rights. As more powerful, in  he was the heir to Slytherin, but he lost everything, including the title of heir to Slytherin. " answered Ray.

"Do you think anything interesting will happen this school year too?" Asked Bella.

"Ohhh, you have no idea. How about the battle with Basilisk of Salazar Slytherin? Or hunting for acramantulas."  Smiling answered her Ray.

"I want to fight Basilisk, and check my blades on it." * Dzzzzz * raised Bell's index finger, on which lightning bolts jumped.

"You will have such an opportunity, but we will not absorb the abilities of the basilisk, they will be useless in other worlds. Besides, I already know what eyes we will get in the first place."  answered Ray.

Bella turned around and knelt down to Ray.

"Leave the conversation, let's get down to business," said Bella, beginning to kiss Ray.

Ray hugged Bella and answered a hot kiss.

10 minutes later they tore their lips apart.

"* Licks her lips * I can't wait for you to take me." Said Bella.

Ray pulled Bella and kissed him again.

"Me too, another 1 year and we can do it. I promise you won't be able to walk after our first time."  kissing her neck, Ray answered.

 "Ahhh, kiss me again," she hugged Ray.

And Ray and Bella continued their games without leaving Onsen for another 2 hours.


September 1 .  Hogwarts Express.

Bella and Ray had already taken the compartment, and were waiting for Daphne to come.

* Opens the door *

 "Hi Ray, Bella. I miss you so much."  shutting the door, Daphne ran up to them.

"I missed you too," hugging Daphne, Bella said.

"Mmm, we were missing you," Ray said, hugging the two girls.

After hugs, they sat down in their places.

Daphne on the left side of Ray.  Bella on the right.

Bella and Ray told Daphne about a trip to Japan.

Daphne told what successes she and Astoria had in their training.

After about an hour, Daphne fell asleep on Ray's shoulder.

Seeing this, Ray put her head on his knees, and began stroking her hair.  Daphne got a smile, the wrong she likes it.

Bella saw all this, just kissed Ray and lay on his shoulder.

In such a pleasant environment, they reached Hogwarts.


10 minutes before arrival.  Daphne woke up. Feeling stroking her head, she opened her eyes and saw that she was lying on Ray's lap.

Ray looked into her blue eyes and smiled, never ceasing to stroke her head.

Daphne was embarrassed and covered her face with her hands.

"How sweet, Icy Queen of Slytherin, so sweet when embarrassed," Bella said in a soft voice.

Daphne was even more embarrassed.  Ray removed her hands, and looking into her eyes said:

"We'll be home soon, you need to change."

After Daphne rose from his lap, Ray stepped out of the compartment.

Daphne looked at Bella and said: "I, Bella, I'm sorry, I didn't want this to happen. I didn't mean anything like that."

Bella went up to Daphne in tight, Daphne closed her eyes thinking that a slap would follow.  But she felt a soft sensation on her cheek, opening her eyes she saw Bella kiss her on the cheek.

Hugging Daphne, she began to say: "You don't need to apologize while it's you or Astoria, I'm fine with this. Do you really think that I don't know about your feelings for Ray that you had. Even Astoria wrote about it, by the way, she  wrote to me: "When I meet Ray, I will become his bride. If he refuses me, I will follow him until he agrees. "

"And you do not mind that Ray may have other women? Suddenly he will leave you." Whispered Daphne.

"I do not mind, because I know that Ray will not accept those who are not worthy. And he will never abandon his loved ones.

He will accept, only the one who will love him sincerely, and the one with whom he will feel connected.  You will understand about it in due time.

Now, you have any doubts.  But your doubts are not in feelings for Ray, but in something else.  Ray and I know this, but we won't try to get you to tell you that everyone has their own time. "Bella replied stroking Daphne through her hair.

Daphne answered with a nod and hugged Bella tightly.

"I will tell you everything when I am ready."

* Knock knock knock *

"Looks like Ray's been waiting," said Bella, smiling.

"Let's hurry," answered Daphne.


In the Great Hall was the distribution of new freshmen.

Ray noticed that Harry and Ron were not there, which means fools got to school in a flying car.

[Even if Harry became more intelligent and trying to learn, his Gryffindor illness did not go away.  ] thought Ray.

He noticed when McGonagall put on her hat on a little girl with blonde hair and silver-gray eyes, the hat was silent for a long time until 10 minutes later it cried out: "Ravenclaw!"

 "Ray, do you know her?"  asked Daphne.

Bella also turned her attention.

"This is Luna Lovegood, daughter of Xenophilius Lovegood, editor-in-chief of the <Quibbler> newspaper, she's a rather eccentric, but very talented witch. She also has a kind of gift of empathy and a sense of magic. It's a pity that she didn't get to our faculty. Many girls with  The Ravenclaw faculty will mock her because she is not like the others. We would have left her alone. "Ray.

"Should we help her?" Bella asked.

"Maybe. When the bullying starts, I'll just scare the offenders." Ray answered.

"Have you noticed that Harry Potter is not there, maybe he got into trouble again?" Said Daphne.

"You are right Daphne, but this is only the beginning. And this year, Bella and I will begin to train you. So be ready. Bella will not give you concessions." Ray answered.

Bella looked at Daphne with her smile, Yandere, sending a wave of coldness on her back.

"Rrray, are you sure this is a good idea?" Stuttering a little, but keeping her mask, Daphne said.

Ray smiled his cold smile and replied: "I am absolutely sure this is a great idea."

[I will die, forgive me Astoria, but your beloved sister will not be able to return home] Daphne cried mentally.


Classes began as usual.

In greenhouses, they transplanted mandrakes.  These plants really look awful and scream nasty.  But in Ray's hands, they behaved calmly.

Hermione, as usual, began to quote the book and talk about the mandrake.

Malfoy, like a "real" Slytherin, put his finger in the mouth of the mandrake.

Slytherin students only sighed.  They rushed to his stupid antics.

Malfoy was clearly mistaken and fell out of place.  Slytherin's students only maintain relations with him because of Malfoy's father.  All the same, this is the faculty of tricks.


The transfiguration lessons were really worthless.  Ray and Bella were more experienced than McGonagall herself, so what could she teach them?  Turning a beetle into a button .... Tables in a pig ... it was all very useful, but only in everyday life.  The combat transfiguration was not taught at school.

This is very unreasonable, given that there are no shields from many spells.


Lesson of the DADA ... Well, this subject will never be taught by a qualified specialist.

Many portraits hung on the walls of the office.  Gilderoy Lockhart decided to turn this place into a museum dedicated to him.

"Why did the old man recruit this clowned clown? What can he teach children? How can I use a spell to clean my teeth or teach me how to make hair gel?"  Bella was indignant sitting in the classroom next to Daphne.

"I'm also interested, did you read his books? This is ordinary entertaining literature, here is an excerpt from his book:" Once I was attacked by a vampire in a telephone booth.  I strangled him with my bare hands. "And he has a lot of fans." Said Pansy Parkinson.

"The bulk of his fans are Muggle-born. They have no information about the possibilities of the dark creatures."  answered Theodore Nott.

"Well, let's see how he gives the lesson," Ray said.


In the end, this idiot made students write a test.  Ray simply ignored all this and wrote nothing.

Bella decided to have fun.

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

"Of course pink"

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambitious dream?

"Sleeping with Voldemort and Dumbledore at the same time .."


The last question was:

54. When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday and what, in your opinion, is the perfect gift for him?


After that, she copied the answer sheet and handed the copies to all Slytherin students.

Which in turn began to giggle.

When Gilderoy collected the answers and began to read them, at first he smiled happily sometimes shaking his head.  However, reaching the answers of the Slytherins, he began to turn pale, blush and change colors faster than an octopus.

He decided not to comment ...

Going to his desk, Lockhart picked up a large cage, covered with a cloth and set in the middle of the room.


Having released a pack of pixies, he could not cope and ran to his apartment.  Leaving them in the hands of students. The students began to panic. Then Ray raised his wand and said in an even voice: * Impediment *.  Slowing down all the pixies, Bella and Daphne helped him move them into cages.


Days passed, Draco became the new Slytherin team catcher.

Malfoy's father presented the Slytherin team with new Nimbus 2001 brooms.


Ray showed Daphne and Bella "Requirementt Room" on the 7th floor.  But before that, he took the Ravenclaw diadem and kept it with the rest of the horcruxs.

Daphne and Bella were very surprised to learn that there was such a place in the castle.

Saying that the room takes on any look you need.  Ray wished there was a library with all the books that weren't in the Hogwarts shared library.  As a result, inside appeared copies of all books from the forbidden section, as well as personal books of teachers.

With this, the Avalon library enriched its knowledge.

About a week they studied books.  Remembering to train Daphne.

Every morning, Ray and Bella woke Daphne and jogged around the black lake.  After that, they performed physical exercises using the rune to increase weight.

It turned out that Daphne studied a little fencing with a epee.  Although she was not very experienced, her technique was very elegant and deadly.  Ray advised her not to throw it and asked Bella to demonstrate how she fights with daggers.  Seeing Bella's movements, Daphne's eyes widened.

Bella moved very fast, and deftly wielded her two daggers.

"If you want to learn how to move like me. Then Ray and I will support you, who knows, maybe you can become a kind of magic swordsman," Bella said wiping sweat from her forehead.

Daphne's eyes lit up, she began to imagine herself in a dance with a blade, while sending various elemental spells.

Having lunged, ice spears rose from the ground, making a horizontal cut, a blade of wind flies out and cuts its opponents.  She thought too much and did not see how Ray approached her in the tight.

* Clicking on the forehead *

Daphne quickly returned to reality and rubbed her forehead, looking resentfully toward Ray.

"No need to be offended, next time I will get you out of thoughts in another way," Ray came up and kissed her forehead.

Daphne blushed a little, but did not refuse, but simply smiled.

[Oh, did she really decide?  ] thought Bella, watching them.


Until early October, they trained, teaching Daphne everything they know.  Ray used legilimency to convey some knowledge to her. He could not send her a huge packet of information, Daphne simply could not accept it.  But she acquired a little knowledge pretty quickly, trust was important in this. Daphne trusted Ray, so she allowed him to invade the mind and transmit information directly.  Without trust, it is impossible to do this, you can simply destroy the mind.


October came, sitting in a large hall, Ray saw the state of Ginny Weasley.  She was pale with black bags under her eyes, a kind of illness. This was a signal to the start of events with the Slytherin heir.

"Daphne, remember at the beginning of the year I said that the events will be interesting? The time has come." Ray said looking at Daphne.

"You know something, aren't you?" She looked intently at Ray.

"Oh yes, this guy knows a lot," Bella giggled.

To which Daphne rolled her eyes.

"I will tell you everything when you are ready."  said Ray smiling.

"Nnn," Daphne nodded with a slight smile.


October 31 .  Another Halloween.  Another start of trouble for the boy-who-lived.

Ray, Daphne and Bella were at the gala dinner.

The holiday was already ending and Ray began to get up, all the Slytherin students stood behind him, and then the rest of the students.

All students walked along the corridor of the third floor.  Water was spilled across the corridor, most likely the Crying Myrtle flooded the toilet again.  Turning around the bend, the students saw a golden trio that looked stunned at the wall.

Surrounding them, everyone looked at the wall, seeing a cat suspended by its tail and an inscription:


Deadly silence enveloped the whole crowd.

"Tremble, enemies of the heir!": Someone shouted loudly.

"First a cat, the next will be those in whose veins unclean blood flows!"

It was Draco Malfoy.  He squeezed through the crowd, his always cold eyes came to life, a blush flashed on his pale face.  Looking at the frozen cat, he grinned wryly.

Ray looked at Draco with a cold stare.  Under that gaze he turned pale and hid in the crowd.

"What is it? Huh?" When he heard Malfoy, Argus Filch pushed the crowd, but at the sight of Mrs. Norris backed away and clutched his head in horror.

"What's wrong with my cat? What?" He yelled, bulging his eyes.  And then he noticed Harry Potter.

"It's you!" Squealed Filch.

"You killed my cat! Yes, I myself ... Ah, you ..." Filch shouted.

"That's enough, old man," sending a shiver, Ray's cold voice came.

"Your cat is alive. She was cursed."  Ray said.

"What are you talking about! Potter killed her! My poor Mrs. Norris."  yelled Filch.

Earning surprised looks from Slytherin students, and skeptical from others.

"Mr. Peverell is right, Argus. Mrs. Norris is alive."  came Dumbledore's voice.

Students began to look at Ray, wondering where he knew that the cat was alive.

Important steps, Dumbledore carefully removed Mrs. Norris.

"Come with me, Argus. You too, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger."  said Dumbledore.

Lockhart, beaming with a smile, went to Dumbledore.

"My office is the closest, Mr. Director, right up the stairs. Come to me ..."

"Thank you, Gilderoy."  answered the director.

When the teachers with the golden trio left.  Students began to look at Ray.

"We split up, there is nothing to crowd," said Bella and took the hand of Daphne and Ray leading them towards the dungeons.


Entering Slytherin's dormitory, Ray said: "All right, get ready in the living room, I have something to say."

The students looked at each other and began to take up empty seats.

Ray pulled up a three-seater sofa so that he sat facing the other students.

Sitting in the middle, Bella took the right side, and Daphne left.

Ray looked around the crowd and began to say:

"For starters, Malfoy, stop dishonoring the Slytherin house and act like a typical Gryffindor student."

The other students began to nod, in appreciation, Malfoy simply blushed and nodded.

"Stop calling Muggle-born and half-blood students" Mudblood. "Before you speak, think what you are saying."  continued Ray.

"But why? They destroy our world, their ancestors burned our species at the stake."  asked a 4th year student.

"What's your name ?"  asked Ray.

"Grain Montague, my lord," he answered.

"What you said is true. That is why you, the future Lords and Ladies of your families, should take Muggleborns under your wing. That was before, that was exactly what Salazar Slytherin wanted."  said Ray.

"But how so? Didn't Slytherin hate Muggles and Muggle-born, if you believe the story, he even quarreled with the other founders because of this."  asked the girl from the 5th course.

Everyone nodded on this question.

"Salazar hated the Muggles, it's true. However, he never had any hatred for Muggle-born and half-blood wizards. Then there were other times, the Witch Hunt took place. There were fewer and fewer wizards. Therefore, Salazar invited purebred wizards to take Muggle-born in  their families, as vassals, to educate them from childhood before sending them to school.Never consider yourself better, just because of the early start and the benefits of having rich parents.

There are a huge number of powerful muggle-born wizards who founded their families.

Even Dumbledore is a half-breed.  Or pay attention to Hermione Granger.  Although you despise her, you cannot deny that she is incredibly talented and will benefit the wizarding world in the future. "Ray replied

Everyone began to think about these words.

"In addition, you should not forget that there are very few purebreds left. If we do not accept and train Muggle-born, wizards will simply die out. And who will work in the Ministry of Magic or the Department of Magical Law and Order. The only fault of muggle-born wizards is that they don't study our traditions and rules. They think that the world of wizards is exactly the same as the Muggles. This is the reason why many despise them. Ignorance does not relieve responsibility. "  said Bella.

While everyone was lost in thought, Ray continued:

"You can think about it later. The main purpose for which I asked you to gather here is the Chamber of Secrets."

When Ray said these words, everyone immediately paid close attention to him.

"My Lord, do you know something?"  Asked Pansy Parkinson.

"It is known. However, you do not need to know this. I will give advice: do not wander around the castle alone. It is better not to leave the living room at all in your free time. The Chamber of Secrets was already open, and when this happened, the student died. And now you can go to sleep.  "getting up from the couch, said Ray.

Entering her bedroom, Bella kissed Ray on the cheek: "Well done, My Lord."

Daphne walked up and kissed Ray on the other cheek: "Nnn, they listened to you very carefully, you acted like a real leader."

"In recent days, you have become quite brave, Daphne."  looking into blue eyes, Ray said.

Daphne just smiled and went to her room.

Bella hugged Ray: "Let's go to sleep," she said in a whisper.

Ray picked her up as a bride and carried her to bed.

As soon as their head lay on the pillow, well, in the case of Bella, she laid her head on Ray's chest, they immediately fell asleep.


Slytherin's students believed Ray, and did not walk in the castle one at a time.  Filch continued to walk along the corridor of the third floor, as if waiting for the culprit.  These days he was especially angry, and clung to all students.

Ginny Weasley walked very pale, even surprising that her brothers did not pay attention to it.  If they only noticed what was happening with their younger sister, something was wrong. But they are too blind.

Students at other housee began to avoid Harry Potter, calling him heir to Slytherin.  The teachers did not want to help him.

In a lesson in the history of magic, Hermione asked me to tell you about the Chamber of Secrets.  The ghost told them a story about the formation of Hogwarts, and how Salazar Slytherin quarreled with other founders, after which he left school.  Slytherin students rolled their eyes to it.


* Sectumsempra * * Incendio * * confundus *

* Stupefy * paralyzed Daphne.

"Not bad, not bad. You're getting better and better," Ray said as he approached.

* Finite * wave his hand and Daphne can move again.

Now they were dueling in "Requirement Room>."

"You can already fight a 7th year student, your progress is very fast," Bella said.

"It's all thanks to you, you are both great teachers."  thanked Daphne.

"Do not belittle yourself, you are a very talented and intelligent witch."  Ray praised her.

"Come on, come here, you need to relax sometimes."  Bella called them. All the same, they have been training for two whole hours.

* Casts a cleansing spell *

 Daphne sat next to Bella, leaving a place in the middle.

Ray came up and sat between the girls.  And he threw back his head not the back of the sofa.

In addition to the duel zone, Bella wished that the room had a cozy place to relax.  There was a warm fireplace, soft sofas and a table on which stood three glasses of hot chocolate.

Daphne sat and looked with her eyes to the floor.  As if pondering something. Holding her hand, Ray asked with concern: "Daphne, is something bothering you?"

"Ray, I, I have ..." Daphne tried to say.

Bella silently watched, guessing that Daphne wanted to tell them about her situation.

Clutching her hand, Ray smiled encouragingly and said, "If you can't tell, don't push yourself."

Clutching Ray's hand in response, she looked into his eyes with a serious look.

"I will tell you what bothers me," said Daphne.

Bella sat next to Daphne and took her hand.  She smiled gratefully.

"As a child, I had a happy family.

Mom, Dad and I.  My mother was strict and cold for the public, but on one with me, she was the kindest and most gentle person * eyes begin to shine *.  My father did not spend his time with me, but he loved his mother very much, even too much.

Once, everything has changed.

When her mother was pregnant with Astoria, her health began to deteriorate sharply.  But she was able to give birth, but there were consequences. After giving birth, she had no strength left, she could not leave the bed.  For five years, my mother was ill, Astoria and I spent every day with her, encouraged her, asked her not to leave us. The father brought in various doctors, used all available means, both light and dark.  But nothing helped. It was a curse on the blood.

Mom died, I was seven years old.  But before she died, she asked me to take care of Astoria and try to find a person whom I will love, so as not to become a trophy as it was in her case.  From that day I began to wear a mask. Only Astoria knew me the real.

Our father blamed Astoria all over.  He said: "She died because of you! It's all your fault, it would be better if you weren't born! Your mother was not even able to give birth to me an heir, and now she is not!"

When I heard all this, I wanted to kill this man, for his words.  But I was seven, although the children of wizards ripen much faster than the Muggle ones, but what could I do?  We could not run away from home, I could not have grown a five-year-old Astoria.

This person just stopped paying attention to us.  A year later, he found a new wife, who gave birth to his heir.

I am afraid that he may sell me and Astoria.  As a lord, he can make us sign a marriage contract.  He was already discussing my engagement with some sort of French purebred family.  The groom may be 40 years older than me, this is a common practice. But the worst thing I'm afraid of is losing Astoria.  She may have the same curse as her mother. Then she can live, no more than 30 years. I just don't know what to do. Since childhood, I read various books, but did not find the necessary information in any of them.  Even at Hogwarts there is nothing like that.

But Astoria, she continues to smile, she is very cheerful, but she is as lonely as me.  You can't imagine how happy she was to receive Christmas gifts from you. And when you started writing letters to her, she simply shone with joy, because she made friends.  And while I'm at Hogwarts, I enjoy my time with you. She is all alone there. Although Astoria does not show this, she is very sad and I see her eyes shine when I leave. It hurts me, so much pain. "Throughout the conversation, Daphne's tears flowed.

Ray felt chest pain, seeing her condition and knowing what she went through. But he also felt rage for her father's attitude.  He recalled that Astoria was indeed cursed and died at 37 when her son was in his third year at Hogwarts. Daphne ... she disappeared .... about her there was no information .... most likely she was really sold ....

Bella felt the same way.  She began to consider Daphne and Astoria her sisters long ago.  And I didn't want them to suffer. She had already begun to plan how she would torture Lord Greengrass.

Ray took Bella and Daphne by the hand.

"Pinky, bring us back to the bedroom," Ray said.

5 seconds later, they ended up in their bedroom in the Slytherin dormitory.

Daphne was in the arms of Ray.  Raising her, he lay on the bed and hugged him tightly, pulling him into his chest.  Bella lay down and hugged Daphne from the back.

"Sleep, my Daphne, sleep. I promise you that you will not return to the Greengrass house, and we will take Astoria before the start of the summer vacation."  kissing the top of his head, whispered Ray in her ear.

His eyes glowed with rage.  He may not kill Lord Greengrass, but he will surely make him suffer.

Ray and Bella did not know that Daphne had a tattoo on her left chest.  Having told them her story, she dropped this heavy load from her fragile shoulders.  Completely letting Ray and Bella into her heart.

A new chapter is here.

I have already started working on <Prisoner of Azkaban>. So for now, everything is in order.

I hope my desire to write does not disappear. I have ideas for <Overlord> and <One Piece> and I would like to implement them.

But even if I suddenly get tired of writing this fanfiction. I won’t drop him, but just take a break. In the meantime, I will be writing Fanfic DxD with a big harem and fun.

PerfyXcreators' thoughts